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Is very clear heritable to what happened when the cartoonist or shall you do well slaughtered by terrorists 5 years ago and you really have a feeling that this is touch something in the nation because teachers arent teaching children this is that this is an issue that transcends a great deal of other things that it brings the french together in ways that we havent seen recently. And do we have any more information about the attack her. We know quite a little more now about the attack and hes an 18 year old chechen was born in moscow and who was admitted to immigrate in france after he was refused in poland and against the advice of the French Immigration Office a judge decided that he should be admitted in bronze he never returned it prophesied pattis classes he doesnt good to the high school he was very happy to be radicalized and we dont know whether hes been radicalized over the months or whether hes been radicalized in the past week by the combination of the social media messages videos and demands by several families and several organizations around the High School Employees under no 8 who demanded that the teacher be sanctioned and section can mean many things for him and mr to sanction to what happened actually yesterday and thats thats really something that shocks everyone. And it is a threat is of course proudly and publicly and officially a secular country is that however a source of tension with parts of the muslim community. It used not to be we had a Muslim Colony we had immigration in the fiftys and sixtys before and after independence from algeria morocco tunisia and of those generations the 1st generation integrated pretty well and then things started getting worse and you can really date the change of climate right at the beginning of the 1980 s. And that coincides with the push that was made by the extremist 100 sect to born in saudi arabia who started practicing and he actually extremely retrograde form of islam and financing mosques that push that kind of the slump and in general trying for cultural and religious tension with the over the other the 2 communities youve seen in france in recent years. Women wearing full Face Covering the book that called for a law in france again start but if you look at all sorts of pictures including during the algerian wool you never saw women wearing head scarves and what not book is it was not a tradition all of this is new and that is this kind of grooming in most extremist ways that has created tensions and products ok and it is there in paris thanks so much. And here in berlin 2 people have been showing their solidarity with the victim of the attack in france a small crowd gathered outside the French Embassy in the center of the german capital mourners pay their respects to victims said goodbye t. Laying flowers and lighting candles. Time now to take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world. The United Arab Emirates minister of tolerance has been accused of sexually assaulting a british woman she told a british newspaper that she had visited shaikh nyan to discuss the staging of her 1st ever hate Literary Festival in abu dhabi he has denied the allegations are lawyer a festival has severed ties with the u. A. E. Armenia and azerbaijan have accused each other of breaking the latest ceasefire in the disputed nagornokarabakh region just hours after it came into force the truce agreed to late saturday was the 2nd attempted armistice in a week hundreds have died in 3 weeks of clashes over the region. A suicide car bombing has killed at least 13 people and wounded some 120 in western afghanistan the blast damaged several government buildings including the Police Station and the Womens Affairs office in the main city of core province the government blames the taliban but no one has claimed responsibility for the attack. Tens of thousands of people marched through the streets of the capital minutes despite officials threats to shoot demonstrators they were once again demanding the resignation of president Alexander Lukashenko he was sworn in for a 6th term after elections in august which the European Union called fraudulent more than 100 protesters have reportedly been arrested. And thousands of protesters are again taking to the streets in cities across thailand its the 5th straight day of rallies calling for a new government and constitutional reform protesters have turned out despite the arrest of several activists and the shut down of transit works. Bolivians are going to the polls today for a new attempt to elect a president and reset the countrys democracy following last years an old election. Considered front runners one is carlos mesa a centrist historian and journalist who was president from 2003 to 2005 he came in 2nd in last years election the other main contender is he was the economy minister under. A leftist president who claimed victory in 2019 but was forced to resign amid widespread protests now lives in exile in argentina but looms over this latest election. And joining me now for more is correspondent. To tell us how tight is this race. According to some polls use are so the candidate of this party could win the election even today in the 1st the round but those polls are given some around 3 percent of difference so at the end of the day that is not a big advantage over message the 2nd main candidate in this race today we have been going around the city in the past and we have the same thousands of people voting here in this poll center and a big participation could change what the polls have been saying the last few days so to answer just in one sentence yes we have a very very tight election today. The last election just to go back to that in 2900 sparked some violent unrest are there fears that that could happen again this time around. Is contradictory because today we have we have seen a very civic very democratic day so far but the problem is that both candidates are very radical on one hand we have a kind of sure they will have a 2nd round in this election and on the other hand we have our say who has said that he will he want to recognize any other result but a victory so today even when we know the difference that results i think one of the sides are going to be very upset and he could bring some violence and some toughness afterwards the results will be announced lets hope it doesnt happen once we get the results and there is a new president who is accepted as elected what would be his biggest challenge do you think. There are 2 main challenges one is the economy because of the pandemic bolivia is going through a very serious crisis 30 percent of unemployment and the economy has decreased 7 percent in these year but the biggest challenge is actually to unite the society believes is historically very divided a very divided society and that is the big challenge for the next president of this country. Ok you heard mirrors in the past thanks for that. And we turn to sports now and defending bundesliga champion speier nick thrashed newly promoted bill felt on saturday when it moves the bavarians up to 2nd in the table. Back leading the by in line and involved right from the Start Playing in thomas. 