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Cut the spread. Ireland has become the 1st european country to go into a 2nd log down during the 2nd wave of the coronavirus central dublin has was deserted look at this during the morning rush hour today nonessential businesses have been forced to close with bars and Restaurants Limited to take away service and everyone has been told to stay within a 5 kilometer radius of their homes ireland has recorded nearly 10000 new cases in the past 2 weeks and the government says it has imposed these measures to save the Public Health system. Lets get you more on these measures im joined now by governor riley he is a Political Correspondent at virgin media news ireland a very good day to you again evan ive won im guessing the people of ireland are not happy about the 2nd lockdown. No i dont think anyone would ever very enthusiastically embrace a 2nd lockdown but i think there is a widespread recognition that something had to change because arnold has already gone through a lot of the other precautions that you mentioned in your reporting just about where to go the idea of going down on social occasions trying to ensure that you couldnt endure dining at restaurants that you could only have outdoor seating for takeaways and eventually then closing bell takeaways and pubs and cafes and everything like that as well but it hasnt seemed to work we still had a rising number of infections over the last 7 days in fact weve had 8 and a half 1000 new cases reported in the country and there is a real concern that if things were to continue rising the way that they were at that the Health System would very quickly become overrun arnold has one of the smaller Health Systems in western europe and it already has an annual health to annual winter difficulties with the likes of the seasonal flu for example so there are serious concerns that if you was out of flu on top of rising covert. Admissions you simply find the Health System completely overrun and that is why the government had to take the unfortunate decision of trying to implement the 2nd shock them and explain to us all a bit more why the government decided to go for this Nuclear Option because ireland was actually doing quite well at the beginning of the pandemic. It was doing quite well in the 1st lockdown had really had quite dramatic improvements fraud and obviously it was a very difficult time for everyone d and had a huge economic consequences but by the middle of june our that was down to having a single digit new number of cases every day that was many days to summarize and only had 456 or 7 new cases announced on a National Basis but as the restrictions were released and obviously more and more people got to gather people enjoyed the good summer weather and things went back up again but the real concern for the are is the capacity within the Health System so to give an example right now this afternoon there are 315 patients in hospitals right that would cope with 99 that may not sound like an awful lot but there are a total of only about 400 vacant beds in all of ardens hospitals so if you had a very significant rise in the number of cold patients that were completely the capacity and this time last month there were only about 80 patients now we have over 300 and it would be very easy to imagine how that could continue to rise also this afternoon we have 35 patients in intensive care again it may not sound like very much but there are only about 30 vacant beds in intensive care units so if you did have an increasing number of people who needed intensive care than anyone else who might need for example those who are involved in motor accidents could find themselves not being able to get the care they need with that in mind that the government has gone down this route with us so very dire situation to be in indeed now we heard and we had some reports that some protests place in a recent weeks in ireland when restrictions started to be reimposed put this into context for us do these protesters reflect mainstream sentiments. The protesters that weve seen on the streets for the last couple of weeks are more at the fringes of public sets of that but it definitely can be said for certain that there is not the same public support for this lockdown than there was for the 1st one that are that went through back in march april and may are that it was relatively late in implementing a National Lockdown back in the 1st wave of this and in fact there was almost a sense that the government was perhaps scared to do it that there were many people in the public who wanted our team to go into lockdown because we saw that this was the inevitable conclusion that was going on in other countries this time around obviously its a very difficult situation its a very different situation as youve already said are this the 1st country western europe to introduce once again a total National Shutdown so perhaps people might find a little bit easier to tolerate if they see other countries following ardens lead but for as long as ardent is an outlier and its pursuing these extreme measures that are being watched anywhere else in western europe people will probably think that its more to do with the under investments in our Intel Service the perhaps our that would be able to deal with a higher burden of covert 19 if there were more hospital beds more doctors and more nurses so for as long as art is an outlier there will be a