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She had learned in the trauma. More nicole and her companions belonged to the kenyan people 1000 ayana in 1902 more eco together with other people in her village left the banks of the moroni river in guyana accompanied by the sound of a strong sheen 32 others had fallen undertake the journey to europe. Theres also no one there more to do the old people told us that there was a big party before the parcher. If you produce the remember a must and that the ship gradually disappeared over the horizon. Of them they could still see what was happening but by the ship was only on the horizon and there was silence. Anything else. The french explorer from one of those sent by the military for colonies was able to convince the colleen yet to head off into the unknown you offered the money in beautiful sights and felt that they would be well treated. I think what it cost travel compared with were better for women and children for a game voluntarily or locked up in cages or what they were supposed to make pottery imperio up until dugouts instead they were forced to act as savages for the audience and were w. Humiliated in the process they were not accepted for who they were it was and they quickly realized that they are indeed regarded as savages. Subjected to constant humiliation the killing head like all other people exhibited the time was subjected to racial a scientific studies. In a layer. To the exhibition of that was a great success. The public flocked to the shop on the came across to. The police embodied to perfection what human savages wanted to be like. The wintel disease and exhaustion rapidly caused the deaths of some members of the troop in paris the show continued nonetheless. Of the original 32000000 year who travel to france only 10 returned to their village. Moloko was one of them. Least of all the early hero in this part of italy new history is very distressing because the people could not mourn their loss or general feel very viscous. Grief is something very important to various legal people and even a century later it is still impossible to sort out. Your present day. Care only a mother and daughter they are direct descendants of monaco they have never seen these photos of monaco and have fellow companions of misfortune taken my royal bonapartes and im not thats more like oh that was a great grandmothers 1st name she was called molly called again and we dont know the other want to while were going she said they were afraid when they reached france and for you thats what she said when she told me what happened you know theres a war thanks very much when i feel sorry for them back then i dont but im glad you were. A champion i feel so let them. Forward and when i look at these photos here weve got to. Be on the part of my father never talked about his grandmother leaving him a beautiful ive never seen these fighters so it was your dream. But i can look at them no. Youre godly for. My. Unspoken trauma is something the descendants still struggled with today. Little by anybody i dont think it was right or organic what was the corner in the way the white people made them do all this nonsense is it way you know what did they want with them and you know what the earth was such behavior is mistreatment and marble money to buy in for whiteman takes them away he must treat them how funny if you are believe such treatment was simply not correct what i made and you know joking and they wanted to force their will want to color you waited but maybe they did not play them im maybe thats what happened. If nobody really knows what happened back then no one. Really exists there is no textbook course about indigenous history one story of how are you on today its no historian has dealt with this aspect of both and yet it is part of our identity said also a fossil to see history fronts with a false thats why we are so interested in this today were told in. The exhibition of the killing it was an important 1st step towards a state its more taishan of the colonized people for propaganda purposes. The ministry of colonies took control of human Exhibitions Private shows now needed its all cries ation. The production spread across the Atlantic America was now also getting involved of all the peoples exhibit one stood out in terms of popular. 6 diminutive africans attracted everyones attention they were backed with pygmies from the Belgian Congo to say do is answer Apology Department had financed an african expedition led by the explorer samuel van not to bring them to be presented exclusively if the exhibition. Was a bangle was one made to 41 in height this young man with the any medics mild was soon to become the most popular among. The. Samuel burner it was commissioned explicitly to bring back good news because it was believed at that time that they were the least civilized people on the planet and the whole point of the st louis worlds fair was to map Human Progress from the lowest to the highest with a pygmies said to represent the lowest form of humanity. Since as you know 85 the congo had been the property of the belgian keenly uphold the 2nd his authority was unchallenged and his rule was particularly violent and hosh acts of brutality commonplace. Samuel bodman himself said how he captured the pagans he wrote about how the people were crying as he was like loading most people on to the ships and how some got away he also indicated how he had gone into villages with force he was armed and he had consent and the support of a good all regime to exercise his mission. Of all the socalled specimens presented at the exhibition the pygmies aroused the gracious cheery. Among the visitors. They represented absolute savagery. This small stature was due to move from logical adaptation to living in the equitorial rainforest. According to westerners it signified that there was subhuman. They saw in the confirmation of mans descent from apes proof of darwins famous theory of the missing link between man and animal. Day after day out of bengal was treated to the americans. And contends. A lot of bankers fees or probably most responsible for. Her renders experience he had in the United States because of his teeth were true or shipped to points a very common practice in the congo theres imagery of allocated is idea that when youre in a camp on a course it was. This deception consummated