Transcripts For DW Marokkos Amazonen 20240711

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Threatening an all out assault. If they dont, the military has warned civilians to leave the regional capital before the deadline. Fighting between the government and great forces began over 2 weeks ago. Human Rights Groups say better routes, police have arrested more than 300 demonstrators in the capital. Minsk, many of them were beaten. Thousands protested for the 16th straight sunday, calling on president alexander to step down. They accuse the president of rigging elections in august. This is g. W. News from berlin. Follow us on twitter and instagram, or visit our website, w dot com. This melting glacier may be thousands of kilometers away from you, but it could have a Significant Impact on your life. Rises insane levels, rising sea level rising sea levels, sea level is rising. Take mumbai, for example. This red area shows the parts of the city that could be underwater by 2050. And that applies to coastal cities all over the world. Sea levels could rise by several meters, but there are still ways to prevent the scenario. Indigenous fishermen in mumbai are trying to save the natural bastions talkie to protecting the city. Autism, fisherman coming, is keeping up the tradition of the mumbais 1st inhabitants. They have lived off the seas, bounty for generations to spot me covered by mongrel forest, which used to protect the citys inhabitants. Today, the bigger the issue of these mangroves is a threat to the coolies livelihood without them. Coastal erosion would both leading to cvo flooding. Come lock up about is, but about the future of the place. He calls home his gadgets steadily decreasing. A clear sign that the mangroves are not doing well. The edges of the mongrels get down indiscriminately. You see garbage everywhere. Even industrial plants release their chemicals here about getting oil on one side and polluted the water. So many fish have died and the ones that remain gone breed fast enough to bring oil of their situated between the ocean and the land mass. Mangroves reduce the intensity of crashing reaves by acting as a buffer. They also act as sponsors by soaking up excess water to prevent inland flooding and by releasing tiny droplets into the air to regulate the citys temperature. To prevent further digger dition, some fishermen have taken action. Mark are started a Grassroots Movement with neighborhood fisherman. They want to save and protect more than 1000. 00, hectares of lush mangrove cover. Surrounding his village pando in mumbais northeastern corner. We gave our action on our own. We stop any kind of engrossment. Thank the Community Organizations out and clean the incessant flow of solid based on a daily basis. They know that their livelihood is in jeopardy. Many fish species of a liberal, an abundance in the past have disappeared from these waters. Local fishermen keep constant vigil and allowed the organization if they notice illegal and coachmans or poaching. Often members of the Village Community are part of the problem. Give us the also organize of their mysteries ing initiatives in the local community to help families understand the importance of mangroves to realize many are not aware that pollution is destroying mumbais, mangroves about 40 percent have invited doubt over the last few decades. And thats not all say, and by mentalists in legal constructions which happen, people repair their houses, demolished wall structures, reconstruction, their braces, come in and bomb the mangroves. One of those being is that the government themselves are one of the biggest threats to mangle because they have set up the mongols dumping grounds in the greeks of inserted among grows inside, dense mangroves, and the leisured from there is going into the mangoes and, and degrading the system, if you refuse to be a please, or where you could come for fresh air. Now you can barely stand there because of the nature which is coming out of these. Dumping grounds into the creek. More than 100 cases of mangrove destruction were reported in mumbai in 2018, both on government and private land. The mangroves number and his Community Project are part of the ecosystem that occupies only 0 point one percent of the earths surface. And thats how scouse they are. The state of my russia, which mumbai is a part of, is the only state in india to have whats called a man groups dedicated to their conservation. The sale relies on participate re projects like the ngos, she read. I petition to save the citys mangrove. The contribution of fishing village mysie minuscule today. But its thanks to the initiator of our fishing communities like this one that the rest of the city may now stand a chance against rising sea levels in years to come. Water is not only a threat, it is also an essential element in our lives. For centuries, cities have been built close to water sources to ensure citizens have access to enough. But vast growth in urban areas. Ition is having an unforeseen effect on the foundations of the cities themselves. Where will you be when your city sinks . And what does that have to do with drinking . A glass of water. Jakarta, mexico city, calcutta, miami, hundreds of millions of people live in drowning 50, some of which could be wiped off the map in a lifetime. People are fighting