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Over the banning of a Progressive Opposition party that was popular with young people and students and which was abandoned rather contentious and controversial circumstances by by the Constitutional Court but they have now and theyve moved into a wider ranging political demands there is anger that the government thats in place now is essentially led by the leader from. 2014 and from other on without the generals who took not in the in the last. Isolate demanding a new constitution that demanding that government step down but most contentiously and most explicitly theyve added many of them about it demands for reform to the royal familys role in thailand to add to their agenda they want to look at its budget how it perceives funds from the government and they also want to radio because of the political influence of the king now the royal family is a long venerated institution here loved by so many by many ties and previously its been considered absolutely to boot to and to raise questions about its role you think can the protesters hope to get any met. Its just its a tough tough task i mean theyre up against the the the ruling establishment which is the military backed government and the monarchy they may have you know numbers in terms of you know people on the streets at the moment but the government of china chant the Prime Minister lee former army chief has made clear that theres only one place that theyre willing to maybe make some cash concessions which is on some reviews of the constitution but theyve said even that will be a 2 year. Process but they have said that hed say said today general grange that he would not be quitting and they have made absolutely clear that any questions about the role role of the royal family are on or off limits and theyve also made clear they will up prosecute people who say this philip terrible thank you very much for porting from thailand thank you im going to britain our Prime Minister Boris Johnson and said the u. K. Must prepare for a no deal break with the European Union unless there is a quote fundamental change of position from the bloc johnson says the u. S. Is refusing to give britain a trade deal like the one it has with canada which the u. K. Wants to uni that dismissed johnsons statement as rhetoric and since we have only 10 weeks until the end of the transition period or in january the 1st i have to make a judgment about the likely outcome and to get us already. And given that they have refused to negotiate seriously for much of the last few months and given that this summit appears explicitly to rule out a canada star you i concluded that we should get ready for january the 1st with a range moves that are more like australias based on simple principles of global free trade. Promise of our stance and that lets take this to our correspondents in london and brussels. To start with you what do you make of johnsons statement well the Prime Minister there saying hes willing to walk away from the negotiating table with an australia style deal which means just in translation with no deal at all with no trade deal at the end of the year leaving the European Unions Single Market and Customs Union but hes clearly not walking away just yet hes leaving a door open and at this point it is just a stretch towards the European Union look we want you to compromise you need to take a step towards the u. K. Side and then we might in the end still find a deal there that is his message and Boris Johnson clearly knows that a lot of points in this trade deal already agreed upon a few contentious issues left for example the issue of fisheries it seems like a rather small issue but the british want exclusive access back for british water but still want to sell the fish in the European Union and e. U. Fishermen there for us say well then we want access to british watches so it rather seems like a small industry issue but it is highly symbolic and it is one of the issues that could in the end topple negotiations for now though he left a door open for negotiations and they will continue in london this monday. As in brussels the day you leaders are gathered there where you are whats been the reaction to johnsons statement. French president emanuel my quiet very clear was in response or to Boris Johnson and he said that europeans also are not happy with what has been happening in the negotiations but he also made clear that it is not the job of your leaders to make Boris Johnson happy he then went on to outline that british people have been ill informed if they were to believe that. That the u. K. Does not need europe and in fact you he said that europe 2 that the u. K. Needs europe more than europe needs the u. K. So very clear condemnation here off the accusation by Boris Johnson that the e. U. Has not seriously negotiated in the past couple of months similar words from german chancellor Angela Merkel and was a lot on the line but more diplomatic i would say both said we should the negotiations should remain but there should not be a deal at any cost these are his correspondents sollars in london and go in brussels thank you. Lets turn now to some of the other stories making headlines around the world german chancellor Angela Merkel has counseled an e. U. Summit in berlin this next next month because of rising coronavirus cases machall says the cancellation sends an Important Message to the public you need as was said to discuss relations with china. Several European Countries say they are deeply concerned that israeli plans to build new homes in the west bank in a joint statement germany France Italy Spain and the u. K. Called the move counterproductive israel has approved the construction of thousands of settlements in the west bank. Thousands have turned out in guineas capital cannot 3 to show support for the countrys main opposition candidate ahead of sundays president ial election is still a delay in delos 2nd attempts to unseat president of yellow has denounced cond is decision to run or 3rd term as unconstitutional. U. S. President and his democratic challenger joe biden have been answering questions from voters at separate televised events out of the same time on different t. V. Channels these town Hall Meetings as they are known replays the 2nd president ial debate which was canceled off the trump was diagnosed with covert 19 and then refused to conduct a debate online as we reported 2 rivals showed very different approaches in both style and substance. Always confident at times defensive as the incumbent u. S. President donald trump now has a record to pick apart and he got a grilling starting out with the nations biggest crisis the coronavirus. I knew it was a big threat at the same time i dont want to panic this country i dont want to go out and say everybody is going to die everybody is going theyre going to grab you dont have mislead but you can you know you know they dont really get it and more contentious exchanges as trump made exaggerated claims about voter fraud at. Deflect the criticism over his tax returns and his position on White Supremacy into it youve done this one everybody in life i do White Supremacy i didnt say i supremacy. Opposed my position at the same time on a different channel a different tone chimes challenger joe biden offered a forceful rebuke of trumps Pandemic Response it was the president s responsibility to lead and he didnt do that he didnt talk about what needed to be done because he kept worrying in my view about the stock market we make up 4 percent of the worlds population we have 20 percent of the worlds deaths were in a situation where we have 210. 