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Says its forces are closing in on the capital of the rebellious teen grier region in a conflict that has cost hundreds of lives and forced thousands more to flee. Im told me all of it will. Thank you for joining me. U. S. Drug giant pfizer and its german partner biotech have applied for emergency authorization for their Coronavirus Vaccine in the united states. The vaccine has performed well in initial safety trials. And based on that, the u. S. Food and Drug Administration could grant permission before testing is complete. If it does, the 1st dozers could mean administered next month for many people. The Severe Health and Economic Impact of the pandemic mean a vaccine could couldnt come soon enough. A small pub with a big history. 60 years of the albatross pub in california, once hosted intellectuals of the Free Speech Movement in the sixtys. Today, its shutting down for good jude to the coronavirus pandemic where people, everybody hang out. Public spaces is a community space. Its, a familiar story, not just in the u. S. , but all across the world. The lives of many have been up ended by the pandemic. But on friday, some good news. German drug developer biotech and its american partner, pfizer announced that they will be asking the u. S. Food and Drug Administration for emergency approval of a covert 19 vaccine. It comes after the Companies Posted promising results from advanced trial. It showed a 94 percent success rate in adults over 65. 00. And the far 89 months. After the start of this project, we have a readiness to bite you for sure and get approved. 4 boxes will be safe because it definitely is something that will redefine it will start the clock on a process that could save the vaccine approved for use in the u. S. By mid december. Once approved, distribution will become the focus and theres a mixed response from americans as to whether or not they will get the shot. Of course. Yeah, probably soon as possible. And not really just, i dont even get a flu shot myself just because im out means system that been really good. How a yes or no. And not personally feel like i feel like its there by his own choice. You know, because not everybody agrees with vaccines, but experts dont want people getting too excited. Stressing that the manufacture and distribution of the vaccine is a complex task and will take some time. I mean, even if we look about the, you know, 6070 percent population in the words of human eyes to see the real impact of the vaccine. We are talking about 11000000000. 00. And i dont think that one of the x. Men can be produced at this here for 40 ministration around the globe by on tech. And pfizer had also started applications in the u. K. And in europe for use of their vaccine. Italy was the 1st western country to be hit by the corona virus. Now its struggling to deal with a 2nd wave of infections on friday, off origins that registered more than 37000. 00, new cases. And almost 700 deaths traveled to the Southern City of naples, where hospitals are overwhelmed. Only a few days ago, you have to lost her father to cope with 19. She says it is still too hard for her to look at this photo. And its not only her whos mourning, but the whole sunday to a neighborhood in naples, francesco, to a total, was well known here, a political activist who left his mark over senator. Just as many here will remember him as a fighter for Better Health care. This fight became the symbol of his death. My father died because of mismanagement of the health care system. One kilometer behind his house, the hospital was partly closed. So he fought for it to be operative again. If its still been open, hed still be here. This week, when he got sick francesca who had to had to wait for more than 2 weeks to be picked up by ambulance. When he got to naples to rally hospital, it was already too late. At about the same time this video filmed in the code 900 word of this exact hospital cost consternation and in italy. The recent campaign and its capital, naples were mostly spared from the 1st wave of the coronavirus pandemic in spring, only to be hit even harder by the 2nd wave. This doctor works in another hospital in the region, out of fear for his job. He doesnt want to show his face, he says that many untrained doctors and nurses have to fill in that or we cant assist all people in the probable way. Even if we try. Were also worried about being infected. Our main issue is the lack of hospital beds and personnel this doctor simona says, another problem. Italy has cut down healthcare spending over the last decades. There not enough Family Doctors, hospitals have been privatized every imagine, see room and companions historically overwhelmed by too much work. And Family Doctors are too busy to take care of covidien, 1000 patients. Its the least self, and naples in particular are economically far worse off the richer north of the country. Mario cope better supports the left wing majority in naples city council. It needs that local and regional authorities could have maybe avoided the crisis if they communicated better robot demands. And we are probably, if we do united our voices. When we requested more doctors, we would have gotten more and appear more trustworthy. It pat says, come pena, i was put under lockdown far too late when her father got sick in mid october life here in sunny towers, this base and yes, always, shes sure her dad will be missed here. Was there one of them why they were called up . Its also what i would do. One of the reasons why everybody loved him as a politician is because they actually saw him doing things. Sometimes he himself fixed the halls in the street with cement. We still have bags of cement and tar at her hand. We dont know what to do it at a party and now wants to take her fathers place to cards, but she doesnt want to blame single person. Its the system itself. She wants to be hold accountable. The g. 20 summit of 20 rich nations and major imagined powers gets underway in saudi arabia this morning. The host country