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Im melissa chan welcome to news asia thank you for joining us as the United States counts its ballots asia watches across the region people have their preferences rooting for trump or buy in one of the most possibly the most consequential election for the world in decades who wins will determine asias regional stability in the context of a rising china and in terms of trade and Climate Change. Welcome back to the u. S. Are invited to the everything from thailand to a struggling to china and japan the race for the white house is dominating News Coverage and. Who will be the next leader in this superpower america this fall its continued to be countenanced. Governments and people in the region are watching the u. S. Election closely and like in the u. S. Theyre divided on whether donald trump all joe biden would be the better winner. For this product i think definitely the election of president crumb is better for taiwan. Why i support joe biden because like him im a centrist in politics. It seems. In new delhi india a hindu rightwing group hope to inspire divine intervention to secure a Trump Victory with prayers and a fire ritual. All the while me there. Are certain that u. S. President donald trump when with a bigger mandiant them before there are conspiracy theories during the romans in the us that you lections me get. Whoever we are performing this fire ritual so that all these obstacles to the victory of donald trump will go away when we have. This is in Southern India prayers were held to support the democratic ticket and specifically the Vice President ial candidate camelot harriss grandfather lived in this village eileen believed to be shes eligible to and share ancestral history we are praying here and offering food to the public and the hope that she wins. In india the support for either president ial candidate can be as fervent as in the u. S. So to you and other Asian Countries. The incumbent u. S. Administration has changed the way that washington deals with Asian Countries and the question of who occupy the white house for the next 4 years will be a real consequence to governments and people on the continent. Joining us is Richard Mcgregor of the Lowy Institute in australia he was formerly based in the us china and. Japan so well suited to speak to us about the regional impact of the us elections today richard we still dont know whos going to be a u. S. President so lets just talk this through there have been many takes about what abiding in ministration might mean when it comes to china some observers say he will be softer on china do we have a sense of who china prefers. Its a very odd question obviously in such a large country there might be many. People obviously want to know who was formerly only seen knows that it even if you understand what it means i think in general that china would prefer it treat in this respect i think they see trump increasingly as an agent and accelerants of american decline of course he has made life very difficult to china during is 1st term. And at some stage is trump going great leverage with china but i think they feel theyre having heavies measured now and i think they feel that they can for you know do little deals with it but forge it generally because on the trump you know tales corruption. And you know general pandemonium in the political in a very divided political system and that means us mystically focused not focused on the rest of the world including asia right my 1st question had to be on china but there are other countries in asia and japan often gets overlooked its a massive economy a democracy and a major ally of the United States same question does tokyo prefer one candidate over another. Its also an interesting question you know i think many japanese have been surprisingly supportive or were surprisingly supportive of trump i think that they thought the a bomb or ministration particularly a bomb of mach 2 was far too weak on china was far too interested in focused on focusing on multilateralist issues like Climate Change and got played by the chinese you know took their eye off the ball in the South China Sea its certainly true that a bomb in is seconds particularly finals the office is much tougher on china but the japanese in a funny sort of way kind of like the sort of noise and toughness that the machismo trump exuded because they thought it could china on the back foot i wonder now whether they think that thats run its course and they want something more stable and predictable but of course with biden they worry about him they worry about him he might appoint as secretary of state they didnt particularly like him in the ministration unless it he didnt like susan rice very much she could and could possibly still be secretary of state another country similar to japan in terms of their concerns about china for example is australia a very close ally of the us a member of the 5 Eyes Intelligence Alliance what are the areas of cooperation australia would like to see more of with the United States. Well the a strait is similarly conflicted in a kind of a same way as japan and you know i think that had enough of trump they worry about him sort of bringing america down but theyre not sure about biden a straight who wants a tough america or a Strong America or an america thats very engaged in the region and in a very predictable fashion australia is that the great pressure from china at the moment which is taking a whole host of trade sanctions against australia basically a political disagreements and a us that is either domestically focused or sort of gradually retiring treating for a specific reason somewhat respects australias Worst Nightmare so im not sure who astray it wants to lead in many respects it is a partisan response depending which particular and certainly a strident Prime Minister as well from spain in office been pretty good at forging a Good Relationship with him and forging off heading off you know the worst that trump could have done to australia but you know were pretty worried about america as well Richard Mcgregor thank you. One major thing that might get lost in all the news but is very critical Climate Change the United States formally exits the Paris Agreement today wednesday abide when would reverse that the vast majority of countries in asia are overwhelmingly committed to the agreement china along with japan and south korea recently went further pledging to cut Carbon Emissions to 0 china by 2060 japan and south korea saying they aim to buy 2050 quite a few countries in asia are deeply vulnerable to Climate Change including india the philippines entry lanka. For more were joined by Isabel Hilton the c. E. O. And editor in chief of China Dialogue isabel your organization reports on the environment and Climate Change how bad is the u. S. Withdrawal in terms of the impact it would have on countries in asia well its not good for the climate process and its not good for the United States actually but its been a while coming had had there been a decisive victory