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Im melissa chan welcome to news asia thank you for joining us at least 16 people are dead and thousands of homes destroyed as of monday evening local time in the philippines officials continue to assess the damage typhoon goni is one of the strongest storms to make landfall there in years bringing winds of up to 200 kilometers an hour to parts of the country it mostly missed to the capital of manila but still hundreds of thousands of people have had to evacuate not just from the storm but from subsequent mudslides and floods. For a country hit on average 20 times each year by typhoons goni was the most powerful to strike the philippines this year. Rooftops were torn away debris flying everywhere as water rushed in one from the sea or downhill from mountainsides. Wind gusts reached above 300 Kilometers Per Hour and in some towns the red cross said up to 80 percent of the homes were destroyed. Goni rival typhoon haiyan which in 2013 killed more than 6000 people. But this time there were warnings and preparation. And mass evacuations. The end of that anyway then i evacuated because its better to be safe since i cant walk and have to crawl to get out but if i could walk id prefer to stay in our place. Even my im afraid because my mothers house is already weak and was about to get crushed. The early warnings and preparations put coast guard and other emergency rescuers in position to help residents stranded by rising floodwaters. The storm at one point was one of the most powerful ever recorded but its strength dissipated as it moved across the island of luzon home to more than 2000000 people accounting for 2 thirds of the filipino economy 50000. 00 homes here were without power as goni moved out to the South China Sea. Direction vietnam still packing heavy rains. The head of gone has landfall the country was still reeling from typhoon which killed 22 people next up though filipinos already know another storm that sunny is gaining strength in the Pacific Ocean as it approaches their country. Those who are put into shelters to keep them safe from the last storm wonder if there is even cause to return home before the next. This is election week in the United States indeed only news asia will be taking a closer look at the impact of developments there and how it be changed relations in the asian region sticking with the philippines president has praised philippine president rod rico to tara to his controversial drug war in the past a fight that human rights activists say include extrajudicial killings now to terror tape has not always responded in kind and has often plagued the u. S. Against china for example hes opted not to challenge beijings encroachments in the South China Sea i spoke to aries i rew guy from the university of the philippines and i asked him how differently abiding administration might respond to the characters drug war and whether it matters if america speaks out about human rights. It would matter i think for the Turkey Administration because it has somehow been protected from a lot of the criticisms about its war on drugs i do think that there will be some. Crunch that the administration of the tear it will feel i think that some of the opposition its senators for example would would get more an audience from a by the an administration than would be a Trump Administration and that would in a way undermine. The tear gas ministrations existing legitimacy as far as the war on drugs is concerned. That a territory has walked this interesting line between the u. S. And china why do you think that is well the this supposed edging approach of the terror of the administration is in order to benefit from both superpowers as they intensify competition in the region and with the philippines as a key state in this ongoing rivalry between the 2 major powers however the terror the administration doesnt seem to be consistent in its hedging approach as it has not only skewed it leaning off the country towards more of china but in fact has made certain measures or certain moves that has completely undermined one of the longest standing alliances of the United States in the asia pacific yes it is a very Important Alliance the philippines is the only u. S. Treaty ally in the Southeast Asia that means they would support each other in war but earlier this year to charity even considered withdrawing permission for the u. S. To hold war games in the philippines and conduct joint exercises how much has this military relationship in weekend. The the military relationship between the philippines in the us have not been really i would say radically affected however the deterrent administration did initiate the process of the abrogation of the visiting forces agreement but that was before the pandemic we we now know that the this process is being suspended and i do think that. The prospects of if pushing through are very little given the recognition of the terror that mr ation on the importance of the u. S. And its own response in dealing with the pandemic. Question how closely are filipinos watching the u. S. Election. Theres always a a fascination cold war say the former colonizer of the philippines stay United States terms of the elections this is also something to do with the big Filipino Community in the United States with a lot of their relatives still in the filipino homeland but we do know that a lot of filipinos do registered to vote and i do think that theyve theyve voted traditionally as republican. Ever just like other asian migrant groups but i do think there might be a change in this particular election cycle. Thank you. At least 50000 people have rallied in bangladeshs capital of dhaka against french president emanuel microns defense of freedom of speech in his country including the right to criticize islam a list of demands from protesters including calling for a boycott of french products is the latest in a series of anti france demonstrations across the muslim world over the past 2 weeks ever since the beheading of a french teacher in paris for showing cartoons of the prophet mohammad in a lesson about freedom of expression rallies have also taken place in lebannon turkey and over the weekend in pakistan here are some opinions from the streets of karachi but were here today to protest the slum a full day for marks by the president by the Prime Minister of france. There is absolutely unacceptable to her the sentiments of millions of muslims across the world in the name of freedom of speech especially when you dont grant the same leniency on discussions on other topics like the whole of us another this political thing. We ask our government to move ahead with the expulsion of the french ambassador and to announce a boycott of all french products. France will realize and regret after all this what it has done and what it has achieved we will not tolerate the bashing