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Im melissa chan welcome to news asia thank you for joining us the government of thailand has announced it will cancel the countrys state of emergency and in an attempt to call the ongoing student led protests since last week democracy protesters have assembled daily in bangkok demanding the Prime Ministers resignation the redrafting of the constitution and a reform of thailands monarchy Prime Minister prime you know it just said on wednesday it was time for people to stop taking to the streets there up with the protestors have made their voices and views heard why it is now time for them to reconcile their views with those of other segments of thais society or through their representatives in parliament. But demonstrators have pledged to. New gathering they want the Prime Minister to step down in the next 3 days they say the protests have been steadily gaining momentum since mid july echoing last summers protests in hong kong and that parallel has not been lost on activists from both places he. Has more. Time learned 2020 a salute borrowed from movie hunger games and symbolizes protesters 3 demands. Hong kong 29. 00 team protest is asking for the governments response to their 5 demands. From the use of helmets umbrellas secret chat groups to the way activists distribute resources to prove democracy protests share striking similarities. And activists from the 2 places do feel connected in some ways. As tens of thousands in thailand defied the ban on gatherings and turned out to protest activists in hong kong voiced their support. For the phone call the vote that with thailand just like how it went highlights that with home of credit like to try to grow it harvest was the place that really inspired hope was a lot to point to new i will fight for freedom more freedom and democracy a goal that both protest movements shared both also contending with political repression. In hong kong its the Chinese Communist party tightening its grip on the semi autonomous city. In thailand its combined power of the military and a more neki. Like the bond between protesters is further strengthened by the socalled milk tea alliance which also includes taiwan the Online Coalition got its name because the drink is popular in all 3 places. Well i mean we have the Mukti Alliance between hong kong taiwan and thailand in which we all long for democracy so we want everybody here to support hong kong as well because hong kong is are facing violence not much different than us. Rallying in solidarity protesters in thailand are lighting up hoops for themselves as well as doing counterparts more than a 1000 kilometers away. Joining us is one surely who filed this story a hunch and tell us more about the milk tea alliance sure it refers to a lose largely Online Coalition of activists from thailand hong kong and taiwan and its got the name milk to it because its a drink very popular in asia and all 3 places have got their own variation of that drink all of them very tasty of course but its not just the tea so all 3 places have very similar political struggles and activists in the places for in the case of tiree and hong kong they have been. There have been some protests and the protests have been authoritarian and the activists share the same goal they want to have more democracy i love you but it is a very strange name how did this start it all started earlier this year when a thai actor we tweeted opposed that referred to hong kong as a country and then it has girlfriend a taiwanese go friend also tweeted something about the corona virus that angered chinese netizens so online users from china or boats started to troll and flood it social media platforms with probation posts so to fight back some tired netizens started to use some means that a very quick witted means with hashtags and one of them was Mukti Alliance and that quickly got. A lot of eccles and instantly people from hong kong and taiwan have been joining the roof vent and posting created even more mints and so it all started as a joke but then it became a real ball and among the activists me how tangible is the alliance so things are happening on social media but to what extent are protesters in hong kong and thailand supporting each other as weve seen in the reported tie protesters have been demonstrating for hong kong at their very own protests and in the meanwhile hong kong activists have also cried to help their counterparts. Over the weekend there had been an online petition changed or argy that was initiated by thai protest hist and the website has been instantly blocked by the Thai Government because its sensitive and so after reading the news hong kong activists have complained online and asked fellow hong kong goes to help signed a petition for thailand and also signs like stand with thailand refugees can be seen in hong kong as well thats very interesting to what extent is there going to be an impact when we look at these transnational protest movements i think it already has an impact so through the milk to alliance and theres been quite a lot of exchanges among a tie and hong kong activists and tyler protests in fact time approaches to this have adopted a lot of strategies from hong kong from the hong kong protests last year thats why when we compared to pictures of the true protests we have seen that the pictures are so similar thats the reason behind that and also i think the new tactic of protest swapping has ever merged and its unprecedented because its completely different places. Trying to promote each others course and thats possible because its all online now and i think this kind of. Orderless resistance can really change the protest culture in the coming years thats very interesting and of course you also see oregon protesters looking online to see how hong kong protesters have been fighting back against police very interesting the globalization of the protest actually thank you. People are asking questions after a deadly stampede in the afghan city of jalalabad that killed at least 15 people the crush happened at a stadium in the city where thousands have gathered to apply for visas to neighboring pakistan officials said most of the victims were women pakistan had previously restricted travel because of the coronavirus pandemic but announced it would resume issuing big cess. Joining us is journalist in kabul ali my 1st question is what is going on and why are people so desperate to go to pakistan a lot of people going to parks so and are actually going for medical care because if you look at the condition of medical Treatment Access to facilities the cost of facilities and supplies that doctors have the training the doctors have people are still shyly dependent on going to parks on to eat on to india to turkey for medical care so a lot of these people thats why theyre going basically to to for Health Services and any reason why it was mostly women who died from the stampede. So