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A lot of nods about it as it is its not just about elections now where is the hardship that the palestinians live under more apparent than in the city that you ran for 2 terms as majerus and again your american friends in the trumpet ministration a scathing about the lack of services for non jews in jerusalem the latest report says arab christians and muslims druze and ethiopian citizens faced persistent institutional and societal discrimination this is disgraceful enough isnt it but if you go back and look at previous reports this discrimination has been flagged up year after year and nothing was done to improve the situation why well i think you are describing the situation in the United States of america and many other European Countries i could tell if they were trying to israel jailing of them. Fine im just saying that. If you look at the facts the quality of life of arab residents in East Jerusalem is far far better than any of the arabs countries around us and the reason they are not much of a comparison of who has a city of jerusalem of course it is the alternative they have is far worse and so all the non demarc democracies around us none of them are democracies their quality of life is far far worse if you look at the. How many the wages of people the Arab Israelis their wages is much much higher than in the in the ensign area the wages of Arab Israelis in jerusalem. Residents is far far greater than in jordan and in any other word in egypt in syria or any other place and this is just the background what does that about and it had to do that mr buck at the proof of neglect and double standard lies lies in the statistics 1000 figures quoted by the state department from the Jerusalem Institute for policy research for 2017 show the dire conditions in which palestinians live in jerusalem 78 percent of our of residents there and 86 percent of arab children in East Jerusalem lived that year in poverty and thats a policy decision isnt it are you proud of that. God forbid thats not a policy and by the way you forgot to mention that we have a huge a large ultraorthodox community in jerusalem that is very similar to the arab communities the arab communities around the country if you look at all villages in our country you find that there are social economic status is lower unfortunately now what ive done is i focused on education improve the quality of education there and unfortunately some of the arab residents choose the palestinian system dedication system which is far far less better than the israeli system weve done everything to prove both quality of life infrastructure tourism went up before coronavirus to high high numbers and its a big huge employer of their residents and the arab residents are much much better as part of the jerusalem united city of jerusalem than any other solution and the fact is the reality is that they understand that its much much better working and cooperate in with the state of israel than anything else if they are can realize that when you cooperate with the state of israel your your situation Economic Situation and peace is far far better than trying to attack us mr barker lets talk about the Prime Ministers promise last september nearly a 3rd of the occupied west bank if he was returned to office a big announcement to july 1st time table in the assurance in may to a liquid faction meeting we dont intend to change the deadline well the deadline has come and gone did you underestimate the International Condemnation of such a move. Well 1st of all in any future deal with the palestinians there are no nobody goes out from their home all israeli towns and cities stay where they are therefore in any city scenario in any situation applying israeli law on the Israeli Citizens living into the answer matter is the right thing to do so we start for this is the right thing to do its a bit more than that in point of account isnt its a bit more than that because if annexation goes ahead its the end of any hope of a functioning state for the palestinians isnt it the Prime Minister said in may palestinians merely the stolen valley would not be given israeli passports after an extension but would be citizens of a future palestinian entity and subject to Israeli Security control you will continue to dictate the security conditions to palestinians thats what this is going to be about isnt it to listen there are 3 pillars of cooperating with the palestinians into the end scenario the 1st is civil separation they manage their own cities and towns we manage this where the cities and towns 2nd point 100 percent full Israeli Security we will not give up an inch of security because unfortunately they flip on us the 3rd element is a joint economy that we must develop because when we Work Together in. Palestinian and israelis Work Together in our Industrial Zones and in tourism it is far far better for the palestinians and israelis and so the joint economy is something we must develop these are the 3 pillars of living together between israelis and palestinians in judea and samaria there we dont want to manage and we do not manage now bruce and other arab cities and towns and similarly they will not manage ours nobodys going anywhere we must learn to live together in peace and harmony and when there is peace. This in any scenario is very long will play an israeli citizen tell mr buffett