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President to come along and says thats the end of that nobody has done more for the black community and. And if you look with the exception of Abraham Lincoln possible exception that claim that has been repeatedly challenged by critics as patently false nonetheless voters finally got something resembling a substantial debate but it may be too late to have a major impact on the election result a Record Number of americans have voted early and polls show most remaining voters had already decided how theyll fill in their ballot. Oh i didnt use Michelle Stockman has been of course tracking this story for you great to have you here on the set michele what a difference is the 1st debate were there any knockout moments i mean who came out on top because well what both needed to do was to make their final pitch the American People of why they should be the president of the United States and so they needed to do that both in tone and substance so if we look at say President Trump with his tone he was heavily criticized for making the last debate very fight interrupted and so he was disciplined at least at the start there were times when he really had some aggressive moments come out he hit joe biden over an alleged Corruption Scandal over his son hunter he went after him also over failures of the Obama Administration of which joe biden was a part of on issues such as immigration and again we talk about the substance that trump was trying to put out there hes trying to show voters who support him hey im a guy who came out i saw what i was going to do in immigration i got tough and i did it. I also really good with the economy for this because if the plague from china came over so i was a president who did what i said is going to do now critics would say well some of the ways you solve that in terms of immigration and separating children from their parents of the border create a whole other host of problems but again voters who support him would say ok he did what he said hes going to do if you look at biden. He also in tone and substance needed to be president ial he needed to be focused and disciplined unlike the man during joe biden he was at the town hall and in substance he really had trump part of the pandemic he really hit trump hard on racism in america he said you know basically trump is responsible for pouring gasoline on races fires in america and he came across as someone who said im going to bring america together im going to be a National Healer and get us through these crises that were in right now. I cant believe were just 2 weeks away for the election but you know here we are did this debate move the needle did it change peoples minds you know as the report said a lot of people are already decided america is a polarized nation so if were talking about that crucial precious undecided voter youre going to have one person saying ok im looking at trump should i change horses right now well you know im looking around me im seeing my community more divided than ever im seeing black lives matter sign ive seen gloves matters signs im seen pandemic in my own community im worried about my kids they might look at what trump said he came across as pretty tone deaf in terms of the pandemic he said its you know were really solving it were moving past it you might say really and also talking about immigration you might look at those children separated from their parents and say that was inhumane and cruel i think i might be ready to change horses or an undecided voter might look at biden and say democrats theyre known for having Big Government im not sure i want that im going to stick with trump and let him get over this hump and get back focus on the economy michelle in the in the 20 seconds that we have left together just like that the debates are over its crunch time now whats going to happen between now and november 3rd ok so what were going to see is a lot of voting a lot of efforts for both campaigns to get out the vote and a Record Number of americans have already voted were just going to see again that emphasize weve got to get out the vote so we can swing that needle either way from both candidates thank you so much for. Heres a quick summary now of some of the days other headlines libyas 2 warring factions have signed a cease fire deal aimed at ending almost a decade of conflict Effective Immediately the agreement comes after 5 days of talks in geneva hosted by the un the body hilt the deal is a historic turning point for peace and stability in the country. The number of death seals found on the coast of namibia has risen above 7000. 00 the Nonprofit Group of Ocean Conservation maybe they washed ashore at Pelican Point peninsula a popular Tourist Destination the Group Believes starvation is the most likely cause of death. Russia is blaming toxic algae for the mass death of marine life on its north west coast of greenpeace has warned of an ecological disaster after bay there is fell ill and marine life died on the come check up on insulin moscow says the problem is not man made. Hindus in the indian city of cold cut up are only an annual festival this virus restrictions Public Access to the celebrations has been limited and the events have moved online 1st of all come home or its the slaying of a demon like in the triumph of good over evil. Germany has recorded more than 11000 new Coronavirus Infections over the past 24 hours for the 2nd day in a row all the surge in corn a virus cases year is mirrored and other countries across europe with many nations reaching new highs infection rates are faced with a spiraling crisis gomez around the continent are tightening restrictions and imposing new law doust our next report begins in france. Another sad record in france where more than 41000 corona virus infections were reported on thursday in some cities intensive care units already reaching capacity a Public Health crisis looms large. The government has responded by extending curfews already in effect in the capital paris to a total of 38. 