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Make it available industries and gas power plants that are switching to a. Stored energy. Coordinated tim who says its important to implement Green Hydrogen quickly that way the existing natural gas Pipeline System can be used for distribution allowing the hydrogen to be transported to every corner of the country. Green hydrogen will be dispensable in many sectors which is why it should have been invested in years ago. But its only now that the course has been set the 1st Green Hydrogen plants in ms land should be up and running next year. Well one good thing about this pandemic for the planet has been the fact that most of us have been locked up at home denied any real sort of travel no exotic holidays no beach time for me ive been locked up here in the studio an economic catastrophe because one in 10 jobs around the world are into risen and officials reckon the sick the wont pick up properly again until 2023 and what they could do in the meantime is trying to clean up the business choosing to fly comes at a high price in terms of emissions airlines say we might soon change that with 0 Emission Hydrogen powered aircraft but is that realistic. Remember when flying was fun. An adventure for free spirits and jet set feeling. But look at all the fossil fuel that has to be burned to get you to fly just. Flying is the fastest white into the Climate Crisis how do you think. That there is hope and innovative ideas the industry is trying to reduce its carbon footprint. There are many many reasons to believe and hydrogen. Will lower flight soon be eco friendly whats behind the Green Hydrogen hype. More than 20000 planes when operational around the world before the pandemic carrying over 4500000000 passengers in 2019. Most of them were frequent flyers on domestic flights in the u. S. And china and they accounted for about a quarter of all of the asian emissions the problem with aviation analyst but theyre a very tiny minority of the world takes a huge share of measures while 80 percent has never seen any. Direct c o 2 emissions from a vacation accounted for at least 2 percent of global emissions and 29000. 00 doesnt sound like much so unfortunately its the most Energy Intelligence activity that human beings can buy and while you can get an electric car or swap meet for veggies there isnt really a viable eco friendly alternative to Long Distance air travel yet. How did we get into this. Lets go back to where it all began. The world humans and if. There is a. Ghost of. Itself. You know a problem that is increasingly connected it was a jet set activity flying was so exclusive because it was very expensive. Airplane just like you ever seen. An ordinary u. S. Domestic round trip cost around 600. 00 back in the 1970 s. The whopping 4000. 00 in todays money but then the market was deregulated low Cost Carriers emerged and growth became target number one we did it this year alone 100000000 people haitian fly for the 1st time and people from the privilege of a few into a service from many. Markets this is a population that is as a 1st to fly 1st for probably one of the freedom it brings from you at ports to new markets just sky was the limit for the Aviation Industry. Until 2021 to coronavirus it grounded most of the worlds aircraft but the industry is expected to bounce back soon. We think that we will see a return to. Traffic by the end of the war ok so people want to fly and will fly but does it have to involve blasting fossil fuel emissions into the air. Perhaps not and the industry has been quite creative in proposing alternatives. 1214 different technologies that have proposed. This stuff professor for tourism and transport in sweden focused on a vacation since the beginning of his academic career. I think. Everything is. Replacing aircraft that was already in the ninetys. Completely new and from models like this one. Blended Wing Technology to save kerosene so long. Plant based fuels the socalled biofuels are all the rage. To dutch shell and company kalen for example prided itself on using them the great thing about biofuels is that we can make them using algae. Sugarcane seeds we dont even from cooking oil fuel is great for c o 2 but there isnt enough of it around thats like a limb is getting everyone together to produce biofuel on a large scale ok and if theyre leading ally in by a field but calebs actual share of biofuels was only 0. 18 percent of their total fuel consumption and 29000. 00 in the end they were sued for misleading marketing. Very recently because about electric aircraft and we were convinced that the electrical revolution would happen in aerospace as well so we launched a fully electric powered aircraft which we called the. Project that was cancelled the year before it was scheduled to make its 1st flight well. As a scientist measure progress and that is emissions going down and we havent seen that. Now hydrogen is supposed to save the planet. That were believed in what hydrogen represents is most pivotal why they say hydrogen has at least 3 striking features number one its a Versatile Energy carrier and can power aircraft with high Energy Demand where better its would be no alternative. Hydrogen can be made using Renewable Energy meaning the production can be environmentally friendly this socalled Green Hydrogen is what they want. What were talking about here is really powering aviation with for noble energy. It does not pollute hydrogen when burned emits no c o 2 and almost no air pollution which of course is the biggest plus ok sounds great but. Im 2035 this ambitious that line we set off serves to come in service with a green profit green something 5 commercial aircraft. 