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Close your eyes, try to smell and you will feel at home. And there is always like a very nice traipse. We go through all clothing, thighs and thinking about our memories. Our heritage studied dance in damascus and is a successful childrens book. Venture stories are filled with a love of life and freedom, but she did not feel free under the totalitarian regime and joined protests in 2011 when the arab spring star give me a hope. I feel that time to change the situation in live with a very long time fought for democratic change. But the protests were brutally put down. She was arrested several times and finally fled the country. The hard this because they didnt want the hope for a new syria. She had to leave friends and fellow regime opponents behind many. She has not heard from since where they arrested. Kidnapped. Are they still alive . Her artwork depicts a lot of the chairs. Maybe because they were there when they are not. She arrived in germany in 2015. I was one of over 1000000, people seeking refuge. She tries to help other refugees find per place. I always find myself somewhere in between. Parts trained to bring them together. She is writing checks for a handbook for refugees providing practical tips on what to do, want to rival and about integration and counters. The fears of immigrants with a column in a german daily newspaper. She writes about differences and similarities between germany and syria. Theres still a lot of work to be done to break down prejudices and bring together cultures, which she says are not so far apart. Old and new homes, damascus and berlin have much in common. Its very similar from different perspectives because its very life, very open and accept everyone from everywhere doesnt matter. Where are you from . What youre doing has found her place as a mediator between people and cultures. And you can see more from other exiles who are now here in berlin on a very special arts, 21 program, this weekend. Good news now from brazil, with the reopening of one of the largest collections of contemporary art in south america. The museum started life as a bhutan, a garden founded in 2004 by who started buying up land adjoining his farmhouse. As developers began to destroy the landscape around him, it has been called the best Outdoor Museum in the world, and it is an artistic away sis in the middle of the rain forest. Feeling the sun and a Close Encounter with nature in a space designed by an artist to show off that goes down to a depth of 200 meters. The sound of the rocks shifting below amplified through loudspeakers. Nature as the object of art and as an all encompassing power which we cannot escape. This relationship is central to the experience of the museum. The biggest of its kind anywhere in the world stretched over 300000 square meters. Modern art park landscapes and rain forest functions like that crane the membrane as you go from artwork to artwork. We dont have these massacres that you sometimes encounter in galleries or traditional museums, where you see one artwork after another. And you just cant digest it all garden, infinite reflected images of the viewer, driven through the landscape by the wind. After months of lockdown, the museum has finally reopened and offers a sense of freedom. Here has relaxed us a bit and lifted the weight thats been upon us. Its like an escape from the chaos of the pandemic out here. You have the feeling that everything is ok that the baby, the destruction of nature is here, confined to a glass dome. This wax mold of a not rooted tree has weapons penetrating it. Progress and destruction go hand in hand in the brazilian rain forest to catch. I think that is an opportunity to reflect and mediate in this conflict cultural institutions and museums work very hard on this. They sensitized people there as they have also built a kind of temple for the guardians of the forest. Within there is a Photo Exhibition with pictures of the indigenous people, the yanomami numbers, instead of names, photos from an Immunization Campaign to protect the locals from deadly disease. Brought by intruders who built a highway through the land, images of vulnerability, which serve as a warning. The yanomami fight for survival is not over. That place just looks fabulous. Thats going on my to do list. Another exhibition that is opening in spite of the pandemic is insane. Petersburg in russia and it features the designs of what vogue magazine has called the worlds greatest living. British maker Philip Treacy also make it to the royals intricate designs like this ship. Actually a castle here actually looks like a harry potter costal doesnt. These really are works of art and tree. See himself said the prince prix preview. We all need a bit of entertainment at the moment. In these trying times. Only about 2 dozen people are allowed to call themselves designers. The absolute high end of fashion is awarded by the French Federation of fashion, which also decides who may participate as a gas designer. At the paris shows this year, selftaught cameroonian design was invited. We visited him after he had had his 2nd show, which he could only present digitally. This is the man and he sees a new collection. Hes the 1st designer from cameroon, to showcase his creations at paris. Even if this time due to corona, its really unfair to me, paris is like a museum. Theres always something new to discover. Fashion is everywhere. Culture is also very present. Many people from all over the world come together. Here it is a very International City and a very important fashion by you see jaws inspiration from both africa and europe. He sees himself as a kind of ambassador for africa in the lux fashion world. I dont try to make clothes like do your lawn than i could. And i dont have the means to do that. Dont he was from a different world. And thats what id like to bring across using my designs to tell my story of africa. You see the train by himself, an exception in paris, fashion scene, the son of a professional boxer and a model. He grew up in cameroon, and was interested in his mothers exclusive dresses from an early age that my mom was a pretty car kaddish. She was very beautiful and liked to wear nice dresses as a child. And i was allowed to close the zipper that was it all made an impression on me. And i started to sketch from an early age. I wasnt hard. It just sort of developed. I drew figures in the sand with a stick, then i designed clothes for them. Thats how it all began. When he became a dont surf and performed in a Traditional Group with his siblings. He started modeling 1st in cameroon, and later for well known brands in france, benchley, he founded his own fashion label his 1st couture show in january 2020, caused the International Fashion scene was delighted by his mix of traditional craftsmanship and modern design. Black designers are still an exception of the big shows, even if there has been some progress. Fashion houses like louis, for example, designed its virtual supermodel. Naomi campbell says its not enough recently called for more black models and designers. Shes beautiful. Shes had a great career. Shes our voice, but sometimes you dont think of raising that voice when youre at the top and in the spotlight credit while its a shame she did not do it earlier. Now a man, now you see hopes that his fashion is not only a mind, but also just more stories from the world of arts and culture on our website at d. W. Dot com slash culture. And do check out the w books on our you tube channel. And also d. W. Classical music. Thats all for now though, thanks for watching me to the point of strong opinions, clear positions, International Perspectives researchers are reporting live because breakthroughs in efforts to develop a vaccine against covert 19. Could this be the beginning of the end for the coronavirus nightmare, and who will profit 1st find out on to the point shortly . To the point, i am certain focus on t. W. With under the sea or just above it will be part of future living spaces. Rising sea levels are threatening coastal areas and swimming cities touted as the solution. Whats its like Science Fiction has long been reality. Waterworld in 75 minutes on t. W. Give us your country. The will make you rich people oil will provide you with joy. The coalition will take good care of us intends to be a big oil saver, too cold on the west coast of going down in 2007 and investors made big promises like years later, reality looks very different litters. The choose good Drinking Water shortage, highest unemployment. That is the way, i mean it was just david and not a trace of oil money to be what happened to run a stream of black gold oil. Thomas starts december 4th. This is d w. News. And these are our top stories. E. U. Leaders have failed to end to diplomatic route that is stalling its long term budget and the release of a message and see coronavirus stimulus funding. The deadlock involves someone point i truly in heroes, poland and hungary object to a mechanism about would allow the you to deny funds to countries that file a democratic norms. Something both nations have been accused

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