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William glue cruft welcome to the program its been over 24 hours since voting ended the u. S. President ial election and there remains no clear winner democratic challenger joe biden and president doll trump along with all of america and the rest of the world are waiting for results as ballot counting continues in a few key battleground states this election is demanding patience and calm from everyone but the president has already claimed victory hes alleging voter fraud but has 0 evidence to prove that meanwhile joe biden has called for patience and his supporters are confident hes on track to win. Lets look at the results now with one big significant change recently our figures show that biden is currently on track with 264 electoral votes the President Trumps 214 that puts joe biden just 6 Electoral College votes away from the 270 he needs to win the presidency now in that very important state of michigan the counting is over and the state goes to joe biden with which has 16 electoral votes the vote was so close there but the win in michigan leaves him chasing just those 6 electoral votes because also in wisconsin neighboring to michigan our figures indicate that he won that state as well and the 10 electoral votes that go at that state razor thin margins and even more razor thin margins out west in nevada which has those 6 electoral votes that he needs to get to 270 joe biden maintains his lead in nevada it would give him that win but counting is still going on there as well as in arizona looking to be in bidens favor but its still too close to call now remember the counting is ongoing the path to victory appears to be narrowing significantly for donald trump but nothing can be ruled out just yet and just a short while ago joe biden expressed confidence about the state of the race as he address supporters from his home state of delaware and know after a long night of county its clear that we were in you know states to reach 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency im not here declare that weve won but i am here to report the count is finished we believe we will be the winners all those counted. We have won wisconsin by 20000 virt votes virtually the same margin of President Trump won that state 4 years ago in michigan lead by over 35000 votes and its growing a substantially bigger margin and President Trump won michigan in 2016 michigan will complete his votes soon maybe as early as the day and i feel very good about pennsylvania virtually all the remaining ballots to be counted were cast by mail and weve been winning 78 percent of the votes by mail in pennsylvania we flipped arizona and the 2nd district of nebraska of special significance to me is that weve won with the majority of the American People and every indication is that that majority will grow of the popular vote lead of nearly 3000000 votes and every indication is that will grow as well oh indeed senator harris and i are on track to win more votes than any ticket in the history of this country that ever won the presidency and vice presidency over 70000000 votes. More on this now over in washington with me in s. F. What a difference a day makes me in especially this year biden was very very careful not to be seen as claiming victory what do you make of his tone here. That was definitely a reaction to trumps tone where he claimed victory without results being and i think biden wanted to strike a different tone a more unifying tone and say look were ahead in the polls were going to wait for everything to wrap up and then were going to clear victory declare victory and we think we have it but i think underneath the surface you saw a very confident biden that he had turned things around in his favor after a long night of things looking pretty bad for him trump had won some states they were hoping to win like florida if trump had lost florida would have really thrown off his campaign so its been a nail biter and i think biden and his campaign are finally breathing a sigh of relief and thats what you saw there in that speech. Absolutely now trump as he said he was going to do is claiming fraud getting on twitter getting on in front of cameras with baseless claims are his supporters on board with that. They certainly are and lets be clear here trump is not just claiming that there have been irregularities now its not on president its actually very common for. A loser in a president ial race that was close to to say well lets recount the votes in the close states lets see whats really happening happen in 2016 actually spearheaded by the green party and Hillary Clintons Campaign Said ok well lets see what happens if we recount the votes here what trump is actually doing is hes alleging that theres been fraud on the scale of a conspiracy so hes saying that hundreds of thousands of votes have been mysteriously found last minute and theyre all in favor of the democrats of course this was predicted long in advance that what we would see is a blue wave after the polls had closed because a lot of these absentee ballots lean democrat and theyre just being open and counted now youre seeing that states like pennsylvania that dont even open their ballots until the polls close so trump base is accepting this theyre saying that the democrats are stealing this election and republicans seem to be going along with it but i think republicans are not quite on board with this people like Rick Santorum who was a former nominee former candidate for president people like Mitch Mcconnell whos the 2nd most powerful republican the country saying lets be patient here lets go follow the normal process lets stick by the law and have a normal recount here. Were going to leave it there i mean as if in washington thanks very much. And with donald