2035 why so late the core challenges are to really build an aircraft that can safely run on hydrogen biggest storage and a whole new design will be needed before Hydrogen Planes can take off. And the infrastructure fighter jet needs to be developed from planes to refuel into production building up a coherent Hydrogen System takes time and costs a lot of money. And finally theres simply not enough Green Hydrogen available yet the share of the new boats worldwide is still too low to produce enough eco Friendly Hydrogen for the industry right now the hydrogen we use is almost entirely made from natural gas and coal. And of course its all just a promise and promises have been broken by the time it does work it may be too late the problem with hydrogen is that it doesnt well yes well its simply not there yet despite industry assurances we are being outspent everything we can to reduce the sea with through. Work for church and see what the future scientists like stefan guzzling remain skeptical. Well off the train 5 years of think im entitled to an opinion so ill just tell you right out i dont think the sectors any interest in tech and. Everything weve seen in terms of discussion on proposals has always just been a proposition trollish your chair as long as the Aviation Industry is Business Model is based on fossil fuels and Growth Initiatives will continue to rise thats why activists and scientists are calling for stricter regulation we need to governance to to address this problem if we leave it to the airlines im very skeptical we will see a solution so back to our original question will a flight suit be eco friendly. Put simply no they wont hydrogen. Will need more time to reach its potential but we can help reduce emissions knowledge by making choices about how we travel and traveling less one of the possible because technology alone will not be able to save all the planet. We can do that. Was. Hydrogen a clean fuel of the future or just a lot of hot air thanks for joining us for another episode of the w. s in depth is the show made c. E. O. Gets a. Complex when china imposed a National Security law hong kong last year is promised that the principle. One country 2 systems on the basic rights that it would be up pelts for critics points to a rapid on motion of freedom 6 my guest this week is michael cole beijing member of Hong Kongs Legislative Council and deputy chinas National Peoples congress. Conflicts live. He sits in jail. He is everywhere. The russian Opposition Leader is mobilizing mass protests. Despite talking to Police Violence and young people especially are protesting corruption and state despotism they are now taking to the streets everywhere across russia. He spoke the truth in mexico many pushing. Us rodolfo to move right now climate free to bring off the story the face is much less leeway in just one week. How much work can really do. We still have time to work im going. To slug says. That subscribe to the likely. Place. To go. To this place. As we take on the world place and work all of the stories that matter to. Whatever the 1st month. Plays job to be on fire make formula. How does a virus spread. Why do we panic and when will all. Just 3 of the topics covered and weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the coronavirus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you go your pod cast you can also find us and. Science. This is b. W. News live from berlin the new u. S. President says america is taking the lead in the fight against Climate Change joe biden has signed executive orders aimed at reducing rising Global Temperatures he will host a Global Climate summit in april saying that the u. S. Cannot meet the challenge on its own also coming up the fallout continues over a vaccine shortfall the European Union ups the pressure of a drug to make up astra zeneca demanding that covert 19 vaccines ministers and his british plants be shared with the e. U. And nationwide protests in poland as a near total ban on abortions comes into effect critics say the countrys concerted conservative government has gone too far. Im told me a lot of go all come to the program u. S. A u. Turn in the u. S. This position on Climate Change President Joe Biden says america. Most lead the Global Response to the Climate Crisis biden made these remarks remarks at the white house before signing a raft of executive orders aimed at curbing rising temperatures worldwide now the order has established Climate Change as a major National Security and Foreign Policy issue for the us biden says the Climate Crisis requires a National Effort and likened to the threat to the coronavirus pandemic. Just like we need a unified National Response to cope with 19 we desperately need a unified National Response to the Climate Crisis because there is a Climate