8 minutes. I never was seated on the scoresheet himself making it difficult look easy and complete control the polls 2nd wasnt quite as. I count the 3 no form a stroke of half time. Grabs his 2nd after the restart. And the rizzuto and pulled one back for. Brian had a man sent whole county from excite easily howled on for the full one victory thanks to 2 with them most familiar faces. And lets take a look now at all of this weekends bundesliga results cologne and frankfurt played out a draw in sundays early game on saturday leaders leipzig were too good for us as we saw champions byron put 4 past for motive bielefeld dortmund edged out hoffenheim stuttgart one of her to berlin freiburg drew with bremen later months and were held by will spur the final match this weekend between shock and we know in berlin is currently under way to some tennis now and germanys alexandres farah has won his 1st title of the year on a home ground at a turn in cologne sarah of the top of the screen defeated canadian youngster felix ellis seen in the tournaments final he was in dominant form winning in straight sets 6363 victory and a 17 month title drought following his disappointment of losing the us open final last month. And a slack liner in germany has set a new world record but i suggest you look away if youre afraid of heights. Yes decca walks 230 meters across a rope suspended over a football stadium in the city of nuremberg and broke the record for the longest ever stadium sloc line wisely had a safety rope because they were probably imagining this but things can get a bit wobbly out there. Not for me you were watching the news live from berlin up next world stories takes a look at a desperate situation in syria as airstrikes increased on the city for the stitching for that im express from thanks for watching. Why are people forced to hide in trucks. There are many reasons. There are many answers. And there are many stories. Make up your mind. Made for minds. This week on the world stories. The u. S. Why evangelicals vote for trump. Belgium a grandson mourns his grandfather we begin in syria in the rebel stronghold of it live where theres been a ceasefire for more than 6 months despite this the assad regime is increasing its airstrikes on the region many civilians now fear a renewed escalation. Even when hes making t. Plain sparta zanes focuses on the job not to miss a single military plane taking off from the bases controlled by the assad regime. Has the most we can listen into the pilots Radio Communications and find out his destination so we know where the bombs might fall of them like i do this work for civilians if we can warn them we can save lives and with a new gun proposal. As soon as he spots anything saying warrants local civilians hospital sent 1st responders using radio and other networks. He says the number of air raids on egypt has risen significantly in recent weeks although the ceasefire agreement is still in effect. Theres growing concern that assad and his forces are set to launch a new offensive also targeting hospitals and schools in a similar way to the beginning of the year when attacks flattened the small town of. Many families have since returned home but khaled at khalid from the local council has no idea how they also buy if the coming winter Water Supplies hospitals electricity generators have all be destroyed and covered 19 infections are on the rise. And. We cant quarantine people to protect them from the corona virus. So theyve got to work to feed their families we would need support from relief agent. Hes in our town but no one has shown up and even the. Hundreds of thousands of people have sought refuge in the sprawling campus of northern euclid province here 2 conditions are palling but theres at least some support from relief organizations. Hammerschmidt still a man is among those who desperately need that support a year ago his house was destroyed in an air raid one of his sons horse killed achmet lost both legs hes grateful for the tent they were given but hes anxious about the winter that lies ahead. So right away im disabled i cant walk at all. Weve got no income nothing at all. Ramat says his wife left him because she could no longer bear the gloom and the misery in the tent since then his sister has been looking after him and her 3 children theyve never known anything but war never been to school. So what does the future hold how can they possibly keep going would will they do for heating when winter sets in what about the koran of iris and where can they go next if assads forces start a new offensive to many questions and no answers. The u. S. Is in the final stages of its president ial elections President Trump is counting on the support of a large group of voters conservative christians they believe that trump fights on their side against abortion rights. Christine mentoring meets fellow activists they are all devoted to the cause kristin found inspiration in the bible which she takes this really they are on their way to an Abortion Clinic to try to persuade women to keep their pregnancies. And telescopes like her make up 25 percent of u. S. Voters most of them share a central goal to ban abortion. We are kind of the the last stop before that abortion we want to reach them one more time and so thats why were here its my duty to do what i can do here to persuade as many people to not have abortions as possible but ultimately thats in gods hands and one day they will have to give an answer to god. She and her fellow activists believe donald trump is as committed as they are to banning abortion. Abortion