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Now been downgraded to a Tropical Storm but the damage has been pretty faint out. Im rebecca races welcome to the program theres still no official winner of the u. S. Election just a few hours ago democratic president ial candidate joe biden made another public announcement he told supporters democrats would win this race and with a clear majority biden has been pulling ahead of u. S. President donald trump in case states lets listen to some of what he had to say were going to win this race to sort of what has happened since yesterday. 24 hours we are behind in georgia an hour ahead and were going to win that state 24 hours ago we were kind of pennsylvania and we are going to win pennsylvania and now are ahead but were new arizona were in nevada in fact our lead just doubled in nevada were on track to have over 300 electoral votes Electoral College votes and look at the National Numbers were going to win this race with a clear majority of the nation behind us weve gotten over 74000000 votes let me repeat that 74000000 votes thats more than any president ial ticket has ever gotten in the history of United States of america and our vote total is still growing were beating donald trump over 4000000. 00 votes and thats a margin is still growing as well Kenneth Straight to washington now and counting at chinmaya his standing by carolina president. Joe biden looking more and more confident there have we had anything from President Trump to reaction to that speech. As we anticipated all trump reacted by tweeting of course and he tweeted a video of republican congressman jim jordan he is a strong supporter who had an interview on fox news and who falsely claimed he said that voters are being counted after election day in pennsylvania but that is the rule in that state and mail in ballots are allowed to be counted up to 3 days after election day he also claimed that some county is allowed to correct ballots and some other dont but that is exactly the this complicated situation we are facing each state and even each county has its a very own procedure its own formula to count the ballots so this is how president trav reacted and as expected his supporters will of follow this falsely claiming fraud on his narrative indeed quite dangerous in the tense situation atmosphere were experiencing here right now you know i think a lot of people already just want to either side of the political aisle just wanting and i want to know why is it taking so long for the votes. Well as you know of the United States has different rules in every state and even in each county and there are different systems to count the ballots this takes also long because there are a lot of provisional ballots that means that a voter who moved for example and change the address has to be certified so one has to be sure that hell only vote it once and twice from 2 different addresses and also in some cases its necessary to certify the signature of a border if its not clear enough on the ballots and this takes of course a lot of time to certify these things in pennsylvania is of course especially crucial because there are around 100000 ballots to be counted and 40000 of these ballots are from philadelphia this is such a. City that means that the ballots from there are probably going to be democratic voters and this is what joe biden even more in pennsylvania but again we dont have all votes counted in this all important state of pennsylvania and therefore we dont have a clear and an official result yet no official result exactly but does end up winning you know its clear that in the United States there is deep division really clear from the results of the election so what can you tell us about that what does whoever wins need to do to try and bring together the country. That is going to be the big challenge for the next president of the United States we heard that speech of joe biden that he wants to try to keep all americans together he talks about the United States of america d and he also says that it doesnt it doesnt really know who voted for him if these are republicans and even Trump Supporters or not he is going to try and unite all the people in this country again but this is going to be a big big challenge because i was there we saw in each state donald trump has a very very big support of that state and also having having been traveling around the country and talking to supporters you can really say that these are followers and to almost blindly believe and trust in donald trump and they will keep on doing that so well have to wait until we have a winner of this president ial elections and then wait and hopefully in not see violence in this country but i can tell you rebecca that the atmosphere here is really tense and we are all hoping not to see the images we we are afraid often this would be the protests of pro trumpet and trombone the streets detente carolina speaking to us from washington thanks very much. So lets take a look at the overall picture now it hasnt changed for quite a while so far joe biden has 264 Electoral College votes donald trump has 214 thats according to a pain news agency where we are getting results statistics now remember they need 217. 00 College Votes to win pennsylvania would be a massive prize with its 20 electoral votes joe bidens laid there is currently around 29000 votes with just a few percent of the vote left to be counted the mail in votes being counted have fane heavily favoring the democratic candidate and georgia with its 16 electoral votes is also extremely close biden has pulled ahead of trump here with a difference of just over 4000. 