00 regions. France is set to become the 2nd european country to exceed 1000000 cases. After spain reached this grim milestone earlier in the week with an infection rate 3 times the National Average the region of nevada has resorted to drastic measures. It has banned most travel into and out of the region and close. All restaurants and bars. The capital madrid has been under a similar lockdown for the past 2 weeks to stem a spiraling caseload. Italy was the 1st european country to be hit hard by the coronavirus their Prime Minister just said the county has appealed to talons to adhere to curfews imposed in italys 3 biggest cities the country is desperate to avoid the massive casualties and overflowing hospitals witnessed earlier this year. The caseload is exploding in the Czech Republic a record 15000 new infections on thursday prompted the government to impose a hard lockdown. Prime minister. Said the Health System would otherwise collapse by early next month. The shop sheltered in the capital prague. The army moved in to set up a field hospital. A lockdown is also in effect in ireland over the next 6 weeks households are not allowed to mingle and people have to stay within 5 kilometers of their homes nonessential shops have been closed and restaurants are restricted to take away services. Well heres a look now at some other developments in the Global Health emergency the United Nations is urging the g 20 group of leading economies to Work Together to fight the virus secretary johnson says its disappointing there was no coordinated action back in march meanwhile south korea confirmed 155 new cases its biggest jump in more than 40 days most of the infections have been traced to hospitals and care homes around the capital of seoul australia is easing the cap on the number of residents allowed to return each week the limits will rise by nearly 300 starting next months. Diplomatic efforts to end the conflict over the disputed region of nagornokarabakh are beginning to be stepped up while the Foreign Ministers of the 2 warring parties as about john and armenia are meeting separately with u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei you in washington today and since fighting is continuing after 2 russian brokered cease fires still to end the flare up of the long running dispute any escalation threatens to draw in both russia. All right lets get you the latest now of course for you leon is standing by in the town of barga in azerbaijan near nagorno a good to have you there a 1st of all i just want to understand put this into context for us these talks are are they part of a call for this building exercise or could we actually really see a diplomatic solution come out of washington. Well from what we understand chances are late so that. Any solution will come out which of these latest diplomatic efforts there in washington any solution that could lead to an end of this conflict the fighting has raged on for nearly 2 weeks now youve mentioned that already to cease fire agreements have failed in stat of that we instead we hear the 2 sides as a by john in armenia blame each other for the violence as a by john as president for example does not seem to be very interested in a diplomatic solution right now he has insisted that his country has the right to reclaim its territory by force he also claims that azerbaijan has made some significant military gains in recent days that something armenia denies but we have no chance of independently verify any of these claims now to give you an impression of the situation here on the ground im in the town of bada thats about 20 kilometer. Is away from the front line in a cool new car abbas this town is considered to be relatively safe but we still hear the sound of artillery shelling so the clashes continue as we speak now ive been speaking to people here in the bar and most of them were telling me that they wholeheartedly support this war and of course this makes it even more difficult for the Political Leadership in baquba to return to the negotiation negotiation table now lets listen to what people here told me. As a burgeoning lists nagornokarabakh is an inseparable part of azerbaijan heard sort of their. We are proud that our president wants to take it back and we will do so with a blood reversal jews moment and my son is registered as volunteers for the army we are ready to fight. With our nation and our government everyone from young to old and were not afraid of war all of us are ready to fight until we liberate our lands my own husband gave his life for nucor no care about the show. Or so very different voices of the people that you spoke to julia but you know both sides have had heavy casualties. Are people terrified