large number of people who are unhappy about this and indeed opinion polls in the last couple of days have confirmed that art is very much that that in the middle about whether this is an appropriate measure or whether it is an extreme act that really should be justified gavin reilly Political Correspondent at virgin media news ireland to thank you for joining us. And ill cook a summary of some of the days other headlines for you. Vietnam is bracing for storm as south delta make land fall the country has already suffered weeks of severe flooding and landslides that have left more than 100 people dead and 20 others missing the red cross says hundreds of thousands of people there will need housing as well as income and food aid in the coming weeks. Russian media is reporting that u. S. Whistleblower Edward Snowden has been granted permanent residency by moscow snowden has had asylum in russia says 2013 after he leaked secret files that revealed vast u. S. Domestic and International Surveillance operations his lawyer says hes not yet considering applying for a russian passport. The European Parliament has named bello versus democratic opposition and civil activists as the winners of its top human rights award the sack rafidah of thought prize while recipients include exiled oversee an Opposition Leader so settler not seeking a sky out and mass protests have rocked the country since the president ial election in august the opposition accuses longtime leader Alexander Lukashenko of rigging the vote these women became the face of belarus this push for democracy svetlana to kind of skier rick kolesnikov us that line aleksey of each if the movement which is now being given the European Parliaments top human rights award the sucker of freedom of thought prize. Parliament president david fastly said the huge protests on the streets of bella ruth following what the e. U. Called a rigged president s election have moved the world. Should be bloated those an opposition and bella ruse continue to be strong and continue to fight show fight your struggle we will stand by your side we are with he. Didnt die just to kind of the exiled Opposition Leader said the award was for the nation as a whole. Im really. Glad that. Weve got such a such award because this is what not only for. You know for for me is what all for all the glory sent people because now we like one organism police who is fighting against regime was lovely its a sentiment echoed by others in the ballerinas opposition you know. They were fighting for the rights of people to freely elected leadership that we only want and i think that this is what made them different from our political but insert. Your huge protests against president Alexander Lukashenko israel lection attracting tens of thousands of people have rocked bellary since august despite Police Threats to open fire the opposition accuses lucas of rigging the vote and refusing to release his more than 26. 00 a grip on power. Death has been a peaceful protest which has been met by force by the belo ricin or thirtys. Those calling for lukashenko to step down are hoping this latest show of support from the e. U. Will bring the hopes for democracy a step closer. How far could Plastic Waste become a part of underwater life well thats the central question swiss director pascal or shell glee set out to explore and his short movie the beauty its an imaginative take on the one of the most pressing issues facing our Planet Plastic pollution on our shell glee has won a student oscar for the animation which he created as part of his final theses as as one of germanys top film schools. To p. G. Takes us on a journey into the depths of the ocean to get a good watch a little longer. And you realize its no documentary but a parable piece about pollution. Such starring characters made of Plastic Waste dunces. I am. A basic concept was to tell the story poetically and with irony. All the videos you see featuring distressed whales and turtles are so shocking and somebody i have the feeling weve become emotionally immune. Filming in post production took a year and a half. The characters like the pufferfish made a bubble wrap. All the school of fish made of flip flops where digitally animated and later integrated into night action under which a footage. Does concerts and i think the concept only works if it looks realistic if it makes you believe that thats really a moon rail made of a car tire that just one bad. I. Shall please photorealistic aquatic fantasy invites us to suspend our disbelief and dive into a world in which nature and waste deal with pollution by entering into a secret natural symbiosis but the film doesnt spare us the harsh reality. It ends with a look at the ever growing forest of synthetic refugees thats gradually suffocating operations and everything that lives in them. To be seen as rightfully accolades the International Student oscar compiles pasko show bullies are the appeal to save the seeds into the running for the best animated short in the main oscars competition. And deservedly self youre watching their winners from the stick around the news asia is up next with the chant hyla thank you for giving us come. Please pass to silence in the hands. Ranks it is trending frank and languages Family Business like many english sheep farmers can business depends on european explorers without a Free Trade Agreement with the e. U. That could soon all be over just like the future of farmers