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Things really stand. Well its still unclear whos won these elections and as morning breaks here many people who gave up on the race last night probably hopes to know who their next president will be by the time they have breakfast this simply doesnt look like its on the cards and it comes down to a handful of states including wisconsin and pennsylvania and in pennsylvania there are still hundreds of thousands of votes due to be counted counting was interrupted in some precincts overnight and counting is only just getting underway once again so were at least a couple of hours away from knowing which way that key state is going and weve also seen a reaction from the biden camp out right after donald trump went on there that was after biden 1st spoke saying he was on track to win then we have trump basically claiming victory over id declaring that this was an attempt to take it away from him and the biden camp is now alleging that trump is trying to take away the right of every individual american this to democracy so this is the kind of mudslinging that we were all worried might happen thats where we are right now with counting still of the way because so its still too close to call and theres a lot of tension there of course hole or americans dealing with this whole day being patient. Store or were beginning to see some of us. We saw some people last night head towards the white house area we havent seen violence on the streets that what the what many people were afraid of the big question is once it comes to the clinch once it comes to this so down once we have networks declaring for one side or the other what will happen then because weve seen ahead of these elections reaffirming what a divided country this is. Is with many people on both sides simply not willing to accept if the other side wins an entrenched sense that victory can only be clinched from them if there is some kind of foul play and thats so that were not even talking about a shared reality here anymore so some very tense hours and potentially days probably even weeks of uncertainty here in the United States you mention how donald trump is already claiming fraud saying hell challenge this legally in the Supreme Court do we know what exactly hes going to contest there. Well from what he said so far he doesnt believe that there should be any vote counting still going on today thats we what he said ahead of election day when he 1st went out and spoke into the cameras he said that he doesnt believe that there should still be voting going on while at that moment in time there was no longer any voting going on voting has ended its all a question of which mail ballots can be counted where the being postmarked by the 3rd of november 9 is enough is acceptable and there are varying laws in different states here in the United States this is nothing new to everybody who is involved in the process knows that and if he says hes taking this to the sea priem court sees probably seeing that because hes secured a majority for conservative leaning judges there but thats not the process i the fact of the matter is that if there are very very close margins in some states one percent 0. 5 at least the other side has the right to demand 1 recounts so were still quite a bit of a way down the road. Way from actually going straight to the Constitutional Court hes overstating what powers he was half there to go straight to the Supreme Court here in the United States because i thank you very much as the Political Editor in washington. Lets bring in Richard Walker here he is our chief International Editor and served as our correspondent in washington covering the election 4 years ago so richard where does this go from here people really wondering what happens next and when we can expect a result as we just heard from me that there are there are very many balls being juggled in the air really and we have actually kind of multiple timelines to deal with 1st of all there is the count going on in these kind of final key states where theyre trying to go through especially all of these votes that was submitted either by posed or or in person so we have those counts which have to finish there are some for instance in wisconsin as an example where its anticipated that that would just be probably a matter of hours in other states it could take a day or 2 then after that you have the possibility of challenges for recounts and then beyond that as well you also have the possibility of more kind of fundamental legal challenges of the type that donald trump is that. For instance in pennsylvania the Republican Party is already challenging in the courts a rule by which. Votes can be counted which were submitted by election day but arrive in the 3 days of 2 its and donald trump is saying the republicans are saying well thats a vote that arrived after election day that should be discounted now why is donald trump doing this well assumption is that most of the votes that were submitted by posts were democratic. To try to reduce the number of those coming in they think that gives them a higher chance of victory but if this thing does land in the courts then it will be a matter of state by state. To sort of knock on the door of the Supreme Court and say ive got an issue sources have so its very hard to say. Result relatively quickly. Rather significant. This could drag on for weeks. He did not exceed expectations indeed he disappointed a lot of people not just democrats the pollsters also saw him doing a lot better than. What happened what went wrong for biden is funny that you mention that i was in this state 4 years ago after that election which the pollsters got very wrong there was an expression the you heard a lot that there was going to be a lot of soul searching in the in the pollster community about how they go about their business well you probably hear the same expression this year because it seems that they were quite severely off in a number of states which i think fueled expectations on the democratic side of you know even a possible landslide for biden. For instance expecting him to win florida even talking about him potentially winning texas which is really like thats a real republican stronghold so i think partly it was expectations kind of got. Out of kilter on the democratic side a little bit unrealistic but also i think you know there will be very soon. Of. The democrats strategy and also joe bidens limitations as a candidate. And i think there are probably 2 issues to look at there theres the obvious issue of his age which of course donald trump really tried to play on during the course of the Election Campaign and also the fact that hes a centrist candidate in a polarized country. Donald trump has gone with a base oriented strategy