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A 2nd night in philadelphia following the killing of a black man by police. On tanzanias are voting in president ial and parliamentary elections that opposition parties say are already deeply compromised by manipulation and fox plus prejudice in the often homophobic world of mens football its called in mexico city is turning heads thanks to the inclusive definition. Of the club and its good suspension plans focused on the gay community. Welcome to the program as coronavirus cases are spiking across germany chancellor Angela Merkel will hold a Video Conference today with 16 regional leaders the aim is to agree on a new round of for. Stricken here is the situation covert 900 cases have risen sharply with a recent record high of nearly 15000 new daily cases thats a sharp rise from june when you infections have dropped to just over 300 per day an increase in tests is only partly beyond that that is illustrated by the rising intensive care admissions for covert 19 that figure usually lands behind new cases by 2 or 3 weeks hospitalizations were flat over the summer but have risen dramatically in the past week the chancellor is said to be pushing for one months shutdown of all hospitality and leisure venues and fewer people allow that public and private gatherings theres a position to those measures but many germans support another lock down back much tasa in berlin quite spoke district this is one of 10 busy streets in the german capital where people now have to wear a face mask germany has seen record numbers of coronavirus cases and berlin has been particularly hard hit now all 12 districts here are considered hot spots pressure is growing here in germany politicians to introduce new stricter measures against the coronavirus especially as numbers continue to grow this is something that is being debated on a daily basis here in germany both on the streets but also in the german press the latest topic to be discusses the possibility of introducing a socalled knock down light under this proposal which is reportedly favored by chancellor merkel schools and daycare would remain open except in the worst hit areas restaurants and bars would have to shut and large events would be banned so far most bars and restaurants have to close only between 11 pm and 6 am for many berliners new measures are necessary

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