harder than ever to stay afloat right there. How those people were making it in the last 25 years. All the thermal Energy Heating the oceans as up to as much as 3600000000, atom bombs. Thats melted ice raids, sea levels, and made it 3, weather, even more extreme storms and floods, but used it once a century can strike many coastal cities, everything. But climate change. Its only half the story. d d d in sprawling megacities from jakarta to lagos, the bigger problem is that the land itself, literally sinking in some of the land of fighting 10 times faster than sea level. The right on binding of Sea Level Rise, me was released on a few c. D. s. If we are looking for a will be where this is because were very directed rivers and built cities on soft soils. The ground isnt just solid. Theres also water and have been eat your feet. But people across the world have dug deep wells and pumped up the groundwater. Less water means less pressure pushing up on the land above it. So the soils get squashed and the cities think this is how much 4 major asian cities are falling by each year. It may not look like a lot, but it quickly adds up. Over the last century, bangkok has sunk by more than one metre, shanghai by more than 2 metres, delta by more than 3 meters and eastern tokyo by more than 4 meters. Parts of california have dropped by the height of a house. In the indonesian capital jakarta has at the west imagine a baby born today. By the time a child having a higher cost player in the city will be under water. Why is the car to think and think well indonesias groundwater problems are worse than most like the car in bangladesh. Jakartas river, the full of plastic and whites. Well, government can only produce 60 percent of the supply of whatever. Oh, we got banking. So 50 percent of people still relate undergird. What i add to that, the fact that carter sent some swampland is home to 13 rivers and is among the most densely populated cities in the world but isnt alert calcutta is also sinking. Even if its just a few millimeters each year, the cause massive extraction of groundwater in parts of the city. Almost a quarter of the water used by calcutta residents comes from the ground the way the larger groundwater act. I think, you know, i do it. I met excited to go and what but yeah, yeah, he get off that i thought he did it. We cannot stop. You know, i think what you, what the consequences are already visible in some parts of the city thats still tiny fishes. But scientists believe that if allowed to develop, the result could be devastating. The process is in full swing, just a few months ago. The ground gave way via during construction work on a metro cannot get covered day and its a day begin not being bad. They had said yesterday lever that was in going to be as big as the boss of the how much worse can it really get . Honestly, along the major study last year found that scientists have wildly underestimated the number of people exposed to flooding. Climate central find just estimate 3 times as many people at risk of coastal flooding than we thought many live on the same river deltas that are rapidly subsiding. Now, the study didnt account for coastal defensive, like sea walls, berms or levees. So its not like the city to do, but it shows theres less room for them to for all this catastrophe, particularly for citizens who cant afford to move of the water presses in some cities that drop meters last century have pretty much stopped sinking. Take care in shanghai restricted how much ground water citizens could extract and recharge Water Supplies that would run dry. That everything. Just one. In fact, we kind of monitor. But in cities like to carter residents dont have easy access to other sources of drinking water. The government would 1st have to spend years cleaning up rivets before it could pipe water across the country. Instead building a giant. But experts say this just delays the problem and isnt even the best way to spend the money. If we look at management, its only 10000000000. If we do this, that will give you a future. Its still very much in our Scientists Say we can limit Sea Level Rise to less than half the meat of this century by rapidly cutting our mission even half a meter for some cities could already be too much. Estimates put the Sea Level Rise around venice in italy at more than 20 centimeters higher than a century ago to that high tides. And you have shops and the cathedral in italys lagoon city facing a deluge more often. But before now, flood gates are being tested to protect the city. But many inhabitants remain skeptical. Monica amber seanie doesnt have an easy job. She has to persuade the public that venice is on the brink of salvation. She says spokeswoman for the huge most say flood protection project, its past 2 significant tests, but its taken more than a decade to complete. The people have lost faith after so many years. They cant see an end to it all. And november 29th, much of the city was flooded and damaged in october, the most a flood gates the tested. They prevented high waters from reaching the city. But the system is still in its test fades. Monica amber seanie took us to believe whether venetian lagoon connects with the adriatic sea. On jenny ended at the new key wall. The Security Guard told us we were not allowed to come any closer to safety reasons. Its still in the test phase after all. So we had to make do serving this mammoth construction from a distance. This project poses a real engineering challenge to begin with. The foundation payloads, 60 metres long, will lowered into the water and connected by an underwater lock system. Then 78. 