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Deaths are too high and restrictions may have to continue well into next year. And in denmark, thousands of mean coord killed to prevent the spread of a coronavirus mutation. Now, the Prime Minister says the government had no legal right to order the cole. Brink off, its good to have you with us argentina has declared 3 days of mourning for superstar footballer diego maradona. He died on wednesday at the age of 60 after suffering. A heart attack and fans have been paying their respects as maradona lies in state in the president ial palace in some clash with police today as authorities try to limit access to the palace. But for many today was simply the chance to mourn a football when he i was cheering for their hero one last time i was outside the president ial palace. And despite the ongoing pandemic, tens of thousands of mourners have been lining up for their chance to pay their respects. Scuffles broke out when police moved to shut down, access to the president ial, palace and motions are running high as she is. And what i feel today the football has died. I have no words for me. Hes the greatest and all carry him in my heart forever. But as you and me, but as somebody or not imo, we can believe that hes a guy who made a nation happy with a ball under specially the poor boy he made us happy in a way that politicians cant look at the political moment. No, not when i said he made all of us happy. There wont ever be anybody like maradona. I think crying since yesterday. Yes. We want to see d. M. O. Of the crowd saying argentinas president , ill bet it often on this got his chance to pay his respects to the old man of the on a national and International Icon to a 1000000. People are expected to visit maradonas concert, a footballer who gave great joy to argentinians during difficult times, both Political Division and economic distress. 3 days of National Mourning have begun in argentina. And more now we want to bring in correspondent, once he is a word he is inborn is our is good afternoon to you months he has mean we are seeing incredible scenes there. Whats the situation like where you are right now . Im here at the 9th of july street, the main street close by the plaza, some at the net, the main square where people gather there are thousands of people. We see families here, but also football trust and in the last minutes now. But right behind me, we are seeing tense scenes. Some riots happened. The police is now closing the whole area. They want to close it. They shot some tear gas to the, to the people, to the fans. So yeah, its a tense situation and this will be a tough day for one desires for argentinians, because so many people want to see maradona want to participate at the deathwatch. But its yet too much, many people from the outside outskirts of one of the errors there too much in order to be able to do this. Death watch today and monte is in seems to be the police underestimated how many people were going to be there to visit the palace. Im wondering, what are they preparing for when they do officially close those off the visitation and close off this area around the palace . To be honest, everything here is cody, to let this death watch take place in the president ial palace was more or less a political decision. So its not an it widespread, its not a place where people can do this and mass is so its not the appropriate place to do it. And now we might pay the price in order not to be able to have participate to see maradona last time. So yeah, its really not for sure what will happen, but its, it will stay as this until the funeral will happen. In the next days. I mean, were seeing it crowds there. You know, people next to people bunched in to gather the doesnt look like theres any social distancing going on. Or their worries that this could become a super spreader event for the coronavirus. For sure, there are such worries because that many people would gather tens, hundreds of thousands, not only today, also on the day of the funeral. And there will be even more people gather here. One of those will assist and follow the tracks of the body of a mara donna to the private cemetery in the outskirts of coras ayers. I think these will be read today and the funeral date to be spreading the winds. And we, were not sure what will be the result, but to be honest, i think for many actually means to be a fan of maradona is no more important than the risk of infection. Well, its definitely a volatile situation very much. He is with the latest from born as artists much he is. Thank you. Stacey or here in germany, chance on the americal and the leaders of germanys 16 states have agreed to tighten nationwide coronavirus measures. Because infection rates remain too high. Restrictions will stay in place until at least december 20th and could be extended into january. They include wearing face mask in all busy downtown areas and in workplaces. Surveys show a majority of germans support moves to tackle the pandemic. But in political circles. Merkel faces hurdles in finding agreement on the best way forward. Chancellor Angela Merkel explained the governments decision to extend the current partial lockdown and partly tighten it up to the german parliament. Its no secret that the chancellor would have liked to see stricter measures taken to fight the pandemic. But because of the federalist system, she had to find Common Ground with state leaders. The worst has been avoided. Our Health System hasnt been overwhelmed. And so far we have avoided the resulting economic, social, and ethical consequences. Thats a 1st success, but its by no means a lasting