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A church well go live to needs also coming up the german chancellor Angela Merkel defending the decision to start the name should wind pandemic walk down but the opposition in Parliament Says the restrictions go too far and fighting between armenia and azerbaijan over the disputed region of nagornokarabakh enters its 2nd month we have a special report from the armenian capital on the conflicts human toll. Im going to go off its good to have you with us french president emanuel mccrone is calling for unity after another deadly attack that police say was islamist terror a man armed with a knife killed 3 people at notre dame basilica in the Southern City of nice police say the suspect is a 21 year old tunisian who. Arrived in europe last month its the 3rd such attack in france in 2 months blamed on muslim extremists says the country will not give any ground to terrorists. Policed only nice is not tradition basilica with too late to stop the bloodshed and by the time they saw an injured the attacker 3 people had been fatally wounded one of them was a church official. Believe though one we just learned from the television that hasek wriston has been assassinated its a huge shock. To me affluent families he was that all day long he wasnt somebody who would jump in and go again he was always there. The church is just a kilometer from the scene of a deadly truck attack which killed dozens in 2016 and he says mayor says these sale and shouted. God is great is as he was detained. President my call was at the scene within hours calling for national unity. To new sums that the king if we fail in the tactic and its because of our values our belief in freedom to believe freely and not given to tara the quad. Let me say this very clearly that we will never give in to the big book of cutting for causality junie said the idea that the french president has angered many in the muslim world by refusing to condemn cut tunes of the Prophet Muhammad. Its a long standing debate in france breaking knighted by the murder of schoolteacher somewhere earlier this month he was beheaded after showing the tunes of muhammad in a class on free speech now france has 3 more reasons to mourn the national assembly. He held a minutes silence for the victims those in power face some uncomfortable questions in the days ahead and many in the strictly secular country may ask if the official approach is the right one and whether they should feel more alone tanks. Like for more now im joined by our correspondent lisa lewis she is in the french city of nice good evening to you lisa we understand that this is still a moving story what is happening there were you or yeah its been a crighton uncomfortable scene just behind me just now there were hundreds of people from the heat on the far right movement was singing the National Anthem marching toward the cathedral from down there standing in front of it and then doing the hitler salute and yelling the. Proms as i just saw to a few muslim people who came here tonight to gather and to mourn the dead and to say you know were not all the same and this man who did this this morning he was really someone who had to her sister gone crazy we dont identify with that person or say the atmosphere is quite tense here tonight a nice and he said there is really a big concern isnt it that this resilience against islamist terror could actually provide for real ground for for white groups in the country. Absolutely its likely to divide the country even further the government has taken additional measures to crack down on islamist radical islamists and they also want to ban hate speech on hate speech online but the whole narrative the whole choline here in france is quite worrying really because lots of politicians have come out saying you know we really need to depend on these people and we need to be tougher on the muslim as extremists the many muslims here in france feel that they are targeted that they looked weirdly as i said i just spoke to a couple here who came you told me you know we were here when the nice attack in july 26th in happened we were at the promenade is actually and even after the attack we felt targeted and we were really concerned we feel that this is reaching a Tipping Point its getting worse and worse and we really quite weirdly and people are discriminating against us because of these attacks but we dont identify with these people we use what we see the world a chance for not only talking about what happened in the news today there was also another attack earlier today tell me about their. Father was another knife attack in over a year and other attacks across france today but we dont actually know yet if these various are for types who are linked to each other what we do know is that the timing is quite bizarre really or doesnt seem to be a coincidence at least if you look back just a few weeks back there was the beheading of the 47 year old teacher samuel party who had shown a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad in class and who was then beheaded by a radical islamist and just a few weeks before that there was another knife attack in front of the former news room of citric of the satirical magazine charlie of those that magazine was attacked in january 2015 for publishing. The cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad and the court case concerning that journey for any 15 attack is still ongoing at least entre mid november those who are surprised are believed to have helped the attackers are being judged right now so the timing of all of these attacks the knife attacks this dog here