Transcripts For DW Der Tag 20240711

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Advisor morning that the covert infection rate here is still too high, as the daily number of new cases remains above 20000. And thats despite the early 3 weeks of a partial lockdown. Im, off, its good to have you with us u. S. , secretary of state mike pump a, who was in the middle east on a trip thats seen significant breaks with established u. S. Foreign policy. For starters, he became the 1st us secretary of state to visit a jewish settlement in the occupied west bank and occupation, still not recognized by much of the international community. Then in the afternoon, he stopped in the israeli held go on high say disputed area that israel annexed from syria back in 1967, syria has condemned the visit, calling it a provocative act. Its a 1st for israeli american relations. And a parting gift from americas outgoing top diplomat, mike pump a was a visit to the golan heights, makes him the 1st u. S. Secretary of state to visit the disputed territory. Since israel sees the region in 1967, the United Nations may have rejected the annexation. But for pump a 0 and the Trump Administration, this is israeli land. You keep, you cant stand here and stare out at whats across the border and deny the central thing the president trip recognize that previous president s had refused to do. This is a part of israel, a central part of israel, in another, unprecedented move pump a 0. Made a stop to an israeli settlement in the west bank angering some palestinians who see legitimizes what they view as illegal israeli settlements. The secretary of state had no scheduled meetings with palestinian leaders. Some have called the trip a victory lap of sorts, a chance for the trumpet, ministration to highlight what it sees as its diplomatic success in the region. Including taking steps to legitimize israeli settlements. There for a long time, the state Department Took the wrong view of settlements. It took a view that didnt recognize the history of the special place. And instead, now today the United States department of state stand strongly for the recognition that a settlement can be done in a way that are lawful and appropriate and proper a stance that puts the us at odds with Many International bodies. And that could prove to be a stumbling block for incoming president elect joe biden. Or lets bring in our correspondent in time to kremer. Shes on the story for us tonight in jerusalem. Good evening to you, tanya. So talk to me about how controversial this trip to the go on hikes was. Well, absolutely, it was labeled as a fab to a for the outgoing secretary of state mike pale. Very controversial, one with a lot of stuff over is a lot of firsts. As we also heard and the reports, he went early a this afternoon to the golan heights, and that is an arena where the Trump Administration, Trump Administration reversed a longstanding u. S. Foreign policy by recognizing israel serenity over the occupied golan heights. And that was not the only stopover earlier on. He went, as you saw in the report, to the settlement sagar, to visit the binary, which had released even a wind last name with named after pump a 0. And there he made another surprising announcement off a new u. S. Policy that allows basically products from settlement in the occupied west bank to be lay those made in israel. And that again is a very controversial move. And its also in line that Trump Administration last year said theyre no longer seeing settlements as illegal the per se. Now of course for palestinians, this was a very provocative visit, but they also have the sense, you know, this is the end of the Trump Administration, which even leaves to question what impact this all has announcing. Also, this new u. S. Policy and budget will set a president and his prayer into lines. What is permissible in international law, or we knew so much of this policy has been built on the close relationship that israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has with u. S. President donald trump. So what is the feeling there about president elect joe biden . Well, i think you have to see it from a different level as the president elect joe biden is very of own known in he has described himself as a friend of israel. He has said that he has known nearly every Prime Minister since the early ninetys seventys, and hes also knows the current Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu very well. But it wont be the same kind of relationship that be seen over the past 4 years between Benyamin Netanyahu and u. S. President , donald trump. And the main concern i think in israel is now how will this foreign, the, how does a Foreign Policy look like of the incoming biden up ministration . What will they reverse . What will they have review . The main concern is if theyre looking here at the iran nuclear deal, the Trump Administration withdrew from it in 2018, but also pertaining to issues of the Israeli Palestinian conflict. A Trump Administration, recognize jerusalem as the cops of israel moving the embassy. They cut funds to the palestinians, so this is what the israelis will be looking at, especially also the right wing here. And also how important actually, the region will be for the incoming biden ministration. Have to deal with for years. Thank you our, lets take a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. A report finds that members of australias special forces unlawfully killed 39. 