A safe space to learn life skills. Are never complete which is their hope to be writers but all to me personally that when you hear that at least what you try to save police and the bus you. Hello im christine one day its good to have your company a Record Number of people meeting humanitarian assistance and most of them are children and thats the situation across the border areas of book in a fossil molly and according to the u. N. Now along with germany denmark and the European Union the u. N. Held a virtual nascence today to discuss the humanitarian crisis in africas conflict region they try to raise 1000000000. Don is in aid funding now this is how is a geographical region that stretches across africa separating the Sahara Desert from the bells of humid savannahs to the south the region has been plagued by extreme poverty droughts and violence which began after a rebellion in northern mali in 2012 that violence has since break for the rest of the country and to neighboring book in a fossil and the balance of lives have been lost and according to the u. N. More than 13000000 people are in need of humanitarian assistance in those 3 countries alone formal i am joined now by mark local United Nations and the secretary general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator welcome to do you have any news africa mr local you say you need a 1000000000 dollars for people in booking a fossil in mali and in the why is the need so urgent. Well as now 13000000 people across those countries in need humanitarian assistance including 2000000 people whove been forced to flee that is just in the last year or so and problems have a series of underlying causes poverty and Development Rapid population growth Climate Change which means that you know its impossible to santosh numbers of people to make a living in traditional nomadic postural lifestyle so in subsistence agriculture. And in so thats a coming extremist groups and hes the extremist groups really the. Full saying huge numbers of people to flee that. Need to deal with. The you have to deal with the long term causes as well right at Food Insecurity in this a hell region has increased massively at more than 500 the same in mali for example one of the root causes of hunger in the region. Well its the same sorts of things really i mean people are hungry when they dont have incomes and when theyre very very poll well produces more than enough for everybody to go at each night well nourished the problem is that in some places there are all people who have the means to purchase the fate now they say he and region has not developed in the way many of the policies of the world have over their hasta few generations and so theyre very reliant on forms of agriculture. And then subsistence agriculture which the very large growing populations are too many people to really rely on those forms of being in an era of Climate Change. Now the 1000000000. 00 that that that youre trying to raise its in multiple 2020 what about and they get off to that. Well i am confident today we will raise hundreds of millions of dollars set and one thing i am expecting is that countries coming to this conference and im very grateful to germany denmark and the European Union for hosting it i am raised the confidence that people will make pages which go into 20212022 because youre right they problems that were dealing with have courses that will take a long time to address and we need to be prepared for the whole. Mistal call what would happen if if if the sat hill region doesnt get the sustained help that you that youre describing. Well there is a risk that. Falls on that a long term sway of terrorists and extremist groups and organized criminals more and more people be displaced into neighboring countries these regions could become a center point for all souls are bad problems organized crime refugee flows migration but also the export of terrorism and violence and so its in the interests of the region but also the neighbors and europe is this regions main important neighbor is in europes interest and the interest of the wider world these problems to be dealt with primarily for the people of these cuts for the wider world as well right perhaps an aussie i mean aid can only ever be a stopgap solution what really needs to change in this a house so that in the long term people can live full and productive lives. You or i can buy time and help the National Authorities do the right thing of the single most important thing is while the National Authorities and the local authorities and local organizations and local people can do to support their own development and built Better Future themselves the white house should have a leadership role hes really in the region. All right that small. Emergency relief coordinator thank you we appreciate your time. Thank you very much. Theyve. Done from the u. S. List of states terrorism President Donald Trump has announced its off to sudan agreed to pay 335000000. 00 in compensation to american terrorism victims and their families lost his uprising in the ousting of. Who was believed to be supporting groups such as al qaeda in the 1990 s. So to me as Prime Minister abdullah getting off the list would help his government access much needed debt relief and foreign investments. Government is center breaking the decision is what he said in an address to citizens has about this decision provides better possibilities and better conditions for managing the economy with new integrated and more effective mechanisms in policies. Growth for. Removing saddam from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism and opens the door wide for saddam to make its long of a jew return to the international community. And we cannot do it. Optimism is being echoed on the streets. Where people have welcomed the news. This is a very important step that sudan has been awaiting for a long time. And it is negatively affected sudan. And effective what people were earning. It also said the strength of the citizens the government and national institutions. We are hopeful about the secession as it gives sudan a new horizon and awakening and brings us forward we have to think about this decision and not make any mistakes. From the leadership in the form the government has to begin with reforms and face all the challenges and the things that have been brewing over the past 30 years you know especially for no diplomatic relations. To ivory coast now which experienced widespread violence after a contested election in 2010 the suburb of the countrys economic capital abidjan it was hard hit even many children there homeless. Started Dance Company give young