00 movable chambers, each weighing over 300. 00 tons were placed above them on the seat. Just these enormous floating gates had to be positioned right alongside each other that there was a 5 millimeter margins. Maybe it was an extremely precise remote controlled underwater operation to complacently. You know what, it was even down to this area between the lagoon and the sea has been a construction site for the 17 years. There have been various interruptions and a series of corruption scandals leading to arrests. This is also why most say still has a poor reputation among many venetian those. Andrea bury me as one of the most vocal critics of the project, which he said is lax, transparency. Waste of public money like weve never seen before. He thinks that there are other ways of protecting the city together with a fellow campaign, a from his association. He showed us the damage caused by the storms and floods. Last november. Many walls were destroyed, but the jew deck island served as a bolt walk and prevented similar damage in other parts of the city that didnt own one to the how much of the most a funds could be of used for effective flood Protection Systems in the whole city because of climate change, there are going to be more and more storms and floods in the future, and theyll be more intense. And the relevant skeptics believe in the long run these mobile locks in the aging attic sea wont protect venice and jay every night as among them. Hes also angry that the most they money wasnt used to maintain the citys historic buildings. If the floods are a problem, but the ships and the cruises are worse too because theyre causing the foundations of the city to erode. So there are endangering the structures that the future dollar for knowing what it would make sense to during the canals on a regular basis and renovate the foundations. But this Maintenance Work hasnt been done for decades following the successful tests in october, monaco amber seanie is more optimistic about most say and that it will be able to go into full operation in the coming year. Then in her eyes, the 17 year construction period and all the stress surrounding it made all finally be worth it. What if we didnt need protection from rising water in the future . Because we lived on the water with islands and cities threatened with drowning architects are looking at how to rebuild them on the ocean surface. Some countries are already taking their 1st battle in the netherlands. For example, living on water in the city center. One day more than 100 people live on this side canal and Marcus Schmidt and his wife, yvonne trying south the 1st residents to the its a different way of life here. The water sparkles and reflects everywhere. And yes, you experience it much, much more. The house is one of 30 buildings that are part of the project and each building has its own design. But they all have one thing in common. They float on special concrete rafts fastened onto pillars. The Swimming Foundation needs to be able to carry several 100 tonnes precisely. Here at home is one of the project architects. Because you have to calculate every thing that you put on the boat, how heavy it will be. Because if you put in too much weight, it will be too low and the water starts to come. In 20 different architects were involved in the project. The houses were built on land and then boat to the dock by boat. Sustainable and eco Friendly Materials were used for the house is the facade of peda, reichs home, his native cork, you had discussions with a whole group, and we had help from different pfizers on materials. So we ended up with a listing, green orange list and a red list. Wreckless was a no go orange was ok if you really have to. Because of course, reasons or technical reasons, but prefer to use only materials from the greenest on the green list. And we like this very much or that was, are just living on water, has a long tradition in our house. Boats can be seen on almost every canal. One of the 1st floating districts was built a couple of years ago in the district of eyeball 50 houses on artificial islands. Now the trend is spreading to other european cities in london, for example, where british architects back and are planning Floating Homes in the royal docks. Copenhagen has responded to the lack of Affordable Student Housing with the socalled 12 floating houses designed by star architects. He doesnt shy away from even greater visions of Floating City for 10000, people in regions threatened by climate change. We think we in the future, we will need more housing on the water for several reasons because this the city is very but also because of sea level rising, for instance. So we will need this kind of projects, and we want to be a showcase in that sense for evolve and sarka markets schmidt. This vision has become a reality 115. 