trump seeking to launch those legal challenges to the results the issue of alleged vote rigging again no evidence for that may play a role in deciding who will become president our reporter michelle spoke with the head of the o. S. C. E. Election Observer Mission to the United States or so they got checked who said trumps allegations have undermined public trust and Democratic Institutions ambassador gas think the president is alleging that ballots are being found all over the place to help joe biden win these elections when you look at states like pennsylvania where its coming down to the wire any of these allegations founders in what you found might not come across even. A particular singular incident in pennsylvania we have come across one incident of a postal worker dumping a bag of post including ballots on their way to voters but what is important we have not found evidence of was wrongdoing in the processing of postal ballots now in your statement you are also criticizing the president for undermining democracy undermining the faith in the institutions so come on say that donald trump harmed american democracy in these elections thats a very far reaching statement but he he he in his statements he has undermined the voters confidence in the electoral process that is a fact we have that on record and the challenges that are faced here in the United States is rebuilding that trust in the system hopefully the work that weve been doing here very fact base will also serve in some measure to reassure people that how this election actually was conducted and that we did not find systemic evidence of wrongdoing do you believe that we will find out the result through actual results being declared in the. That i have no idea. However however this process concept will be following it through 3. So what is vote counting look like on the ground we have stuff and simons in philadelphia to tell us more about that stuff and tell us more 1st where you are. Im in the middle of philadelphia i am at the city hole right there and right behind it is actually the Convention Center the philadelphia or the pennsylvania Convention Center where the vote count actually happens those vote counts is the mail in ballots we were ballots we were talking about it but you can see here National Guard troops as well as vehicles behind me police was here because that was also the scene year earlier today of protests of pro count the vote protests a lot of people out here saying like hey lets not have President Trump all the administration or anybody else say lets stop the vote count those votes are in there theyre cast they now have to be voted and this what they were demonstrating for so here is where the rubber meets the road where its the tight spot here is where donald trump wants the vote count to stop for obvious reasons because he thinks that maybe maybe the possibility is there that joe biden will have the majority of those already cast mail in ballots for him and that could endanger his lead here in pennsylvania which is certainly what joe biden has said and deftly why he wants those votes to keep getting counted so how do officials there a lecture officials ensure that the vote count is complete and fair and transparent. Well transparency is key of course fairness is key also and house is scared to eat well checking double checking and checking again and counting and having people who are doing this not for the 1st time really being involved in this i mean vote counting for the United States one of the biggest democracy in the world is not a new thing they dont have to really learn number one number 2 both parties have have observers present in the Convention Center and looking at this so they claim of the trumpet administration and going to courts and say like our just please stop this theres not enough unity for us to observe and to control if this is really done accurately is actually faults. And be fighting this for nothing so lets zoom out give us the big picture why is pennsylvania so important for both campaigns but especially donald trump. Well with the total vote count now for trump after michigan wisconsin arizona was called and into the corner of joe bidens campaign and into his vote d count pennsylvania is creating cool for the president to get interesting and this is 18 votes here this is a lot of a lot of mileage in his count so he has to he has to secure the lead here. However possible to get those on this and then of course as you all know as we all know he is trying and well see Court Decisions in terms of arizona recount nevada recount maybe michigan wisconsin recounts and so on this will be this will be. Ground 0 here for the jump in training for his presidency and hes keenly aware of this stuff and simon is there in philadelphia watching the vote counting in pennsylvania there 20 electoral votes thank you very much. And although the cost closely fought race for the white house is the headline act American Voters arent just choosing the president so lets take a look at some other races democrats are forecast to retain their majority in the house of representatives left wing democrat Alexander Cortez was reelected as war to 3 other like minded Congress Women together known as the squad for challenging washingtons status quo. Republican Marjorie Taylor green who previously expressed support for the q a non Conspiracy Theory comfortably want to house seat in georgia President Donald Trump gave her candidacy a boost calling her quote a future republican star doing on supporters assert that trump is secretly waging a battle against pedophiles across the u. S. Government and the Democratic Party which is of course a slice. And a republican senator Susan Collins has claimed victory in the race for her. Senate seat in maine democrats identified column