has repeatedly faced International Criticism over Human Rights Concerns ahead of the event, members of the European Parliament commission president. The lion and the president of the European Council shall michel to boycott it and outspoken critic of saudi arabias government murder action, a saudi consulate. Blogger arrived at dar, we publicly flogged and sentenced to 10 years in prison. Paul, educate the insulting islam activist lucchino loud troll, detained for seeking the right to drive. Those are just 3 examples of Human Rights Violations in saudi arabia. The country hosting this years to 20 summit since assuming the g 20 presidency, the government of saudi arabia has been hard at work trying to rebrand its image. So theres a large Public Relations Campaign Underway in order to encourage investment in the country. And yet behind these initiatives and reform, the reality on the ground is that there is a brutal crackdown being led by the its against its own nationals. Thats the reason why european lawmakers are taking a stand. You cannot remain silent. Last month they passed a resolution calling on the u. Officials to downgrade their presence a patient in the summit, even though its only a Virtual Event mark to rebel is spearheading, they can pain. We are asked for dont gridding. Why . Because an empty seat is not there. It would be better to send a delegation who is able to deliver a message, a strong rest of the lawmakers also sent a personal letter to European Commission present and also love funded lie and European Council president ial michel. We asked the commission for day response, and were told this summit was too important not to attend. Weve been raising our concerns and we discussed further how to improve the human rights situation, the protection of human rights in the kingdom. And we will continue to play off most of tension with this question. If you Officials Say its important to maintain dialogue and keep Communication Channels open, but human Rights Groups argue, the leaders must use this summit as an opportunity to ramp up the pressure on riyadh and hold the country to account for human rights abuses. They demanded that at least all the womens rights activists currently in jail should be released as soon as possible. After all, one of the themes of the g. 20 is womens empowerment. Lets now take a look at some other stories making news around the world through police have used tear gas and water cannon to repel antigovernment protesters on the streets of the chilean capital santiago. Demonstrators were marking the anniversary of a protest movement that began last year, demanding greater equality in chile, through reforms to the Pension Health care and education systems. The United Nations has warned that yemen is in imminent danger of facing the worst fan in the world has seen for decades, and that millions of lives could be lost without immediate action. Yemen has endured a 5 year war between iran back to the rebels and its saudi backed government. Police in south africa have clashed with anti racism protesters in cape town. Hundreds of members of the left wing Economic Freedom Fighters Group were demonstrating near the school said to have held an all White Dance Party in october. South africas president has called for an investigation into the clashes, calling them deeply regrettable to the conflict in ethiopia. Now where the federal government says it will soon have done the Northern State under control and said it captured 2 more cities in the region on friday and was closing in on the capital. It comes at a cost of hundreds of lives with thousands of civilians fleeing the fighting aid agencies are alarmed and are calling for a temporary ceasefire to deliver aid. These people fled the fighting in northern ethiopia by crossing the border into sudan. Most escaped with just what they could carry on their own. We managed to escape the bombs, but some people were hit. We were covered in dust. We made it out. We had no food. We were hungry. People welcomed us here. We had no clothes, and the people who saw us gave us this sudden influx of ethiopian refugees is beginning to overwhelm and groups. The United Nations Refugee Agency says around 32000, people have crossed into sudan in the last 2 weeks. Its now preparing to take in as many as 200000 people over the next 6 months or so are serious concern. Is there, if we do not act quickly with the resources needed you know, so that already facing dramatic economic crisis challenges. This not only if youre, but also on friday, u. N. Secretary general antonio. Good ted echoed that statement. He said the situation was very concerning and called for a cease fire. We have been asking for the full respect of International Method in law and also for the opening of humanitarian corridor and the tools that might be necessary for humanitarian aid to be delivered in the areas of conflict. But the carnage in the tikrit region continues on friday that he cried. Peoples liberation front accused the government of shelling a university in the region, injuring several students. There was no Immediate Response from the government openly admits that drones are being deployed in the conflict. But it says, all of its airstrikes her aimed at military targets. Its accuses the rebels of firing rockets into a neighboring ethiopian state on friday. And as you know, to me a 1000000. So far, the government has rejected any calls for external mediation, saying the conflict is an internal one about law and order. But that internal conflict could now be running the risk of destabilizing the entire region. And thats it for now theres more i d, w dot com. Im talking a lot of thanks for joining us. Ws crime fighters are back africas most successful radio drama series continues. All of us odes are available online. Course you can share and discuss on w africas Facebook Page and other social media platforms. To mean now the fight against the corona virus pandemic has the rate of infection developing

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