one. The far right opposition party, a f. D. Alternative for germany objected saying the restrictions were damaging to both society and the constitution. You just be able seps understood how you caused the most damage to our economy, ordinary people, and their Constitutional Rights through the socalled Civil Protection act. In record time, youve written yourself a blank check for disregarding fundamental rights. For purpose, while you were making noise, were looking for solutions. We are problem solvers and various roles and functions. And thats the point to find solutions to keep this country pulling together in the same direction. And thats what distinguishes us from you. The current measures help to significantly reduce contact between people and slowed growth of infections, but social contacts will be further tightened until december 20th. The hope is that staying apart now, well, allow families to come together over christmas and the new year surveys show most people understand i know 100, what can we do . No matter what the government says, there always be people who are against it, because its pretty. I think its very sensible to be honest. I think the measure should be tougher for you and i think caught off to fit you will i trust the government to make clever decision with im happy that theyve consulted scientist and an ethical commission. And i hope that means that the best possible decisions will be taken up or come to grips. Chancellor merkel acknowledged that the coming months will be difficult, but she said working together in germany would get through this crisis. We have to look now at other developments in the coronavirus pandemic. The c. E. O. Of astra zeneca says the company is likely to start a new global trial of its curve in 1000 vaccine using smaller doses. This after a study indicated that lower doses performed better than the full of mel. South korea has reported almost 600. 00 new covert cases in one day. Its the biggest spiking cases there since march. As a 3rd wave of infections seems to be worsening despite new social distancing restrictions, and moscows mayor has extended until the middle of january, an official recommendation that Senior Citizens and other high risk groups should self isolate and not leave their homes unless absolutely necessary. Well, here are the other stories that are making headlines this hour a Turkish Court has sentenced hundreds of people to life in prison for their involvement in the failed 2016 military coup. The defendants included many pilots and officers from an air force base. The court also ruled that for to look, a u. S. Based cleric accused of orchestrating the coup should be tried separately. Iran has freed a british Australian Academic serving a 10 Year Prison Sentence for alleged spy Collymore Gilbert was arrested more than 2 years ago after attending. And a conference in the city of colm, she described her release as the end of a long and traumatic ordeal. State television said it came as part of a Prisoner Exchange for 3, their brains, hungary and poland. Say theyre united in their dispute with the European Union over the budget. In budapest, hungary and Prime Minister viktor orban said the 2 countries will insist there be no rule of law conditions to access e. U. Financial aid in the pandemic. Last week they vetoed the e. U. Budget over that issue. The danish Prime Minister has apologized to the countrys main breeders over a mass coal of me. Earlier this month, denmark were ordered the killing of the animals after a mutated form of the corona virus was found to have been transmitted between means and humans. The order led to mass protests among farmers in the government has now apologized for acting too quickly and making mistakes along the way. These pictures are of a mass grave on military land in denmark. Thousands of the countrys famed mink were buried here after the government declared a mass col. Now hundreds of them have begun to resurface as gases build up. As the minks decompose, the government ordered the car laughter about a dozen people were north and denmark were infected by a mutated version of corona virus. One found on makes the cull order, outraged farmers and spark huge protests. Many accuse the government of acting unlawfully and to quickly to get rid of whats seen as an undesirable industry. They decided to go after the make farmers and they did it overnight without permission, without having the law to back them up. And they have to be punished for that. The rest of us are not allowed to go through a red light. The move is already having Global Economic consequences. Denmark is the Worlds Largest exporter of make fur. And the culling of its mink population is being felt as far away as china. The sudden mink price increase in europe has put great pressure on both production and marketing of make for clothing here. Chinas fur clothing industry has seen its exports, plummet sharply. Feels like a roller coaster ride, nobody imagined this could happen. The price of mink fur accounts for about 80 percent of the cost of fur clothing. The sudden increase has put a lot of pressure on us. Now even more pressure is being put on the Danish Government with about 9000000 of denmark, 17000000 minks, already culled. Some local authorities are now calling for the animals remains to be exuberant and crew mated, saying in their current location, they pose a threat to nearby water supplies. It seems the governments hasty actions could be coming back to haunt it. In the mind of the top story that were following for you, the people of argentina have been paying their final respects to football legend, diego maradona. There have been clashes with police as authorities try to limit access to his coffin is lying in state in the president ial palace. Youre watching the news live from berlin up next, all the latest about the pandemic in our covert. 