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This surge in pieces of code 19 im coughing, its good to have you with us. America is strongest when it works with its allies. Those were the words of joe biden, just a few moments ago as he formally introduced some of the top picks for his incoming administration. The u. S. President elect is said that his team will lead by the power of example. Is a team that will keep our country and our people safe and secure. And its a team that reflects the fact that america is back ready to lead the world. Not retreat from it. Once again, sit at the head of the table, ready to confront our adversaries, and not reject our allies ready to stand up for our values. And then went on to introduce his National Security team underlining their years and decades of experience. And he said, diplomacy and mole time, lateral lism are back. Former secretary of state john kerry, he will be taking on a new post as special envoy for the climate in for sizing. Bidens commitment to the environment in fighting global warming. Kerry says that the u. S. Will be returning to the paris climate agreement, but added that paris is not enough that traditional mat tony blinken has been nominated for u. S. Secretary of state biden says that he will rebuild morale and trust in the u. S. State department. Blinken pledge to pursue cooperation around the world for america represents our lets go now to washington, our bureau chief in his polls on the story for us. Good evening to you, enos. So if we look at the names here there, most of them are familiar names to americans in the observers around the world. How do you read that . Well, you know, friend, president elect biden, obviously wants to be ready to start working from day one on and therefore thats one reason why he picked like really experienced professionals who then will be back in the white house. And i mean, i have to say, i think theres a lot to be happy about from a german european perspective. We just heard the sound bites. I mean, these are true believers in nato. They believe the pics of president elect biden believe in the transatlantic relationship. So regarding the transatlantic relationship, this is a think a very happy moment right now in the United States. What more do we know about the kind of administration that biden is putting together . Well, biden bidens choices really reflects a seesaw used to construct a real dial worse not only regarding gender bias, also regarding race friend and racism. Here in the United States is still one of the core problems and even more so after these 4 years of donald trump in the white house. Lets have a look at our report from georgia where we covered exactly this topic in the heart of one of the most divided counties in georgia, lysa town minutes with half of its population is white and 48 percent to south africa in america. In an antique shop in downtown, you find many items that reflect the time when milledgeville was georgios state capital. That was during the civil war when the confederacy, including draw joe fault to keep slavery some elements of that time, still seem relevant to shop owner larry hughson, who seems to be stuck in the past. There is never, never going to be equality in race. He has a grim take on the current political situation. And i dont think the republicans and the democrats are going to maybe own level play and feel. Floyd griffin has been doing his bit to level George Allens political Playing Field for decades. He was the 1st democrat to have been elected from this area to the georgia senate, and also served as milledgeville is mayor. The bottom line is ratios on here and in america to present majority, the White Community are going to be in a minority here pretty soon. And they fear that the black and brown people are going to take the divisions here in milledgeville, broadly reflect those of the whole of the usa bringing together people who feel as differently as floyd, griffin, and, and shop owner. Larry used to do is a major challenge, but they need to Work Together on the many problems in the country and in the town. Stephen hall was or has some ideas. He is the director of the local library and helps organize the initiative on the table. It brings people together to discuss local issues in a constructive way. He approaches low drama and encourages everyone to get involved. I think the Biggest Issue for us is what is america . Weve had a lot of changes in the last couple years and a lot of the norms that weve had for better or for worse have gone away. And i think were looking at a future of what is our value . What are our ideas of how we should behave toward each other . And what is the common purpose that we have . I think weve lost a little track about, and id love to see that come together in the future. Or that americans have to start listening to one another and stop shouting over each other. In this we know that president elect joe biden. He has his work cut out for him. These divisions among americans run deep. How is biden, how is he going to try and bridge them . Well braintree already talked about the cabinet and its diversity. Then we have the 1st snow white female weiss, president of camelot harries. These are all very strong signals. We also will hear and already have heard today in this press conference of very different, more unifying language biden has made it clear in the every speech. Actually, he gave since election day that he sees himself as a healer, someone who wants to bring this country together. But its also true to say that this