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Environment in the process. I made you mike a junior and you are welcome to the program tanzanias president michel fully has been reelected to a 2nd term in office after receiving over 12000000 of the total votes cast making up 84 percent the Opposition Leader out in the least 2 of the chatham a party has however rejected the result and called it a fraud the police have arrested officials from his spot to you to quote stop them from destroying property under the guise of protests it was issued want new elections and are calling on the all supporters to peacefully demonstrate. Elected for a 2nd john macro throughly was in a celebrates removed despite his victory being contested by the opposition foully formally accepted his win promising to be a president to all. Say well let me take this opportunity to assure all my fellow tanzanians that i will serve them all regardless of their political partys religion or try. And make. Magnus really was reelected with 84 percent of the votes but the opposition parties say the vote was rigged and have called on supporters to peacefully protest the results on monday freeman and bowie chairman of the main opposition shah dam a party was detained by police he was accused of inciting violence and Vandalism Police have threatened to crush any protests people on the streets have split opinions. I agree with the results and. Since he works so hard and helps our small merchants you. Want to. Know there are lots of complaints about irregularities during the elections like fake ballot papers but our leaders have forced their will on us along with the police who show that they need. Independent observers have expressed concern over how the vote was conducted so to the main opposition candidate that has. All the procedures that. The law requires. For the election. To be free fair. Credible. Not crossed they did not express that. We of the people. Results of the president ial elections cannot be contested in tanzania so for the opposition the best hope for change is putting faith in the power of the people. For the latest on the ground im now joined by charles can be a journalist in Dar Es Salaam hello charles 1st tell us what is the overall mood in the country ok thank you very much just to. Do today it was really easy day because. Just but you know all areas. And meet the police. There are many Police Deployed in the areas so business is. Well blueness usually. Creationisms opposition seen before ok now the opposition is calling the election if fraud and are demanding the fresh vote how likely is that. You know if you as a lender part in which i am a patent demeaning position yet and so yeah of course theyre demanding official it because there are some of the allegations. That it wouldnt be National Little commission and they also accused during they win this general election and they see that some of the issues that happened. To. Them election some of them are. Formed theyre some of the. Big must not predict so all these issues made oprahs this year just. Want. It will be not. All about the quote you are interested. In previously h. But what is the possibility that they are demand for fresh voter will be had. Currently going in the situation it will be. It wont be it wont be placebo or run off election because it was the president. Was it not about the National Electoral commission and of course. It cannot i mean when the president is that its not you cannot challenge their. Results so maybe if you are maybe members of parliament or councillors you can challenge it in court but when the president is not there is nothing like challenging that results or i dont think this harping on. Their intention to hold intrusions is still there and they took some of it leaders from that didnt they say that by the end more than one genius nation went through did you still there ok and now briefly tell us why has michael fully sparty run this country for decades since independence without much opposition. Maybe since 2000 and thats to do when moxley came to but there are some instances that have been seen to sort through this opposition as many. I mean opposition a lot of well. Hold meetings on doing all these kind of. A dark time you can find out there is not any closing bell of cause invoices from others. But its only the ruling party b c c m that had my ups always. Or areas like the media so i dont say its kind of rejecting i mean. Ok end of i can say ok child journalist in Dar Es Salaam thank you thank you very much eddie. So how do you protect the environment through fashion well if the passion is right then you find a way just like Fashion Designer. For and has fun see plastic clothing he goes round downsize to big Plastic Waste which he uses to produce all kinds of clothing the unit clothing is made from secondhand clothing together with sachet Plastic Waste that have led to the environmental cause ghanas capital accra he hopes to overall increase our when it is on a sustainable fashion. Elysia is a Young Fashion designer based in ghanas cup its all a cry from this small what species of his home he designs and makes his finds to draw them from plastic we used. For his brother kelvin have been sewing for the past 5 years but since the scene they have been creating value out of all kinds of whist materials including plastics and