00 plus 1000 people dead and whats he doing nothing he still would not worry mass and so on because at times that bite and he endured but he did deliver clear punch lines on a number of bases including Foreign Policy if they vote and before the election you are open greeba most effective as a world leader in my humble opinion not just by the exercise of our power most powerful nation in the world but the power of our example thats whats led the rest of the world to follow us factor trading blows remotely the 2 candidates will again face off at the final Election Debate next week about making sure that you can force that we spoke to our washington correspondent all of us all thats an awesome what stood out most for him in these appearances it seemed like this new form of the town hall works better for joe biden sold trump in turn he made a lot of false claims during this conversation. And the host there at the network that broadcast this town hall n. B. C. s challenge President Trump grilled him essentially over a variety of questions and topics and simply that he did not look good defending himself he did not look good debating. Points he did. Didnt want to remember or didnt know certain details so biden in turn had a rather solid appearance then come across a lot more president ial as someone who is really willing and able also to heal the nation that is very divided right now of course and he was able to deliver his points much better are that work. During the 1st debate that ended in chaos. All of us are speaking of them to new zealand now where Prime Minister just sent arden is urging voters to give her a strong mandate. As tomorrows general election arden has won praise for going off the covert 19 crisis as was her response to the Christ Church mosque shootings last year labor party is expected to secure a 2nd term but polls suggest it could need support from the green party. All smiles as just are done embarks on her final day of campaigning flanked by security new zealands Prime Minister is treated more like an aid listen liberty than a politician admirers line up his selfies with the force he wrote hes managed to maintain her popularity despite being in charge since 2017 what is the purpose of the walkabout is it because you think it will translate to vote or is it because it looks good now its it was about making sure that people are reminded to very clear that energized rather than motivated to hard in 2018 arent and made global headlines when she gave birth to a baby girl after less than a year in office. But it was her response to last years attacks on 2 mosques in which 51 muslim worshippers were killed that one had praise. Is growing and we are united in grief the Labor Party Leader has also won plaudits for her handling of the corona virus pandemic we will close our border to any normal resistance and citizens attempting to travel here combined with the streets lock down deaths from co that 19 have been restricted to 25. But arent done is facing competition from the National Parties to do. Collins the former lawyer whos known for have blunt no nonsense approach doesnt hold back i think its very difficult to trust pasties with a promise if city promise that theyll do see things and then they dont do those things bob jones government has failed to build tens of thousands of Affordable Homes as promised economic policies have also been criticized by those in the right. But dunn is still expected to win a 2nd term she must though know popularity like this probably wont last forever. Youre watching the news still to come you know you visit skinny as rift valley where rising water levels have flooded entire communities displacing thousands of people. But 1st the Global Human Rights groups Human Rights Watch says russian and syrian air strikes on the rebel held city of ellipse last year may constitute crimes against humanity the group has released a report that looks into dozens of what it said were unlawful strikes on civilian targets over a period of 12 months is it says the strikes were deliberate meanwhile attacks in the region continue despite a cease fire. A classroom destroyed by an air raid numerous rockets struck the school in the south of england province luckily no children were killed in new terror bombings or an almost daily event in this region despite a ceasefire being in place the lessons have resumed but a turn and says lo the. Future older and have returned their parents are afraid they dont believe its safe to send their kids to school because in the year turks. Strikes on schools markets places of worship clinics go on. For days or months and this year just like last year. This is the last rebel held region in syria during their offensive syrian and russian fighter jets are said to have targeted civilian facilities their goal is to demoralize the local population in order to make their advance easier according to Human Rights Watch the organization said it reached this conclusion after analyzing some 550. 00 Satellite Photos and videos and interviewing dozens of witnesses. The fact and even the facts that we have gathered here clearly indicate that we are talking about war crimes and crimes against humanity. Human rights watch is now demanding those responsible to be held to account and says its time for the United Nations to step in. And in other news 13 bodies have been recovered from a landslide in Central Vietnam triggered by torrential rains nearly all of the victims were on a mission to rescue other workers in another slide flooding across the country has killed at least 36 people since last weekend. U. S. Social media platform twitter says its investigating a global outage the company says it has no evidence of a Security Breach or a hack uses in many countries reported not being able to use the platform for more than an hour. To kenya now where the legs of rift valley are rising threatening homes and businesses water levels have been increasing for years but i particularly high this year following heavy rains to make matters worse 2 lakes lake baringo and lake but what you can see on this map here grown so much that they run the risk of merging together thats a problem because lake is a sail and while leg baringo is a freshwater lake providing Drinking Water to animals and people in the