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Declared winner of pennsylvania, a state certified by victory by more than 80000 votes. Earlier this week, the ruling is another blow to trumps bid to overturn the results of the president ial election. French president among them, mccall has condemned video images showing Police Officers beating a black man in a social media post. Mccall said the violence against the music producer was unacceptable and shameful. The officers in the video have been suspended and are under investigation. According to the paris Prosecutors Office. From berlin, follow us on twitter and instagram news or visit our website, w dot com. Germany has just passed a grim new milestone. The number of Coronavirus Infections is not passed a 1000000. So how bad is the situation in a country once seen as the european poster child for pandemic control . And is a patient ready to take the medicine . And this is the day when i will be making myself and popular, and i think the measures should be stricter. But if the we shouldnt allow too many people to gather over christmas, here in berlin, kentucky kentucky restrictions have to get this high a number of cases down. Again. The founders doesnt make any exceptions for christmas. Its a scandal that every single day 400 people are dying. Also on the day chemical weapons attacks civilians are among the worst atrocities in syrias long civil war. Now human rights organizations are hoping a german court can deliver justice for victims. It was a terrible scene that i cannot describe to you are lying on the ground, like ants being killed by bug spray. These images never leave my mind. Welcome to the day we start here in germany, where the number of covered 900 factions is now past the 1000000 mark, japanese Disease Control agency. Robert carr institute announced the figure only on friday after recording another 22000 infections overnight. The contain the spread of the fires during the 1st wave in the spring, but its been hard hit by the 2nd. Another somber milestone for germany as covert 1000 cases in the country passed the 1000000 mark. Germany also registered a record daily death toll of 426 higher than any level reached there in the 1st wave in the spring. After almost 4 weeks of a partial lockdown, the country is still not out of the woods. The increase in the only new cases appears to have leveled off for the past few days, but daily new infections havent dropped significantly. Germanys federal health agency, the robert cock institute, also report some other worrying trends. Above all, the growing proportion of coronavirus cases among older age groups and more outbreaks in senior and nursing homes. In light of the situation, the German Government decided this week to extend the partial lockdown until december 20th. People in berlin think it was the right thing to do. I think its good that we have these measures. The incidence rates are worrying. So i think that what we are doing in the right direction. I think that if we just follow these simple measures where masks keep our distance, dont travel when its not really necessary then well get the situation under control. Up to this point, germany has come through the pandemic fairly well compared to most of its neighbors in europe. But with christmas fast approaching, the government is trying to strike a balance between allowing friends and families to get together and containing the pandemic. Some restrictions will be eased over the festive period, but it wont be a big free for all. Chancellor Angela Merkels chief of staff even warned that restrictions could stay in place until march. Ok. Now heres chief political correspondent, linda crane with an overview of the situation across the country. We do have new cases per day that are sometimes slightly topping 23000. 00. And to put that into perspective, that is more than 3 and a half times the highest numbers that we were seeing back during the spring hearing the 1st wave. So definitely significantly higher numbers. Now. Partial lockdown measures were put into place here, starting middle of november and we have seen the numbers, plateau and sometimes decrease. Since then nonetheless, they are definitely very high in terms of intensive care capacity. We are seeing a reduction in excess capacity this week. There were about 3600 patients with cove it in intensive care. Nonetheless, germany is very well equipped with intensive care beds, so we dont yet face a critical shortage. And the other thing to bear in mind is that we do have a lot more people being tested now than we did back last spring. So that daily rate, that i quoted of 6000. 00 back then, undoubtedly there were many cases that were not reported at that time. And if we compare mortality rates at the moment, the current mortality rate is not higher than the one during the 1st wave, if anything it is somewhat lower. So its a serious picture, but its also a mixed picture at the moment. But of course, the good news is that several potential covered 90 vaccines are, but shes very promising results in the billions of doses have been just before. Even one of them has been approved. The 3 research and development groups, fathers to have in trials are tacked on 5, astra zeneca and also university. And so as rich powerful countries by a nearly 10000000000 doses. How will poor countries get on first covert 19 vaccines on the verge of being authorized. Billions of vaccine doses have already been secured by wealthy countries. This has raised concerns that the jet blue much later had low Income Countries to avoid that. And then mr. Tive, was founded colfax, backed by the w. H. O. Countries representing 2 thirds of the population have job prospects. Goal is to make sure all Member States get vaccines forgotten as financial needs. But how does it work . On its website . Kovacs explains that strategy. Member states pooled their efforts and money to support the development of several vaccine candidates instead of competing against each other. They dont negotiate their pricing together. Therefore, keeping prices low, once effect of vaccines, of vailable, it says, all participating countries work out this up income levels will have equal access to these vaccines for low Income Countries. It is the only viable way in which their citizens will get access to covert 1000. 