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Most are the 1st to. Enter politics confrontational and story. 5 adventures. One goal. The preservation of our climate. Starts nov 6th on t. W. President ial before hitting the shelves turkey calls for a sweeping boycott of french goods escalating standoff between the 2 countries over the free speech also on the show a new w t old leader at last nigerias former finance minister gets the backing of all 27 year countries to become the 1st woman at the 1st african to head to the wall street over 6 and inflight dining has never been so grounded Singapore Airlines serves up food. Movies in the east re a beat that doesnt take off but demands. Im chris cuomo welcome to the program the raw between turkey and friends over islam and free speech is turning into a trade battle turkish president type and a number of arab countries have called for a boycott of french goods now while france has withdrawn its ambassador from turkey tensions over the issue are flying high in the muslim world. French Dairy Products fish and drinks are no longer available in the store in the yemeni capital sanaa the shopkeeper followed the boycott call from turkish president early on and other leaders in the muslim world many customers support the decision. Should boycott french products this is the least citizens can do for the sake of the prophet any offense to the prophet is an insult to the entire islamic world. Who we call for all human is to boycott american israeli and french goods. I mean if you will is that i live in many arab countries like syria jordan and iraq people took to the streets to show their anger against what they call french president microns anti islam agenda that something turkish president to want accused background of his boycott call has gone viral in many Muslim Country is broke. Im calling on all my citizens just like they say dont buy goods with turkish brands in france im calling all my citizens from here to never help french brands or buy them. The french government is trying to calm the situation. Since you are not part of the french traditions. The best strategy is to calm tensions and explain things diplomatically before we have a diplomatic corps that is perfectly suited to fulfill this mission. And to remind people there is no battle against french muslims but against islamic terror. Political. But more arab countries like saudi arabia are encouraging the protests and condemn the display of cartoons depicting the prophet mohammad its blasphemy in their eyes the french see it as freedom of expression but it was the key reason why one attacker beheaded the public schoolteacher some well patty. Lets get more on this from at all yeltsin hes a professor of economics at the Constance University of Sciences Welcome to the program at all the turkish president and others calling for the boycott of french goods should the makers of those be worried now. There are certain to bear in mind read tory confrontations between senior politicians from turkey and and france is a continuation of political tensions which have started much earlier we are not only talking about. Freedom of speech there is also a tension in the if the mediterranean where francis and the navy to back greece and cyprus because turkish wrestles explore conducting exploration which is illegitimate. Not not accepted from the European Countries and this standing and confrontation we see at the moment is a clear signal of president mccrone who considers himself and the spear have. A European Countries he is no longer willing to make any compromise when it comes to political f. Provocations and actions from turkey so we are in a difficult situation but i have to emphasize when it comes to action from the european side against turkey then this unanimous standing and backing of the position turns out to be much weaker well but the boycotts they are spreading to the middle east and beyond and france is largest Employer Federation urged companies to quote resist the blackmail could this grow into a full fledged problem for French Companies. I dont think that you know its very difficult to assess how important these days and how long this will last we had this in the past already between French Companies and arab countries we had between the u. S. And france the more concerning aspect is. In how far this tension between process and turkey in particular is going to to to damage and the stable turkey i mean and here comes the problem at that point 2 weeks ago when the european council. Insisted to impose sanctions for example i get against turkey and turkeys behavior together with the. Greens but that was clearly an opposition from germany from hungary for other countries which are more concerned about the stability of turkey and less concerned about whether there will be you know like in the recent days a problem in the arab world with respect to the French Economy and also European Commission called on the turkish president to changes approach in order not to derail the blocs attempts to renew the dialogue with turkey does mr advani care about that should he. Well i believe you know there is no everybody can see it and i have been travelling through the middle east and turkey over the last 2 years trust is no longer existing between senior turkish politicians and major leading european politicians in particular mr mccraw is not going to cooperate at the moment with the turkish government but at the same