will be all rhetoric if hes not able to create new jobs and that might be difficult if he doesnt win the majority in the senate. And that will of course depend on the 2 runoff there in georgia in january. Before we go, well just ask you about the diversity in his new cabinet. How was it being received there . In the United States, the cabinet is supposed to look like america. Right. And thats what the liberals really applaud joe biden, for this diverse diversity, they feel also very good about all the experience which is broad bank into the white house. By, on the other hand, we have the trump supporters, and they say that the cabinet and all the people who will kind of work with joe biden very much have also been working for a president obama. And that this looks like a 2nd or actually a 3rd term of president obama, and there is a little bit of truth in that our Washington Bureau chief told the stewards tonight, thank you. The leaders of germanys 16 states have reportedly found Common Ground on the new coronavirus measures to be implemented in december and into the new year. And thats after chancellor Angela Merkel met with resistance last week in her bid to toughen some of the aspects of the countrys partial lockdown. The measures agreed to today include extending germanys current shutdown targeting hotels, restaurants and gyms tight restrictions on socializing will also remain in place, but exceptions are being made for some Holiday Christmas celebrations. The pressure is on for the German Government to ease restrictions for the most important time of the year. For many christmas celebrations. Right . No balance. John diamond marked square with usually be packed with people and show you the christmas market. Its been canceled. People will be allowed to gather at home for christmas, but in smaller groups still many accept the reality that this year is different. Theres going to be naturally some of the position. Its national, its going to happen, but it is what it is. You know its, theres no policy thats ever going to be 100 percent approach. I think people, i think, i mean, i dont understand why restriction would be nice for christmas. Perhaps one should stick to them. But i also see what happens with people when they are lonely and unhappy. So i cant say much about it, but i just talk about it because i also see how it is in hospitals. Thats where i work. Yes, its sad not to celebrate christmas as usual, but how else the measures taken are important and necessary and does always skype, so is c. The decision on christmas is expected to become found wednesday, following talks between state premiers and chancellor Angela Merkel. The overall situation remains critical. Soon as you have High Expectations as a elementary group, until now we have begun to see a short trend of lower figures in terms of inspections, which means the exponential growth could be stopped. But thats not enough. We need lower figures, especially for christmas and it inside christmas isnt the only separation thats on the line. Many say that the much loved tradition of new jersey fireworks needs to be reined in, but a nationwide ban on fireworks sales does not appear to be on the cards more than the skoda, our Political Correspondent. Let me ask you, it looks were looking at what is most likely going to be more restrictions up until about december 20th, and then those beginning after christmas. How is the government justifying christmas being the exception to these measures . Well, i think you can say theres a sense of a carrot and stick policy being pursued by the government. There appears that the government is telling the german people that they should maintain discipline, that they should accept these further restrictions, which i think most people do. Because in fact, the infection rates may have slowed down and germany in a sense the curve has been flattened. But at a very high level, the pressure is still on the hospitals and its really necessary to bring dawn, this level of infections. So further restrictions appear to be necessary and what the German Government is telling its people is that if they do stick to this until just a couple of days before christmas, they can look forward to a christmas that is more or less normal. They will be able to meet with their families that do not have to feel christmas isolation, christmas loneliness. There will be groups possibly of 10 people excluding children, which might be a lot. Thats the figure thats being discussed. So under these circumstances, i think the hope is that in the next weeks until christmas, these restrictions will be followed carefully. You know, we are used to the German Government presenting the nation with plans for 2 weeks at a time. Is there any sign of a one term strategy for the country . Well, the problem with that is to some extent, thats a really Long Term Strategy is not possible by law. Quite recently. The law was changed so that a maximum of 4 weeks is a lot for such measures allowed by parliament after 4 weeks that have that if there are to be renewed, they have to be reviewed by the authorities. And parliament has to be at least informed, possibly consulted. So the planning period really is 4 weeks, strictly speaking, on the other hand, we know and see that many of these measures are to be extended well into january, well over 4 weeks to go. In other words, there is some sort of balancing act going on, but at the same time, one has to say there is some hope that there will be a vaccine available in the not too distant future if that should come to be the case possibly already by christmas time, then i think the whole situation and ends up being a somewhat more relaxed or a Political Correspondent once bransons. Thank you. Youre watching the news from berlin coming up next were looking at the told the resist taking on Mental Health in our coben 19 special. Ill be back at the top of the hour with more world news followed by the day i hope to see the the fight against the corona virus pandemic has the rate of infection been developing. What does the latest research say . Information and contacts . The coronavirus update. 