of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. This is the message of the entire muslim nation which asks the french Prime Minister to apologize for his insolence. And to take firm action against those who denigrate our Prophet Muhammad. Peace be upon him to shun it. For more we have t. W. Shannon all sham sham all youve weighed in on this with an opinion piece on our website tell us more. Well melissa there is a sensitive bush is a sensitive issue for the majority of muslims around the world in france and else so i argue that the french government needs to take it very carefully and the same guy i said i wrote that leaders like go on and by the stance current. Example when the lecture not crawl over secularism because the rights of the minorities in their own countries are. Pretty bad. The minorities are persecuted on a regular basis so when and where do on in the next year marker are on secularism its ridiculous its our creators its absurd so that was my argument that it becomes a political issue for leaders like go on and on and other people politicians and leaders in the muslim majority countries that was the crux of the argument in my opinion piece but. It looks as if pakistan sees this as an opportunity to score political points whats in my kinds call. Well in iran what happened what is happening at the moment is theres a Mass Movement against its government opposition rallies that are big its across the country so what can ascribe to do here is divert attention from the domestic issues do with the issue of islamophobia and the rest all additions in pakistan heres this and use this time and again. But what is important here to understand our needs to focus on focus and delineate what has been happening in pakistan against the minorities just recently a christian girl the 30 Year Old Girl who was kidnapped of course legal what you do salaam and then matter of 45 you know what. The government didnt say anything about so my argument is that you know when the conduct of a slum of the rescue needs to look at it internally he has no right to guard about islamophobia in the west because muslims in europe are leery are having a much better situation in europe in pakistan minorities are persecuted on a regular basis so one has no right to talk about this issue secondly hes trying to divert attention from the Opposition Movement which is at the moment taking place against its government channel thank you. Thats it for now be sure to check out our other stories on d. W. Dot com forward slash asia or on facebook and twitter we leave you with pictures of more of the devastation from the philippines well see you next time thanks for watching good bye. Combating the pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and. Our corona. From the covert 19 special and next on d w. Im not laughing out of the well i just sometimes i am but i was there laughing when. The german thinks deep into the german culture looking at the stereotype question but if you think the future of the country i. Mean its ridiculous drama there you go its all about. Bob im rachel join me for me the germans on the w. Post. Herd immunity. Its usually achieved with a vaccine like for polio but in the fight against covert some countries gambled on natural herd immunity they allowed infection to spread claiming it would minimize harm and protect the economy. Most Scientists Say its dangerous and may not even work. It also reinforces to me just how morally unconscious unquenchable and unfeasible the socalled natural heart he meant her team unity strategy is not only would it lead to millions more unnecessary does it would also lead to a significant number of people facing a long road to full recovery. And its the most fun robel whod be hardest hit. You may remember the footage of mass graves in may now spurs ill the false promise of herd immunity or is there some truth to the strategy well talk to our science correspondent about it in a moment and an expert 1st the even more important question of how long he actually lasts. As the covered 19 pandemic took hold scientists knew a vaccine would be the best protection against the virus but there was still the hope that those recovering would be immune as is the case with viruses like smallpox or polio when a 33 year old man in hong kong tested positive for a 2nd time those hopes were ruined. Some people might ask. After you recover. Before but now its after your 1st infection theres always a chance youll get infected again. In their Research Paper the team at the university of hong kong says the 2nd infection was a different strain of the virus and that the patient was asymptomatic the study examines how often people whove had covert 19 are immune to new infections. These questions have implications for Vaccine Development and decisions about returning to work school and social activities as many countries in europe and around the world went into lockdown earlier this year sweden went against the tide opting not to confine its population schools and restaurants remained open in the hope that infected people would become immune allowing them to continue their lives as normal and ultimately slowing the spread of the virus. Swedens infection rate and 1000000. The worst in europe and yet testing showed the country still fell a long way short of the infection rate which would create herd immunity. The w. H. O. Says that until the world has readily available vaccines the virus will continue to inflict significant changes on our lives. As a planet as a global population were close to their levels of immunity required to stop this disease. And we need to focus on what we can actually do not to suppress transmission and not liberal whole herd immunity been our salvation right now that is not a solution d and its not a solution we should be looking to for. And the immunity picture is looking increasingly complicated in the southern german town of bad filing a study by Germanys Robert Koch Institute found that 40 percent of participants who had tested positive for the corona virus before the study began no longer had immune a globe in g. Antibodies the most common type of antibody. The Robert Koch Institute is already conducting several regional studies as researchers around the world continue their work to create viable vaccines. Lets have a look at your questions now from our you tube channel is derek williams. What are the risks of the focused protection of price point out in the Great Barrington declaration. Since the very earliest days of this pandemic there have been those who believe that our responses to cope at 19 so the lock downs and all the other measures that they have actually caused more damage than the disease itself and they believe that we need to look for other options even without access to a vaccine sense really wide scale infection would be at least theoretically a pathway to what we want which