00 square metres, 2 floors, and a roof garden. Its almost like a house in the countryside. But theres one difference. Their entire home sways this. I havent felt sick yet, but i did have a day where i thought i need to set foot on solid ground. But its a small price to pay for their dream of living on water. Around 31000000, people were affected by floods across the world. Last year lives were lost, possessions in a single year. Flooding caused almost 70000000000 euros in economic losses for weavers in cattle, it meant losing their livelihoods. But with the dawn, they found hope for the future. This miniature dog has become a symbol of hope and resilience for the people of god who survived a devastating to lose that destroyed in 2018. And each one is made by hand from hand that were drenched beyond repair in the flood waters. When they look at the fabric, you just go to nature and cleaned it still had stains and so on. And i could see that it does a true reflection of those days because they had a way you going could see stains. I mean, they really had this of thought in august 2018, catastrophic flooding that cost more than 400 people, their lives and 5000000 their homes and livelihoods the wii version of the traditional honeymoon, capital of gender, among them suffered damages that were submitted to be around 150000000. 00 rupees. A close to 1700000. 00 euros but all the equipment was destroyed. They were broken to the point to be felt there was no way we could salvage them. I was the one who had i 1st and i saw the die a condition. I do remember thinking i weaving days are over we would have to start from scratch and that was unlikely to get a lot of the criticism hind limbs. They used around 500 doctors who for generations have been reading with a fine art. Of course, that is hardly found in india today. Soon after the floods based designer, Shalini James cotton touch with the veevers, supported by her network of designer friends. She dry cleaned some of the fabric and also managed to raise funds for the community. Who would say the water needed for the society was that most of their confidence gave the rebirth, you know, some light of hope that you know, there are people people theyve never seen or heard of before. Who are interested in keeping to the problem they face was that a large quantity of their fabric had been damaged beyond repair and had become. But this luxury menin is one of 2 designers who came up with the project to make dollars from the fabric that could be save the people not only by the door, but also making them different. But they did all that does actually made in 9 countries. Buy 8150000, what it is, the expression, the decoration, everything is different in its actually that makes it all the more, you know, Beautiful People are very keen to be part of it because they feel that if theyve make one ship with the dog, they also have put one fat brick in rebuilding. Ringback one of 500 societies that contribute to their daughter had lost fabric worth over 2000000 rupees or around 23000 euros in the floods. But the sale of dollars brought in almost 3400000. 00 rupees, or almost 39000. 00 euros for the viewers in just 4 months. Theyre now take pride in their new identity by the people who knew if i work as the weavers and join the mongol, im but now because of she could be more people are interested in finding out more about us and what we do a little bit. And then i didnt even prepare the School Climate change induced floods again next year. Perhaps the represent a dying testament to the state resilient thank you for joining us on eco india. If you have any thoughts, questions, please let us know at eco, india at blue dot com next week. Good bye and good shape. Sometimes brushing your teeth doesnt make a difference in the fall and patches and white spots on the t. V. It can even make the teeth cramp the way and does your child have this problem too . Its called talking to every 7th child worldwide is affected, and the dentist a puzzling. Why find out how to combat this condition in good shape. Next, d. W. Were all in this together. It was the slogan on social media back when the corona pandemic started around the world. It is since then become clear that the food or suffer, the rich economic inequality and the congress, the 2 reinforce each other 60 minutes on d. W. Stay up to date. Dont miss our highlights. Program online, d. W. Dot com, highlights of a metaphor, media organizations in a moving a little competition tension session. The global media forum. Digitization process is posing new challenges are to Media Companies and they offer new opportunities to distribute their content from Community Building to pay walls. How can media organizations optimize their revenue models in the digital age . Join our discussion. Welcome to you in good shape, coming up, high heels. Why do they do 2 feet, beards a cozy home for germs and bacteria. And chalk. Why some childrens teeth are soft course . Well, welcome to the brand new edition of in good shape. Theres a new disease bringing more and more children to the dentists world wide. Its called chalky, with brown creamy brown patches and white spots on the teeth. It can even make the teeth crumble away. Every child worldwide is affected, and the dentist a puzzling why . Victoria and patricio brushed their teeth after every meal. Then their mother makes them do it again. Despite good dental hygiene, the 8 year olds 1st permanent mullers were brown and cavity ridden. Their baby teeth were perfectly healthy, but