00 votes so that state will likely go to a recount over old Donald Trumps parts of victory is looking increasingly narrow states in red or blue on the map they have been called by pay for trample biden states in life of blue or in pink elating toward biden or trump respectively any state will give joe biden a win President Trump needs a combination of states in order to win. Even more on that im joined by policy analyst lives show in berlin shes worked for several democratic campaigns in the u. S. Thanks for joining me following on from joe bidens speech how confident do you think the Biden Campaign is right now. Well we saw last night when joe biden gave a speech was a guy was absolutely president ial hes urging the nation to remain calm and he has been signaling for a days when he took copious briefing meetings instead of just focusing on the photo that he is incredibly confident the way the votes going to shake out hes going to be not only the winner of a clear decisive winner he also talked about unity in his speech now it weve been saying protests even during the election. But in the states that are still being counted what does the next president is there anything that the next president can do to temper the divisiveness. Temporary and the polarization in devices and this in the states is probably one of the biggest tasks on the president s desk from day one the biggest things he can do is keep reaching out to folks that didnt vote for him as the person on it from d. C. Sat by and has repeated this message im not just a democratic president im going to marry president i think also inviting everyone to the table that includes latino is that we saw voting for trump white voters folks that made me feel still forgotten in the election process and making sure they all have always to feel included in the process. The Trump Campaign is set on taking legal action theyve already begun in some places how much could they legally overturn here. The legal action that theyve kind of started it really doesnt have much of a legal leg to stand on everything has been dismissed at this point the only things they can go after are some of the things that are already in place for example it wasnt even a legal action suit the recount in georgia thats automatically trigger and theyll probably have folks looking at the provisional ballots in pennsylvania but this was a free and Fair Election so theres just not a lot of room for the legal the legal levers to be pulled to take anything back or to change the results and just before we go weve seen a record turnout this year and whats your take on that why have so many people turned out for this election. Its really interesting as a democrat usually you see a higher turnout always favorite democrats but that just wasnt the case this time people also really came out heart for trump and i think it kind of was speaking to folks that had never been spoken to so trump went down to Miami Dade County and talks and he knows in a way that they said they were never talked to additionally you saw by going to erie erie pennsylvania has not been barnstormer stop for a democratic candidate since obama so they were just bringing everyone to the table and i also think across social media people really feel invested in what the outcome of this is and it just drove peoples emotions and drove them to the poll or i lose show cupolas the analyst and been very much for talking to us and you know. Now of course well keep following those results in the u. S. For you but now lets take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world u. S. President Donald Trumps Top White House chief of staff mark meadows has tested positive for covert 19 according to reports meadows age 61 had told people he had the virus after the election though its unclear whether when he was 1st tested. Police in austria have closed a mosque and a prayer room which they say the suspect in mondays terror attack regularly visited and putting the pictures same survey in the wrong order but 4 people died in that mass shooting on monday earlier police in germany raided the home of fool men allegedly connected to the suspected gunman. Of. Apologies the pictures for those stories were around the wrong way so around 150. 00 people a day in guatemala after superstorm eta swept through the Central American country and dozens of dead in neighboring honduras and mexico too to hit the region as a force for hurricane its been downgraded to a Tropical Storm that meteorologists say the storm could soon regain strength. Hurricane and says brutal assault its a threat to young and old alike the storm has swum to guatemala and the army has been rescuing the stranded many helpless on their rooftops. Its a has caused streams to swirl and rivers to pull floodwaters drowning entire neighborhoods some of the rescued theyre fortunate to escape but theyve lost so much. For others a close call of a different kind making it out with less than the shirt on their back. The storm lashed much of the small Central American country of guatemala it triggered mudslides destroyed roads and bridges and forced people to seek any refuge they could find. But were several families whove lost absolutely everything but the government was not even capable of warning people of the danger. And. It hurt us because everyone lost something the houses were flooded but now well have to get back onto our feet are some of the better but. Its a desperate situation that has left guatemala as government begging its neighbors for assistance. In the spirit we expect helicopters to come from panama spending the night in one dearest and then arriving on saturday to supporters in the rescue and humanitarian mission. You know watching will have more headlines at the top of the hour im rebecca is in berlin thanks very much. Im not laughing at the germans because sometimes they are placed on nothing with the talent and they think into the german culture. Will get his grandmother they all eat because its all about who they know im rachel join me for me think everybody of course. Has a virus spread. And then well. Introduce through the text

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