is herd immunity the. Concepts laid out in the highly controversial declaration that you mention was proposed several weeks ago by 3 scientists from the u. S. And britain and its been signed by others it says that we need to only focus on protecting groups that it classifies as vulnerable especially the elderly and that urges a return to normal life immediately for everyone else that means basically not trying to limit infections among those that it says are at minimal risk of death so what would be the dangers of going down that path there are some pretty major ones in the big flaw in the declarations reasoning a lot of experts say is the fundamental assumption that that people who appear to gain at least some immunity after surviving that disease will keep that immunity for extended periods weve already seen some cases of people who have gotten coated 19 a 2nd time though there is so far theyve thankfully been few and far between them still the coming months could see many many more another big question how exactly would you go about protecting vulnerable populations effectively in societies where the virus is basically raging unchecked is that even possible and in aspects that the declaration doesnt address at all is the potential long term damage that poke at 19 could do to many younger people even those who survive then of course at least some people who arent classified as vulnerable will turn out to be very vulnerable took over 1000 after all and theyll die from it but then surely even millions of people worldwide people who wouldnt have died if social distancing measures remained in force and. No effective vaccines are available. Lets talk more about immunity with Valentino Gallo shes a neuro epidemiologist at the university of corning in the netherlands whats your take on the Great Barrington declaration. Thank you very much for the invite so 1st of all i think the declaration. Is pointing towards there is scientific debate which is not entirely that in fact its about a few scientists coming from very prestigious. Organizations that have put forth these idea. Claiming that there is a divide between scientists but its just that they are. Against the rest of the scientists which are more compact suggesting different types of approaches to their great rant and to the situation of we call it. In addition to these so they can they claim that these they motivate these. Factors that downs with it will bring a lot of such an inequalities and willing piece of social inequalities in population however the way they suggest 100. 00 these are so the focus protection for the only increase even more of these social inequalities if this is not coupled with really a funding for protecting people who need to be shielded so if people from the poorest state of their population have shilled because they suffer from some quarter bt for example or because they. Over a certain age but they cant because they need to choose between you know wanting their job and show think these is not every are ups and and it will increase even more to the bites within populations we were seeing pictures there of manasse in brazil where it went terribly wrong and you mention the word protecting from from what ive read should we use the term protection rather than. I mean thats quite important isnt it. It is very important its a subtle distinction but important and its the way scientists communicate with the rest of the war to so we use a herd immunity for saying that when a proportion of the population is actually mune from a condition than the rest of the population are prevented to get the condition from a normal social to social contact but in fact theyre not you know but theyre protected because they are they are still vulnerable protected by the fact that other people are immune and whats happening brazil is proving that herd immunity for natural infection is might be no working because they are coming now back saying that in fact that infection is again on the rice and in fact normally. Usually. If they only just heard unities only achieved the flu vaccination and not naturally and to be have no idea if this is. Even a viable option and probably mean that its all were seeing now. In fact to go against these idea staying with brazil what about brazils experience with of ours. Experience was busy coming to us had to defend to distribution because a particular spread that having being a backs were Borne Disease particularly spread in a suburb of populations of lower socioeconomic status because. Of the scientists allegation of a city or of this suburbs could be maintained the mosquitoes was not breeding and so the infection could be avoided while in other contexts where he was impossible to prevent the breeding of the mosquitoes and their faction went wild and in fact is a large straight off the population but this is a completely different type of approach because the in this case what should be prevented was the mosquito rather than the interpersonal infection as in the case what about the sweden talk to the government get it so wrong. Well sweden is a nice example in europe because the spite of having a not very dense population and young population and a strong system. Very high mortality in every search i conducted by the end of june 20 twentieths with that ranked as a 5th the european country for mortality accounting for the it structure of the population there belgium u. K. Spain and ireland overtaking italy who was heavily hit by the by date converts 19. Thank you very much. Thank you very much i will have to leave it there im been fizzling heard any other developments from the bars go to our website e. W. Dot com slash coded 90 public. Treasure lies hidden deep under the earths surface. One that isnt vital for humans around the water. Which scientists know about it. Is our most important king of water resources. We get to the bottom of the source of the big 90 minutes on d w. Call mocha with our him in the super hero. My mission is clear blue kushti. Good answer me closely should explore germany. Does it take everything out theres a lot going on in. Germany tried and tested to get. The 22 of us selection on t. W. Play with him florian to find out why the latino vote leans more republican. But sure reported a funky deli meats. Its their obsession for spectacular pictures. Its their passion for nature. Place its their complete devotion that makes them the best wildlife photographer in the world. This amazing. Logic plane from tensional. And Start Playing 5 adventures. One goal. The preservation of our planet play is not just an issue of pardon trees and sitting families of. Lives in danger of surat. Plane. Starts november 6th on g. W. This is from. Countries. As tough restrictions for. People to follow the rules to protect the Health System the number of patients. Also. Supporting the kinks

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