people a safe place to live while teaching them how to make space themselves through johns he took us on a tour. Crowded district in abidjan ivory coast its home to a dance school called. Eve thomas blair founded the Dance Company in 2014 to get children off the streets and into formation with only ever compare their mo to be wise professional dancers that when they hear that list the kids are in a safe place. Rehearsals of vigorous and the children must concentrate. Their. Through performance even once the dancers and audiences to reflect on pressing issues in ivorian Society Today its about Ethnic Violence and the importance of peace. Movement choreograph you symbolizes been together in peace. Has experienced violent evil a since the 2010 president ial elections in which both candidates claim victory many children have no home. He was born here and knows the school he encourages the children to attend school or become apprentices. Parents and 20 turned. Him to live with. Maybe 15 in a little place of troops. And when there was no want to take. Notes. For some of the school is the only place they can call the whole 15 children live on site eventis team house and feed them. Has to be washed and prepared. To be ready to work. Besides the 15 boarding students the School Welcome 60 youngsters a day to share a meal and attend daunce clause. Has big dreams for students and sometimes they come true. Today even if its rosalie book a former student now a professional dancer. Do you remember when you were preparing my dance for the competition at the National Dance and to. You were the person who helped me. Those who have made it all. Role models for the youngsters still in training. That the coronavirus endemic has made it impossible to perform in public so this before months will run on social media and that i get. That. Right. And that this is going to keep on going artist dishonestly able to find a solution if you want to find a way to get his message out well thats why we decided to make this musical performance so it could mean the music of. Eve hopes this performance will give his young daughters exposure and better opportunities. That is that for now be sure to check out of the stories on. Slash africa were also on facebook and on twitter at c. N. N. Its time i think. Im a skill that i work thats hard and in the end its a me youre not allowed to stay here anymore we will send you back. Are you familiar with this. With the smugglers with violence and the whats your story ready. I mean when i was a women especially in victims of violence and. Take part and send us your story you are trying in all ways to understand this new culture. Another visitor another guest you want to become a citizen. In for migrants your platform for reliable information. Violinists on a sofa has been one of the worlds great virtue rosas for over 40 years she talks exclusively to d. W. On a range of subjects that can sum up also coming up today. I am great. Documentary following the credible path climate activism. Has taken since Famous School strikes 2 years ago. And the Jewish Museum in frankfurt reopens off a 5 year renovation. One of the worlds great musicians the german violinist. Recently suggested she might go into politics to represent the arts and the artists to a sufferer because of the corona pandemic over the weekend she was here in berlin to receive the top instrumental prize at germanys premier Classical Music awards she spoke exclusively to d. W. Correspondent. About a range of subjects that concern in the music world. To her fans she slowly dedicated to hamleys a. Different case in hacking into the d w. Shes angry about the governments coronavirus policy she says its having a devastating and disproportionate effect on the outs. This isnt bad its totally illogical i think its outrageous this unequal treatment but nothings being done perhaps because people dont realize how many other people are either directly or indirectly dependent on musicians ill mention. One meter packing and. Contrary to previous indications that shes not planning to swap the concert hall for Political Office but she does want to draw attention to the plight of artists if nothing is done we have to find other ways to draw attention to ourselves oh its has many faces were not all violin players to pretend artists are not relevant is to refuse to recognize the capabilities of civilized humans people that just eat drink and buy clothes of. Motor is also passionate about another issue racism within the Classical Music industry she wants equal opportunities for musicians regardless of ethnicity. Russian trade i refuse to hide the fact that there is racism in the Classical Music business there certainly is and you have to act against it or when youre a witness of that you have to speak out. I wont go into detail but ive always defended fellow musicians when necessary. But despite everything and as wolfy morton loves her profession especially when she can immerse herself in a musical adventure like this one with John Williams hedwigs theme from the soundtrack of harry potter conducted by the composer himself. Defense a decision to play film music against criticism from purists John Williams visits difficulty of John Williams is able like all great composers to write in a way that feels easily accessible but when you examine the music more deeply you see how clever the harmonies are. How detailed the orchestration euler can stay instrumental to one on as a theme or tab brings joy to people with her music so what brings her joy. Has been irishman im a person hes relatively easy to please im happy when the sun is shining when i see a nicely covered leaf it doesnt take much to satisfy me i dont think. If there were a nobel prize for Environmental Activism surely 17 year old greater would be the youngest recipient 6 toward a young woman from sweden almost single handedly created a Worldwide Movement for Climate Change i am greater is a new documentary which follows teenage climate activists greater International Crusade as the subtitle of the film she is herself a force of nature my noble scruple to. And i want you to panic. Shes the iconic leader of the Global Climate strike her mission to save the planet with emotional speeches that go viral around the world we are in the midst of a mass extinction. No one has really kind of addressed the urgency of it in a way which is so profound that talent that she has and kind of talking about this and understanding this issue and reading so much information that she does thats like a huge talent Nathan Grossman was on hands during the very 1st School Strike his camera captured how great