00 vaccines. The wealthy countries have other options. States like the u. K. And countries of the you have joined the initiative. But theyve also made by their true deals with manufacturers of this size. Piece by letter agreements have created an imbalance between the different members. Critics say, by poor countries, solely dependent on colfax, wealthier ones used it as an add on to its bilateral deals. And there is more, critics argue that these by littrell deals make it harder for kovacs to do its job. Because when a big share of jabs is already promised to individual countries, kovacs can only distribute what is left many how to countries, not all vaccines will be equally suitable for practical reasons. They are likely to prefer those easier to transport without difficulty coaching to maintain. And finally, the countries like the u. S. And russia havent even joined the initiative. Instead of supporting kovacs, theyve only invested in the development of their own vaccines. Kovacs nevertheless, is sticking to its goal by the end of next year. It wants to have 2000000000. 00 doses distributed around the globe. So what needs to happen before these coronavirus vaccines are rolled out and we all get dosed . Well. Dr. Delta is a senior scholar at Johns Hopkins center for health security. He specializes in Infectious Diseases and pandemic policy. Welcome to the double. Lets start with the money. Lets start with how the vaccines will be paid for a given that the world is crying out for them. Does that mean that theyll be super expensive outside kovacs initiative because of that huge demand . I dont think thats going to be the case. This is a Global Health emergency. We have many nongovernmental organizations, like the bill and Melinda Gates foundation, like gaby and kovacs. And i think thats all going to have an influence on how this is priced because the whole world is really suffering because of this pandemic. And i do think that the, that the bulk of the incentive is to make this as affordable a vaccine as possible. And theres going to be a lot of Funds Available to purchase this vaccine. And i think that we likely will see the world on a, on a slower scale than whats happening in the developing countries get vaccinated within hopefully we will eradicate this virus as a lookout threat. Ok, well thats very positive that i just want to be clear about what it is that youre saying there. So, you know, when i, when you talk about the price there, youre talking about the price that countries a paid, the pharmaceutical companies, all the price which it is passed on to consumers because pharmaceutical companies, of course, not, no for their charitable instincts. I think its what were going to see is probably very little out of pocket cost to the person getting vaccinated. And maybe the government strike deals with these nongovernmental organizations with this dont do it, you know, and theyre stockpiling apparatus. Theres going to be ways to get this vaccine into people. I think weve seen, for example, with Ebola Outbreak that happened the r. C. , the merck vaccine was effectively rolled out without real concern regarding art. So i do think that this is something that will likely happen because of all of these nongovernmental organizations that have a vested interest or a mission to actually get this vaccine into the arms of the world. Citizens. Ok, thats great. Lets talk about certification because i get the whole world is looking for this. So does that mean that the whole world each jurisdiction has to certify individually each drug almight some look to be actions of bodies like americas food and Drug Administration over a new medicines agency. And then if its good enough of them, its good enough for us. For many, many countries, they do rely on what the f. D. A. With the e m a in what the United Kingdom equivalent actually evaluates a drug or a vaccine. And thats enough. Theres also a process called w. H. O. Prequalification, where the w. H. O. Can also have a regulatory role by looking at the data, looking at what other regulatory agencies and some of the developed countries have done. And then make something prequalified by the w. H. O. Standard, which then allows many of these other countries who dont have a robust Regulatory Regime to be able to administer this. Thats likely what will happen is that youll see the f. D. A. D. E. I. May the u. K. Version weigh in a got you a job, prequalification will be issued, and then they will start to distribute. This is to many countries who dont do their own regulatory evaluation of these products. Like, what do they have done, other extraordinary thing about this whole process is that billions of beings, their doses are paid for manufacturers. And before theyre even approved. Thats something that we did this this pandemic deliberately because we knew that we could not wait, that theres a Public Health emergency and we did not want to wait to scale up. And this was a major financial risk. So for example, united states, we have something called operation work speed when they started to manufacture these vaccines before theyve been approved. That so that there was no time wasted as soon as an approval is, is given that this vaccine can ship within 48 hours to people and get into the arms of americans. And i think the same type of apparatus is in place in many other parts of the world because we dont want to wait every day. We wait, people die, the pain demick takes a toll. So the quicker we can get this vaccine into people, the quicker this pandemic is behind us. Im thinking about the logistical nightmare of distributing these drugs across massive countries like india or china that those