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Parliament to outline new measures to curb the spread of the Coronavirus Thank lewd and extension of the partial lockdown until at least december 20th. Earlier she called on germans to make an enormous effort to try and improve the situation or thirtys here. Concerned as the number of new infections has filed to drop significantly, and the number of deaths has reached a new high. Well, joining me here in the studio is day w. Political correspondent, nina morning. Nina wanted to address German Parliament any minute now. What corona plan will she exactly present when lack of will and the 16 regional leaders of germany sat down for a really long session. Again, yesterday to discuss the next few weeks, because the idea here is to give people a bit of a breathing time around christmas. So how can we relax restrictions during the very important Christmas Period and still not risk infection numbers going to high. But shes about to speak now, so maybe shell explain to the German Parliament, will have the voice of an interpreter. Here we go. You can remind us ladies. 4 weeks ago, 28 the heads of government, of the federal and the regional level decided in the face of a dramatic exponential rise. You know, infection rates on for covert violence to far reaching restrictions on contacts. These have been forced since the 2nd of november, they were inevitable because the Health Authorities in large part of the countries just did not manage to trace the contact on enough infected individuals despite staffing levels, having been increased at every level. So this spread could no longer be prevented, and that in part caused the exponential growth in my declaration of 29. But this year i explained that the measures we had to take were appropriate, necessary, and proportional. And why there was also explained why there was no other less harsh measures then restrictions on contract. This is what we need to do to stop and reverse the actually writes today for weeks afterwards. We can find that the measures we took led to a 40 percent reduction in contacts roughly, but then being dramatic, exponential growth of any infection rates was indeed stopped. Its unimaginable to him to think where we would be today if 4 weeks ago when it was really more than time. We wouldnt have done it. We wouldnt have been able to take this enormous effort to do that. Thats all part of this national effort. I would like to express my thanks. Here was the agreement on the 3rd law on the protection of the population which this Parliament Last week on a parliamentary democracy is efficient, is capable of making rapid decisions. And it is an anchor of trust for our citizens. But it, particularly in these times, did callings the worst thing to overtax the Health System with all the medical and ultimately a comic social, societal, and ethical consequences is something which so far weve been able to prevent from happening. This is a 1st success, but this is not sustainable yet. The contract tightening so far have moved the infection rate sideways, but it has not yet reverse the trend downwards, which is so necessary in other terms because numbers are stagnating, but at a high level, much too high level and infection rates are still rising in some regions of the country, instead of going down we also see an increase in the number of people who are receiving i. C. U. Care because of contracting over 10 yesterday we had a very sad record. I mean, looking at the number of deaths caused by kobe and this house to give his grave concern because it is still true. I think using consistent measures would wait to take these measures until the i. C. U. Beds are full. The hospitals are overflowing and they are already feeling the burden. But if we were to wait, it would be too late. This was the premise for our deliberations on 28 october, and it was again the premise for our deliberations and decisions yesterday, medically, exceptionally society and ethically these were our concerns. I think just looking at the numbers in all our region strip enough to convince us that we simply cannot afford to have the hospitals and the health overburdened what a real lockdown actually is. And what it would encompass is something which we dont see in this country. And we can be happy that it is so, but i must also say that some of our neighboring countries, we are also seeing that their numbers are rapidly going down and help. And i know im saying we dont have the harshest locked down of us. Dont know that for many people in germany, even now measures are very harsh and that it causes fear for economic survival. Many people from the fields of culture, the hospitality sector, the Hotel Sectors can cannot atoll only partially work and theyre seriously wanted about the forthcoming months. And that is why its so important that we have all sorts of assistance and bridging the packages, costing many billions in order to cushion the effects of this. And its been done off to look at that. We can use it and the big say it to have come matching the pandemic isnt about health, Business Health or education or culture or social affairs. To think in these contradictory terms is, is a very frequent misunderstanding. Its always both together health and Business Health and education, health, culture, health and social, nothing to me because in combating the pandemic, we have the objective of protecting the Health Systems from being overburdened by this also. So everything and everyone else, particularly social conviction. Thank god. Here is and will remain to get the infection rates down enough that the Health Authorities are still able to contact trace. We need an incidence of smaller than 50 per 100000 have bitten us in 7 days. The Main Objective is and will always remain that everybody who needs treatment for could we do any other point, can receive the medical care they need. We have a strong Health System which has so far with the strains of the pandemic in must make sure this continues. Thank you. Going into one home would then like it is against this backdrop that marks the federal and regional leaders decided yesterday 1st that the Contact Ministry actions decided on the 2nd november cannot be eased up with a response. 