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Sailor yannick 1st up and wins a race to sail solo around the globe despite not crossing the finish line 1st we explain what happened. Im sumi so misconducts good to have you with us thousands of protesters have been on the streets in poland for another night after a near total ban on abortion came into effect on wednesday in warsaw some protesters clashed with police and several were arrested the governments ban means terminating pregnancies will only be allowed in cases of rape and incest and if the mothers life is at risk. Was. Was for a 2nd night thousands protested across poland chanting antigovernment slogans. They are demanding a reversal of the abortion law and the resignation of the government. And it was all scuffles with police broke out. And several demonstrators were breast it was. The poll suggests more than half of the population is against the new restrictions. Yet that myanmar from up a body that one cannot deprive women of their rights this is half of the nation all of us often half of the nation is deprived of their rights of the right to make decisions about themselves this is an acceptable to define of polands right wing ultra catholic government has long pushed for tied to abortion laws its supporters say this finally gives protection to unborn children but its not to play it is a sadness there is a very Adequate Police saying that its better to have 10 children on your arm than one on your conscience. And i think thats part of off a lot of feet to protect life. The government might have tried to avoid protests by making these changes during the pen demick with restrictions on crowds gathering. But clearly many poles feel the right to choose is important enough to keep turning out in large numbers. Lets go right to warsaw now journalist michaela. Is standing by for us there hi my diana weve seen another huge wave of protests across poland are these crowds at all likely to change the governments mind here. Well weve already used to those protests as they hold on sunscreen months now and the Court Announced the new league but you know they waited to publish its on till now so its quite a long time which is are not very used in cases like that in my opinion they want to change the locks not for a moment because yesterday in the evening weve heard politicize from the ruling piece party who underlines that there was no other option just to make a decision like that you know they are so strong supported by the church and by the public media so it seems very difficult to think of the change now maybe someday we will see a surprise but nothing on how do the polish people come down on this do they support such severe restrictions. You know we had something clear which was called the abortion compromise our number under socialism time in poland abortion so were quite common and after that the cole so decided to changed it and they have Something Like a compromise here and you know a poll supported the idea only my only to use our into taber costs richter as well as less strict rules after abortions have been as i said quite common for here some now when you see the polls you see maybe 10 or 15 percent of polish people who do. Who are in favor of this new rules but on the streets you see a lot of people as ive heard in your reports now who are opposite and i heard spewing hole into this were a lot of people are really really angry with what happened mostly of course young people who go on the streets now not only connected with those new abortion law but they go on the streets for human rights the own goal in the streets for sri and for courts and of course for a change of the government where does this leave polish women women who might be seeking an abortion what recourse do they have. Thats a good question because you know im actually the for 1st the situation has not so much changed here now because abortions take place either illegally or by forcing women with unwanted pregnancy to go to countries like for example the Czech Republic or engine the new x. So there are only estimates but it is that tens of thousands of women are deciding in that way and you know it was difficult distorted to move also in some very conservative conservative a real ass hole Hospital Personnel publicly say that we want to do it because its our we cannot it was to have a lie on our conscience so it was also difficult before but now its getting and more difficult and on the other side you know the governing parties as. They are underlining the moral dimension and well the courts create clear lead up to the rights to live for every human starts with their conception nothing. Journalist michael in a public art from warsaw thank you so much. Lets have a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world a court here in germany has sentenced neo nazi stefan to life in prison for the murder of a pro refugee politician the killing of a to look good 2 years ago sent shock waves to the country it was the 1st political assassination with a right wing extremist motive since the end of the nazi era. Unrest has returned to the northern lebanese city of tripoli on thursday after overnight clashes between Security Forces and protesters that last one man dead the Security Forces fired tear gas at demonstrators angry about the combined effect of the coronavirus lockdown and the countrys economic crisis. And a gay couple has been caned in indonesias conservative province for having sex each of the men received nearly 180. 