00 afghan civilians and prisoners. The internal investigation into military misconduct. Heard evidence of summary executions in afghanistan during initiation rituals. The chief of the Australian Defense force has apologised. The case is being referred to a war crimes prosecutor. In uganda, at least 16 people have been killed and 350, arrested in 2 days of operations by Security Forces authorities are trying to end the riots sparked by the arrest of president ial candidate bobby wine. The pop star turned lawmaker is seen as the leading challenger to president yoweri museveni. In januarys election, Donald Trumps attorney Rudy Giuliani has described, recounts of Election Results as useless claiming the us Voting System has been compromised by widespread fraud. The state of georgia is finalizing its recount, which is likely to uphold democrat, president elect joe biden as the winner of the previously republican stronghold state. Well, they look like flowers, but theyre actually little white flags, each of which represents a u. S. Citizen who died of coke at 19. The u. S. Death toll has now topped a quarter of a 1000000 the highest in the world. The installation designed by the visual artist, Suzanne Brennan system bear is in a park in washington d. C. , and is dedicated to people who died in the pandemic. Many state governors and mayors are preparing to impose stricter measures before next weeks thanksgiving holiday. But with infections soaring to new highs, theres a little relief for hard pressed health workers. And not the day on the front line. Doctors and nurses doing all they can to help the growing number of covert 1000 patients. But the death toll keeps rising. 250000 americans lost to the pandemic. That exceeds predictions by the countrys top. And experts say hundreds of thousands more could die in the coming months. Health care workers are pleading with people to take the virus seriously. Were understaffed. We have someone on our plates as nurses, theres not enough. We have to have been one of those. This is just a place for people to go and pass away. Unfortunately, where man and i hope i dont see you. As the pandemic keeps sweeping, the u. S. The midwest has become the latest hot spot. The dakotas and neighboring states have some of the highest per capita death tolls. But every state in the contiguous us is seeing rising numbers. Some are blaming the lack of a national strategy. Cities and states have their own response plans in new york citys schools closed again on wednesday, just 8 weeks after reopening, california is considering a curfew. Other places have introduced mass mandates. President elect joe biden has called for a strong federal response, and he has warned even more people could die if President Trump continues to refuse to share crucial information with the incoming administration. On wednesday biden held a Virtual Meeting with frontline workers who told him about chronic shortages. They still suffer under the care. I myself have held their hand the guy patients were crying out for their family that they cant see. You know, we nurses, we know that we are seeing immense death and suffering in the coming weeks and we will be there. But we need to act now. Im sorry im so emotional is in many places the mold, filling up again in texas prison is helping move the deceased to refrigerated trucks. A quarter of a 1000000 dead is a bleak milestone. And even with hopes of a vaccine on the horizon, the disarray and hurt is far from over. You know, the numbers here in germany, not any better than germanys Disease Control is due to morning that the National Rate of corona virus infections remains too high. More than 22000, new cases have been recorded in just one day, but there are signs that the latest restrictions are beginning to work. His numbers start to plateau, but the head of the robert cork is to treat says the situation is still very serious incident because the overall case numbers are much too high. The number of severe cases and the number of patients in intensive care are also on the rise. Its a number of deaths is also still very high. As we know, this is set lank in severe cases and dams. And as infection numbers in germany, increase hospitals are having to handle more and more critically ill coded 19 patients. The bone does talk. Germanys parliament zuzana has been working here for 18 years. But she has another job to move. When the corona pandemic hit germany, she volunteered to work part time as an intensive care nurse in berlin hospital just finished a 9 hour shift taking care of covert patients. Now shes come back into the office to finish off some work for her full time job commitment. I cant stay at home with, a clear conscience if my colleagues are slaving away in the i. C. U. , i have the training and can help. So i help. Theres no question about it. And german hospitals are in dire need of help. Intensive care units are stretched thin. Chief of the show, one of europes Largest Research hospitals. She has put her finger on the problem. Germanys Health Care System is facing we have enough ventilators, enough beds, enough masks, and gowns and gloves. But were worried that all the beds cant be used because we dont have enough personnel to deal with this. The shocking t. Have launched a campaign to rehire former Health Care Workers like zuzana, if you got she trained to be a nurse over 25 years ago, but decided to move into a different profession. In this all hands on deck situation. Its people like her that are needed now in the i. C. U. Use are running at full capacity. If one person is taking care of 3 or 4 covert patients, thats rough. You have very little time. After work, i leave the hospital with a sad feeling because i couldnt give the patients the attention that they deserve. And despite rising corona numbers, germanys Health Care System has not crashed yet. But hospitals were already understaffed, and the workload was too high before the pandemic. Despite all the problems, zinah has rediscovered her passion for nursing care. She couldnt even imagine quitting her job in the stock. But for that she says, hospital working conditions would need to improve. Youre watching news, ill be back at the top of the hour with more news followed by the day. The fate of the corona virus pandemic has the rate of infection been developing. What does the latest research say . Information and context . The coronavirus update coming next on d w. How does a virus spread . Why do we panic . And when well, just through the weekly radio