has the rest of the world who isnt is as valuable as your comforting assurances the u. N. High commissioner for human rights michele summed up the prevailing view i met sation is illegal period she said any annexation. And he an exception well i totally disagree i totally disagree and the americans now understand that the land in judea scenario is oh its the land of the jews and we have no problem with the palestinian side by side and enable them to have their all civil they have their civil autonomy we dont want to get involved in their civil autonomy was it do the americans really understand that the americans really understand that city Hunter Valley your settlements minister said last month there are gaps between the americans and us on this issue there are gaps what gaps find what gaps a gap is not a round understanding that the israeli cities and towns are legal americans understand that there are some gaps in with some of the americans naturally we dont disagree but theyre not from my perspective theyre not a game changer in terms of what has to be done the challenges are one how large with. Some plain israeli law what is the map how is it going to look like and on these details there are challenges and we are working together with our american friends to define that we do not want to. Rule the palestinian civil life we propose better cooperation on the joint economy and we will not give up the right to defend ourselves and make sure that we have full Israeli Security control on every inch of judea and samaria and this is just like you want to see if just like only one way to get real peace if joe biden becomes president in november wins the election in november becomes president next year you will have missed what the Prime Minister called a historic opportunity he is dead set against this annexation is in the. Well 1st of all lets say that he wins the elections and we will any american president that will win we will sit with them and share our views and do everything we can to liquid party to do the right thing to. Do to take place when you are on this very citizen towns will be the right thing to do in any potential deal in the future you have one country as one of your commentators put it in a newspaper where you have one country with 2 peoples for regimes democracy for jews discrimination for Israeli Arabs military dictatorship for palestinians in the west bank and prison for their brothers in the gaza strip you really telling me you proud of that. Thats total nonsense with your permission the reality is that we will give a hand and create peace with our enemies weve done that with egypt for years we have peace with egypt there with by far the biggest enemy of israel similarly with jordan and israel knows how to create real peace deals unfortunately look what happens in the hamas in gaza we left gaza one sidedly the israeli army left gaza and what did we get everyone talked about the future of gaza is being. You know hopefully a beautiful place for d a business what do they do you have you molesting you left the grounds of but the focus outside and youre controlling everything that goes in and everybody who goes in and out all due respect i heard that gaza i heard that gaza will be the single poor of the middle east now the israeli army is not there what happened is exactly the opposite so people there are saying. What forbid if you leave security in judea and samaria we will get the gaza hamas right next to jerusalem and all the stuff in the heart of israel all right well never make that mistake again mr i was about because we could go on discussing this we could go on discussing this much longer unfortunately weve run out of time thank you very much for being on conflict appreciate your time my pleasure thank you. My. My my my my. My. My you. Tube. In the army of climate change. The same issue for 6. Months to. Do yesterday the future of. Global news dot com the 6 major cities the making. Clear the turks. And you know yes yes weve got new and how last years german starts now remembering what im going to back off as youve never part time before a surprise yourself with what is possible who is magical really what moves are and want to also talk to people who follows her along the way admirers and critics alike how is the worlds most powerful woman shaping her legacy joining us from eccles law stops. Some are going by to see her food. Police. Brauns cooked foods to avoid cross contamination. Cooks 3rd to kill microorganisms. Keep food it safe temperatures call to prevent bacterial growth. Use safe water and safe all materials to avoid kentucky. Food producers are the ones primarily responsible for the safety of the food. But you can protect yourself and your family from diseases and along by applying the 5 keys to c. For food use them you also have a role to play. This is the davian news live from berlin france raises the National Security alert to its highest level as 3 people are killed in a knife attack at the church of the french city of nice the mayor calls it an islamic fascist attack countries answer terrorist prosecutors have launched a murder inquiry. And german chancellor Angela Merkel says new pandemic lockdown measures are necessary and appropriate addressing the board to stop the chancellor wont start tracing the source of all new infections is currently employed

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