brooke in merrills to create a new fresh increase in ghana. A main goal was to create this seam effect like this seem jackets and stuff that people who knew us for all we wanted to create the same thing with their rabbit ears and like to make them have the same feel and then scenes we learned by a year and a half nice being going great. For his team who are around the community to collect the Plastic Waste thats the surroundings their wish to materials carefully started it on prepared to make defined secure its for their freshman level boy and feel the Young Fashion design is among the fast contemporary saying is focusing crafts only on upcycling a sustainable fashion dream is to win the hearts of men again eons. To get to a point where hes stepping down and everybodys wearing a dress you know in town and stuff like it becomes a normal address with people i think as. The corner and then make nice little public modeling the things that the teen isnt tongan around. In this small studio theyre preparing for an upcoming veteran watching events they said this year. This models use these sessions to shook is the newly produced funds to plastic groups before they go pop. Mentoring the next generation is also important for his visit schools like these to speak to children encouraging them to korea in fashion. Industry in. Front i reach out to them and talk to them because i believe that eve the new how do you see the markets was and how they can make a living will be unlike most of them was surprisingly design. Talk today seems to have already motivated many of the kids were now wants to become Fashion Design is just like here. But fed has spiraled right whats even said i want to be a Fashion Designer but because its wearing. A check from. Ghana its already home to several stylish fresh and bronze and bountiful and his brother booked a ticket and much to d. A craft tomorrow there will. Now abouts just amazing and thats it for now you can go to your dot com slash africa to check out more of our stories or you can visit our facebook and twitter pages love to know your thoughts on all coverage so he can also hit me up on twitter at the micro. Fun c plastic fashion from ghana looks pretty cool doesnt it alfonse you put in one on myself its a great idea for the future of sustainable fashion so well leave you with some more to look at buy for now see you soon. What secrets lie behind small. Discover new adventures in the 360 degree. To explore World Heritage sites. W World Heritage 360 get up now. And you hear me now yes yes weve got a new you and how last years german starts now well bring you an angle a man called and youve never heard her before the surprise yourself with what is possible who is magical what moves them part of who talks to people who follows her along the way admirers and critics alike how is the worlds most powerful woman shaping her legacy joining us from eccles last stop. Europes culture scene braces itself once again as countries go back into lockdown. Abra houses in germany squeezed in new premieres just hours before the curtains came down that story coming up plus how designers are making urban spaces safe for women and decades of Cultural Exchange between u. S. Troops and germans set to end in some places that is if donald trump has his way. Welcome to arts and culture a lot of culture makers here in germany are angry at the countrys new coronavirus rules as of this week museums cinemas and theatres like dresden famous opera house are shut by government to create meanwhile passenger trains are full and Car Dealerships are still open to waiting cultural figures have called it unfair over the weekend the show did go on right until the lockdown came. Crimea at the same. But this magic flute will be silenced for at least 4 weeks was going ahead a gesture of defiance. Really is defiance we just did it i would say we will play when we can and i infuse my colleagues we are an active and vibrant company. In the fight against the virus is not only being waged with artistic means Technology Helps out by exchanging 35000 cubic metres of our enough to keep exactly 331 spectators safe. Rises from the packs of the seats the audience briefs is drawn out before it can spread in the whole. Of all the places you have to operate the systems with a degree of sensitivity because of course you dont want draft a new band very important in a theater no noises that just the music of. The pieces being cut the 2 hours the artists keep their distance somewhere mosques and sing past each other into us. Because we know the public you know public unit us. Break or they usually hug each other and here they stretch out their hands like in the viennese punch and judy show where the play comes from and past each other. And off we go you can do it with his humor we shouldnt lose our sense of humor under any circumstances or. Keeping in could humor despite all the compromises doing everything technically possible but still facing shutdown the decision is not easy to digest not only for the director. Of the pond. Take the hind demick seriously we have implemented heightening concepts thats why theres so much in comprehension in the theatre brought its important to stress that this is not the result of an reflected range but i also consider this closure to be the correct political symbol in an unhealthy moment theres no Holding