show is called spectrum. If you would like any information on the prong of virus or any other science topic, you should really check out our podcast so you can get it wherever you get your podcast. You can also find us at science out of all the coronavirus cases in the world, one out of every 5 years in the United States. Despite hard lessons in the spring and restrictions over the summer infections, a still rising, new York City Schools are closing today and students will be learning from home. We have to do more to fight back this 2nd wave. So the state has made very clear additional restrictions are coming or putting more stringent measures in place, so we can get schools back up and running soon that we can protect new yorkers across the board. So why is the u. S. An economic powerhouse struggling more than any other country in the world . Total cases in the u. S. Have passed a law live in 1000000 of the 250000 have died, and a growing number of americans are uninsured. Is it the fault of outgoing president , donald trump, and can incoming President Joe Biden clean up the mess . A correspondent covering the chinmoy reports. At basle is on the border with mexico, but no one is talking about the wall anymore. The pen demick is raging here. Members are sorie right now. We have about 241 in peace and cope with 19 cases. Now that contrasts with about 45 days ago. We only had 30. But a lot of those people that you see going into these tents behind me. They will wind up inside our hospital, have authorities are already arranging to move patients to other cities. If the hospitals become overwhelmed, planning for months of strain, there is already a backlog in dealing with the dead. Referee generated more outside, the hospitals, serve as makeshift mortuaries Funeral Homes in the past, so are so overwhelmed that families sometimes have to wait a week to bury a loved one. Funeral director sam, selves are struggling to cope earlier in this race is the year it was the level of stress is very high because it is not comparable to how it used to be some months ago we had around 30 services per month. Right now were having around 18 reasons for me is this 2nd wave of the pandemic is not only hitting record numbers of people, many of whom could die. Local lockdowns in the past will to try and curb the spread are wreaking havoc a business. This is where the economic effects of the pandemic can most clearly be seen. Downtown el paso seems abandoned. Also this restaurant wasnt able to keep most of itself. Now the owner has to attend a few clients himself. The Current Situation had a clear impact on his political decision. He voted for joe biden. I knew he could do better than donald trump, and i think we all hope the same. We hope for a different government that supports us. Some money of all works just around the corner. For him, the president ial race is not over yet. North of President Biden is not going to be the president of the immigrants. Going to be donald trump. He feared his business might be hit by the pen demick, but now he has orders until july next year. We probably can see says, are good for the construction sector. Despite his support for trump, he has his own opinion on covert 1000, specially after he tested positive. Everyone is going to get the virus and were going to fill up the hospitals. Testing is one of the crucial instruments to avoid to this problem may get cordy needs 10 Testing Centers in the past. So he works for a private company that is being paid by the state of texas. But his main concern in the pandemic is not political. I dont have fully knowledge of what joe biden is planning to do in his administration, but until now we havent had any kind of difficulties with the current administration. I dont think its a matter of resources. The main concern is how to communicate to the people. What to do or not supporters. Biden supporters to different sites that seem to come together in el paso. You harvest him joins us from the German Institute for international and security affairs. Hes in tallinn. So in your opinion, what went wrong in the worlds top economy . Well, there are 2 sets of factors, i would say that went wrong. The 1st set has to do with the trumpet ministration. Trump, himself wasnt very interested and listening to experts doing the right thing, trying to do the best job he can and mitigating the spread of the virus. And the other set of factors concerns, structural issues in the United States. The fact that they have a very unequal Health Care System. The fact that the welfare state is quite weak and quite fragmented, and lot of people dont receive welfare. And the 3rd factor is that they have federalism, and a lot of action is actually up to the states and their governors and not 2 percent for government. I would say those are the main reasons why it didnt go so well in the United States. Lets pick up on the 1st one of those then what, what effect did the at going president play the role so the virus is playing down of the virus . Well i think we all are familiar with the press conferences that he gave that late spring and early summer where he really just rattled and gave all kinds of conflicting messages about what to do to fight the virus. And we also know that he gave an interview to bob woodward where hes where he warned off the rock virus already in early, early march. But then he played it down to the public because he didnt want to hurt the economy and economy. And he wanted the stock market to do well. And i think the conflicting message, the fact that he didnt listen to experts, the fact that the people he appointed apart from the medical experts for the people he appointed on a political level were not the most competent ones. They all contributed to, to the bad response that didnt really help there and continue to virus. So how will the new president do things differently . I guess hes got a bit of a mystically no. Right, i mean, joe biden already emphasized that this is one of his main priorities. Hes