in france doesnt seem to be a queen siddons actual or our correspondent lisa who is with the latest tonight from the french city of nice lisa thank you. For here in germany chancellor Angela Merkel is defending the latest round of coronavirus restrictions as the country prepares to go back into a limited walk. Addressing Parliament Today merkel said that its currently impossible to trace the origin of all new infections hampering efforts to contain the virus she faced frequent interruptions in parliament and the opposition they have called the measures excessive and inappropriate empty restaurants and bars no museums no see it says these images are actually from the 1st wave of the pandemic but in november germans will have to get used to the macon as coronavirus cases rise chancellor Angela Merkel announced sweeping new restrictions the main difference theres time is that schools and many shops will remain open on thursday mikel defended the new policy in a key speech before the german parliament. Is upon the me it looked as if it is time to make throws the spotlight on a word which is part of our most essential vocabulary freedom does most of the meaning of this word is not very concrete because the measures agreed by the government and federal states in the spring and yesterday restrict our freedom. Actually the same time we can understand that freedom does not mean everybody does what they want especially now with freedom means responsibility but im totally free there. Was a possibility for ourselves our families our colleagues and for all of us that we go north. Merkel was constantly interrupted. Him and the Parliament Speaker saw him self forced to call florida the biggest a Position Party in the bundestag the far right if he was quick to slam the measures given we consider the paralysis of the cultural industry the Hospitality Industry and practically the entire social life as announced by mrs merkel to be excessive and it appropriate. Now one of the Big Questions is the Financial Impact of these restrictions the German Government has promised economic support for businesses that are particularly hard hit the companies concerned i would be entitled to a lump sum refund. Of. Their costs and this is an important step to make it possible for most for the overwhelming majority of the companies concerned to survive. And theres also the issue with the citizens will actually comply with these new measures. I know its probably on the one hand its sad i almost have tears in my eyes but on the other hand i think the measure is correct i can only support it here i dont think its going to be that i do think its a hit its necessary and i have no problem with it unfortunate but yeah i guess the role of our government is to protect the lives of our people. I think so i think i agree yeah. So far the German Government has enjoyed high levels of support during the pandemic but now the question is whether coronavirus fitty will set in with a partial meltdown. Or fighting between armenia and azerbaijan over the disputed region of nagornokarabakh has in turn its 2nd month the region lies within arms or by john but is controlled by Armenian Forces the 2 former soviet republics have been at odds over the territory for decades fighting flared up again 4 weeks ago when 3 separate truces had failed to resolve the conflict with each side blaming the other. Clothing food water and medicine volunteers at this donation point 3 minute hearing aid in the armenian capital out of honor of working around the clock to get the sickness as it is to those in need. Theyve been here since the start of the conflict and seeing the intend to see it through to the end. Because across the border a new Government Cut above the need is great artillery firing down on cities throughout the region daily and the fog of war is making it hard to verify basic facts on the ground but these images at least to the extent of the damage in the regional capital step on a carrot. For tens of thousands have already fled the violence like these women who found refuge in the armenian capital bringing with them stories of friends and neighbors killed and injured while seeking shelter in basements or even churches for some it was all they left with. But emergency failure to there was a man on the street from yerevan may god protect him and he said get in the car ill get you out of here move move can you imagine our house burnt to the ground in 2 hours we didnt manage to save anything but the women gathered here see the world has turned their back on them you both you know everyone is standing around waiting like this is some kind of game theyre just waiting to see what happened him says. Dont use the good outnumber mongered blue its just criminal the world is behaving criminally because no one is listening to us. At this look up or we will be victorious a message of bullies and on video screens and patriotic posters throughout the capital. Well there are no official figures observers claim thousands of young armenians are volunteering for military service. Government is one of them. To film and not just bought it siege of our responsibility to serve our fatherland is in a difficult situation. We need to protect our territory. Were not going anywhere. Whats going on during the. 2 flags flying above your own on the left the flag of armenia. On the right the flag of the armenian enclave now got a new car bomb. Here some call to display results and perhaps also that would mean you would know in the fight when you go to karbala. And dont forget you can always get the w. News on the go just dont load our app from google play or from the app store give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news and if youre part of a news story you can also use the need to send us photos and videos of whats happening. Youre watching the news why from berlin. Special is up next ill be back at the top of the hour with more world news followed by the day i hope to see you this. Combating the pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and. Our corona update. 