Hands as performers take their vows but the message is clear is the basis of society a simple will be silent for a while but rehearsals are continuing for premieres in the not too distant future. Germanys culture minister says shes pursing for Fast Financial aid for a 1000000 and a half culture section workers affected by the new shutdown now urban design isnt just about how cities work it also impacts on safety and equality and more and more designers are looking at how to make cities that work better for women would you feel safe walking here alone at night. Yet of how hard every woman gets nervous when a place is poorly lit and she doesnt have a good overview of her surroundings or when she sees a group of people that she cant gauge very well and set how do women and girls feel when they move through their environments thats the question my cookbook and her colleagues from planned International Germany asked to cross for major german cities on line and with anonymity the details of those bad experiences were turned into a map here from the city of hamburg even if a crime doesnt take place on every dark corner every night of the week the fear that it might is a problem for many women. I did this prefer this feeling that no one will hear me im good with that even if i do call out for help no one works thats the 1st thing that comes to mind for example when i see a group of young men or a dark park i think ok how can i avoid them and if i cant is there going to be someone who can help me but if they wish i was wise and couldnt have made up your mind. Been planning in general and traffic planning in particular was always seen as a mans job. Either carl is proof that it doesnt have to be that way shes finding a quarter for all for the city of vienna without dark corners and unsafe spaces but what does the city look like where no one has to be afraid roman plats in vienna was once a dodgy bottleneck. For the english but i dont buy for the redesign in this limited space there were lots of pas that crossed. Board will dance feeding it was badly laid out. There were people hanging out and pedestrians couldnt avoid them. Give the combination was bad. They were hidden entrances. There were high bush is one. To plan a space for old men they had to get everyone on board and they did Business People ordinary people from the street and Homeless People all of them voiced their wishes in concerns and voted for the changes they wanted to see happen a lot of work was put in so that women and girls could feel comfortable. Taking the lead when it comes to gender planning creating a city that everyone can enjoy because it takes everyones needs into account. My colleague Melissa Holroyd has more on this. These ideas about how to make. Cities safe theyre not just benefiting women are they doesnt Everyone Wants safer cities yeah im sure men dont want to like walk to the train station in complete darkness with lots of bushes around them that they might just be able to jump out of but there are definite differences and trends that are taken into account by these so called gender planets thats called them so men drive cars a lot more than women do women are a lot more likely to take the train or take a tram or take a bus and so a good public transport system is something that benefits a lot of women women are much more likely to push prams so wide pathways are quite good for women so they can cross each other the plan is also take into account places for women to breast feed and take care of their children and why do you think that these issues havent been addressed more already in the past or according to the world bank only one in 10 of top architects are women so yeah i mean i would imagine that a good plan or a good architect is somebody who takes into account all people perhaps thats not always the case and its not just about safety there is it now theres a lot of talk about visibility so in the neighborhood of aspen in vienna all street names and places are named after women and thats something thats also happened here in parts of berlin so in the 1990 s. Only 2. 4 percent of all signs when by and after women so they decided they wanted to change that and name a lot more after women until there was parity it might seem like a banal difference but actually when you walk through these new suburbs you do get it is a nice feeling that the street names in named after women 2 percent thats nothing and now this move to bring more visibility to the streets is not just happening here in europe no recently in mumbai india their traffic lights their pedestrian traffic lights underwent a sex change so instead of having like the little men the symbol of the man we now have the symbol of women and sometimes had these funny sort of hats and all. Fashion of the race is no longer a cute i think its quite interesting if any 240 of them have changed across the city and this is a small and but significant changes given that there arent a lot of women on the streets on the big cities across india and that has something to do with safety as well thanks so much for coming on the show. Now people here in germany are keeping a close watch on this weeks u. S. President ial election and one reason as president Donald Trumps plan to withdraw 12000 american troops stationed in germany a plan to punish germany for its lower military spending