already appointed a council of advisors to fight. And depending and this point hes kind of in a bind because at the moment the virus release spreading rapidly and is kind of out of control. So i wouldnt expect him to fix the problem soon after he enters office on the 20th of january. I think it will be quite hard at this point to contain the virus. The people are tired of restrictions of lockdowns and im afraid thats i think the solution will only come when vaccine is approved and widely distributed. One positive in your study, you wrote these huge aid packages, helped stop poverty from growing in the u. S. , but that aids temporary. What now and whats that mean for americans . Health right. The 4 aid packages that were passed by congress had a volume of over 2 trillion dollars, and they actually did quite a lot to mitigate the economic damage of the pandemic. They provided a stimulus to the economy and they also helped simple people to make ends meet. Included in that was a 1200. 00 check for every adult citizen below a certain income group. Plus they actually extended unemployment aid and lifted unemployment 8. 00 to 600. 00 per week, which and 1st actually lower at the poverty rate. Despite the bad economy. Poverty actually went down. But those measures expired at the end of july. And congress has not been able to agree on an extension. So i think thats also one thing thats bidens going to try to do is get congress to, to pass another and package. Even if you are well off, youre not going to be spared from the coronavirus. I mean, if everyone else around you is in situation or affected by the vice. I mean the virus doesnt discriminate, right . The virus itself can hit anyone. And as we saw from the fact that even president contracted it, nobody is really safe. On the other hand, the effects of the virus have been very, im equal 1st of all the u. S. Health care system is, i mean im equal to begin with. The quality of care varies a lot between regions and even within regions. The New York Times found out that during the 1st wave of the pen damage in march, the death rate and the poor are areas of new york city was 3 times as high as and in the rich hospitals of manhattan. So the effects have really been on equal people are especially hit hard and you know, recently i read that there infection rates or the hospitalization rate is 4 times higher than that of white people. While the virus itself doesnt discriminate, its effects can be very unequal, and dr. Im equal thanks for joining us today. My pleasure. And time for your questions on the coronavirus is derrick williams. What are the differences and similarities between flu and covert 19 . This is a regular question now that flu season is upon us in the northern hemisphere. Lets, lets look at the similarities between the 2 diseases 1st starting with how they spread. Which for both is mainly through droplets emitted when infected people cough or sneeze or talk with both respiratory diseases. People are also contagious before they begin to show symptoms themselves. And both can also have the same general pathology, at least at 1st. So many of the same symptoms, according to the u. S. Centers for Disease Control, the overlap includes fever, cough, shortness of breath, the teague sore throats, runny nose, muscle pain, and headache. So if you develop those symptoms, especially in combination, its a good idea to get tested. Finally, of course, both can kill you, but that brings me to the 1st of the big differences i want to mention. Coated 19 is a lot more likely to kill you than the flu, especially if youre elderly, or best. Current estimates say between about 6. 10 times more likely to get 1000. 00. Patients also appear to be contagious for longer than flu patients and more contagious than they would be if they had the flu, which, which isnt surprising really because for most of us, sars cove 2 is still a novel pathogen that our immune systems have never encountered before. Most humans have encountered flu strains before and although they mutate rapidly, which means they can evade the immune system again and again. Experts say to some extent that forewarned is forearmed. Finally, although both diseases can cause serious complications like inflammation of the, of the longs to the heart of the brain or other organs coded 19 seems to do it more often, which to at least some extent, explains why its more deadly than see it tomorrow. And to the point of strong opinions, clear positions from international perspectives, researchers are reporting significant breakthroughs in efforts to develop a vaccine against covert 19. Could this be the beginning of the end for the coronavirus nightmare and who children will profit 1st find out to the point short for things . To the point . I am. Nothing subtle. You can you hear me now . Years years reagan, you can handle 50 years. Gentlemens, hans, now we bring you, im going to a math course as youve never had to have before. Surprise yourself with what is possible . Who is medical training . What moves back and what we talk to people who follows her along the way, admirers and critics alike. How is the worlds most powerful woman shaping 150 dynasty machall slot stuff from go to parliament to conduct. Bobby was a thug. Popstars, rails against corruption, violence despite coming from your family to become president. And he challenges america to see the incredible story of bobby wind starts december 10th on g. W. Could it be that there is a shimmer of hope in the corona pandemic . Well, a number of researchers are reporting significant breakthroughs in efforts to develop a vaccine. At the same time though, infection rates continue to rise relentlessly in many countries, governments across europe and elsewhere have responded with drastic incursions into peoples freedoms. A vaccine could end to the nightmare, but when and who will profit onto the points we ask vaccine against covert 19 and under control

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