19 specials on t w. One continent 700000000, people with their own personal stories we explore every day life for europeans fear and what they hope for some cause or europe. W. Here in the stress of the coronavirus pandemic is taking its toll on all of us. Best the ever present fear that you or a loved one could catch the virus on top of the strain of having to work and learn from home with normal ways of relaxing and socializing on hold for. Now, scientists are starting to study the emotional impact the pandemic is having on people everywhere from the oldest to the youngest 1. 5. Walk on. 1 may see that children perhaps cant fully comprehend the unusual strain that this pandemic is placing upon them. Is not normal times for anyone and the impact is being felt strongly by those who would normally need the most help. The elderly are among the money in your 3 friends have met up to play cards in leipzig, germany. They are between 70 and one over 90 years old. They all still live in their own homes. They regularly to exercise classes together and meet up in a restaurant on sundays. So how do they feel about the contact restrictions . I dont want to take any risks. I prefer to follow the recommendations. I want take any risks and theres no television. Of course, this is stressful because he become really isolated and very alone. And you need a bit more as of at least i personally need a little bit more company. Just Nursing Homes have had restrictions for a long time. Visits are now limited to half an hour each day. One of this homes residence is lucy, a little. She is 99 years old has 4 children, and shes a grand and great grandmother. They mention the sil and we really go to sleep. Humans are meant to be social. You can have a good life when you have closeness, when you can hug things that arent possible now. And how think you have to think in the end. I dont care to shake hands with the children. Thats not what youre supposed to do. And thats the hardest part lutea, little man, has experienced a lot in her life as scape from war illnesses and great upheaval. So, you know, the lesson. All we can do is stay calm and accept whatever comes our way and the impact of winthrop. And the only thing we can influence that is by being considerate to each other. The impact of the coronavirus on the Mental Health of people of all ages is something thats being studied very closely. We can now speak to professor christoph corral from the sherry tate medical school here in berlin. Hes conducting a Major International survey called the collaborative outcomes study on health and functioning during infection times or co fit for short. And i think we need a short version of that. Thank you very much for joining us professor. I mean, whats the aim of your study . Yes. When a cool fit actually cooled, it hits the world as we were stunned by it myself. And marcos only did cool v. I. I. And we thought we need to do something to learn from it and feel fortified. So the idea is to state and be fit cool fits during the covert pandemic, and of the next trying to understand who are the people who are at highest risk of having poor outcomes from it. And one are coping strategies to actually do well during the pandemic, so that we could learn from and do from individuals for individuals, but also do Something Like that in space. Governance, thats politicians and society could learn from what kind of strategies to deal with pandemic health, both physical and Mental Wellbeing or actually make it worse. So what sort of thing youre asking people . So are asking many things. Thats a long survey. Thats a little bit of weakness about 30 minutes for a bit adults and other lessons and about 15 to 20 minutes for all children age 6 to 13, were asking them obviously where they live, how they live. But they know someone who is infected or theyve been infected themselves if theyre in karm team right now or not. But also, do they have a physical or Mental Illness already . And what is the help seeking behavior during the pandemic . They getting the medication. All they care they need and then we are asked symptoms, looking at not full validated scales, but we drew out single questions to b. S. Trans diagnostic as possible having as many mental domains and physical domains we want to cover. And we already saw that having drawn out just a couple of questions always. d on 0 to 10. 