when the camera is not on. Well thats interesting thing people here tell me they are not afraid that thats really interesting but what really strikes me here when the camera is on of course also is the complete absence of any critical opinions when it comes to this war and the human cost of it because dozens of people have been killed in azerbaijan in recent days and weeks many have had to flee their homes but there is really a general sense of mobilization here both militarily and mentally so many people would tell me they are ready to die for their country right now but this is on the one hand probably due to the fact that this conflict has just dragged on for nearly 3 decades without a viable solution it really determines peoples lives at the same time i have to mention that freedom of expression freedom of opinion are in the massive pressure here in the country there is a lot of propaganda d most of the media or progovernment a lot a war reform or even that something we journalists here also understand and we also feel the effects of it we are not able to move around here independently we always have someone affiliated with. The government with us which limits what we can actually see so we only get to see what the authorities here in azerbaijan want to see and that limits what we can do and how far we can get to the truth prior to you johana reporting from bird to azerbaijan thank you. Youre watching to tell you still to come. Brazils football legend spending turns 80 the 3 time world cup winning striker seen by many around the world as the greatest player of all time well hear how hes feeling on his birthday. But to chile now firster where this sunday millions of voters will make a decision that could dramatically we shape the country protests in recent years have forced to lay in leaders to schedule a referendum on whether to rewrite the constitution a document the dates back to the rule of dictator Augusto Pinochet its a man meant to say vote taking place in one of the regions richest nations but one struggling with spiraling inequality. The route she lays referendum went through this subway station. Students mostly protesting a rise in fares. A heavy handed response from security personnel led to stunning scenes of mass protest in the streets of santiago and other chilean cities. Dozens died during riots arson and looting that caused extensive damage and prompted a military presence on the streets. But the Peaceful Protesters persevered calling for an overhaul of she lays social and economic model and gaining a key demand a vote on whether to toss out the old magna carta the constitution adopted during the brutal 17 year dictatorship of general Augusto Pinochet which ended in 1998 a period when thousands were tortured killed or they were disappeared. This will be a historic event for the 1st time in the history of the republic we will be consulted on whether or not we want a new constitution and who should draft or. The subway stations were cleaned up after the demonstrations and rioting a year ago but emotions have been peaking again. Peaceful antigovernment demonstrations last sunday were marred by the burning of churches vandals cheering the collapse of a church spire not but those promoting a yes vote on a change to the constitution want their protests to be remembered for. Anyone who comes out to look were not going to change health care in the same pensions thats what were fighting for for more than a year our pensions our wages or education everything but i dont see any change. After a year of the social upheaval i am out in the street because i want changes to our Health System. In my lifetime. And the other side thousands have hit the streets to protest against change no they say to a rewrite of the constitution. By shifting to a new constitution were in great danger of falling into Something Like what happened to venezuela if it happened to venezuela why would it happen to us. Well keep the same constitution and make the necessary reforms to it. No voters insist the government working within the present constitution will help those left behind since the magna carta was adopted yes voters say start from scratch with the participation of the people and let the world see what chile and democracy 2. 0 looks like. And have to provide some context is my colleague to be reporter benjamin of us gruber thank you so much for being here benjamin why are people so satisfied right now with how chile is being threatened theyre not upset just right now these are problems there are for the last 2030 years so the crisis it was seeing right now was a Long Time Coming the problems there you have to chile is praised in the region we saw it in the report rights praised for its ability for its institution but the big problem of the inequality when it comes for example to Public Health care when it comes to education when it comes to pension systems those are issues that were not addressed by politicians or not by governments and despite the fact that with hats. Center right and center left governments these are issues that were not tackled and thats what people are so upset right now going to the streets also to demand real change so the current constitution thats now in place back from the time of the death of dictator Augusto Pinochet so is this a chance for tonight to hit the reset button its a chance for a new framework