terms rival joe biden says if hes elected he will review the plan well whether the troops stay or go the impact wont just be on defense it will also be cultural. Infill sec in the open region americans have been living together in harmony for a long time but now the american soldiers may be set to leave the economic losses would be painful but the Cultural Exchanges between german and american friends and families would be the biggest loss. Thanksgiving its very common that german families are invited by american friends to enjoy a turkey dinner together. When the g. I. s came 75 years ago they brought democracy and a new way of life after the years of nazi dictatorship hifi cola chewing gum and. The american troops own Radio Station played music that wasnt being played on german stations the station was almost lifestyle choice for young people in the fiftys and sixtys pop music and. Theres a morning reporter in the morning. Who presented on a. F. N. Wood burning with passion you. Simply couldnt live without the music. To. Take nerve began his own radio career at a. F. N. Americas book club culture to vary and you drink beer. As they considered the very end. They came up with. Duct cola and cognac. Granger. Johnny cash founders his 1st band in the area the landsburg barbarians and composed some of his hits that. The king in crawford elvis 1st week of his only concert as a g. I. In europe. Use explored across the country via a. F. N. In munich. They have been offered an incredible range of musical genres because they had to serve the various ethnic groups that were in the army so they had everything from country jazz blues jazz varia and america a match made in heaven the door of u. S. Troops is not yet set in stone many here hope that decision may be reversed after the u. S. Election and that this unique Cultural Exchange can continue. And maybe well know more later this week thats it for this edition of arts and culture for more culture stories check out our website any time day or night at d. S. W. Dot com slash culture from. Thanks for watching. The next pandemic is just a matter of time. Scientists in brazil are convinced of this. The destruction of the rain forest continues the habitat and up wild animals carry deadly pathogens they want to prevent even more some breaks brazil the finest hunters. 90 minutes on d w. The 20 or so much on to double the book for your floor yet to find out why the latino gold leans more republican. Votes are reported a. Its their obsession for spectacular pictures playing its their passion for nature. Play against their complete devotion that makes them the best wildlife photographer in the world. Place in a dream. And traumatic place from titian. And stirring. Play 5 adventures. One go and play the preservation of our planet place its not a sinister apartment trees and so you cant as a floor. Exhausts thats dangerous surat a spy. Plane shuttle starts november 6th on t. W. This is news life germanys chancellor defends her countrys new coronavirus lockdown restrictions come into force today im going to people to follow the rules to protect the Health System. Has doubled over the last 10 days also on the program. In key swing States Donald trump feels to floridas cuban americans the latino votes to decide this years u. S. Elections. Rescued from the rubble 3 days after. The 3 Year Old Girl is pulled alive from the wreckage. Welcome to the Program German chancellor im going to. Have residence to abide by strict new rules designed to slow a rapid increase in covered 900. 00 factions from today restaurants bars and Leisure Centers that will be closed for a month the chancellor told a News Conference the rules were necessary to prevent the countrys Health Care System from being overwhelmed germany has recently seen a surge of 1000 patients in intensive care. A wet start to germanys new partial lockdown Early Morning in berlin as cool children have to class they are some of the few whose routine wont change that much with the new measures the new restrictions on affect shops schools or day cares the German Government says it will prioritize childrens education something it says is better achieved with in person lessons. What does appear different is this street usually bustling with tourists and locals now quiet and empty its many bars and cafes have to shut down and can only offer takeout. German chancellor Angela Merkel acknowledged that the new measures are hard but said that they are necessary to limit social contacts and bring the pandemic back under control. Those who do it and of course this means that for the next 4 weeks will have to go without a lot of the things that make life worthwhile and we all know that the state premiers as well as we in the government we spent a long time considering whether there was a better or moderate way but we did not see one thats why with heavy hearts we decided on these measures and. The government has also urged those who can to work from home and ask them ploy is to facilitate the transition with more people staying home fewer commuters should crowded trains and buses. At lunch time clients lined up outside restaurants not to wait for a table but to order takeout a buffer for many Restaurant Owners but not enough to make up for the lost income. This is really a service to customers but its not much more than that i assume that