the new ones looked like this was only 6 when it became painful for her to chew does. How does it hurt when i ate fleas . My teeth came out later and eating candy hurt me too. I guess i didnt like it when they were so brown and it taught me a both suffer from a condition called chalky teeth. Dentists refer to it as my age or molar, incisor, hypo mineralization. The surface of chunky teeth is rough and discolored. Their painful to touch, because the end there is only 110th, as thick as it is on a healthy teeth. The starter is today. Patricio ok, then you can lie down here. How are your teeth . Good to protect the poor, a. Send them along or teeth. Patricius mullers are sealed with silver caps to me because i can you drink hot and cold drinks without it hurting you . Yes, i scream. Yes. And you so much when i do this, that. Ok to yes. This is a case. Its actually a bigger problem than tooth decay. We have more children with m. I. Age than children with tooth decay. Their parents cant do anything about it, so its important that we let the parents know that because they often feel guilty and think their children havent brushed their teeth well enough, or that their kids diets are unhealthy. And my age affects adult teeth. They form in the jaw during the period between a childs birth and their 3rd birthday. Thats when calcium and phosphate build up on the teeth, which hardens their enamel, making them suitable for daily line. But m. I. A. Each disrupts this process. D. N. A. Hamel remains tender, and some teeth are already completely destroyed when they are wrapped tightly. Norm is a professor of pediatric dentistry. Whos researching the causes of chalky teeth all over the world. Hes bringing attention to the spread of m. I. A. Age. You could say its a problem in all industrialized countries. Europe is doing better, especially the scandinavian countries. Thats not so surprising since the condition was 1st identified in sweden, in 1907, before the researchers remain unsure about the exact causes of chalky. But they think it could involve the chemical by spino, a high doses of antibiotics, respiratory diseases, and vitamin d. Deficiency, chunky teeth may arise due to the interaction of these and other substances. We have contact with some of them on a daily basis. By skin all day isnt plastic containers and tin cans. It can be transferred to food and then enter our bodies. Chalky teeth remain porous and are especially susceptible to tooth decay. The only thing that can be done is to clean them very carefully. That includes brushing with childrens toothpaste with fluoride and using florida salt in the kitchen. Children 6 and up should use a mouthwash or a jelly with a high floor and contents. Im glad to see that things are in good shape. Again in 3 months and keep on brushing your teeth so well at home. With good dental care, even chalky teeth can last a lifetime. So what can you do if your kids have chalky teeth . All tips here on in good shape. And i send medical peter out to a doctor who knows everything about kids who is with me. This is my camera. These are all my corporate groups, and this is dr. Alex our global l. O. L. Lets talk about robbie keith. Is there any new was about what of course this was our father was not a big main effect or risk that course of that. But there are many different risk factors. For example, something that a curious perry not to post that. So, for example, if you have like an oxygen deficiency during the birth, or if you have dioxin in breast milk, or when the kids have Infectious Diseases. Until the age of 3 years on to take it antibiotics. They have also a queue up to get chocolate tea, or if you have to mean the fish. And while the dentist can help to get a read off the hypersensitivity. So he can give the kids like some fluoride or cards and phosphate or other men or rugs their tops to use the sensitivity put on these tea. And if their teeth like getting broken, we can put like a, filling on it, like crawling on at a different risk torture from a t. V. Ads to keep the truth and also maybe cover it, but you should be virtuous is also hyper sensitivity. Another important topic is scary. Whats the difference between a talkative and to stick a while . Shocking t. V. That usually only occurs to us in specific t. V. Like to motorists and from scissors. Thats why its also a card holder can size up. But only sation because less hyper, but i like size. That means like the animal has just a bed structure because of different risk factors. And the carriers are curious because of an Infectious Disease. So the, we need the truth and we need some specific micro on this one. And we need also substances like carbohydrates and sugars. And you also need time. And when this all that comes together that there was a team with our isolation process on the truth. And that causes a cavity that carries who wired, who are especially true to who has a lot of carries. While its often the reason that kids dont like to brush their teeth or let them get crushed from their parents. And so its like a deficiency of the mouth. And all the primary teeth they are standing in the mold are area quite tight together or so at their school where we often happening and into a dental covered t. I can show you on the water. So if this, then they really types and you dont take