c. As one of their key targets and what looks like a failed attempt to take back control of the senate from republicans. Voters in mississippi have approved a new state flag featuring a magnolia flower and the words in god we trust it replaces the old confederate themed flag it was the symbol of the confederacy which seceded from the u. S. An 860 over slavery and widely viewed by Many Americans as races. Watching t w news more headlines at the top of the hour always keep it to day w. Dot com instagram and twitter at e. W. News and link lou croft thanks for watching. What secrets lie behind these walls and discover new adventures in 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites. T w World Heritage 360 getting out now. How does a virus spread. Why do we panic and when will this. Country just through the tactics and the weekly radio show is called spectrum if you like and the information on the coronavirus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcasts you can also find us at dot com and slash science. This is the end of the news africa coming up on the Program Reports of heavy fighting in ethiopia on the rise in tensions. If you Prime Minister aviv has ordered the military to take control of the countries to grease feet after and. Then the. Americans who moved to the continent and watch the us elections contrary to. Comments on election went on the fraud of mean to africa. To the us. Office. The name is. Welcome to the program if you launched a military offensive after rebel forces allegedly attacked an army base even. A civil war that reports that heavy fighting has broken out in the north and state of the great where the government says local forces federal troops in the city of mackellar trouble has been brewing since the region held elections last month in defiance of the Central Government from minister ahmed who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019 said troops had been killed and televised address said red line had been crossed. For 20 years the National Defense force has been in the bunkers defending this country by paying heavy sacrifices with its blood and flame. This evening in michela and many other places by traitors and the forces the organized that we are going to look for more on whats happening and i thought yeah im now joined by my riyadh gets Nicholas School our correspondent in a diesel. There are reports of heavy fighting in the green vision what more can you tell us. So what do we know so far is that the Prime Minister it cuse forces in the 2 great. Talking federal military bases in order to steal military equipment he said very early in the morning that he had launched a military operation in response to that and he also said that the attack carried out by the great region had called i quote many markers injuries and Property Damage without giving exact numbers and there are also rumors of gunshots being heard by locals in that degraded capital and that kelly however is that it is very difficult to get any information out of to agree at the moment as the internet and phone lines have been completely shut out now. That the military like you said to quote carry out the mission to save that country what exactly thats not me. The athletes said in a Statement Today that war cannot be prevented only on the goodwill and decision of one side and that he had used all means to thwart military engagement basically what hes saying is that the ruling party in the theater a region so basically his Opposition Party or one of his opposition parties has crossed a red line after months of political tensions and that he now has to intervene to safeguard the countrys stability although many are saying that this is a very dangerous move now can you help us understand a bit more here what ive allowed to deescalate that situation be seen to greece states that the federal government. Tensions have been growing between the 2 great Peoples Liberation front or p. L. S. So basically the ruling party in the to gray region and the Prime Minister of the estimate ever since obviously it came to power in 2018 that the grand party had a huge political power for decades before abby who is from the room yeah region was appointed Prime Minister so for the past 2 years to gradients had been signed sidelined from the put the political scene and its officials are feeling that theyre being unfairly targeted and scapegoated for the countrys problems last year they also refused to join abbys new Coalition Party the Prosperity Party and they opposed the governments decision to postpone the elections due to the cope in 1000 pandemic of this has led to these other tensions have led to this escalation of which we still know little about ok and our briefly on this one how ordinary ethiopians reacting to the increasing violence. As i said its impossible to communicate with anyone integral at the moment and i would say people are mostly worried worried because because they cannot talk to their relatives theyre worried about a possible Armed Conflict theyre asking themselves is there going to be a civil war and yet so were seeing a lot of people calling for authorities to work toward the escalation and conflict resolution maybe i guess never less to your correspondent in ethiopia thank you for your time. The yardbirds and in 29 c. Welcoming africanamericans back home to the continent now some took the opportunity to leave the u. S. And resettling ghana correspondent isaac alleged events with 2 americans who swapped north america for the gold coast but are closely watching developments back home where you know my next move is very different from us to katia new cousy still there is no escaping president ial politics. Those who were born in the usa say their home is now gonna. But theyve still been gripped by this fish story collection. I