in the u. S. Election for the u. S. Would not have left in fact its left today can still rejoin whats lost is the u. S. Is diplomatic energy deployed if you like on the right side of the balance and it sends a negative signal to countries that are being less. Responsible in their Climate Action so its going to slow the process and it makes it more difficult but fundamentally its not going to stop the Energy Transition its going to put in the end the United States at a disadvantage compared countries that are Going Forward with their Energy Tradition more proactively i want to talk more about chinas somewhat of a surprise pledge that the country would reduce emissions and be Carbon Neutral by 2060 environmentalist welcomed it Foreign Affairs experts who follow china and sees what it promises versus what it actually ends up doing not so much what are your thoughts. I think its best to look at chinas climate in the context of chinas own industrial economy and then it becomes more convincing frankly because since the 12th 5 year plan that 2 plans ago were about to do the fourteens china has made a major commitment to a low carbon transition in vestments all the technologies that are required for that transition so china has positioned itself as a major supplier of low carbon goods and services to a world that is contemplating a transition it therefore has a direct interest in that transition what you can complain about is is the speed of chinas domestic action and china honestly shares that with pretty much every other country china made it harder for itself because it committed so heavily to coal and theres a lot of unraveling that has to happen there on the other hand i think that if you look at how Climate Action is now increasingly integrated with the basic planning that drives chinas development in the end china will get there and the fact that it sent this very powerful signal of that transition is extremely important we cant fix Climate Change without china chinas commitment is fundamental and trying his commitment to serious not just in terms of getting out of high Carbon Development but also its activity pestilent in enabling low Carbon Development in the rest of the world and my understanding is that the Paris Agreement isnt enough on its own to combat the Global Climate emergency so what more needs to be done. But what the paris of agreement does is it invites countries to pledge reductions and their inductions that were pledged in the 1st round take us to 3 degrees that suits karim leading injuries here it about one degree now and were already seeing very very serious threats and consequences of that warming but what paris did build in was that countries would come back to the table with increased pledges every 5 years that was supposed to happen this year thats what we need is about helton thank you. Thats it for now be sure to check out our other stories on dot com for slash asia or on facebook and twitter well have more election coverage as it relates to asia tomorrow thanks for watching and goodbye. To. The from. The fight against the corona virus pandemic. Has the rate of infection been developing what does the latest research say. Information and context the coronavirus update. On t w. In the. Climate change. Or soon. To be. Tears today the future. Of the city. Could turn. Their Natural Habitats keep shrinking as we chop down more forests and despite the threat of extinction they often end up on our dinner plates the rarer the better for some the higher the price for poachers. But dining on endangered species can cost your health. Zoonotic diseases aids ebola and then you corona virus they all jumped from wild animals to us. And theyll do it again. 2 of a 19 broke out at a wild animal market in china there were International Calls for the closure of such markets but experts warn a band could drive the trade underground on its changing its hygiene ill talk to an expert about that in a moment 1st some more background. What ours zoonotic diseases. Their diseases caused by pathogens carried by nonhuman animals that spread to people 6 out of every 10 Infectious Diseases are believed to be zoo are not of. The pathogens can be iriss bacteria parasites or funky. Many of the diseases they cause in people are mild but some are serious and even deadly. The bubonic plague tuberculosis malaria and ebola are zoonotic diseases that have killed countless millions of people. Mosquitoes and bats but also cats and dogs and many other species carry pathogens that can make people sick but often they dont make the animals that host them sick. Transmission can occur via bite or through eating the flesh of a carrier or contact with its blood or feces. Zoonotic diseases can spread fast and far if the pathogens adapt to be transmitted from person to person thats the case with the Novel Coronavirus. One hypothesis is that penguins were the intermediaries that transported the Novel Coronavirus from its natural host bets to humans which markets where live wild animals are sold are considered a potential site of transmission of sewer not of disease pathogens some have been closed for that reason. Infectious diseases from animals are a growing problem that probably has to do with humans encroaching on animal habitats forests are cleared for timber or to make space for farms or towns humans and animal species are no longer far apart this offers opportunities for pathogens to make the leap. There are more than 200. 00 known zoonotic diseases but there are countless germs out there to each humans have no immunity are new devastating diseases lurking to prevent them making the jump to humans we need to protect wild animals and their habitats. Colas how to louis is deputy head of the institute of epidemiology at germanys played place enough the institute is also a veterinary epidemiologist just how dangerous odd zoonotic diseases. Well stuart it is these are sort of in in our human nature already for many many years of many centuries because you know to diseases as i. Have or to the church i am humans anything interrupts and de interesting part is that there are 60 percent of all human Infectious Diseases they reach in age from animals they come from intimate and over the last few years with newly emerging diseases actually 75 the same so are all going to look at consented thats quite a lot of pressure not so another has a chance to challenge the at champ between animals and humans and that is not surprising because the only humans we have had of the Animal Kingdom so therefore all the peasants and the challenge of the viruses bacteria and so on they dont distinguish between animals and humans and there is no special barrier between animals and humans so sore noses are we actually to most of the diseases. And a lot of this will noses like be nothing corks our skulls talk to hona and then dad out of other cases where there was this which we have already complex and men have to take measures against like great piece of chicken or was used to say there was this all there was telling when it was is all those diseases