samuel then a success you received the st louis gold medal at the closing ceremony of the exhibition which attracted almost 20000000 visitors. After traveling to the congo a game the explorer finally took autopen getting nor is american adventure had resumed behind boss it was not you know 6 seminal than it was unable to provide for his pick me so they loaned him to the head of the bronx zoo man who put him in a monkey cage. He was made to play the savage with bow and arrows props in a few short years and more than 40000 people came to see him in an implosion he shared with a chimpanzee. His new partner with him he performs small tricks. Theres an outcry in the press and not just the africanamerican prospered increasingly in the Mainstream Press and this is so degrading yet so contrary to what a civilized nation should be doing that so with orders together with some of the ministers in new york got work out arrangement to have banker conveyed to an orphanage. Now free in the care of a religious Community Also being a hope finally to be able to integrate into his adopted country the black ministers who took him in in 1010 gave him a western Christian Education he went to Primary School and took english lessons subsequently he was sent to lynchburg virginia where he got to know and spencer i respected africanamerican poet and civil rights activist. She taught him to write. Protected and supporters also going to try to live a normal life and go to work. As a congo pygmy he could not adapt to the country of the ku klux klan. Or the end of the story is the 1st world war breaks out and it was clear to bangor that its going to be very very difficult to get back to the congo have we dont know exactly what precipitated saxon but you know he takes his own life. As a gun and leaves his residence should some sell through the heart. Of the time of his death toll views are asked to come to the United States it was the most famous south beach in american showbusiness. His body was never claimed by the common. Mr newcome in the article at least in the us of benghazi story is the story of racism in the thousands of people who stared out of anger and fail to see if she was being if its one we can see how throughout history these men and women have been denied their humanity in order to justify the alleged superiority of white people in the us in the garage. Band. The. Gas the 1st world war reset attitudes towards exhibiting people and to colonial operations to break powers britain and france chose out of economic and military opportunism to enroll people who make comics. They now believe they can be civilized and useful if they can be kept under supervision yesterday savages which days brave soldiers all indigenous workers. In the eyes of the countries they fight for they are now fighting an even move primitive savage. The germans. After victory was achieved afro caribbean hindu African American can mask african and asian soldiers from the french and the allied armies caray did of the shows elisei to the chains of the crowds. Is in the soil and up against the human exhibitions that are 1800 different now they are no longer savages the rush of sir. They remain natives and are not our equal signal but they no longer live in darkness is there on the road to civilizations and are portrayed as being at the service of the great close relations so his the whole national could not live pacification of these territories the state is middles with the help of folklore exoticism it would even eroticize of voters of the result is a world that only functions due to the domination of the west just was the message remains the savior george we are the masters and they are the natives all about is a shit. What is color we was 21 when he agreed to leave his New Caledonian home ranch to travel to paris with a 100 fellow connex. It was 1931 he trusted the french official who suggested he in the others present that connect culture at the colonial exhibition in paris. They were to return in 8 months some 100 people agreed to undertake the journey including teachers students customs officers fighters and seamen. Little did they know that they would become the tragic heroes of one of the greatest humiliations in french history. In the shahbandar committal throne manis was told he could not leave his enclosure unaccompanied to rest or prying. None of the promises made to the camps he had been tricked it was if he had returned to the 19th century. And i must it was terrible they had to perform from morning till night the women had to breastfeed in public they had to build dug out and danced the whole day. It is a scam or they were slaves i think that violates Human Dignity if you didnt know nobody died people should not treat other people like that. Some of the trip went to germany while twice a week the others performed at the colonial exhibition in paris. The organizers exhibited them as natives from New Caledonia as part of the colonies official presentation. Unlike in the john baldock limiters throne they were not presented as savages but as bone natives of the empire. France was to showcase the scope of an empire which was at its peak with a population of 100000000. 00 and an area twice that of the roman empire. The most really it was a colonial exhibition was 2 to 3 times the size of disneyland in paris and it took place not outside but in the center of paris in former workers districts that have been completely redesigned at the time the cinema was still in its infancy sound film had just been invented and here an entire colonial empire was now being recreated it was like a holy auditor still in. The exhibition was inaugurated by the president just all the med and machine will take joined by the undersecretary of state for the colonies blaze. In just a few months 33000000 tickets were sold. Unscrupulous of. Suffolk 931. 