in their street only time will tell. Focus on year of kick in 60 minutes on the t. W. 2022 s election on g. W. Back in minneapolis minnesota right here at the memorial site where george was killed just crushed once of the 100 painting up on his fear induced time of what happened to racial bias to police for tell it had a Botched Police reform and forgot to talk to the police from top to city council and to let cosmetic tubes see this story on the w. News. From. Why are people forced to hide in trucks. Place because there are many present specific such claims and there are many answers place. And there are many stories. Of his place make up your own her. Place. W. Made for mines. Youre watching t. W. News coming up today protestors of the world unite we take a closer look at how activists in thailand and hong kong are supporting each other in their respective democracy movements. Plus in afghanistan how high demand for the says triggered a deadly stampede. And well show you how living with a disability has not stopped this man from finding purpose and enjoyment at the snooker table. Im melissa chan welcome to news asia thank you for joining us the government of thailand has announced it will cancel the countrys state of emergency in an attempt to call the ongoing student led protests since last week democracy protesters have assembled a daily in bangkok demanding the Prime Ministers resignation the redrafting of the constitution and a reform of thailands monarchy Prime Minister price said on wednesday it was time for people to stop taking to the streets their upward toward the protesters have made their voices and views heard why it is now time for them to reconcile their views with those of other segments of thais society or through their representatives in parliament. But demonstrators have pledged to continue gathering they want the Prime Minister to step down in the next 3 days they say the protests have been steadily gaining momentum since niche ally echoing last summers protests in hong kong and that parallel has not been lost on activists from both places he. Has more. Time and 2020 a salute borrowed from hungary. And symbolizes protesters 3 demands. Hong kong 2019 protesters asking for the governments response to their 5 demands. From the use of helmets umbrellas secret chat groups to the way activists distribute resources to prodemocracy protests share striking similarities. And activists from the 2 places do feel connected in some ways. As tens of thousands in thailand defied a ban on gatherings and turned out to protest activists in hong kong voiced their support. Of the hong kong people that with thailand just like how you were highlights that would call them dragon like to hide she wrote in part this is the place that really inspired us a lot because in europe i will fight for freedom more freedom and democracy a goal that both protest movements shared both also contending with political repression. In hong kong its the Chinese Communist party tightening its grip on the semi autonomous city. In thailand its combined power of the military and the monarchy. The bond between protesters is further strengthened by the socalled milk tea alliance which also includes taiwan the Online Coalition got its name because the drink is popular in all 3 places. We have the milky alliance between hong kong taiwan and thailand in which we all moan for democracy so we want everybody here to support hong kong as well because hong kong those are facing violence not much different than us. Rallying in solidarity protesters in thailand are lighting up hoops for themselves as well as their counterparts more than a 1000 kilometers away. Or joining us as her family who files this story a hunch and tell us more about the milk tea alliance sure it refers to a lose largely Online Coalition of activists from thailand hong kong and taiwan and its got the name milk because its a drink very popular in asia and all 3 places have got their own variation of that drink all of them very tasty of course but its not just a tea so often. Places have very similar political struggles and activists in the places for in the case of tiree and hong kong they have been. There have been some protests and the protests have been authoritarian and the activists share the same goal they want to have more democracy i love milk tea too but it is a very strange name how did this start it all started earlier this year when a thai actor we tweeted opposed referred to hong kong as a country and then his girlfriend a taiwanese go friend also tweet at something about the corona virus that angered chinese netizens so online users from china boats started to troll and flood it social media platforms with probation posts so to fight back some time i need to since started to use some means the very quick witted names with hash tags and one of them was Mukti Alliance and that quickly got a lot of eccles and instantly people from hong kong and taiwan had been joining this reform and and posting created even more mins and so it all started as a joke but then it became a real boy and among the activists me how tangible is the alliance so things are happening on social media but to what extent are protesters in hong kong and thailand supporting each other as weve seen in the reports thai purchase to have been demonstrating for hong kong at their very own protests and in the meanwhile hong kong activists have also cried to help their counterparts. Over