00 lashes is the only region of indonesia that to impose this islamic sharia law which outlaws homosexuality. Now european regulators are today expected to authorize the use across the e. U. Of the coated vaccine made by british Swedish Company astra zeneca the Development Comes as a conflict escalates between the company and the e. U. Over shortfalls in supply and also after German Authorities declined to recommend the vaccine for people over the age of 65 because of a lack of data measuring its effectiveness for older people. The astra zeneca vaccine is one of 3 being used in britain as part of vaccinations there the country is one of the highest death tolls in the world but it is also making more progress than many other countries especially here in europe when it comes to inoculating its citizens charlotte shell some health takes a closer look. This is the most advanced spent seen program in europe just like that this lady joins a the 7000000 people in the u. K. Youve received the 1st dose of the vaccine the u. K. Is on track to vaccinate some 15000000 people by the middle of february thats every one of the 70 care home residents and the clinically vulnerable as well as health and social can stuff. Was quite happy to get it actually it was very nice the people were so friendly. When i was happy it was dead easy to work on lying lots of appointments all very efficient its a Great Program the government has undertaken and its extremely rare organized the u. K. Started it funk scene rolled out in early december it was the 1st who approved both the fires of biotech and offered astra zeneca vaccines its since set up over 1400. 00 sites with everything from cathedrals mosques and cinemas converted to roll out the scheme theres no doubt that the u. K. s Vaccination Program is an impressive the just a cool feat but this is just one side of the u. K. s 19 story well it might be leading the rest of europe in terms of the number of people being vaccinated it also has one of the highest death tolls in the world and thats a fact not lost on anybody here. Over 100000. 00 people have died in the u. K. Within 28. 00 days of a positive test thats more than the entire capacity of Londons Wembley football stadium. The emergence of a new more transmissible variant of the virus has further deepen the crisis it spread like wildfire across the country and left hospital struggling to cope numbers now harder than any other time weve got a hand in this im demick so the system is under massive stress we have asked operations cancer treatments were running in blood she crosses my look after it was corona virus and also the Associated Press that is this desperate race between new variants and the vaccine is shaping the u. K. s rollout strategy its opting to leave up to 12 weeks between doses deviating from this 3 week gap trials by pfizer by giving some immunity to the maximum number of people authorities hope to cut fatalities emerges pressure on the health service. From professor rob it reads a member of the independent committee which approved the strategy under normal circumstances you must adhere to the regulated because all of however these are not normal circumstances we have to birds in age as many people as we can as quickly as we can and its our judgment that by doing this my home. The corroborate that she is that if we dont you this there will be considerable home through lost opportunity. But this strategy has its critics with some warning there isnt enough child data to support it all the u. K. Rollouts off to a strong start this is a marathon not a sprint and potential hurdles still lay ahead but in a world where vaccine supply is becoming increasingly challenging those driving away today know that the lucky ones. Heres a look now at some other developments in the pandemic u. S. Firm novak says its vaccine is close to 90 percent effective in preventing coded 19 but only 60 percent effective against the South African variant for sickle will reintroduce controls along its border with spain to control a surge in corona virus infections and deaths and the United Nations has called 2020 the worst year in tourism history with global losses of 1. 00 trillion dollars. Now french sailor yannick best option has won the prestigious one day globe around the world race he didnt cross the line 1st but was given a time bonus for helping another solo sailor whose boat saying the race took 80 days and there was a lot of drama elsewhere on route including for an unfortunate german competitor. Around the world in 80 days with a bit of heroism thrown in. French sailor yannick best event came in support in western france as the winner of the long day glow around the world race despite not crossing the line 1st. The 48 year old finished in 80 days 13 hours 59 minutes and 46 seconds he was behind 2 compartments but received a time bonus of 10 hours and 15 minutes helping to rescue a novice sailor 2 months ago. It was one of you i feel like im living a dream hallucinating its bizarre we go from total solitude to this. I thought you would think he was one of 4 skippers asked to find a scottish who was rescued in heavy seas off the cape of good hope he had waited more than 11 hours after his yacht broke into. There was also drama for boris helm on the 1st german to enter the prestigious event was happy after avoiding a crash with a containership earlier in the race but he then hit a fishing vessel while in 3rd place close to the finish ending his hopes of glory. About half an hour ago i need a fishing vessel if you push forward i was sleeping and. Something was i woke up i was in the car but Nothing Happened he wore it for a. Stab to see. His sides victory instead went to best event every winner in the 4 yearly race has so far been french. The fireworks mark the end of a remarkable race where heroism and rather than speed was the decisive fact. Ok. D. That the business is. Next there is no stop to the game stop sagger robots will have the latest on the wall street controversy save your. Children to come to terms. One giant trouble im. In no mood to see a picture you. Invited to the change in. Coffee. How will Climate Change affect us and our children. And e. W. Dot com slash water

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