19 special. Ill be back at the top of the hour with more followed by the day. I hope to see you then the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. As the rate of infection in developing. What does the latest research say . Information and contacts . The coronavirus update. On t. W. 6 to go beyond the obvious as we take on the world, were all about the stories that matter to you. Really what ever it is to get a job made for mines. While pollitz of the medical community are on the hunt for a vaccine against the corona virus, others are on the hunt for its origin. Well, the 1st confirmed case was in china. The exact steps of the virus is very progression still unknown. The current working theory is that the virus originated in rouhani, but theres still more to learn sequencing the viruses genome is key for the ongoing medical forensic investigation. And scientists hope by pinpointing where the virus came from and how it jumped to humans. They will be able to develop the tools to fight the future evolution of covered 19 its a bit like a medical detective story following the clues should eventually lead us to the origin of the corona virus that has brought us a year. The world will never forget the to get the beginning and have to work backwards. Autumn has brought 2 things with it this year in europe, falling temperatures and skyrocketing rates of corona, virus infections, cold weather, forced people inside after socializing outdoors during the summer, with many tired of adhering to strict covert 1000 precautions. Infection rates are rising dramatically in germany. Spain has been in a state of emergency sense the end of october on september 28th, 33000000, people had been infected with coping 1000 around the world. On that same date, we passed the milestone of 1000000 deaths. Meanwhile, life in china, where cove in 1000 was 1st detected, is mostly back to normal, with some Health Restrictions in place. But after strict lockdowns across the country, people here are once again able to go to concerts. New zealand declared itself coronavirus free on june 8th. And has only seen a handful of cases sense even allowing travel and hosting large events again. At this time, there had been nearly 7200000 cases worldwide. Europes 1st taste of the pandemic came in february. Italy bore the brunt of cove in 1000 then, and was quickly forced into lock downs, deaths and cases piled up in hospitals in the northern part of the country, prompting border closures around the e. U. On feb 21st, there were only 78205. 00 cases around the world. Researchers believe the spark that 1st ignited. The corona virus pandemic took hold in china. Medical forensics is a big part of the equation. Now. Dozens of people connected to a wet market reported flu like symptoms in the early part of last december. The leading theory is that a man originally constructed the virus from a bat. The w. H. O. Is currently working to trace the viruses path to better understand how the pandemic could continue to spread. Now many Scientific Minds have been putting their efforts into retracing the steps of this corona virus. One of them is dogs have peta forced from the university of cambridge. She joins us on the show. I thank you very much for coming along. Your research traced the ethics of the coronavirus backwards, right . To be like, you might be a person or a species, i suppose. But we were able to conclude by doing that. We got the data from the beginning of the 1st song, pulls in december 2019 up to the end of february 2020. And then we constructed its like a complex tree. So a combination of trees to find out how the virus had developed and we identified 3 d. Types, which we call a b. And c. Comparing these types with the back coronavirus, we saw that the a type was the most ancient and b. Was a bit younger. He was the most recent ricer have these 3 phases of the corona virus. Where do we find those around the world today . Or are they everywhere . Well, the a. B. C. Types are all represented in china and in east asia. But we see even penetrating 2 to europe, astray here, and north america. And then later, the b. Type takes over. So that happens in march and april. So it has developed by mutation, a more infectious type which has then taken over the world in the course of march and april. So we saw that coming up in march in our data. So if we have all 3 of these types in china, as you say, does that mean we can pinpoint china as the origin of this correct virus . I have no reason to doubt that on the basis of our analysis. But the origin question really breaks down into 3 questions. So the earliest origin would be the jump from between species. So for example, from back to human and we did some calculations to find out when that might have happened. And interestingly, the common ancestor between the bat that we have and the human coronavirus is on the order of 5 decades. So that might mean that the corona virus has been circulating in some part of mankind. Undiscovered for decades. , just like the aids virus was not discovered until the 980 s. , even though there were samples in the fiftys. Now that we know about all the other solution to this conundrum is that we simply dont have the right back yet. And there is some other bat out there which is 99. 