the weekend there had been an online petition changed argy that was initiated by thai protest history and the website has been instantly blocked by the Thai Government because its sensitive and so after reading the news activists have complained online and asked fellow hong kong. To help signed a petition for thailand and also signs like stand with thailand refugees can be seen in hong kong as well thats very interesting to what extent is there going to be an impact when we look at these transnational protest movements i think it already has an impact so through the milk tea alliance and theres been quite a lot of exchanges among a tie and hong kong activists and tile protests in fact a tie purchase to this have adopted a lot of strategies from hong kong from the hong kong protests last year thats why when we compared to pictures of the true protests we have seen that the pictures are so similar thats the reason behind that and also i think the new tactic of protest swapping has ever birch too and its unprecedented because its completely different places. Trying to promote each others course and thats possible because its all online now and i think this kind of borderless resistance can really change the protest culture in the coming years thats very interesting and of course you also see oregon protesters looking online to see how hong kong protesters have been fighting back against police very interesting the globalization of the protest actually thank you. People are asking questions after a deadly stampede in the afghan city of jalalabad that killed at least 15 people the crush happened at a stadium in the city where thousands had gathered to apply for visas to neighboring pakistan officials said most of the victims were women pakistan had previously restricted travel because of the coronavirus pandemic but announced it would resume issuing visas. Joining us is journalist elie led t. V. In kabul ali my 1st question is what is going on and why are people so desperate to go to pakistan. A lot of people going to talks are actually going for medical care because if you look at the conditions of medical Treatment Access to facilities the cost of facilities and supplies that doctors have the training the doctors have people are still highly dependent on to pox on to eat on to india to turkey for medical care so a lot of these people thats why theyre going basically to to for Health Services and any reason why it was mostly women who died from the stampede. So usually in these event in these types of places women are separated so that they can feel more safe so that they dont have to feel subject to harassment they dont have groups of men for such a long time. And so they were probably the most helpless in this situation you know there were hundreds if not thousands of people running and their direction and they were basically caught in this crowd of people who were desperate to go to pakistan for one reason or another and you know crowd control is such a major issue in this country and the consul in jalalabad is a constant example of that. Im assuming the government has said something about putting in place some Safety Measures so this wont happen again. Theres. The thing is the government has talked about Safety Measures but the truth is you know there are so many questions why why were they in a stadium. And also why why does this keep happening you know isnt the responsibility of the pakistani consulate is the responsibility of the Avalon Police whose responsibility is it and who really should be taking the measures because as i said these issues with embassies and consulates are nothing new in terms of massive crowds of people being forced to wait outside. Thank you thank you. If youve ever played pool you probably appreciate snooker its popular in commonwealth countries those associated with the former British Empire and the game is played on a much longer table and getting a cord nation between the cue stick and the take years to master in pakistan mohammad a crime has managed to do so with one important difference. Snooker a game derived from billiards made popular in south asia by british officers during the colonial era. Its usually played with a stick. But not for a pakistani mohammed was born without arms. I was walking down the street and saw a sign for the snooker club. I used to sit inside the club and wonder if i had arms what i also play. This so i started pushing around snooker balls on an empty pool table. Gradually i improved my game. And now ive played with some of the finest players. When parents found out they were worried he might get hurt and initially tried to stop him from playing. But after years of honing his skills hes now among the best at his local club and someone in eastern pakistan. The snooker halls owner says some players even pay for the chance to face off against. That it got to be. More competition in cricket and football or there are more players with disabilities and those sports but when it comes just no hes one of a kind and he doesnt have competition from anyone people are impressed by his game hes the only snooker player in the world playing with his chin. Says that when he was growing up he often felt isolated now after mastering snooker in his own way hes become a local celebrity. And thats it for now to check out our other stories on dot com for slash on facebook and twitter. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour corona. 