just like he did 4 years ago he knows how to fire up his base and he certainly seems to have managed to do that again this time. Joe biden doesnt have that powerful connection to the democratic partys base so you look at some of the numbers late about the motivation on each side you know trump voters were voting for trump. Voting against they wont necessarily voting for biden and that could have been a weakness so the idea of biden being a centrist candidate who could maybe pick up some of your more centrist republicans or moderate republicans apparently just didnt work what about richard looking at the u. S. And the American Political Culture from abroad it looks like a real mess with donald trump in office having challenge the press as being the enemy of the people for example of big playing very fast and loose with the truth many accusations of wrongdoing in the case of trump i mean just Fact Checking trump who has put out the ideas of alternative fact for many people this is just hard to imagine that American Voters would go for this again what does this say about American Political Culture well yeah i mean the trump approach to politics really does seem to have struck a very powerful cold in the u. S. Of course we do have to emphasize that again it looks like dont come is not going to win the popular vote so the current tally has more than 2000000. 00 votes behind joe biden on a National Level and the same happened last year last time in 2016 he was also more than 2000000 votes behind and still the recipe is working and set any kind of viewed from europe i think european governments and european publics are really quite unite in their kind of dismay at donald trump if you look at the opinion polls across europe pew research for instance often does these you see that theyre really rock bottom ratings for donald trump and theyve been the that way all along so i think that there is a kind of a sense of what is happening politically in america is america kind of drifting away in its political culture in its values away from what western europe imagined was was a kind of shared set of values and you get that same feeling in the Diplomatic Community in in governments as well. Really praying for biden to win cause he may still come through but there will be a lot of anxiety and european capitals about thinking gosh theyre going to have to deal with dont trumpet for another 4 years a man who they really feel simply doesnt have the same kind of values basically in International Affairs about just simple cool peroration between states to solve problems he doesnt believe in that america 1st is an absolute 100 percent repudiation of that whole idea so a few politicians who are coming out here in germany for instance talking about this wolf and saying oh my goodness how is germany going to deal with trump 2. 00 if thats whats going to happen richard thanks so much our chief International Editor Richard Walker. Richard was saying we do have some reaction here from some german politicians urging caution over the u. S. Election the economy minister here in germany says its important for the contestants to accept the results once every vote has been counted earlier we spoke to schmidt of the s. P. D. Partners in germanys Ruling Coalition he dismissed President Trumps claim to have one. Statement. Even no been counted yet and a good democrat needs to wait for the final tally before declaring themselves the victor of an election it clearly shows President Trumps deep disdain of democracy and democratic procedures. After 4 years of america 1st many here in europe had hoped to wake up to a different and clearer outcome germanys know what can of the bonus talks Foreign Affairs committee with this reaction germany he says is not prepared for 4 more years of working with trump a 2nd election victory would challenge us fundamentally in a way in which we are not prepared. And in scotland the 1st minister there nicolas sturgeon with a clear rebuke of trumps premature claim a victory she says the good luck american sentiment of last night seems even more sit in this morning crucial hours and days ahead for the integrity of u. S. Democracy lets hope we start to hear the voices of republicans who understand the importance of that. And alarm also from sounding there in brussels this from a member of the European Parliament. He says looking at the chaos across the atlantic im more certain than ever that europeans are stronger together in an uncertain world whatever the outcome the e. U. Needs to take its destiny into its own hands. Lets bring in course ski here hes chairman of the European Parliaments delegation for relations with the u. S. Sent for polish foreign minister thank you very much for being with us he joins us from warsaw by the way so what do you make of donald trump claiming to have won before all votes are counted. Well thats a lie hes not winning either the popular vote all the Electoral College votes. But i think they have a cost to remarking pennsylvania and some other places because the chance of winning this this by losing the popular vote. These past few years has been a rocky time for transatlantic ties to say the least you chair the European Parliament delegation for relations with the u. S. What it contested us election mean for that relationship. Well it will be in the marquee against. Americas soft power. This time based on the constitution you know. The votes of americans are not equal i have an american wife who has voted in maryland and have won she is almost irrelevant because maryland goes one way anyway. I would love to be able to say we will work with whoever wins and of course we dont take sides in this and that but of course we know that this is a uniquely hostile president to the European Union he backed breaks it and mr faraj hes called us a firm hes threatened us with sanctions and we would prefer to have someone in washington with whom we could jointly. Have a strategy about how to manage a more assertive china for example. Thats from the european point of view but i have to say where in my pearl ish hat we have a local trump assigned park here in warsaw and theyve been quite close to President Trump at and. And they got hers and that they are delusional visas. And something you might not like in germany but sanctions on all 3 mark are the popular here in poland because without them the investment which is harmful to our Central European interests were already finished so individual Member States within the European Union obviously have different relationships with the United States poland is an interesting example but in light of what donald trump has been doing recently could the e. U. With your e. U. Hat on could the e. U. Still view him as a reliable partner. Well reliability is the last quality that