00, how much you feel, it is true knowledge that youre anxious, lonely, or stressed, angry, and how it was that the 2 weeks before the pandemic hit in order to see a change. And then we also ask about coping strategies. What works the best, and then we want to see people who do well, what kind of coping strategies they use versus those that dont so that we can actually recommend certain strategies to people who may not use them appropriately. Theyre already send theories on the impact that their pandemics been having on Mental Health, all the specific ideas that you are trying to either challenge all or prove with this. So i mean, were looking both at not modifiable risk factors, which are basically socceroo definitions and modifiable risk factors. So can we do something that we want to change . So for example, how much people go outside, how much they are in contact with other, is it just personal contact or what about also online contact that is already pretty good. But what about telemedicine . That supplements for in person visits and can still maintain well being. So when were testing a couple of also resilience factors, it doesnt resilience change over time, or is it something that youre born with into the endemic . What about altruism and altruistic behavior change . And they have by also improve outcomes. These are all, some of the questions were asking with in looking on the program and specifically the impacts for young people and older people. Are there specific groups that you are expecting to see the pandemic having a lot to impact on . Yes, all were looking at 1st of all, this is an anonymous for the general population, but were very interested in subgroups migrants, pregnant women, women in general, the young, the very old, the people who live alone from Plant Health Care workers. All of these will be examined, we count if 110000 people across the world, 147 countries, 6 continents to participate. We need more people to understand it better. But what weve learned already is that women seem to be the brunt. They have more stress and more angry, and they also feel somewhat more lonely than males. And particularly it seems those that have to do triple time skiing. There are home running the household, but they have to do home schooling and maybe also do a home office kind of work and it seems that they are much more affected all the more open and honest about it. Because also more women participated in the survey saw will be interesting to see which groups to turn out to be the greater effective professor christoph corral from the sheraton medical school and the co fit study. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for having me. And you can take part in the survey by visiting co fit dot com. They want people from all over the world and its available and lots of different languages. And you can help create a better understanding of the human impact of covered 19. Now is the part of the program where we put one of your questions submitted through how you chip channel to our science correspondent, derrick williams. I would like to know why the Pfizer Vaccine needs to be kept. So very cold, especially since it presumably has to be warmed up prior to administer a sion to answer this i 1st have to go over a few basics of cell biology. The vaccine developed by a biotech and pfizer is whats known as a messenger r. N. A. Or m r n a vaccine m r n a is a chain like a molecule that fulfills a very important function and cells that it contains codes to make proteins and it acts as a messenger between the cells control center and its protein building machinery as hence the name. But the protein, this particular m r n a vaccine that codes for isnt a human one. Its a protein thats made by the corona virus. And when the m. R. N a is injected, it causes your cells to begin making that viral protein, and that provokes an immune response, just as if you caught coke at 19, sending in the Pretty Simple quick to produce more of a code molecules to make these, these complicated proteins and getting the body to do all of the work of producing them, this business, elegant solution to, to a complex problem. But of course, it cant be all easy. Weve been trying to produce these kinds of vaccines for decades now. And one of the major hurdles has been keeping the m. R. I. In a stable long enough for it to accomplish its task. After all, messenger r. N. A. Isnt built to last in the cell thats supposed to break down again after its proteins have been produced, not hang around because that would cause all kinds of problems. So lots of the research in the field involves keeping this pretty fragile molecule stable. And one way to do that is to code it in a, in a specially designed molecular envelope and then, and then fine use it at all to a low temperatures. When he thought back out again, the more n a begins to degrade, but its not instantly. The best description ive heard of the process compere. These vaccines to get chocolate covered ice cream bars with, with the coding, hoping to retain the integrity of the ice cream to some extent, even as it slowly melts, finds are, and by on tax a that there vaccine. If refrigerated remains stable for up to 2, about 5 days after thawing and modernity, which, which makes the other m. R. And a vaccine can do that, thats making headlines at the moment. It says that its those says have a refrigerated shelf life of up to 30 days. As a comment on that you ship channel, so for must stay healthy packs in the Top Commander defeats have something to play single handedly 3. Getting mindsets step up. Firstly, the season on d. W. Belonging to one official estimates more than 1200000. Venezuelans live in colombia. Legally and illegally the wives are trying to pass away a to visit friends. I dont think id ever go back there to live. You know what i live there again. I dont know, so im not sure witness. Global news that matters. Made for mines. Beethoven is for me, beethoven is for you. Beethoven. As for help, beethoven is for her. Beethoven is for the beethoven is for us, is for beethoven 2020, the 250th anniversary here on d. You know, some people could have

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