2nd. The contact restrictions from the 2nd november need to be extended beyond 30th of november and in some places need to be supplemented by additional even tighter measures. On this basis, we made our decision. Yesterday we will once again appeal to our citizens, to avoid all necessary contacts and thats also means private trips or tourism trips. Skiing season is coming. Were trying to come to an agreement in europe whether they manage to close down or the ski resorts. It certainly doesnt look like it when no one listens to what we hear from australia, it doesnt seem to be easy, but we will try once again on 28 to target 2020. Measures were agreed and will now be extended as far as wholesale retail. Trade and retails will remain open saying that sales space from 800 square metres will have a restriction. In other words, only 20 square meters will be available per customers. That is particularly true for Shopping Centers where were looking at the overall sales area. People always say, well no, theres mandatory must be wearing. And if people wear masks, then thats not dangerous. Theres no risk. Let me comment on this. Once again. Wearing a mask and i am grateful to all citizens who really keep to the manager and ask learning. It does reduce the risk of infection. Yes, it is protection. But if we dont have f. P. 2 or 3 quality medical masks, there is no guarantees here that infections will not happen. And this is exactly why we want to avoid having large numbers of people gathering in Shopping Centers. I think we need to inform people properly. We mustnt make them feel falsely secure, facemask plus social distance, that is the best solution. Otherwise the mask is a protection for me, for everybody else, if everybody does it, but it isnt a guarantee. And this is what needs to be emphasized time and again. And of yesterday, we also made a forecast about what we will see happening over christmas and new years eve because of the pandemic situation. We assume that the restrictions which will be in force before christmas will have to stay in force, at least for most part of germany. Even after jan, i should there should be a dramatic reduction in of the rate of infections in the forthcoming weeks. Then different conclusions can be drawn and we will check it before christmas, but people have a right to to know what to expect. And sadly, we have to say that we cannot really promise you relief for christmas. And the new year we also decided yesterday that we have very different infection rates in different parts of germany. We have a very small number of districts where the infection rate is below 50 other words, 50 per 100000 people. And 7 days, weve got 62 districts and the city state of berlin, where the average infection rate exceeds 200. 00. And that is why we still have our hotspot strategy, which applies to everything which exceeds the 50 per 100000 incidents rate, which is why weve done the measures we have taken. So let me say once again that in addition to all these comprehensive measures, other further reaching measures can be taken. You know, from some areas like blocking isnt in theory in jail where incidence is extraordinary. High. There is even a curfew shop closures closures which were taken. And i can only say we cant live from the average valley because theres because im a climate western pomerania doing very well. But at the same time with an engine saxony, we see infection rates rising, then the average doesnt help. We need to react in a locally appropriate and adaptive way the regions wanted to make it possible to have further measures. If the 200. 00 incidence rate is increased and i think that is necessary, thats what we want to make possible so that the overall rate can be very good. As we emphasized yesterday, once again, the be all and end all in dealing with this pandemic. And the infection is to reduce contacts and if there are contacts, they have to be following the established rules. And this is why private meetings are particularly important in christmas and new year. We are once again, tightening the role of saying that private gatherings should only between 2 households up to 5 people not including children below the age of 14 because they are not so relevant for the infection rates as we know. So 5 people from 2 households to children of below 14 years. Face masks are made of the face mask wearing is made mandatory in all busy areas, street squares at work. Obviously we know that mask wearing is mandatory if you cant keep the 5 metre require distance, universities and other institutes of education and should move to online tuition. With a few exceptions from 23rd december to 1st, january christmas and the new year period, special rules have been agreed. Here it should be possible that people from the close family and friends shall meet up to 10 people maximum. I would like to say expressly. It is up to each and every one of us to decide whether that maximum should really always be used or whether maybe one can sacrifice this. But also here children under 14 are not counted. The holidays go on holidays will start on the 19th of december in all regions of germany and all those pain visits to friends, family, particularly older members of the family like grandparents should have week during which they protect themselves before the visit. And during that time, they should minimize contact as much as possible to make sure that christmas can be a safe period because we dont want the festive days to be a spread of events. That is what we would like to ski if the enemy didnt go to might have this response. Religious communities are concerned, we will talk to them and federal and regional level to come to agreements for church services. No religious meetings, last scale events must not happen. Also for my religious communities and this was the publics innocence, and were not going to have a public firework display. Its in germany and it certainly squares and cities streets, it can be banned it and the general recommendation is to make do without fireworks. If you want to have a small private event with your own fireworks, we dont want to ban it, but we appear to responsibility. We would like to ask every employee everyone to come to maybe Generous Free time rules or holiday rules to make sure that people have us few contacts as possible at work because we are easing restrictions slightly for private purposes over the festive days. As far as care homes, senior residences, and so its going so we dont want them to be excluded from social contact. They should have the possibility of receiving visitors because its very important. We dont just think of our own families, but also those who have a very, very hard time in this period of pandemic in the region should do to make pantries, theyre not going to run that in this context. Let me Say Something about the protection of Vulnerable Groups. We have thought that a certain number of f, f, p 2 masks should be provided for the winter, 2 Vulnerable Groups, Health Minister and the responsible Health Committee of the drama parliament have defined who would be eligible and thats 27000000 people then the nobody should act as if one were groups can be protected it and the country is that Vulnerable Group is 27000000. 