usually in these event in these types of places women are separated so that they can feel more safe so that they dont have to feel subject to harassment they dont have to be around large groups of men for such a long time. And so they were probably the most helpless in this situation you know there were hundreds if not thousands of people running in their direction and they were basically caught in this crowd of people who were desperate to go to parks don for one reason or another you know crowd control is such a major issue in this country and Study Council in jalalabad is a constant example of that. Im assuming the government has said something about putting in place some Safety Measures so this wont happen again. Theres. The thing is the government has talked about Safety Measures but truth is you know there are so many questions why why were they in a stadium. And also why why does this keep happening you know isnt the responsibility of the pakistani consulate is the responsibility of the Avalon Police whose responsibility is it and who really should be taking the measures because as i said these issues with embassies and consulates are nothing new in terms of massive crowds of people being forced to wait outside. Thank you thank you if youve ever played pool you probably appreciate snooker its popular in commonwealth countries those associated with the former British Empire and the game is played on a much longer table and getting the cord nation between the cue stick and the take years to master in pakistan mohammad a crime has managed to do so with one important difference. Snooker a game derived from billiards made popular in south asia by british officers during the colonial era its usually played with a stick. But not for a pakistani mohammed he was born without arms. I was walking down the street and saw a sign for the snooker club. I used to sit inside the club and wonder if i had arms what i also play. So i started pushing around snooker balls on an empty pool table. Gradually i improved my game. And now ive played with some of the finest players. When parents found out they were worried he might get hurt and initially tried to stop him from playing. But after years of honing his skills hes now among the best at his local club and someone in eastern pakistan. The snooker owner says some players even pay for the chance to face off against. The better to be completely stunned of the theres more competition in cricket and football where there are more players with disabilities and those sports but when it comes just no hes one of a kind and he doesnt have competition from anyone people are impressed by his game hes the only snooker player in the world playing with his chin. Says that when he was growing up he often felt isolated now after mastering snooker in his own way hes become a local celebrity. And thats it for now sure to check out our other stories on dot com for splash on facebook and twitter. What secrets lie behind these walls. Discovered. New adventures in the 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites. P. W. World heritage 360 getting up now. The funny said against the coronavirus pandemic. We just signed stand. With the new findings and researchers new. Information and background into. The corona update. With 19 special. Monday to friday on t w. A big new german series called barbarians is launching all netflix will be talking about that also coming up today. A photographic exhibition that remembers the on some heroes of the Chernobyl Nuclear disaster 34 years ago. And its being called a rockfall all folks trying to come cosmo sheldrakes music includes sounds from the english countryside that surrounds him. Welcome to our culture streaming services are booming at the historical series seem to be particularly popular netflix is launching its 1st german historical series barbarians which takes place in noida a day when the romans occupied almost half of europe so the judge manic tribes are trying to stop them occupied the other half whats the potential for epic battles lawford hate the trail and loyalty. So i mean how are you going to this roman empire at the height of its power half of it is under. Roman general virus is governor of the Northern Province is at his side. The leader of a division of jim manic troops serving the romans. Returning with roman forces meet his father a tribal chief again as a child i mean yes was taken as a hostage to rome where he became a roman citizen because its hopeless. He could organise my 4. Vices act on our own slope sees parallels with the situation of refugees today. I think refugees have to struggle with the same things that are many a struggled with not knowing how to fit in where do i belong do i belong. How much of my original culture can i retain. And how much is it accepted in the new culture and so on. This story is told entirely from the perspective of the gemini tribes they resent the high tribute payments demanded by the romans the conflict is given an extra edge due to the language barrier the romans speaking latin just sex. Was stuck through my table that was there no longer producing any sort. Because of the fact that you have an uphill uninspired its a touch of culture as they dont understand each other we use this to develop the plot the few characters he speak both languages suddenly have much more power and control over the situation. There are misunderstandings. It was a key moment when we decided to incorporate this into the narrative. The in the solution start. Adding to armenia says internal conflict he is also the foster child of roman general virus an entirely fictional element. People. Asked. Me if it took a pretty house. Full of good. Judgment to. Run. Roman for a barbarian after the pine thought its become increasingly on many a 3 chief side then leads the roman into an ambush although the outcome of the battle is a matter of historical record barbarians keeps the tension going until the gury end. Barbarians coming that flicks a drink out of a my colleague joins me now so i did High Expectations for production because other productions are being very good dark. And a 6 part series does have a lot going for it to. David and goliath story set in the based on historical fact it was spectacularly shot not in the forest i have to say but actually on location in hungary it should appeal to fans of shows like vikings and the last kingdom and theres no reason why it shouldnt do very well indeed and based on an interesting chapter of german history what do we know about the real large amount of tribes well theres an interesting exhibition in at the james. Which deals with misconceptions about them the german nick tribes were actually ethnically quite diverse. They were not barbarians but fairly advanced agricultural communities what we knew about the before he initially came stories written by the romans then further a man sized by an artist. Securely around the time of the foundation of