19 special next on d w. How does a virus. Why do we panic and when were. Trying to just through the techniques and weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like to thank you for information on the coronavirus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at dot com ford slash science. Were being told to keep things clean. d d through direct contact or through the air traces of coronavirus can be transferred to the objects we touch and in turn transfer to. Keep that from happening weve come up with innovative ways to avoid having to touch things. And to keep surfaces clean. Living our lives means its impossible to avoid all types of contact so we need to understand the real risks in our environments. How long does the virus remain viable on surfaces and is it ever there in dangerous amounts do surfaces pose the threat we once thought they did. And this is the 1900 special hello and welcome to the show im steve and its good to have with us money shopping cards door handles just about everything we touch is getting a 2nd look these days or even a cover work around like that elevator we just saw but are our anxieties over surface contacts backed up by the research of the virus. Thats fire ability to lock. Weaving in and out among the commuters london Simpang Chris is this futuristic pair. Theyve been brought in by one of the british capitals Busiest Railway stations to help with the fight against corona virus. One sweeps and mops the other uses powerful ultraviolet light to kill microorganisms including those the cause copied 19. Keeping coronavirus off the station surfaces is a constant battle. What the new technology were our cities have our style focusing on the high touch points the automatic machines can then go and create a monday in areas and that allows us to ensure that were doing exactly what we need to do the same across. Scientists have been trying to work out how long the virus remains active on surfaces for searches in australia recently tested its survival when left in ideal conditions viruses. Metrics resume. Humans accretions. Illicit drugs or. Drive. Up to. 20. Groups and then resume regular wants to see. The scientists concluded that corona virus can remain infectious on surfaces such as glass steel and polymer banknotes when kept at 20 degrees celsius for at least 4 weeks thats more or less Room Temperature however move up to 30 degrees and the virus survives for just 7 days at an even higher temperature 40 degrees celsius he remains infectious for just 24 hours. The researchers are however keen to point out that outside of their strictly controlled Lab Conditions coronavirus may find it a lot harder to survive. In the real world. Encounter. The real world. Results like. The amounts of virus used in this 30 year also are likely to be much greater than would be encountered in the real world nevertheless Global Health officials have taken note of the findings we use this information to look at our disinfectants the good news is that this virus can be disinfected with with disinfectants with chlorine with different types of very very quickly. And thats where the some pancreas robots come in through their work and that of their human colleagues the station stands a better chance of stopping the virus in its tracks. Im joined now by a man your goldman hes professor of microbiology of brokers university in the u. S. About whats good to have you with us this australian story that we just mentioned in that piece does it tell us anything relevant for normal people about how they should interact with their environments. No i do not believe so the conditions that they used for these experiments were just completely out of touch with reality. Says if. The thief the scientists set down and said what what can they actually devise a way to protect this virus as long as possible what can we do to extend this life time thats less what they were doing for example they did their study in the dark viruses kept in the dark viruses killed by light ultraviolet light youre already mentioned that in your broadcasts. All light has some some component of ultraviolet. They used. A material in the virus preparation. That they were aiming to imitate human secretions but they use something called both fine serum albumin bovine stands for cattle. This is a protein from cow cows and its already been published bovine serum albumin protects the virus and the best from decaying. The virus is killed by being dried out they took their experiment in 50 percent humidity. Now thats relatively normal humidity and indoors but humidity is a variable it doesnt always stay that a percent and its turns out that 50 percent humidity is the maximum committee for the virus survival. Around the 1st stories dries out the dogs so its going to study it looks like the got a lot of attention obviously because of this this figure of over 28. 