i will have to accept some losses this month in. A difficult november lies ahead the hope now for germans is that the. Next 4 weeks will be enough to curb the spread of the virus. Lets get more from d. W. Political correspondent Thomas Sparrow welcome thomas this press conference was held at short notice what does this tell us about the Current Situation in germany that it is essentially very urgent that the situation is not good and that that explains why the german chancellor but also the regional leaders had to announce this new partial lockdown im going to stress saying based on statistics how fast the virus is actually spreading here in germany how that is actually affecting the Public Health system and how if nothing is done then the Health System would be overwhelmed in a matter of weeks and thats why im going to merkel felt the need to come to the federal press center and explain those policies once again it is very unusual for the chancellor to do that you know when it comes to fill once a year to the federal press center here in in berlin for a yearly sum of press conference and the fact that he decided on very short notice he was previously scheduled to simply come here today on the 1st day of this possible lockdown just gives you the sense of how the government is feeling about these cases and why the government in particular the german chancellor feel that urgency to explain these new policies here in germany im going to call also stress that she understands that theres frustration that theres skepticism by that that just makes the need even greater for her to explain why these decisions were actually made urgent luck to you say but it could have been a lot harsher. It could have been a lot harsher but dots the reason why its also being described as a sort of lockdown light or a partial lockdown schools will rule it will remain open day care will remain open churches will remain open shops will remain open but basically Everything Else will have to close for the month of november so bars restaurants james museums theaters and so on and there has been criticism as to why exactly these areas were targeted and not other areas but thats also why the german chancellor explained that since germany at this point cannot track and trace most infections in fact 75 percent of infections then there is a need to come up with these measures and why for example schools were left open Angela Merkel has had that as a clear goal right from the start school to have to remain open as much as possible thats important socially also economically and at the same time the German Government wants to make sure that the businesses under the economy in general are affected as little as possible chancellor merkel has been seen. In National Leader who generally has a grip oh miss pondar me what does this lockdown mean for her politically it is also a big challenge for politically in her last year as german chancellor theres no doubt that this could also moch legacy especially the corner on these badly affected and thats why for her in particular theres also a lot at stake here she wants to make sure that germany comes out of this pandemic in a healthy way as much as possible obviously these affected not only germany but other countries around the world and germany who wants to make sure that germany still continues if i told possible to fare better comparatively than other countries around the world and thats why the challenge is a very big challenge not only for the contrie in general but also for anglo merkel in particular they dont need Political Correspondent tom starr thank you. Well take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world turns in an opposition made 200 leasers been released after a brief detention by police according to his that you deem a party on monday police for a plan to protest against last weeks election which the opposition say was rigged several other high ranking members of the opposition have also been taken into custody. A huge cleanup is underway in the philippines after it was hit by typhoon goni over the weekend at least 20 people were killed and tens of thousands of homes damaged or destroyed forested areas have been left without communications and elektra city the army has appealed for more troops to assist the relief operation. At least 19 people have been killed after gunmen stormed Kabul University during an iranian bookfair officials from iran and afghanistan had been expected to attend witnesses say the attackers targeted students state to militant group has claimed responsibility. For Buddhist Monk has surrendered to police in myanmar after 18 months on the run up to it was wanted for sedition after allegedly making inflammatory remarks about the leader san suu kyi is surrender comes days before military before parliamentary elections and they say his reappearance could be an attempt to influence the vote against mr shes party. For less than 24 hours until election day in the United States with the clock ticking President Trump and democratic rival joe biden are focusing their campaigns on the swing states lots of eyes will be on florida which has seen razor thin margins between winners and losers in the last 2 elections President Trump be so being that support from latino voters will boost him to victory there the w. s catalina cheer boy has been to florida to find