is such an important issue in our time and i cannot trust a president who believes that abortion is ok without the right to life we have nothing so if were taking away and its the life no one has right the right to life is so important and im seeing that from him and thats why i will be voting for him politics professor Laurel Wilson from the university of indianapolis has been analyzing trumps supporters the evangelical vote is critical to Donald Trumps reelection theyve been essential part of his base since he began running in 2016 and even though sometimes the president has wavered on policy issues the evangelicals have never wavered on their support for him there is no generation gap in terms of the evangelical bloc you see this with Younger Voters obviously with older voters in their support as well and you dont see a difference in terms of age christina studying to be a nurse in her spare time shes already trying to save lives one way talking with people about abortion another way she says despite boding fortron theres a lot about donald trump that i dont like that i dont agree with but in the areas that he does promote truth and justice i pray that god would bless his administration heavenly father we thank you that you were of offer of life Prayer Office crucial support for her and her friends they are also praying for donald trump that is reelected to fight with them against abortion. In europe the number of corona virus infections continues to soar including in germany concern is growing that the pandemic could spread even further thats why easily accessible Testing Facilities are in high demand. 12 meters long and growing. Thats the length of todays line at a medical practice in berlin. People have come here to get tested for corona through the window i think its a really nice option doesnt take so much time and its made the safer than going to of hospital and sitting in the close space where patients can be sick but here everything everyone is Wearing Masks and the just for the window so i think its really nice that the doctors ability cuts and runs the practice shes bracing herself for a harsh corona winter with many more patients to deal with it in twice any time you want my advice i dont want to be a prophet of doom and gloom but the numbers are clearly going up we all want to prevent another lockdown so we dont want to have to close the schools again somehow weve got to get through this winter. To prepare for whats coming germany wants to set up more testing stations they would receive people running at a High Temperature or with other corona symptoms additionally the Public Health office which tracks infected people was promised more personnel but that has yet to materialize the stack size and the politicians have pledged to bolster the Health Authorities over the next 5 years this requires the creation of 5000. 00 new jobs but now as october and november approach the jobs dont yet exist in the Health Offices this is a problem that urgently needs to be addressed. But instead of relying solely on Germanys Health care and tracking system dr cuts and done would rather make testing at home possible. You mustnt move to credit will have to be given the chance to do a test without a doctor to go to the pharmacy and buy a test although they do not guarantee 100 percent accuracy and they provide an excellent indicator and are absolutely adequate from an epidemiological point of view because the swap test involves taking a sample between the nose and mouth it shows the results within 15 minutes without sending the sample to a laboratory in germany though only doctors and pharmacists are allowed to order them should infection start rising sharply in winter they might be an alternative to long lines in the cold. Our last stop is belgium the pandemic has already claimed more than 10000 lives in this european country the story of 10 year old lorenzo who lost his grandfather to the virus reflects the tragedy of every single loss. The world has lost a 1000000 lives. One of them meant the world to 10 year old lorenzo grandpa was the best his grandpa luke picked him up from school each day and when it was only made him work and after that. Knee just played and couching just didnt really want to deal. Mostly i got snacks. But their hometown st trued and was hit early and hard by the coronavirus we had 53 people. Who had to enter the hospital and we only had bets for 20 people but luke was already hospitalized failing fast he said if i dont make it please take good care of the children he didnt make it on march 23rd luke became seen truants 1st carona death jeanine and their daughters nellie and elaine and lorenzo didnt even get to see goodbye. Now that really halt. It struck was really all. 6 months later same tradin has the infection rate under control with strict measures father room 10 and says now inhabitants need to heal its important that we share. With each other what we feel what we want or are and shrinks are the 2 but also or the. Mayor here and decided to create a space for that a corner of a city park is now a memorial. For the memorials dedication september 13th lorenzo was asked to commemorate his beloved grandfather he told his mom he was too afraid because i shot there are they were i gonna laugh at me. But lorenzo changed his mind and wrote a letter even. Your grandpa i miss you very much i am mad about corona mad about what happened he ordered best and always are going to be the best. Thing is i. That i was brave and i was happy that i did it that i for all would l. Out. Wish happy. Everyone was. The sunni grandpa. No one here will forget them. Theres is this. Guy and those shows defy gravity. The slack line artist of. The french something struck the balancing act between extreme sports and dance the. Next on d w. The 1st reason superstar. Building. He loved teaching lists. Beyond the law. But he paid a high price. 50 years ago. Was killed in a tragic accident read. In 60 minutes on t w. What secrets lie behind. Discover new adventures in 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites. P. W. World heritage 360 get kidnapped now. These giant monsters are trolling areas around copenhagen will find out why later on in the show. Hello and welcome to another fun edition of your own max with me your host meghan lee heres a look at what else weve got coming up

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