99 percent similar to us. And we just havent found it yet. So anyway, the 1st infection from to humans could have happened. You know, last year it could have been 50 years ago. We just dont know that yet. The next origin number 2 is when the corona virus started successfully spreading amongst humans, and that we have dated with some certainty. So we think that was between mid september and early december 2001000, the 3rd originated hold. If its already on an interview on that one, so, so thats quite a bit before we have the 1st case towards the end of december, which was in with how does the fact that it was spreading between people before the 4 that impact the sort of working theory that it originated in with let me correct you slightly there. You said end of december is the 1st case. Many scientists make that mistake as well. In fact, the 1st genome was submitted on Christmas Eve 24th of december. That is correct, but the 1st patients described with the coronavirus symptoms in a medical journal in the lancet, in fact, fell ill on the 1st of december. So inevitably, that patient must have caught it in november. And as for the origins of all of the theory that the origins of the infection started in the rue ham fish market, i think, is problematic for 2 reasons. First of all, as i said, the most ancient viral subtype is the a type. But what we found is that the dominant type and will have, even in the early phase in the 1st 3 weeks, was the b. Type 20 out of 23. Patients who have until mid january have the b. Type only 3 of the a type and elsewhere in china, you find more of these 8 types. For example, in, you know, and or in guangdong in southern china, where indeed you have populations where, who dont. So i think there are better candidates than for the beginning of the epidemic. An awful lot of it, you know, and yes, well the other point which is known is that if you look at the dance of paper from january, it actually says that the very 1st patient who fell ill on the 1st december have no contact with the fish market, so this looks to me as if the fish market may have been an accelerator, a catalyst, but not necessarily the origin. There are something to foster from the university of cambridge, thanks for bringing us your theory and your a set. My pleasure. Now is the part of the program where you get to ask the questions, youve been submitting them through our you tube channel. So lets put one of them to ask science correspondent what will the different vaccines cost and how does that compare to other Health Related costs . In the pandemic with reports a couple of days ago that a trial involving a vaccine developed by a team at Oxford University and pharma company, astra zeneca had returned safe and effective results. It was the 3rd candidate to do that in the last few weeks. Its time i think, to Start Talking about the next big step in overcoming the pat down there, which is the logistics of vaccinating the world. And thats going to be not only a gargantuan feat, its going to be staggeringly expensive as well. But even so, a lot less expensive than what were facing now on the Health Related monetary costs of this pandemic so far have been just immense. One recent study that i read said they could hit 16 trillion dollars in the u. S. Alone. And thats assuming by the way, that sars cove 2 is contained by next fall. That seems, will be keyed to that containment and compared to the cost of treatment in an i. C. U. Unit or, or expensive high tech therapies like monoclonal antibodies, theyll be a bargain. The oxford vaccine, which astra zeneca has promised to offer at cost for the duration of the pandemic. And beyond that, for low income countries. And the company says it will be charging only around 3. 00 a dose or less for it. Since you need 2 of them, that works out to about 6. 00 per vaccinate. The other 2 vaccines for the ramping up are, are more expensive, but still come in at under 25. 00 a dose. Distribution costs will of course, add a lot to the overall total, but effective vaccines are still orders of magnitude cheaper. That hospitalizing possibly millions more people and continued lockdowns thats a science correspondent derek williams. Actually got a question for in any of us a you tube, and you can submit, submit one through the t, w news you tube channel, and thats all from us as a day. And for the latest developments on the corona virus pandemic, you go to our website didnt we dont come slash culverts 90. So next time, take care and to stay healthy. To the point, the strong opinions, clear position is of international perspectives. Donald trump stays in the white house, now appears to be number one is joe biden, begins to presenting his Government Team. We ask if and when america can again be a Global Leader to join us on to the point shortly. To the point is right next to the leaders whos lived in mexico. Many foolish old lots of us right now. Right now, Climate Change and different hoffa story faces wife leslie way from just one week. How much worse can really get we still have time to act. Im going to subscribe. Like beethoven is for me. Beethoven is for you. Beethoven is for health. Frank ocean is for her. Is for beethoven is for us is for beethoven 202250th anniversary here on you know well, adults like Donald Trumps days is the 45th president of the United States are now finally numbered. After weeks of fierce resistance, trump has told officials to cooperate in the transition of power to president elect joe biden. Prachi apparently remains determined to make life as difficult as possible for his successor. While by can this be working on the final details of his new Government Team . Trump has been issuing warnings to iran and preparing to order a far reaching troop withdrawal from afghanistan. All

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