out how the president S Republican Party has been appealing to cuban americans. They want to see donald trump stay in the white house and theyre determined to deliver florida for him its a must win state for the presidency even at this scale back democrat rally in orlando the triumph orders are higher louder. Trump has strong support from a large part of the Latino Community here in florida this despite things which would seem almost ezine to put latinos off like the harsh words he has used to describe immigrants im here to find out why the hispanic vote leans more republican here in florida nearly a 3rd of the latino voters in florida have cuban roots including the car covered our mores had of latinos for trump in orlando she was 15 when her family fled cuba after losing everything to the government of evil cust they just knock one day at the door and they said this is ours now we had lost everything you know we had lost our beautiful hall. The ranch the chauffeur but we had a different life and you adopt. Thats why voting is so important to me because its the gift that this country has given me that i didnt have they took away. One of her biggest fears like many other cuban americans is the idea that the system they fled could be adopted in the United States no i dont think joe biden is a socialist or a communist but i do believe the people around him are and they have the same socialist ideas that i lived through in cuba and ive seen in venezuela so yes i do believe that hes surrounded with that and a leader is as good as the people around them being pro trump is slowly becoming something to president s supporters keep to themselves because there can be consequences mike or plumber is also a devoted trump support i have written for you i have 000 right. For your press you know unless you have a list of what i was this is you not appropriate person wrong word because you dont want to do the job if you were trying choice already provided privileges to do the job because thats a really good word. Its not just a fear of socialism driving support for trump. Many voters are catholic and support the republican position against abortion and it may seem counter intuitive but many also supports hard line on immigration even from latin american countries. That trump tells the truth i dont want other hispanics to come into the u. S. Even if they are from my country peru if they dont pay taxes that is not fair so if more hispanics come and dump a taxes they seal and live off the money they get from the government then im a racist too and i also say get out its not fair that those that come through the board border illegally obtain a call you already 10000. 00 to come here and we dont know where they are they could be rate based here in florida support for President Trump and the republicans steeply emotional if that support is reflected at the ballot box it could decide the election. To turkey where rescue workers have pulled the 2 girls from collapsed buildings and they province of. A 3 year old was brought to safety maybe 3 days after a strong earthquake struck the region 14 year old was freed. But hopes of finding others off fighting the quake killed dozens of people and injured hundreds. Of us 3 years old and nearly 3 days under rubble. One of. The firefighters who got young and if pretty inject out from her collapsed house said her rescue was a miracle. It had been. A leaf lying on her back she was between her bed and the closet i stretched out my hands to clean her face and she grabbed my finger and opened her eyes i froze because right before that moment i had asked my team for a blanket and a body bag while looking at a leaf a tiny little kid. Its been a rare piece of good news in the aftermath of the quake it struck friday below the aegean sea off the Turkish Coast it triggered a small tsunami which inundated streets on the greek island of samaras while tremors also cause widespread damage. Hundreds of families now homeless are living in tents they describe scenes of terror and deprivation to d. W. To cure everything in the house was falling on me and i knew i couldnt stand him i thought i was going to die right there there was nothing we could do. I couldnt get out after the shaking start. It was a terrible feeling. The tense get very cold at night i hope life will return to normal as soon as possible god bless us all when i go home to get necessities i still feel the aftershocks so many. Turkish police have arrested several people as part of an investigation into why dozens of buildings were so heavily damaged. Essential up to date brad gulf will have your next world news update to the top of the hour now do it with Business News in just a moment in between of course theres always a web site b w dot com for the latest news around. A good. News. Im sure that. In support of. Whats a big. Oval. To be about. In the. Climate change. What do you think the future. Dot com for the city. Could turn. To a fresh round of lockdowns threatens europes economy but chinese manufacturing hits a 10 year record for people and will haunt the outbreak started the Coronavirus Crisis seems all but forgotten. Also coming off 4 years of donald trump in office have left their mark on the Global Economy a day before the election we take stock of u. S. German business ties. And we take you to somalia where. Samee producers