region it would be an ecological disaster if the 2 meet. Like bulgaria so swollen from rising water levels that the shoreline changes every day. We see this early on in our trip when the access road unexpectedly becomes part of the leak. Nearby we find. Whos just arrived to open her bar and restaurant but theres been a dramatic change theres water this water just came in with an one day i said came slowly and slowly until it got to this level so without any notice you have to demolish within just a few seconds china gets has already been forced to move her business once its inevitable that she will have to move again and shes not the only one the structure were looking at is an entry point that was erected by the Kenya Wildlife service after their original gates were submerged by water ice on it took 3 months before the lake eventually caught up with this one and we can clearly see that this water is unrelenting what we cant see but we can certainly smell is the sewerage thats also being brought to be this because obviously people here use trains and all their contents are now under water and the water is clearly unrelenting because all around us the ground a soggy and these little all over the place the extent of the flooding can be seen clearly from neighboring requiring go the freshwater lake has expanded by 60 percent in the last 7 years this year has been by far the worst. Folks our tour guide grew up on the shores of the sleek work has been scarce as most of the hotels are now underwater. He leads us to one of many flooded schools in the area just leaving a year youve seen all decaying buildings. But our last story is the most significant for folks i grew up here my foster in 2 years of life i spent a year this was my playground its quite sad to see a drop going through and i dont know what im going to tell my kids. Scientists are warning that fresh water lake baringo and salt water like bulgaria could manage the cross contamination would destroy the balance in the ecosystem. To understand what is happening to the lakes we head to the forest home to the rivers that feed the lakes in the rift valley now forest is recovering from years of deforestation. David weston has been a conservationist for more than 50 years he says the destruction of the catchment areas is just one in a series of linked problems the pastoral people are settling down and staying in one place so what that means is every single day you have heavy grazing and that is really prominent around the baringo basin up in the hills on the side so all of that erosion has been washed off routinely so in 2018 we had rainfall which was the equivalent of el nino in 1908 then followed last year by these extraordinary rains which have continued for a whole year so that means deprivation huge amount of runoff and so to her and its the combination of those 2 but have made these rift valley lakes and even other areas like amber sally just lift 10 sometimes 15 metres thank you bill gloria a storm brewing. Thats short for shifts. Cienega is visibly worried and soon how with fears are realized the want to level has gone up again this could be her last day on. Which the following day and construction has started on Higher Ground this is where china gets new woman business will be. Its a fresh an easy start no one can be sure the war to winterize this high because no one believed the water would ever get as far as it already has. Some sports news now american tennis player sam querrey is accused of fleeing russia 2 days after testing positive for the coronavirus at the center petersburg open former wimbledon semifinalist along with his wife and baby son were placed in self isolation by the russian authorities about the family left the country on a private jets to an undisclosed location instead tennis organizers said its a serious breach of protocol and are investigating the incidents. Well italys sports minister said there christiane or another who also tested positive for corona virus in portugal this week may also have broken Italian Health protocol to use International Travel to his home country even though his team your ventus was isolated after to stop members tested positive for covert 90 events as president said the club had followed the rules bernardo has since returned to italy where hes pointing at his home. In cycling a leading team in the sports 2nd largest race the once the race to end early amid an increase in corona virus cases among the athletes the team pro cycling has called on organizers to end the race this sunday 2 teams have already pulled out after testing positive for the sports governing body the u. C. I. As denied the request. Brazils Football Museum has reopened with a special exhibition that Almost Legendary player pele ahead of his 80th birthday fans will be greeted by this giant form of Brazilian International as they enter the c m l as the countrys leading all time goals for an interactive exhibit is aims as teaching young people about his legs the 3 time world cup winner is seen by many experts as greatest player of all time. This is the w. News heres a reminder of all the top story at this hour. Thailands have been back on the streets for another day of antigovernment demonstrations thousands gathered in central bangkok in defiance of an emergency creep banning public rallies organizers say the action has now. Youre watching news coming up next. Why does thailands change spent most of his time in germany its a question many people in the his prices it comes from. Going hungry in the worlds 2nd most populous country on the World Food Day we look at the impact of malnutrition on children in india and what can be done to stop. Those stories coming up on news asia with various prodigy youre watching news from but you can get all the latest news on information from the gulf a website thats called cowbell for us from the other news team here and focus. The funny seconds the coronavirus pandemic. Where does science stand. And what new findings have researchers named. Information and background into. The corona update. Code 19 special. Monday to friday on d w. What secrets lie behind. Discover new adventures in 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites. W World Heritage 360 get kidnapped now. World set. To go beyond the obvious. Goodness of the marine live. As we take on the world. Were all about the stories that matter to you and really what ever is. Running out of touch. Alcohol g. W. Made for mines. In the. Climate change. Caused the city. To be. What he is today head of the future of. G. W. Dot com thats a good megacities. The multimedia. Click. This is the news coming up today a head of state who prefers living away from. Thailands king about it on kong spends a lot of his time in germany now protesters are asking why and demanding reform of the moment. Im going hungry in the worlds 2nd most populous country well look at the impact of family trees

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