must be really quite a huge problems. Yes, the distribution of this vaccine is going to be one of the hardest challenges Public Health has ever faced. Weve never really done anything like this. If you look at the Smallpox Eradication Campaign or even 2920 and one, i think it really pales in comparison to the task ahead of us. Especially if some of these vaccines have extreme cold requirements, like the pfizer beyond check back seen, which needs to be kept minus 70 minus 80 centigrade. Thats going to be very hard to do in the developing world where they have problems with normal access to electricity. So this is going to be a really Herculean Task and its the when you take some time for the entire world to be actually well into 2021, maybe 2022 for the world to be kind of rid of this virus as a Public Health threat. And its going to take a lot of effort and a lot of coordination, and we should expect that theres going to be hiccups and and setbacks as we try to distribute this vaccine to the world population. And its all to think that as we all wait for this, what everyone is going to want to take this vaccine. Yes, that is, there is a lot of vaccine has. Its in c. And there is an Anti Vaccine Movement thats already started to attack this vaccine before its been approved. Theres all kinds of lies about it, putting microchips into your body that have already been circulating. So were going to be proactive with this vaccine. Were going to have to be transparent about the safety, the efficacy, the side effect profile, how the Clinical Trials were done, what we know, what we dont know. All of that has to be really, really transparent as well as a prioritization because countries are going to prioritize who gets this vaccine 1st, likely health care workers, high risk individuals, all of that has to be out there and we have to not be on the defensive when the anti vaccine forces kind of amount to get this vaccine, we have to be very proactive and talk to people about what the value of this vaccine is and hope that we get a high vaccine uptick. Because if we dont get this vaccine into people, this will still be in the same situation that were in today. Good talking to thank you dr. Jeff from Johns Hopkins, a center for health security. Thank you. The human rights activists are trying to use the courts here in germany to prosecute the perpetrators of 2 chemical weapons attacks against civilians in syria. Activists want syrian president Bashar Al Assad and members of his regime to be held accountable for the atrocities committed in 20132017 of president assad denies involvement. Opponents say there is enough evidence to bring. I also say that in a fire evidence, that based Syrian Regime has carried out more than 200 nerve gas attacks over the last 7 years, despite agreeing to destroy all chemical weapons back in 2030. Or Rights Groups have now filed a criminal complaint with germanys federal prosecutor, reporters from d. W. And german used by the same dash to go. Ive been given exclusive access to some of the evidence the screams of cretins who died in the syrian gas attack in ghouta to this day still echo in the ears of syrian nurseryman. She wants nothing more than syrian president bashar assad and the perpetrators of the attack to be charged. She and her husband one met our witnesses of a criminal complaint filed in germany by human Rights Groups. They wish to remain anonymous because they fear for their familys safety. I fear for my mother and my sisters who are still living in syria and the whole because the regime is my rule and unjust and it has no mercy. If it has a conscience stick wouldnt have done these things. On august 21st, 2013, at least 4 rockets loaded with sarin gas warheads struck rebel held parts of Eastern Kentucky in the was more than a 1000 people were killed. Many of them children, among them was imminent, marmet, eldest son. They 2 were exposed to serin and one conscious for days to this day, the Syrian Regime denies any responsibility for the attack with i hope that one day i can stand before a judge and tell them what these chemical attack did to us. On the everything came out that it was an arab scene, that i cannot describe to you that if that people were lying on the ground like and been killed by bug spray, these images never leave my mind. Convinced that the Syrian Regime was behind the attack for years, his organization, the syrian archives, along with 2 other human Rights Groups, have meticulously analyzed the attack from the suspected launch sites to the rockets used their falso documented undisclosed chemical weapons facilities, including where serin was hidden, after 2013, we think from our investigation that most probably plans, 450 a network of different entities that are responsible for the coordination and execution of these attacks. The w. s investigative team, along with german news magazine, was given exclusive access to parts of the criminal complaint. It includes testimonies from 50 defectors, with firsthand knowledge of the chemical weapons program, and names suspected perpetrators such as special assad and his younger brother mohammed. We have one witness who described the quest for the use of sarin gas comes and then its communicated to the president ial powers where it is approved. We believe it is approved or ordered by the criminal complaint was filed in october with the chief federal prosecutor and counsel. Well, while crimes unit has been investigating atrocities in syria for years. Federal prosecutors here in germany confirm to us that a criminal complaint was fired, but they would not comment on its contents. Instead, they said they would independently appropriate evidence before deciding whether to open a case against individual suspects. But that can take weeks or even months. A man was traumatized by the events she suffers from depression and needs medication to make it through the day. But the investigation in germany has given her strength and hope that the people responsible for all the suffering will finally be helped to count more on this from steve cost us, theres a Senior Lawyer with the open Society Justice initiative you saw in that report just said thats what 1. 