00 as the peak of the should do for a long period is not to say that a realtor client will start. It was important to show that frances history which had cost a lot of money was coatless parliamentary debates had finally paid off the new entrepreneurship and the promise of educating your farrier people to a level not too far removed from the nations standards have been achieved but it was. All over the world forces were beginning to denounce human soused for the 1st time an enormous scandal erupted in france the human rights like the communists and even former communists of New Caledonia were protesting all agree that such displays were unacceptable you could not glorify the civilizing mission of colonize sation and at the same time exhibit fake savages. The connects being exhibited in germany also started rebelling and were less and less willing to play the game. The protests prompted the minister of colonies to order the shot out of king tuts wrong to close the exhibition and to bring back part of the troop in germany as hard. At stake was the honor of the French Republic which could not be seen to be condoning such productions. The authorities decided to repatriate troops the connects arrived home in july 19th 82. Mario scalloway did not wish to return he saw his future in france and refused to board the ship in mass a and returned to the woman he loved she was french her name was juliet gabrielle far from and missing her was the only good luck it had in france. A few weeks later the couple married in border. What is surprising is that the marriage contract here says the future wife wishes to keep her french nationality out the next from the difference is basically because converts were considered to be foreign is even though they came from the french colony. Sylvette was born one year later she was only a few months old when mom died in a tram accident. Her family always the fact that her father was a canal. Only in her old age she discovered her origins thanks to a journalist friend. Today sylvette has returned to the Zoological Gardens where her father was exhibited. There are also in a song that i would guess its a french but also New Caledonian stories in their own im proud because it was my father but the way he was treated is shocking. About the song its not a very nice story especially as i never got to know him. This place touches me this i think it shows i have the feeling that these people are always present here. On. A range from mariuss remains to be returned to New Caledonia in 2006. Today he rests among his people in National Cemetery on the island of leave. Your home back to when im newly returned by ship and took him to the try they prepared food to the children and everyone spoke about his story he has returned to his back home. The exhibition of the knex was one of the last in europe the scandal was so great that such shows were no longer possible. In the decade prior to the 2nd world war human zoos and colonial exhibitions gradually ceased. The last of such and submissions took place at the end of the decade in britain portugal germany and italy there were no longer profitable public was tired of them. Only a few diehards hung on but their productions were so blatantly mediocre that visitors shunned them. In the end if humans use the start of revolts heralding to colonize asian bourse to abandon the souse was to abandon colonial domination a new era had begun but one of conflict and suffering. In the next 20 years from 140960 would be the darkest and most violent of the 20th century the 2nd world war to colonize sanction the revolts against segregation in the United States away from a violent struggle swept all over the world. This long chapter of history really only concluded when the colonies won their independence from the mid 1950 s. Through the mid 19th seventys. From there onwards the west were tried by any means to raise this shameful past. Is what is rumored to be able to do it was the history of the human zeus is forgotten because it belongs to the history of folk culture not to the great colonial history that is like goals were solved the researchers of the fiftys to able to spawn this phenomenon completely irrelevant or god there is actually today were beginning to rediscover all this and ask ourselves the simple question of how could people in the west to believe that human beings on the other side of the ocean were all savages really so that. In the mid 1990 s. Scientists and Museum Directors began to open the cranks search the archives even to exam remains. If. Only youre a follower of it is important to study the past in order to understand what is happening in the present says read the book for you for example if you want to understand why racism exists in our societies you only have to look at the human zoos through the history of colonization and slavery from a 1000000 or more only then will you understand why there are still a claim for a superior domination today india in buenas. The latest past to wrest the body must rest in peace. One day send home the bodies of the exhibited as we did in the past the tambo. Will we one day write down monaco story into the history books of guyana and also france all that of miles away to overcome the conflicting memories that persist not least in New Caledonia what can we do so that one day the body of autumn benda is reclaimed by the konger and written into the countrys history. It is now the duty of a generation to rescue these stories from oblivion only by creating and in the light and culture of remembrance can we finally close the chapter on human soon. That. The air. Bag. Go africa. A boost in digitalization in the pandemic. And online Payment System has got rwandas motorcycle taxi back on the road after a months mom drive. Now the customers pay for the ride without cash. Africa. 30 minutes time to. Happiness fears for everyone szymon penises are very different from primates you know we have a totally ridiculous romanticized view of nature david and this is Climate Change spragues its sex how finance improved books you get smarter for free you know be books on. It was the 1st International Tribunal in history. The number of trials. 75 years ago high ranking officers of the nazi regime were indicted by the allied forces. And they were the 1st war criminals to be held accountable for their crimes. Our 2 part series the 1st right in the dog starts nov 12th on d w. This is do w. News live from berlin spain declares a nationwide state of emergency to curb soaring Coronavirus Infections Prime Minister pedro song says new rules will impose a nighttime curfew and could ban travel between different regions also coming up to chile shapes its future voters are deciding whether to keep the constitution created during the decades of dictatorship or to start over again after a wave of protests demanding change

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