time and have to empathize with putting aside. All the wrong behavior at the turkish president and the turkish government within the Turkish Society there is a clear majority which is not going to accept also what is happening for example in Northern Syria the standing of European Countries supporting the Kurdish Militia that happens and if the mediterranean that turkey has to accept a territorial agreement which is simply not really understandable from their perspective so there is the necessity for cooperation but one should not only reduce the problem on the turkish government there is also the Turkish Society and im very pessimistic right standing up your will lead to a solution economist at all yeltsin of the Konstanz University of applied sciences thank you for your insights fank you nigerias former finance minister ngozi on called joe has reportedly picked up crucial backing from the e. U. Intervent to become the 1st african head of the World Trade Organization the decision will be announced next month but the e. U. Is expected to publicly confirm its support for the 66 year old economist on tuesday mrs oconnor. Was nigerias 1st female finance minister she would replace presumes Roberto Acevedo into w t o and she would also be the 1st woman to lead the institution. Lets bring in the financial correspondent conrad bosun for more on this 3 conrad the w t o has more than 160 member countries how important is it to get the backing of e. U. Members. Well chris for the 1st time the europeans are backing a candidate from africa which acknowledges that whats happening in africa has become more and more important for western europe in terms of how our countries trade with each other but also in terms of the debt situation that many african nations are facing a situation which has become very difficult in this years recession also for example migration has become a more and more important topic migration from africa that is has become a more and more important topic for europe so i think ms well as candidacy and her backing by the e. U. The western european nations is a very important development. Conrad really the u. S. Government has been a fierce critic of the World Trade Organization what sort of reforms would need to happen in order to get washington to bring him back into the game well 1st of all chris i think now the government of washington would help you know a government that would behave differently than the current one in International Multilateral organizations like the w t o but youre right of course the w t o itself needs reform as well let me give you one example china in the framework of the w t o is still treated like a developing nation which gives chinas economy lots of privileges privileges it simply doesnt deserve any more so yes the w t o has to change the set of rules in order to create a fairer. More Just International trade. In frankfurt thank you. Chicken or fish the choice of inflight meal may be one that you missed making a coronavirus has meant youre not flying as much or at all that is but there is one airline that wants to recreate the experience for would be loyal passengers just without you know the actual flying. This is how to dress when you want to dine in singapores trendiest restaurant. Loose clothing like for a long haul flight everything is just like it used to be. The wait staff are handpicked all genuine cabin crew. And anyone eating in this restaurant needs a boarding pass. Singapore airport has been brought back to life in the middle of the pandemic. Commuter support for a. Single boy in line is because we have been very good to us in the process and now were through it most of the time where we are but we travel. No we cannot travel we would like to ensure the appreciation for the aircraft is a genuine a 380. 00 Singapore Airlines has plenty of planes lying around on the carriers currently racking up dramatic losses just like all the other airlines but are they going to let that spoil the fun not a chance with a chance to engage them at a time when they like what we do hope that one comes back to an area that is. Under guess enjoy it 400. 00 seats the tickets sold out within half an hour inside its like travelling back in time. And i think they are meant to be on the profits from last nights big. Meeting and. The menu on offer ranges from an 8 course meal in 1st class to standard in economy class. This is the best seat on the plane for nothing matters too much and you just have to take care not to get too messy. Thats our show thanks for watching if you want more go out and check out our web site of d w dot com slash business or as usual you can just look up our. Im chris cobol and thanks for watching never saw for successful. Or militias want to take the law into. The reporter oliver summit talks to the what are they so angry about. What do they expect from the upcoming election that they really prepare to. Report from on the ground. D. W. I. Literature invites us to see people in particular that i like to see as the kids find strength growing up her. Might. Be books on you to. These are Tumultuous Times in the u. S. The country has been shaken by protests sparked by the death of george floyd a black man who died while being arrested by a lot of Police Officer during. The demonstrations are the largest seen in decades protesters are demanding an end to Police Brutality and racism. Its almost like Police Officers

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