00 of 3 organizations who filed the criminal complaint justice federal prosecutor joins us from london. Welcome to you. Why bring this prosecution in germany for crimes you believe are committed in syria . Thank you for having me. Well, as you know, germany has played a leading role in the justice and accountability, and the sheriff with respect to crimes committed in syria. Germany has whats called the universal jurisdiction law, which allows it to prosecute crimes committed, extraterritorial outside germany. As long as they are a war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide. And because germany has played a leading role, we wanted to bring our case to the Prosecutors Office there. As part of our Legal Campaign to to involve a number of countries in the investigation. And prosecution of these crimes. So theres a massive mountains to climb. There is a day, even if german prosecutors agree, there is a case to answer. Im guessing you dont really expect president assad to present himself for prosecution. Well thats right this, we expect that this is the 1st step or an early step in a long road. And our complaint names a number of individuals that we think had a role in the serin attacks the chemical weapon atomics in 20132017. We do provide some information about the role of president of assad, but we, we leave that to the independent investigation of the prosecutor to determine who is responsible. And in addition, sitting has of state or enjoy immunity from prosecution under, by national law enforcement. And so we wouldnt anticipate an indictment or prosecution of assad while hes a head of state. So given all of us is this, is this more about sending a message or just more symbolic than one to me, expecting anybody to read it in the dock . Not at all what we think we think, and our clients and our, the syrian groups that we work very closely with on this on this case. I think that its essential for prosecutors to begin investigating these crimes, to secure the evidence, to interview witnesses that weve identified and to begin building the cases that will lead to prosecutions in the future. We know that this is a long road, but its essential that we start the process now. And one of the International Courts in the hague. The International Criminal court would be a good option if the Security Council could refer the situation in syria to that court. But russia and china have exercised their veto over that referral, and so its practically impossible to prosecute these crimes that are you. Complaint includes testimony from least 50 defenses, from the Syrian Regime with firsthand knowledge off a chemical weapons program. How did you get them to trust you and to talk to you many of the individuals are defectors who are interested in seeing accountability for the for the use of chemical weapons and are willing to testify to prosecutors who are conducting investigations. And they saw our investigation as one way of providing their evidence to a prosecutor. And so they provide the testimony of things that they allege were going on in what is effectively a war zone. So how then do you test that evidence . How then do you, do you look at whether or not its credible weve attempted to verify the evidence that we collected in a number of ways. So we work very closely with the syrian archive which has built an archive of documentation of chemical weapons attacks. And they have meticulously corroborated much of the victim and witness testimony using videos and photographic evidence that they have curated. And it should have only worked with the Syrian Center for media and freedom of expression to compile evidence from defectors and from other witnesses. That corroborates the information that were able to obtain. So do you mind if this massive mountain the you have to climb . If german prosecutors turn around and say no, there is no case to the un, so we dont think we should prosecute. What do you do that . Well, we think that, that its clear that there is a case to answer we, if we have submitted a pretty large dossier of evidence that i think that they have sent, they will work their way through. And we all, we would hope that we would work with them to bring witnesses to testify. We recognize that with the trial that is underway, that investigations can take a long time, the trial that simcoe plants. And so we would it to spain. This investigation will take a long time. Were also bringing complaints into separate bringing complaints in other countries and we would call on National Prosecutors to cooperate and rest occasion of these crimes. Well, thank you for joining us. Steve cost us from the open Society Justice initiative. Thank you so much and that was the day as i thought the conversation continues online, you will find posts out on twitter. Of the debt clock seem to have made a habit of telling kids to lose hamilton and Michelle Schumacher the 7 times formula one world champions. But theres only room for one of the top cuts about a talented team. Spirit wilson with too much of a skin head to head to rest on the d. W. Cosmopolitan. Dazzling mission is really has never been as sexy as it was in the cool of the 20 odd new caution to get a sense out of finance. Traces in the city today. So have fun with our little tour of the little good mornings. 60 minutes whats the secret behind this classic . Is it to sell . Soon as youre, they told him to lose your mind or the story behind the music. I guess for the ages, bridge to sum it up up beethovens 9th symphony for the world starts to simmer down on the w. A y mouthful of whats an album and we have had all the 100. 00 move. I would probably lead as we are living during the most extraordinary time in history of france for the whole before the electric image that

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