19 special next on d w. Every journey begins with the 1st step and every language the 1st word and its been called the eco peace in germany. Why not. Do stuff its simple. And free. Made easy. The coburg 19 pandemic has put the spotlight on virologists right now but their star status has also made them the target of public anger even death threats. People because the lack of trust in authority would not want to take. Anthony found she has gained a huge following but not everyone. Wants to listen dr. Watson. Germany to his science superstars like. His podcast is one of the most popular in the country. Hes a regular guest on german talk shows. With politicians over their bias response at the beginning of the crisis. As social media means. These new celebrities serving to further polarize scientific debate. Well different views are vital in the world of science asking questions is key at the end of the day people believe what they want to believe but should we trust science or the scientist theyre only human and this crisis has been full of uncertainties still science is not about certainties its about constraining what we dont know. Some of the best known for religious sin germany work here at the University Hospital in bonn some refer to it as the Strength Institute after its Leader Research or hendrick strake hes 43 years old and well known in medical circles thanks to his work in the fight against hiv but now researches across europe know his name due to the corona virus or sars coast to pandemic. We had a concentration of the plasma from a person who was infected blood cells to them and we can show that plasma can inhibit the virus but the patient has developed antibodies which can neutralize the virus. Of. Since drugs hardly work against the virus he is relying on the development of a vaccine when that will happen is unknown. To the optimists there is a cause for optimism because were currently doing so many vaccine trials and so Much Research is being put into it so that if things go very well we can have a vaccine in january or later next year. But history has taught us that it sometimes takes years or even decades until a vaccine is found. If or once ones found the mad rush will be on but will it be a case of rich countries getting their hands on it 1st leaving poorer nations to struggle with the virus. When a vaccine is available im sure that it will be available worldwide especially in less developed countries maybe even for free there were at least at a very low cost. In the meantime testing is the danke lab has been using molecular p. C. R. Tests that detect the genetic material from the virus and have results within hours. And tests detect specific proteins on the surface of the virus they arent as reliable but theyre faster you harm are robbing them and you can get the result within 15 minutes which can be given directly to the patient and a highly infectious person can be isolated and therefore unable to infect others. And Others Movement could see. How people get infected do something research is agree on via microscopic particles spread by breathing socalled aerosol particles at 1st it was unclear whether people could get infected from contaminated surfaces its coming up on my posts youngers to my 3 year monk our example someone could have just sneezed into their hand and then touch the door knob and then other people touch it and bring it straight up to the mucus membranes them through the. Air but it could happen. Whether people can have multiple infections has long been debated can those who have recovered from corona virus become really infected or are they protected against getting sick again. So far theyve been over 40000000 infections worldwide but only 5 cases of people whove been infected again with the virus this actually proves theres an immunity does that i mean we need to get artworks from africa are on display in streaks office for decades hes travelled the continent hes worked in hospitals in uganda and south africa. And africa the time i spent in africa showed me the importance of vaccines and how much more there is to research in this area of course and above all in his speciality a china and now though in covert 19 to with a view to the fight against the corona virus in africa. Theres a lets move on is a professor of science communication and linguistics at the Council Institute for technology in germany and its a Community Masks and surfaces the the opinions are wide ranging the advice has changed dramatically does science have a communication problem i wouldnt say that theres a communication problem its a communication challenge why because science and Society Science and politics are very very distinct systems science is highly specialized experts communicate in very very specialized ways and their methods and ways of working are highly highly specialized so if intrinsically a challenge to communicate about this and this is what we know every day that you need to connect with the public and there are many ways of being understood or are making oneself not understand the bar in this communication why is it such a challenge just explain to us what scientific assessment actually is. Well scientific assessment means what sometimes in the public seems like changing opinion all the time which is actually in fact highly and especially in corona times where there is a bed up. Involvement of ideas so we wouldnt want krone experts uncovered in 1000. 