Crisis we must keep we must lead Global Response because neither challenge can be met as secretary kerry has pointed out many times by the United States alone we know what to do we just got to lets bring in the w. s Washington Bureau chief innes poll. President biden saying the u. S. Must lead the world response to the Climate Crisis is quite a turnaround compared to his predecessor. It is indeed told me i mean its major steps that ration is accepting Climate Change and are telling the American People that it is real you know we have to remember all the cells that donald trump just did night Climate Change so President Biden use the opportunity today to talk again about the importance of moral tie in lateral agreements and he made it clear that the u. S. Is willing under his leadership to take the responsibility to lead in the global fight of the climate catastrophe so whats in bidens climate plan. So it would just underline the importance for President Trump i just want to remember all of us that hes the 1st stay in office already made a pledge to rejoin the paris climate of cream and and cancel the construction of the Keystone Pipeline pipeline this is a big big deal here in the United States and it has been a fight over for several several years so the white house has made plans to move towards investing in Clean Energy Projects and just today President Biden signed another executive order to halt you all and gas leases on federal lands thats also seen as a big win for climate activists here in the United States. House the country the rest of the country responding to this climate agenda that President Biden has brought up. Mixed there are still many communities in the u. S. That depend highly on the oil and gas and coal economy and they are of worried that they will lose their jobs. In a speech or in his speech President Biden deliver today was actually fairly emotional i have to say he addressed those fears and made it clear that he really understands the reality of the situation and promises that he will invest in creating green jobs ok in washington thank you for bringing us updated. The European Union has told drug maker astra zeneca that it must supply the block with more doses of its covert 19 vaccine brussels has publicly expressed its frustration after the Company Announced delays to deliveries which have blamed on lower than expected production at its e. U. Based plans now astra zeneca responded to the e. U. s demand by describing the delivery dates in its contract with brussels as targets rather than legally binding deadlines but the e. U. Says the shortfall should be made up with those was produced in the u. K. Which astra zeneca says should go to britain because it placed its order 1st here is e. U. Health commissioner stella piriac it is let me be. Nice. To. You know our agreements the logic of these agreements was as valid then as it is now we provided the risk investment up front in order to get a binding commitment from the company to preprint to use even before it gets authorization not being able to ensure manufacturing capacity is against the letter and the spirit of our agreement we reject the logic of 1st come 1st. That may work at the neighborhood watches but not in contracts. The double correspondent guild matters is on the story in brussels and he described what kind of pressure the e. U. Could put on astra zeneca obviously this contract is confidential the e. U. Now has. To put the contract in the contract into the public for everyone to see that there is a commitment as the you commission has set a legal commitment that those vaccines that have been promised that have been prepaid brief financed even much more than 300000000. 00 euros to build up the capacities in those factories and now the Commission Says to point towards. Best the best effort clause is just a lame excuse and there is no hierarchy of factories if there is a supply problem and everybody should suffers the consequences at least that is the argument that has been put forward by the European Commission and lets have a look now at some other developments in the pandemic portugal will suspend all flights to and from brazil beginning friday that stooge of the surge in covert 19 cases in Brazil French Drugmaker Sanofi says it will join forces with its rival pfizer to help produce the biotech vaccine as its own vaccine isnt ready yet and the Cannes Film Festival has been moved from may to july in the hope of being able to hold the event on the French Riviera in person in poland a near total ban on abortion has come into force sparking nationwide protests that brought thousands into the streets the new Restrictions Mean that all abortions in poland will be banned except in cases of rape and incest or when the mothers life or health off or to be at risk. Once again they took to the streets once again demanding their right to choose the new law only allows for an abortion if the life of the mother is in danger. Now protesters say the government has gone too far. Stop lying about abortion saying its not taking place stop lying like the far right and the church and nuff is enough. Polling is one of europes most devout catholic countries it already has some of the strictest abortion laws in europe and they