00 and you cant just take them out of all public space. We cant do it. And i think ethically it would be imaginable as well to make that clear. And im hoping that the issue of school and hand took a very large part of our deliberations will make sure that childcare facilities and schools can remain open. And this has now been a great man. Dream ask wearing its going to be tight through some are spending. We agree on 90, you know, we also see the rubber Cost Institute has given recommendations, particularly for school students, particularly in those areas where incidence rates go over 200 cases per 100000 inhabitants there. Blended learning and hybrid versions of tuition can be arranged. I think its absolutely necessary. I know that we have the federal government are not directly responsible for schools, but we have responsibility for the infection and we cannot act as if the older school kids make no contribution. So yes, lets keep schools and childcare facilities open, but if were talking hotspots, and that would be an extreme infection rate if we have more than 200. 00 cases per 100000 habitants, let me remind you, we want to go down to 50. And if the rates as high as interest said, then we need to act. We also see that we must make sure that we have the staggered start of the school days. So that again, contracts come with avoided reduced if developed a new strategy for schools as well. You know, a lot about the surgery because of work done that too. Hes not here right now, but im sure you will tell him hes. Hes one of many people who have helped as to to work out. Schools can react, well classed isolation is what we want to provide. In other words, the Health Authority decides which group of students, if there is a case of infection, has to be closed off in a sort of cluster current for 5 days. And then we should have antigen Rapid Testing to make sure that we can work out what happens after 5 days, because 5 days is a comprehensive time scale. It also really is the burden on the Health Authorities. And overall, i think thats a good solution. The antigen rapid tests are going to be made available in much larger numbers than previously that quarantine rules are there for going to be changed. Quarantine is reduced to 10 days. So you have the free test, the entertain rapid test after 10 days. So that will definitely improve quarantine rules and this will come into force on the 1st of december. There isnt gentleman, obviously weve discussed the economic assistance programs as well. And here i would like to particularly thank the parliament we proposed a november aid package. I know thats a great burden particular for the budget committee, and what we will do that will have to be supplemented by a december assistance as well. We will do it, but i must say it has to be proportional. In other words, certain content restrictions certain measures simply have to be so that we have the strength to make sure that those who carry the burden particular sectors of industry, they carry the burden for all of society. So that we can keep schools open, businesses open the cultural and hotel and hospitality sectors and buried great burden. So it is in our great interest joint interest to reduce contacts. To such an extent we see an impact because obviously we cannot continue with this is systems at north because we are making a huge contribution which causes great borrowing and the National Debt is rising 4212021. Its necessary. We have to make sure that everything really fits and is proportional voting that. What is it that i know . Obviously the bridging assistance 3 has been discussed as well for november and december, i mentioned we hope. But as far as like the nations are concerned, marketing authorization come, they granted relatively quickly money solve the problem immediately, but it means there is light at me, end of the tunnel and the winter months. Im sure many people who have been vaccinated will have to get through it, but im sure that next year we will see progress. He couldnt even be possible that vaccination is will reach us before christmas. We have however agreed that so should that be the cage. This vaccination will be given to those people who are working in the medical sector, health care professionals. They should have the 1st calling for the vaccinations. And i think given the risk that these people take, that is right down with that. If they are going to have a mode, they decide gentleman, let me once again. And the time is the quran that tracking up, weve improved it a great deal. And now theres a lively discussion about it, which will be continued. And the regional leaders are going to meet again with experts because among the premiers of the regional states, its been a lovely debate about it too. More than 23000000. People have died in the app. And i could only invite everybody whos listening now one who hasnt yet downloaded it. Please do so. Dear colleagues, they covet a pandemic, is and will remain the greatest challenge since world war 2, germany for the European Union and for the whole world. But there is reason to hope as well and this hope rests on the vaccinations. But we also have hope because we know have so much more knowledge about covert 19 and its impact than we had at the beginning of the pandemic. This knowledge alone as many things, but at the same time, it is rather sobering, because we know its a virus that can be cheated, kind of be avoided. It is the way it