are planting seeds of opportunity. This is the deadly business im done now that while out in berlin thank you for joining us we begin in china where manufacturing has bounced back sharply reaching the highest level in nearly 10 years its the latest sign of recovery for the worlds top 2 economy here is another what the return of business in will haunt the central chinese city where the outbreak began take a look. At social distancing rules are out clubbing back in. The mood or move on streets also optimistic theres a lot of good luck. And there are no more problems and move on everythings under control. The message beijing is eager to spread especially as europe locks down and cases rise again in the u. S. New figures increasingly support that message the chinese economy is growing again exports are rising and domestic consumption is trying to pick up the slack in overseas demand. Businesses say theyre seeing the revival firsthand to hong owns one of the citys most popular restaurants. Say apologize. We started to ease the lockdown on april 8th but the customers werent there sure that it was only in may when everyone was tested that people and families started going out because everyone was reassured. That are still people sort of helping but chinas approach is hardly duplicable beijings one party rule and its massive mobilization make it an anomaly amongst large economies even if its rebound is invisible our financial correspondent conrad sent us this analysis. Capital expenditures are being postponed purchasing managers are very reluctant to make a large at and longer term spending decisions this of course makes the outlook in china that difficult but china in recent years has done a lot to become more independent from the rest of the world the domestic demand is playing more of a role and this has helped china so far to recover so quickly. Now this is the week that will determine the shape of global trade for the coming years will it be donald trump or joe biden millions around the world are waiting with bated breath including german business leaders. Machines cars and parts from suppliers those are germanys top sellers in the u. S. And apparently a thriving business even during Donald Trumps presidency. German Companies Sold 107000000000 euros worth of goods in the u. S. In the year Trump Took Office an amount that continued to climb this makes the u. S. The single biggest buyer of german exports. On the u. S. Sold more goods to germany each year since Trump Took Office so does this mean the trade relations are running smoothly between the u. S. And germany not at all according to storm aeonic a millionaire from the federation of german industries. And if we really reached a low point during the Trump Administration we have several new trade conflicts steel and aluminum tariffs for one thing but also the conflict over subsidies in the aviation sector for example airbus boeing and the threat of Motor Vehicle tariffs is unfortunately still on the table. So these are conflicts have increased dramatically like in iran for norm. Even so u. S. Companies continue to invest heavily in germany about 13000000000 euros last year in return German Companies invested about 34000000000 euros in projects in the u. S. And 2019 alone. Frank supporter laurie of the American Chamber of commerce in berlin reports positive experiences despite disagreements between berlin and washington most recently during his visits to georgia kentucky and indiana these are states that when a german he says hey i want to come and no it is ever so german go or we dont want your jobs on the country and you know full well when a he says i want to invest in germany theres a 1000000 programs here theres all kinds of investment banks in every state the entrance to. Is big. But much needs to be done to lead trade relations back to calmer waters once again. Thats when ive asked the 1st of all trusts needs to be rebuilt at all levels not just on the executive or leadership level but also all the way down to the workers level. And on guns with that means the dialogue that we always used to have but that was suspended under the Trump Administration would have to be reactivated they havent had a ton of thought through life and health care that can cut Social Security but just how willing both parties will be to engage in dialogue depends on the Election Results. Now to some of the other Global Business stories making news. Oil prices have fallen to a 5 month low as coronavirus lockdowns go into effect across europe the fear is that more lock downs will slow Economic Growth and that demand for oil will plummet Oil Companies like b. P. And shell have laid off thousands in the wake of the pandemic. Irish Budget Airline ryanair nosedive into the red from april to september thats usually Summer Travel season the peak ryanair suffered a loss of almost 200000000 euros the coronavirus pandemic is the most challenging time in brian ayers 35 year history the companys that. Many british banks and foreign firms that that previously used london as their gateway to the e. U. Are now setting up shop in germany germanys going despite says so far 64 firms have applied to expand operations are called into the country bringing billions of euros with them. Less than 9 weeks to go before the u. K. And the e. U. Run out of time to seal a trade deal if they dont succeed now british firms face tons of red tape at the border if they want to keep selling into the worlds biggest trading block after january 1st talks are continuing this week. Port operations at dover runs like clockwork up to 10000. 