could get it at was them via the you know top of the Constitutional Court decided to tighten the law even further triggering weeks of massive protests across the country. Abortion rights activists have announced more protest in the coming days they have no intention of keeping quiet about this that we have to stop protesting again this is the only way we can prove to those who rule us that we are not tired we are not fed up we do not lack strength and we are all united. Critics of the new restrictions say this is not only about womens rights in poland. But also about the soul of a country that seems to be sliding further away from the basic values of the European Union was to discuss this further im joined now by Political Correspondent jared reed jared what did these new. Restrictions mean for poland as we heard it just about completely outlaws abortion so poland already had some of the strictest abortion laws in europe but last year the highest court went further and ruled that abortions in the case of fetal abnormalities were unconstitutional and these abortions for fetal abnormalities make up the vast mage. Already of abortions are take place in poland so with them not allowed anymore then basically almost all of oceans will be banned in poland this of course led to huge on the rest last year were seeing that happening again now because of a bit of a wider context poland is a strongly catholic nation but there wasnt a big public appetite for these laws to be tightened most people surveyed were happy to keep them as they were as it stands very few legal abortions do take place in poland theres a 38000000. 00 population there only around a 1000 take place each an estimated 82120000 women go overseas to seek abortions. The focus has been on the government and all of that in this what theyve been concerns about the way the government approaches the rule of law. Thats right poland is led by a right wing government which is led by the ruling laurent Justice Party and for a while now this party has been accused of a roading democracy like reforming and politicizing the courts generally having an influence on the judiciary this is led to concerns of a Judicial Independence and the e. U. Is. Bringing legal action against poland over these there have been the party has also. Began began what many see are attacks on free and independent media were also seeing an increase rhetoric and policies against the community what were seeing though is that the ruling party could be in a little bit of trouble it only narrowly won last years election and support is on the decline we saw as we saw last year these big protests arising over abortion so it could be that in a couple of years time there are more young forces would like change ok. Jared read thank you for bringing us up to speed on that. 2024 Paris Olympics are set to feature a breakdown seeing as a sport for the 1st time and thats given one young woman in afghanistan the motivation to work towards a dream despite the threats shes facing along the way. Many sure tasha wants to be taken seriously as both a woman and an athlete the 18 year old started breakdancing 3 months ago as well as breaking down moves shes determined to break down stereotypes in full specific sions put all of us down not many girls in this profession i want my name to be known as a good athlete in afghanistan not for people to calm me a dancer i want people to know that this is not a dance but a sport you know before i honestly im going to stay alive. But thats a dangerous attitude in afghanistan where the ultra hard line taliban is gaining more influence many in the country believe sport should just be reserved for men. Momus a lot they say we are muslim and dancing in afghanistan is a sin because it is a muslim country. Some people have even threatened and said if weve kind you we will cut you into pieces. Despite the threats many cher and her teammates have high hopes breakdowns single be added as an m. P. Sports at the parish scales in 2024. What. We have 4 years to train more girls in afghanistan and introduce at least one or 2 of them as break dancing athletes to International Competitions but is only going wide if you look at. The training and routines on cheezy but many share is hungry to learn and even more hungry for success. Dont forget you can always get the news on the go just download all app from google play all from the app store and thatll give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news and if youre part of a story you can send us photos and videos of whats happening using the tito view at. The watching the news from berlin coming up next as our special edition on the Coronavirus Crisis remember to follow up on our web site for all the latest news from your region and from around the world it is d. W. Dot com as well as social media twitter and instagram we are at the news told me a logical from me and the team thinks watching the back of the top be on. The phone against the corona virus pandemic. Has the rate of infection in developing what does the latest research say. Information and context the coronavirus nothing 19 special. On t w. In the other way of Climate Change. Her image or pseudonyms

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