00 experts to tell us the same thing as half a year ago this would be very very old knowledge so its changing very high speed and people collect data and assess data and can have different assessments of these data this is the normal thing that and scientists can have disputes and discussions on findings but believe if its changing all the time and how can we trust science its a very good question we need and form trust blind trust would be Something Like believing everything what people say this is not such a good idea but inform trustworthy that we look at what kind of experts do i have in front of me that i have an expert on lets look at myself science communication so maybe i can trust this person more then someone from another area who is talking about as communication and thats the same with bar owners the for example that you might want to listen to someone whos actually studying this topic and not for example and engineer another criterion for inform trust. Benevolent soul you look at is this person really interested in the well being in the wealthy or off society you are not but youre presuming that people are listening and there are a lot of people who dont seem to be listening to science or the scientists. You know this is a big problem of course because science communication is not that about conveying information its about reaching out to people and people are very much driven by their identities for example and their values so if youre for example very much trusting. Of freedom and the if youre there and thats a free press and and just saying im not wanting anyone to tell me anything about what i should do or if i should put on a mask and its difficult to reach out to these people then you have to talk about value why is this all important for you so scientists sometimes also have to talk about freedom and identity and not about their research slots are full enough and its a lets move money from the tiles or the institute of technology thank you very much. Time to let you ask the questions all you have to do is send them to our you tube channel a science correspondent Derrick Williams will do the rest. Can you tell us more about. How long the fire is remains infectious on surfaces. So my its are objects that are contaminated by a sick person that can pass an infectious pathogen along to others are thinking about them and the current pandemic has evolved a lot since the beginning of the year and experts say the w. H. O. And and other Health Authorities now say that might play at most a secondary role in that in the spread of covert 19 then the general consensus is that that surface transmission might be possible but is likely pretty uncommon however a few weeks ago when new study came out of australia thats drawn attention back to the question of how much danger foam mites might potentially pose so lets take a look at this study so it to show what effects the different temperatures have on viral viability on various surfaces over time and the result that raised eyebrows was that at 20 degrees celsius the researchers detected potentially infectious virus on some materials for up to 28 days wow thats a long time for a surface to remain potentially infectious right but the thing is those experiments were carried out under very virus friendly conditions for example the viral latent test droplets that the researchers used were a standardized solution they were mucous which is thought to be a much more hostile environment for pathogens and unsettles were also kept in the dark the whole time because u. V. Light quickly deactivate source code to in other words the interesting result. Still reflect what happens in the real world which is why experts havent changed recommendations and most remain convinced that the role that surfaces play in covert 19 transmission is small. Thanks for joining us for another covert special see you tomorrow. And. To the point of strong opinions clear positions of international perspectives. Cortines priority long seem to be restoring russia as a Global Player but despite mounting tensions in the neighborhood hes showing surprising inertia as he lost his touch russias explosive frontiers are topic on to the point. To the point of the net its the t. W. Beethoven is for me. The time for this for you. As for hell. Beethoven is for. Is for thumb. Beethoven is for us. Is for every one of. Beethoven 202250th anniversary year long d. W. This president ial election is a crucial wide not just for the United States but for the world whos leading the race in americas full rise fall just as you will be right here for you and well tell you everything you need to know as america decides well bring you the numbers issues to back out as it happens and until the last vote is counted join us for special laws Culture Shock really in the u. S. Election november 4th on details. Things are getting hot in russias neighborhood with the latest uprising in kyrgyzstan adding fuel to the fire that began weeks ago in western neighbor bellicose where thousands have been demanding removal of authoritarian leader Alexander Lukashenko tensions between armenia and azerbaijan are smoldering once again over the separatist enclave nagornokarabakh russias been delivering weapons but otherwise showing uncharacteristic restraint. Priority along seem to be restoring russias place as a Global Player as he lost his touch

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