floss. Cleaning in between, they can grow cavity on the side through going to be protected against it. Well, 1st of all, they show it to brush their teeth at least twice a day, and the parents would also help them. And they should use a toothpaste for fluoride, for their remit on his face and off the teeth. And they parents would take care of the fault of the kids that its not included. So many showers. And then the kids should also come to a record every check up to the dentist, especially if its recommended that the kids come when the 1st tooth is already there. So that means in the age of 6 or 8 months, what is too important . I would say baby teeth through forward and so or down through hard, you know, its not so important until you get your butt or 2 teeth. Cleaning baby teeth. Its important for dental help and also for for new tick and acidic reasons. And the baby teeth have all of all a very important space, hold or function. So that means price of assault on the smaller the baby teeth, they are the program emptied. And when the baby tooth gets sick or an infection carried us, this can have a pet influence on the problem and teeth under it. And also when we have to extract one of those to keep quite early, we have to make sure that the gap is stay open because if not then to new truth cannot hop into this gap. And then there was not enough room for the new t. V. When steve, thank you for this interesting talk. And before you to stick a has been around for ages. Skull findings have shown that even our stone age and sisters have cavities. But not that frequently. Like today, with around 2 and a half 1000000000 people affected worldwide. Tooth decay is the most frequent Infectious Disease worldwide. And whats to blame, sugar. So how can you prevent it . Seeds regularly and stay away from sure. Good foods and soft drinks and see a dentist because he can help you with the sealant. When send her back upon down her son paul are irish and a bears. They rarely have sweet snacks. And pole knows exactly why. Conquer your cavity. Ive never had them but cavity their teeth. Decay its like drilling holes in your teeth and you can eat sweets, but not too many. And you always have to brush your teeth properly. And in the key chain of fordson, paul already have several adult. The surfaces of his new molar is in the rear. How fine it deep grooves to pull them fissures. Theyre hard to clean. You cant always clean these issues properly because you dont know exactly how deep they are. Even if you brush them thoroughly or for a long time. The bacteria can build in the fissures causing tooth decay. Children often get cavities in their molar which appeared between the ages of 6. 12. 1 way to guard against this is to have their teeth sealed his upper left molar. Today the other teeth havent come in far enough. That will take another 3 or 4 months. The dentist fills the fissures with a synthetic feelins to prevent tooth decay. The procedure takes about 10 to 15 minutes and is painless. Dentists recommended for children who have a heightened risk of cover the children have already had cavities in their baby. Makes sense to seal their adult teeth. The bacteria living in the mouth can also attack other teeth. Hasnt had any cavities in this baby teeth, but with him, the adult teeth that are now erupting, have very, very deep fissures. And thats why its a very good idea to apply sealant as a preventative measure. For dental sealants have proven effective against tooth decay. A plastic feel about 5 to 10 years. Its no substitute for good dental hygiene. It doesnt provide complete protection against cavities because other teeth can also become affected, but its certainly provides additional protection. Its also important for the sealant to be examined regularly because if there are signs of sealant loss to be reapplied, otherwise, cavities can develop very quickly underneath the sealant. If the sealant becomes detached over the years, the risk of too thick a you may increase. First the surface of pauls tooth is cleaned and then comes the dried thats important for the feel and density and longevity gel is applied to roughen up the surface of the anomaly. Next, the liquid sealant is applied to the fisheries. That hardness when exposed to ultraviolet light. Allergies to the sealant are very rare. The last step is to apply floor age. Hell come back in for months to have the other teeth sealed. So how does paul now . Im totally fine. Paul most ways, one hour before eating again. But still dental hygiene is important as ever. That means dont eat too many sweets and drink water instead of soda, pop all proper brushing and flossing, as well as regular dental checkups. This way pulls teeth, should stay healthy in the future. The world is fighting the novel coronavirus. So i say, please stay safe. And patrick says, please shave and the man knows what hes talking about because hes the head of the French Association of emergency doctors. And he says that the beard can be a health risk. The protective effect, so face masks, and the beard or moustache as self, can be the host of a lot of germs. But is this really true . Beards come and go according to fashion, in some places. In other traditions plays a role in building on gyno from nuremberg has had one for 5 years

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