his message got more and more attention 1st she was very shy but she had this very special way of speaking about the kind of Climate Change which was the way of convincing a town for something that was hard to grasp to something very understandable within just a few months what started as a lone protest became a global heat Movement Fridays for a future the film i am greater traces her progress from a Swedish School go to an internationally known climate activist grossmans camera shows the world from great as perspective an intimate subjective trait at our level. Away from the limelight plato is nothing like the formidable character the media see shes much more introverted playful sometimes miss g. D. s and often alone. Will suffer from that i have the film asks how great his condition has influenced her mission. Interested in understanding how affects her way of thinking about the world and i think its very central. In the film i also think its very central to the way she kind of sees Climate Change. Man captured spectacular footage of greater and her father sailing to the you imply. It. Is all wrong. I am grateful tracks the journey of a heroine at times. As if the future of the planet lasted on just one person child is. Portrayed nevertheless. Despite the pandemic writings of the future is back on the streets young people are calling for change more urgently than ever connected to mean bag as their figureheads. Film is on general in the next weeks coming out around the world. My colleague here to talk about that and other things. Received mixed reviews a. J. And yes it has does make for a very engaging coming of age movie against the background of Global Warming and the fridays futures protest but it is all rather familiar of course the narrative has inspired people around the world to get behind a very important cause and this film is an inspiring summary of the story so far but not much new instantly the swedish filmmaker who never made a documentary before initially started filming on a low quality format save on storage he thought he might be able to get a local news channel interested in the story how wrong he was now its on the because. Theres another movie out. But this is a feature film this is paradise for the story of. Its one of the most expensive swiss movies ever made and it tells the story of eco warrior. And i think we can see some pictures of the real life. From the 20 something documentary the case he was with f. Knowledge environmentalist to lift with deep. Pen and try in the 1000 campaign with them against locking companies against the forestation he became a high profile activist and the late he disappeared under mysterious circumstances hes never been found to this day. Believe the film was 10 years in the making. It was lets take a look at the film we can see when the show who plays. He prepared for his role by living for a time in the jungle learning the penan language members of the pen and tripe were cast in the movie and it was shot in some of the original locations are some fantastic pictures of the rainforest and the destruction caused by the logging industry its nice boring story was going there has been some criticism that its a little kitschy bit too much the white savior mode in the film we see mantha heading the protests the protesters in tribal costumes but in reality we know that as we saw earlier they quite often were dressed in morton de clothing but nonetheless great adaptation of a very amazing true story a drink as always thanks very much. The Jewish Museum in frankfurt is to reopen after a 5 year riff costing 50000000 euros and with a completely new permanent exhibition showing many personal aspects of jewish life it also has a new alex for temporary exhibitions is a sneak preview. As patrons of the Jewish Museum doris yavlinsky and band no block were among a select few granted access ahead of the official reopening the son of the former president of the Central Council of jews in germany soon discovered familiar objects of interest at the top right here in this photo thats from our house this was a photographer who took pictures of things he liked in various jewish households and brought them here so this mazouz is for my daughters room. Often in the interval. There is a scroll hung on the door frame of many jewish households as a reminder of gods commandments its a good example of the museums goal to depict jewish daily life in the past and present. Visitors are also invited to ask questions about judaism in an interactive video installation and they get on says. No plot and yet lets keep both think its important to impart knowledge about judaism in order to break down barriers. In mind and give you that you face the other person and ask questions about religion about the others religion about their release about their family histories the british to their family here. The families of doris yet lidsky and bench noble are both fled from the nazis during world war 2 and had to start over after the nazi era the Jewish Museum in frankfurt opened in 1908 and has been renovated and expanded over the past 5 years it societal function is just as important today as when it 1st opened. It we will see i think we can see that the president is bringing up a lot of topics again we have to talk about racism and antisemitism mood than we did 10 or 20 years ago. Thats pretty shocking and theres the question how can we counter this. I think its very important that we impart knowledge and this museum does just that it is. Because the greatest fear as is often said is ultimately the fear of the unknown. Absent from arts and culture for now thanks for watching and until next. Week. It. Is growing in the scene. In the form of. The super foods that are also good for the good the primordial plants but a futuristic resource and they can do even more. From 2 continents present their green vision. Global 3000. And 30 minutes on d w. A dual with words from. Where i come from you dont want to weigh from a call from taisha. When i was 5 years old my father took me to his friends a couple but i was hooked on the spot. A sport that you loved soul enters your soul. Fencing as a language and a good swordfight is a conversation. Must meet your opponent understand the thinking new of the man to get close otherwise compounds correlates. Its not unlike a tough interview really when interviewing politicians or corporate c. E. O. s you have to wait for the right moment you have to get around that defensiveness then make you feel. You have to take risks to get results. Ive got alphas and i work at the w. Frank food. 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