00 trucks pass through the busiest british seaport every day the vast majority of freight almost 99 percent is trade within the e. U. Meaning its not subject to customs checks thats all about to change outside the Block Companies will have to complete a lot of paperwork for the drivers his eclipse. A Movement Reference Number is generated by a transit a company in document and exit summary declaration and should be lodged with the Goods Vehicle Movement service this then generates a Goods Movement reference which is given to the driver before it can access a permit is secured to enter the county of kent with over the lease. Should the driver lack one of the papers he can face a 300 pounds fine and could be sent back. We have filled out customs decorations that is he said is within store experience and we can have about 5000. 00. Agents in the. We get any closer 250000 agents. At this stage we have no one idea that the speed of which that is growing in the rockies services should change as i just feel the pain is pretty well the biggest challenge of many predict chaos even the British Government has said 7000 trucks could be held in 100 kilometer queues in kent the garden of england could turn into the maori park of england to avoid chaos construction workers are busily creating a customs clearance steptoe with room for up to 2000 trucks. Here at the port of hole in Northern England the situation is even worse than in dover construction workers not yet started on the required infrastructure its not even clear where the new facilities are actually going to be but the port is also vital to the british economy all consumers would notice if something happened in the humble ports the biggest example of that would be in terms of energy so about 10 percent of all of the u. K. s Energy Supply by materials that come through the ports but also in terms of vehicles about 25 percent of all of you case fuel vehicles comes through the harbor ports as well so if we were not open you would notice it very quickly and by a very quickly it could be a mere 2 or 3 weeks before the nation begins to feel the pinch. So malia is a big sesame producer but poor policies and an ending conflict threaten the countrys export and potential however and n. G. O. S helping farmers and businesses sell the seeds directly without middlemen that is the w is a. Just looked at our reports. Sesame seeds ganesh for a loaf of bread or raw material for the trade it says im a c. It is a lucrative business worldwide im a father wanted to profit from this when he founded he says im a seed business and somalias capital mogadishu at 1st he bought system seeds from farmers to sell them on but they did not want. When i saw our production i started to run my own farm to get sesame seeds for sale but this was not productive because we were doing everything by hand i. E. In a manual way. In so much they cover an area of 200000 hectares with the potential export value for more than half a 1000000. 00 but the kids of war have parlayed business for him it however things have not changed for the better he convinced his customers abroad. How so innocent. We did everything we could to convince the buyers in these countries of the high quality of our sesame seeds and after the Laboratory Tests they accepted. Well. He has also participated in a usaid program that helps local farmers crosses and market their products worldwide so far we have training more than 6000 farmers but also we have to. Stop for the fuel to stop or diminish. Our system upon us who are mostly exporters of sesame. Pumice lake amid the now feeling the effects of that says they exported 5 times more sesame seeds than before or. We have 3000 farmers who benefit because we buy sesame seeds for that ok you can imagine how many jobs are created. Slowly but surely somalis are turning to the wild market one suck of sesame seeds after the other. And thats all for me and the Business Team here and berlin for more and to check out the w. Dot com slash this is our follow up on social media on facebook and on twitter im joined now the milan thank you very much for watching and stay safe. The next pandemic is just a matter of time. Some interests and personal march. The destruction of the rain forest continues for the habitat. Carrying deadly pathogens they want to prevent even more summer breaks brazil the fineness hunters. 60 minutes on. Im not laughing at the germans well i guess somebody but most theyre laughing with the german thinks deep into the german culture. Muted seems ridiculous grandma day oh you know its all out there im right so join me for me the cover of a golf course. This is the the medias africa coming up on the program the contest that Election Results times a new years president s Michael Flatley has been declared a wind up by the opposition see if the election was rigged and not calling for protest on the french vote also coming up. These fine secret meeting got more than aware of obama will find out how the design eyes followed his options for fashion while protecting the environment in the process

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