was around there all this that was at the once which which we here in the matthew years and teach us through to through was fine and she will begin h. I. B. Evil are they all originated from animals so what do you say when will we now sharing a lot more of those diseases with the Animal Kingdom. Yes you know this she had a lot of interrupt. And now our reasoning is that you have more to believe all of. This is because 1st of all the other war you were the take to the animals its much more you also go in to be penetrated to habitats overlooking things before they can detect the animal to plant everything or whatever so our work can take possibilities between animals and humans they have a match. And he has gathered in addition to also have the trait and our travels all of that of like be can travel like this are all now we set up like we do every day that is in one day and all the pretty classes so they are going to credit check because well it is much higher and it was ever before so what do we need to do what do we need to do to prevent zoonosis i think the year when you dont give a living and its almost as if im going to have to and as you say have to try to prevent them and i think one key measure really did she know that hygiene messed up so were the whole interval baby polar and security but its a applies to you really have to. Be dont have such direct contact or close to take i scarcely is he said if there was a missed desperate effort so why did the order just make her problems chile theres a lot more we need to do to be proactive before these diseases jump from animal to human though i mean whats the solution on that front is it mean less factory farming does it mean chopping down list jungles and forests. Well i could mean all of this mean. Less and less for us but it also could mean being woke more of the arabs. Can bring in this instance then become the you know the best in europe. They need help from other ecosystems theyve been migrating in viruses. That might escape or at present just the of manliness and sort of like treating ourselves afterwards like being in train just sort of like or can be you can keep. The farm type you can try. It possible to be more sustainable want to go see areas. Where weights excel and so on but surely there are more proactive measures that we can take i mean what do you tell someone who who needs to venture out who needs to eat bush meat basically to survive someone in a democratic republic of congo say in a small village who doesnt see the danger in catching as there were no seats. They might not see the danger of that its still a metaphor for the animals so theres one possibility death you cant make that nobody else is the one that you and they are high achieving missions which they can take just to prevent those who would know this is what formed animals to humans so in terms of if you can try to raise a ban on this if you can also and then thats what science and politics are trying to look at is trying to find out what wireless is. In the bush meat in town and what why or is this could be a stretch to ask like water and so this is also one Health Principle we have the hells animals humans and the environment is sort of looked at politico and i think thats the way to go in your future to see what what is the health and how day interact with each other and i see desolate and holds. Some solutions there from coal is out of louis deputy head of the institute of it give me all a g. And germanys people have nothing to thank you. Now its your turn to boss the questions is there. Will other countries do their own challenge trials now that the u. K. Has announced its doing so. Challenge trials involve intentionally infecting organisms with a pathogen to find out how well vaccines or medications work at stopping that pathogen there are a 1000 track method for determining safety and efficacy and we conduct them all the time usually on animals especially primates but in ethical terms human challenge studies like the one proposed in britain can be pretty charged if the plans are approved starting this january researchers there will be going to liberally infecting Young Healthy volunteers with sars cove to initially to find out how much of the pathogen it takes to make them sick once the scientists have determined that they can begin giving other volunteers vaccines then subsequently challenging their immune system with that preset dose of corona virus to see how effective the vaccines are doing things this way can provide precise data quickly so it can really speed up the Development Process thats because instead of just giving a late stage vaccine candidate to thousands of volunteers and the placebo to thousands of others and then basically waiting to see what happens researchers have a lot more control over the entire process but they dont have control in one key area because we still dont have sure fire therapies to treat someone if an induced covert 19 infection turns severe the possibility that a human challenge trial could cause a volunteer long term damage or even kill them that cant be ruled out despite those risks britain is apparently not the only cunts. Great to consider conducting human challenge trials im according to the science journal nature at least some exploratory planning has commenced in belgium and the us as well. For more on the corona virus go to our website w dot com slash of 90. 8. Calling the road with our superheroes my mission is clear kushti good and to me constantly should explore germany. Does it make Everything Else theres a lot going on in. Germany tried and tested checking the. Doubling. Every day count. For us and for our planet place. Global ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation playground to make cities scream. How can we protect habitats but we cant make a difference. Louisianas environmental series in global 3000 on t. W. And online. Belonging to an official estimates more than 1200000 venezuelans live in colombia legally and illegally. Already. Returned to. The to visit friends is that i dont think id ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i dont know so im not sure. Bearing witness global news that matters. Made for mines. Its their obsession for spectacular pictures play its their passion for nature. Playing against their complete devotion that makes them the best Wildlife Photographers in the world. Play this amazing. Enter politics played confrontational play and streaming play 5 adventures. One goal. In the preservation of our planet play is not a sinister apartment treason sycophant is of course. Exhausted thats the danger of surat possibly. Play. Starts november 6th on t. W. This is news coming to you live from berlin still no clear outcome in the u. S. President ial race. And a donor to every vote is counted every ballot is counted frankly we did win this election. President ciampi claims victory but doesnt yet have the votes he needs child asks for patience election comes down to final counting in a handful of crucial states

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