is. And it has its behavioral patterns and i find it absolutely amazing when looking at the simple contact numbers, you can simulate that in science and they can calculate what the infection rates are going to be after a certain period of time. If we act this way or that way, and thats why we know there simply is no way around the virus by saying, well, we can force it somehow to act differently just because its in germany or because its a school or somewhere else. So, Greater Knowledge gives hope and we also have hope that the great majority of people in germany are keeping to these rules that we agreed on. And therefore make a reduction possible. You know, i mean if youre going to say money, clearly its up to us. Were not powerless. Without any doubt, we have difficult months ahead of us. But the way in which people have overcome so many problems in the history of humankind. Even during this pandemic, every single one of us can actively contribute to getting through this period well. And when i spoke to this parliament on 28. 00 or towbar, i said something i would like to repeat. The winter is going to be hard, but it is going to end. You and the shipping know, with thinking so much about christmas tree, about the new year, i would like for myself for all of us, that we can, more than ever be there for one another. If we do that, we will emerge from this crisis. Thank you. Still with me in the studio as they believe Political Correspondent nina has a which is great because there is a lot to unpack outlining in parliament, the extended lockdown measures which were discussed at least one of the highlights for you from the us. 1st of all, i always find it impressive. Medical knows have details. I mean i observed there in brussels during the financial crisis and its the same in the corona crisis. They had 7 hour long negotiations yesterday and she does know every little paragraph that was discussed with the regional leaders. So she went through this plan, what needs to be restricted . What needs to just be extended till christmas with a clear goal being ok, we still have high infection numbers. Some of the measures seem to have worked, but the numbers are not going down as fast as we would like them to, to be going down. And so this is why i extended measures on necessary and we even have to intensify them in certain areas so that hopefully we can give families a bit of time to braise during the Christmas Period, which is after all, for germans, the most important family holiday period christmas was very interesting. She left a lot of wiggle room in what people can do is to how they navigate their christmas. The 1st thing we had was 10 people think kids under 14, they dont count. And then the bottom line is that people have to make up their own minds as to how i count and how they never get a christmas. Another example of america leaving room for this to take place, but thats been house strategy all along. She knows full well that this is a virus. She is a scientist by trade. Lets not forget. So she knows that the virus will spread and its not something that you can fight with rules only. So she is and has counted on the german population to understand why those measures are necessary and then for each and every individual to draw the their own conclusions. But she did say explicitly that now she has to interfere in the private sphere because of course, this is something that if we dont act now, hospital beds will fill up very quickly. And then the german Health System, like in many other countries, might also be overwhelmed. So she is very rare, reluctant to do that, which is why shes not saying well have the police come knocking on your door. This is not whats going to happen. Shes appealing to germans conscious conscience and say, ok, we saw a Record Number of deaths in germany from covert all covert related yesterday, which was 410. That is a Record Number. And also the regional leaders kept saying this is something where were talking about individual tragedies. Lets not forget that it was very powerful last 5 minutes, where she seemed to be speaking directly to the business and all the people shes been negotiating with for the past 7 hours yesterday. How do you think she balance that hope . The carrot and stick soto speak. She said, it said, you know, we conned, separate one from the other health issue goes hand in hand with the economy. Because of course, we need strong economic actors to keep the system afloat so that we can help the most vulnerable who are affected by this pandemic. Which is also why the federal government in this crisis has done something that is completely unprecedented, that paying out billions of euros to these industries that all being affected by the possible lockdown. And this is highly unusual. This was applied in november and if this is also going to be extended well into december, just to make sure that there are still people who can pay their bills so that the system can still work so that the hospitals can work. The police can operate at cetera, and were talking about some sums like 17000000000 euros for december. Youve taken on a podcast looking at miracles last year in office, watching her very, very closely. And then today, what did you see from the chancellor in terms of what was yesterday . How is she holding up having this process as she starts her last year in office . Just look at the polls before the crisis and compare them to where shes firing. Now, i mean, merkel strives in crises and this is just another example. This speech was extremely good. It was very personal by her, you know, by her standards, she appealed to peoples conscience and she still also gave people the opportunity to understand the details. So she doesnt give, doesnt just give you a big slogans. She also explains little measures measures and why she feels its necessary. They did leave Political Correspondent, nina hauser, thanks so much. And the German Parliament is our chief political editor, mckayla cook, who is also listening into the chance to list speech because they give us some of your holidays, if you will, of merkels addressed a little mike as well. Clearly she made a point of explaining everything. Goldie taylor now is listening to the response of the far right. You have to

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