00 days survivability what do we know about the actual survivability of the virus under normal conditions. Everybody else has looked at it. Including including many papers that i have criticised find much much less survival the virus and surfaces. The journal of medicine paper. Found a couple of days. Other papers have found a comparable in actual human ucas the virus finds a half life of 3 hours what we mean by half life is that extra set amount of time half the virus is dead and half remains and then same amount of time again half of what was left at that point the scar and half remains for a quarter is left so you do the math you go through 456 half lives and youre much much lower levels of virus. And the half life that most people have measured in on paper. Order of an hour or 2 maybe 3 hours new england journal of medicine paper and plastic and still the papers had about a 6 hour halflife i think people are overly concerned about surface transmission that theyre more worried than they should be. Yes yes i do believe that they are. Definitely more moral concern than they should be the main concern should be in what you preach. The this virus is contracted by breathing its not contracted by surfaces and in theoretical you can get it from a surface there is no case confirmed in the scientific literature with this wires has been transmitted by a surface there are 2 possible papers that suggest it but even there it could just as well have been transmitted by aerosols but the air that you breathe. First says this is a study in south korea. A case in south korea where there was a misuse building of offices and residences of that loving 100 people in that building one of the this is in that building. People got sick with the corona virus and everybody in that office got sick the rest of the building almost nobody got sick. And if there had been surface transmission we would have seen a lot more in that case briefly if i may ask just on a piece there about cleaning Solutions Like these robots to go around the station doesnt fact do you think thats helpful or is that just for peace of mind is it a gesture briefly if you can i think its peace of mind its just a gesture again. Look the problem with focusing on surfaces so the takes your focus away from it really is important which is what you breathe through all right and then you will have to leave it there professor Emanuel Goldman at Rutgers University thank you so much. Thank you and now its time for your questions its the part of the show where our science correspondent Derrick Williams and theres the questions you posted to you tube channel over there. How long does an asymptomatic person or one who has overcome kovac 19 remain a possible source of infection. Regardless of whether you have sinned terms or if youre asymptomatic if youve been diagnosed with coke at 19 its important not to leave isolation and tell your local Health Authority says you no longer pose a danger to others and its recommended guidelines the w. H. O. Says that on average positive patients who show symptoms could be infectious for up to 10 days after symptoms 1st appear it also says patients should wait at least that long plus 3 days after their symptom free without any medication so a person with an average case of coke at 19 if there is such a thing should isolate a minimum of 13 days for asymptomatic people the w. H. O. Recommendation is to isolate for at least 10 days since your last positive test various National Health authorities have interpreted those recommendations in different ways there is no 0 risk scenario but as a rule of thumb people who test positive whether there are symptomatic or asymptomatic are no viewed as being no longer infectious after 2 weeks. Or so and corresponded there are points there and before we let you go were also learning how to incorporate social distancing into our routines well heres a school in italy thats found a novel way to bring children to class while staying safe with a socalled petty bus or foot bus thats basically a rope with distance handles the Children Wear face masks and pull their book bags alongside a system was originally designed to limit air pollution from cars but has been updated for the. Coronavirus era. And thats it for todays copa 19 special as always thanks for watching. The. Path to silence in the. Ranks it is trending french and languages Family Business like many english sheep farmers in business depend on european explorers without a Free Trade Agreement with the e. U. That could soon be over just like the future of farmers and their sheep i only time town. Focused on europe. In 30 minutes on w. Every day counts for us and for our planet schlepp. Blaze is on its way to bring you more conservation lenku we make see the screen on how can we protect habitats whats the good with all our waste tube. We can make a difference by choosing Smaller Solutions overstrained said in a way sublime genius subliminal series of a movie suppose an on the bomb ah the beethoven is for me. Beethoven is for you. The beethoven is for health the 1st beethoven is for her. Plato is for the. Beethoven is for us plato for is for the beethoven 202250th anniversary here on the air. The 20 joining us election on g. W. Back in minneapolis minnesota right here at the memorial site where george was killed just trying to launch a damn everything i can assure induced time what happened to racial bias to the Police Patrol she said about Police Reform going to talk to the police and talk to city council and to let classmate activists see this story on d. V. D. And. Cut. Plan. This is it every news live from berlin final say stop donald trump and joe biden gear up for their last televised debate before the u. S. Election well less than 2 weeks to go before the vote the u. S. President trailing his democratic challenger in the polls joe biden getting a late boost from none other than former president s oh rock obama also coming up some poster child

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