dont know. You didnt. See your concern because it seems to be taking longer than others. And i think a lot of that is also orchestrated because. Because of the timing i think the timing has a lot of it you know you stretch the drama out as long as you can so that the people are excited he needs to be removed this election you cannot continue with a madman during a pandemic whose ego says to cool all he cares about is winning for himself not for the country the 2 friends unserved gonna call for its global diaspora to retard home after feeling worn daryn by racism and then equality of opportunity and place. The only reason is the color of our skin so i think that its not fire cation its not by religion or culture its by the color of our skin and thats a really sad thing. I think that the opportunity in africa is here at the end of the day it leaves us to look as americans very lost confused thats why im here the reason why im in ghana because im looking for new and New Territory where i can feel at home and i believe that i can build for myself and my familys future america doesnt look that inviting anymore because in the end the day youre going to go another 100 years people be marching by whatever this election result here are 2 americans who voted with their feet turning their backs on an american in search of the african dream. Now its not just the impact of elections is being felt across the continent we caught up with South African diplomatic brahim russell u. S. Ambassador to the u. S. From 2010 to 2015 our correspondents. Began by asking him whats trumps false claims of electoral fraud tell africans. The missing jet is sending with claiming victimhood electoral fraud and the possibility of not giving up office is as dangerous as the one that says that when you are the president there is no conflict of interest between you your family and the resources of a country that is an absolutely dangerous negative if. We struggled hard to get rid of people who. Didnt for office said to be removed from office who would then use the army to pose to themselves who would be played disputes on the elections. And who enriched themselves and their families inadvertently donald trump and the positioning of his family had given african. People who also went to benefit their families but for the bus almost said its ok for the president to look after his family we have learned in south africa and in africa that its not ok mali that is a major defeat that africa would suffer if that narrative with to become a globally accepted by president how would you describe the presidency what impact did it have on the african continent. A whole 4 years was maybe not different to obamas 1st 4 years they did nothing on africa. And obama understandably because he was finding his feet he was consumed with the policies and all of those kind of things and had an opportunity to do something with a. But it never entered the Attention Span all the time please dont see it was bad for africa in that he looked for a trade war with china which meant that china was facing all kinds of cutting back on trade with africa and therefore africa as a growth spurt confident had fallen back and then covert 900 came so im hoping that if there is a stimulation of the u. S. Economy and the democratic. Presidency that it would freeze up the economy as well as have a different tone in the relationship with china so that china can at least help to pull africa out of the cove in 1000 crisis that we have we did during. That time that we are looking for that was they brought in russell from a South African ambassador to the u. S. Speaking to correspondents are doing press in cape town. Every year at the United Nations and as a woman in the field of policing for her outstanding work and achievements and this that i want goes to Doreen Malone both from zambia well im always currently serving on mission in south sudan where she works agenda advice from the single mother spoke about her experience of working and i was alone and how shes helping other women on the front line of some of the wild stuff as the conflicts you need as a Police Officer ways in your own form i tremble i mean. Then there will be no hope for these south sudanese women so i started by using day and encouraging them telling them that this all goal for them they were saying there has mines where in the bush fighting and some of the women where even you call their belts will take. The ammunition to take the food to the people who are fighting then i started giving them some experience which i gained from liberia and how the liberian women managed to bring peace in their own country it wasnt really the main that it was the women who fought for the peace in liberia some of them they having started calling their cause band to to stop the fight and we could see some of their show just coming into their camp surrendering their arms to us and joining their families within the unused compound to give up we can make it. And thats how you wrap up today show them all boss stories go to d. W. Dot com slash africa or check out our facebook and twitter pages you can also hit me up on twitter at the mica by for now but see you soon. One continent 700000000 people. With their own personal stories. We explore every day life. What europeans fear and what they hope for. Some good slot in the world. Next on d w. I you dont need to keep every available both for over a mention home the 4th time for the most recent article in the movie that missed the boat on the family that announcing dragon this one has called the hard to use. On. Hello and welcome to focus on europe im wired its great to be back here in europe in the coronavirus pandemic has again brought life in many places to a grinding halt

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