springs to mind just like truthfulness no this is a predictable leader who is incompetent in Foreign Affairs hes managed to offend. All the leaders of the democratic world that i can think of he seems to be much more comfortable with these changes but but even death with the present cio if you enjoy more and i dont see much success. And of course its difficult to rely on the man like that on your security. And this is why i think europe should start taking the idea of strategical autonomy seriously but that would take resources and real commitment. And i dont see any of that. Sikorsky the chairman of european parlance delegation for relations with the us thank you very much. More on the german perspective regarding the us now donald trump and chancellor kohl have had a truly rocky relationship in the last 4 years or has it left between the u. S. And germany well heres more from unia. Wiretap even before donald trump became us president it was clear the relationship wouldnt be easy. Now merkel what did she do shes destroyed i mean shes in the process of destroying germany with a migration Time Magazine he didnt even give me the man of the year the person of the year they should out. Thats why its heading down that. They gave it to a woman who has not done the right thing in germany its not doing too well over there. That woman on the cover was in fact german chancellor a good american. And will once trump did become president she congratulated him on his election but in typical american style she threw in a subtle dig. Thoughts moment when america germany and america connected by values democracy freedom respect for the law and for the dignity of human beings regardless of their origin with skin color religion gender Sexual Orientation or political views a lawyer will order. This photo of medical facing trump at a g 7 meeting went viral seen by many as a perfect illustration of their report so was their 1st encounter when trump ignored americas suggestion to shake hands thank you. Thank you. One of the biggest sources of disagreement has been nato trump has attacked germany without pause saying it was not paying its fair share towards the alliance. Germany as you know is very delinquent in their. Payments to nato. And theyre paying one percent in this supposed to be a 2 percent of the 2 percent is very low should be much more than that so theyre delinquent of billions of dollars and this is 3 years to liquid. When trump tweeted racist attacks on this group of Democratic Us Congress women openly condemned his actions. Even moved up on achievement. I firmly distanced myself from their taxes and i stand in solidarity with these women. In americas strength from my perspective life precisely in the fact that the people of very different nationalities have contributed to the strength of the country and. Therefore these a statements that are grown very much counter to this impression of mine from your duties consist. A strained relationship but also opposite approaches like on how to deal with the coronavirus pandemic and how to wear a face mask. Now with trump fighting for a 2nd term in office and miracle in her last year as chancellor it may soon be time to kiss goodbye the question is how soon. So the u. S. President ial election remains too uncertain too close to call with vote counting continuing in key states that will decide who wins the white house so far neither president all trump nor his democratic challenger joe biden have managed to clinch the 170 Electoral College votes needed to win now the southwestern state of arizona and look at a few of these states arizona the latest battleground state thats been called its all evan Electoral College votes go to joe biden making it the only state to have flipped parties since the 2016 election. And theres wisconsin votes are still being counted in that decisive midwestern industrial state along with other states in the region there in the midwest as constant as 10 electoral votes biden has taken a narrow lead there michigan meanwhile trump still has a slim lead in there with its 16 electoral votes but his lead is getting smaller as the remaining votes are being counted many outstanding votes there as in pennsylvania thats the biggest prize its still to call pennsylvania 20 Electoral College votes trump has a big lead at the moment but could change. Right now the race to win the Electoral College is open with Democrat Joe Biden at 238 votes and President Trump at 213270 the magic number needed to win. Now lets take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world today if the o. P. s Prime Minister has ordered the army into to gray states. Said the deployment follows rebel attack on a military base its a grave Peoples Liberation front long dominated ethiopian politics and the move has fueled fears of a civil war. Chiles interior minister has resigned viktor perez stepped down after parliament voted to impeach him he had been criticized for his handling of recent strikes and Police Brutality his resignation after just 3 months on the job is a blow to president sebastian pinera. And hurricane has Central America battering homes and causing major flooding and landslides at least 3 people have been reported killed in nicaragua and honduras now downgraded to a Tropical Storm is expected to head across cuba to florida this week. That has undergone brain surgery for a blood clot 60 year old was taken to hospital on monday for tests after feeling unwell and honest doctor says the operation went well. Youre watching the news after the break weve got more on how various countries in asia see the u. S. Election thanks for watching. Blue. Comes from. Im scared that the they work that hard and in the end this is a me youre not allowed to steal any more we will send you back. Are you familiar with this. With the smugglers were alliance of the whats your story. d on what numbers of women especially of victims of violence will. Take part and send us your story we are trying in all ways to understand this new culture. You are not a villa turn other guests you want to become a citizen. In for migrants your platform for a while information. Due to all. Of the moral. Absolutes because your war isnt love. In this war sworn. Enemies of the rules. Theres no use in the law of the world for the wicked. Goes. For. A. Good sleep. Lol. Youre watching the w h f coming up today all eyes are on the outcome of the us election its repercussions will be felt around the world well be taking a closer look at what it means for Different Countries across the region. And the election will influence the global fight against Climate Change the trumpet ministration formally withdraws from the pairs agreement today a bi win might change that whats at stake

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