the 1st german funniness then becomes herman the german a massive monument is built to him in the toy to forest 1800 years after the battle so was this a search for a sort of National Identity battle lets fight but hermann is not ideally karst as the proton germany was no marnia he wasnt a unifier of germany thats the myth the were in all more than 50 tribes and therefore they were the forefathers of many european nations so lots of missed some misunderstandings but how historically authentic is this series its pretty good it even has the roman soldiers speaking latin but it plays loose with facts but i have to say that there are only few verifiable facts here and theres a long tradition of inventing things to fill in the gaps in the knowledge so i think if you dont take it too seriously it wont do you any harm and you might enjoy it sounds very good and perhaps it will inspire people to learn more about that part of german history barbarians is on netflix and the game martin is at the jane seymour gallery until until march 2020 ok if youre kennedy thank you very much. All 261986 there was a catastrophic. Weeks that followed the soviet union deployed badly paid volunteers to remove the debris that created by the explosion the disaster had triggered the release of a vast amount of material and the socalled liquidators were unknowingly placing themselves in great danger at photographer. Devoted exhibitions of these. This is perfect the uniting equipment the folds of the clothes it all looks. But these heroes are faceless and not even standing up theyve been laid out in rows like great slabs in berlin since Matthews Church photographer under new york calls them bio robots. His tribute. To the people he cleaned up the damage after the disaster at chernobyl. By asked myself what heroes are. Other heroes in my life that should be talked about. Wiki realized they were the liquidators. Tell me so im specific an emotional process and a bio robot a person whos treated like a machine. By robots recall the heroes of soviet propaganda invincible in their protective suits they have no idea theyre being sacrificed the enemy radiation is invisible. The title of the exhibition in the theme enter into an unbelievably good symbiosis here in these places questions of heroism resurrection elevation to st e status they really rub up against each other. The phones of the redeemer are reflected in mirrors to piece. Is it. The idea of sacrificing one south for the general good is that ideal still compatible with the age we live in. Before. There is still the concept of the hero right now were once again talking about how ironic figures in respect to the challenges presented by the coronavirus another invisible danger we face. Maybe it has got something to do with the church in the end people want to believe in something but if you look more closely at this world it does become difficult to believe in heroism. Isnt an idea as beautiful as it is questionable. Is to release a new album made entirely of in the english countryside joining lock down this is his totally solo album in that he plays only instruments mix to produce that self and this time hes done this in surprises all with this experimental edge and it has signaled a new side to his talent the album comes. From one british musician whos working in the countryside jornada but. I was in the open i think some of his role material hes inspired by and uses the rustling of leaves. The wind much more and his music. British musician shall drink feels a deep connection with nature the songs he composes are inspired by the world around him he works from a small solar powered studio deep in a forest in southern england. Has no learn to play the piano at age 4 today he plays over 30 different instruments his 2nd album wakeup calls features a range of birdsong samples and ill chop the sounds out and arrange them on a sampler so i can trigger back different elements of what ive recorded in and then start to kind of color the sounds together and build it into a piece of music. When he can get there to roll explores his lush surroundings hunting for sounds to sample. d d d nature to me i guess just means a celebration of life is just. One of the songs every life has a passion for living and i think its just. Its just true isnt it just being a natural place you just get that sense of just life busting for from becoming constantly. To believe. In you know hes great changes in many different corners of the world and he has a soft spot for performing in night. Out i mean i love playing outside. One of my favorite things that seem to play to places about the people i think its just as important to perform in places and to places but often ill go to a place i record sounds from that place make a piece of music and then take it back to the place and perform it back in the place. By. Closing my eyes needs akin to the beauty of a Natural Environment which my kids music never ceases to amaze. Always more stories on our website at www dot com. Also check out g. W. Books i am d. W. Classical music. Thats all for this edition i thank you for watching and for myself and all the crew here in berlin stay safe from. The 20 joining us election on d. L. Back in minneapolis minnesota right here at the memorial site where george floyd was killed just 5 months ago 900 minneapolis sheer induced 102 racial bias to Police Brutality out of all to Police Reform want to talk to the police dont talk to city council and to let government activists see the story on g. W. News. And you hear me now yes yes we can hear you and how the last 2 years gentlemens house now remembering what im going to mass call as youve never tired have before surprise yourself with what is possible who is magical really what moves and what. Who talks to people who follows her along the way admirers and critics alike how is the worlds most powerful woman shaping how they could join us from eccles last stop. This is a 15 year old girl. Being gang raped. His teacher is beating a boy for talking back and class. For the rest of the class watches. Shira toeplitz being killed by his mother. Breaking at last. His child sleeps in the streets because her family through her. Fear. Online bullying. Pushes a teenager over the edge. Just because you can see violence against children doesnt mean others and there are make them visible visible of us might violence against children disappear. This is it we knew it. Life for girl and final thing is solved donald trump and joe biden gear up for their last t. V. Debate before the u. S. Election less than 2 weeks to go before the vote the u. S. President trilling his democratic challenger in the polls joe biden getting a Late Bloomers from former president barack obama also coming up from poster child to struggling to contain a resurging endemic germanys Top Public Health body warns the country is facing an uncontrolled spread of our

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