as you sat at this constitution was drafted in 1980 so during the dictatorship it was drafted with the purpose of imposing of a stablish in a new political and economical system it was later and approved in a referendum but the problem with the referendum is there were no electoral reaches us and no free press and with this new framework it could be created now we could move from a state that has more like such a very state right now that lets the market regulate several things like education Like Health Care and to create a new framework that could move also to the problems that need to be addressed here but of course its important to note that the constitution alone will not change this situation of chileans a lot of free from that need to be done this exactly so we distil a need to do next i mean youve got this referendum now what other reforms need to be implemented the other reforms next to the constitution that should be for example in these different areas the big problem with the current constitution is not only the village timoci of origin that it was created during the dictatorship but it requires a really high quorum to make changes and the different reforms that need to be done close to that that ive mentioned already are for example also when it comes to Security Forces police we saw it in the report of more than 8500 of accusations of Human Rights Violations that have been accredited and shown by several human rights organizations a lot of people are saying will this new constitution if it gets approved like most polls suggest bring peace to the country but there is no possible social peace longstanding social peace without justice to deter the report of benjamin the group thank you very much pleasure to have you here. Prison half of all great telling turns 80 today hes still regarded by many fans as the best player the game has ever seen after winning 3 world cup titles events taking place around brazil to mark the milestone birthday the man himself has been displaying his famous sense of humor brazils love for pele is a strong as ever a huge mural in the spiritual home of santos has been unveiled to celebrate the football greats 80th birthday the tribute artist cobra is just one of many pele shot to fame as a 17 year old helping brazil win the 958. 00 world cup. He repeated the trick in 1962 and also guided an iconic brazil team to the trophy in 1970 all these years on and the man named player of the century remains an icon sao paolo Football Museum has opened an exhibition honoring him on his birthday and despite brushes with ill health in recent years he has lost none of his sparkle. On my 80th birthday i thank everyone who has already sent me a message others have already sent me an email. Now that im 80 i need to thank god for giving me the health to get this far and stay so lucid even if im not always so intelligent. Where we can. Go back to the king of football pele is still immensely frank fulfill what the game has done for him. I hope that when i get to heaven god welcomes me the same way that everyone welcomes me nowadays and that is thanks to our beloved football. Thats 80 years of age pele continues to be one of brazils most in jewelry figures. Happy birthday from us to pele and a reminder now to the top stories are or tracking for you this hour u. S. President donald trump and his democratic challenger joe biden are returning to the campaign trail after clashing a final Television Debate last night the crossfire stand demagogue dominated the discussion the economy crime and Climate Change are also on the agenda. Corona virus infection rates are surging across europe with experts saying the virus is now spreading more quickly than at the start of the pandemic governments around the continent are tightening restrictions in an attempt to bring the spread under control. Stick with us because up next is our environment magazine eco in the uk but id like to leave you now with some spectacular pictures one might not be the 1st thing that comes to mind when you think of dubai but a fountain there has just broken the gives world the record for being the biggest song written to the title one just around the corner of the palm frond it is a court would just give a little blasting water more than 100 meters into the air and 3000 multicolored ltd lights its more. Eco indian get off the if you ask any child want he or she wants to me when im going out they will tell you i didnt auto born in n. Z. But not run in china to critics she has not only chosen to be a farmer but to revive traditional farming innovation. Creating a higher yield for her family and a future for her trade will be. Next on g. W. Theyre upset for spectacular creatures. Its their passion for nature. Its their complete devotion that makes them the best wildlife photographer in the world. Fascinating. And. Confrontational and stirring. 5 adventures. One goal. The preservation of our planet. Its not a sinister apartment treason set in kansas anymore. Its honest its dangerous surat asra surgical realize that theres a radically different way of living that most would rather play for china starts november 6th on g. W. Our planet is only 6 changing heavily influenced by the people who called and told sometimes these changes im destructive because we think of Natural Resources from cronkite but the

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