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Government bans large gatherings as prodemocracy protests and gained steam in the capital bangkok a group of camped outside the Prime Ministers Office. And unify mustang welcome germany has posted a record increase and covert cases with the infections jumping about 6600 the highest tally since the pandemic began though thats partly down to more testing it also shows how rapidly the virus is once again taking hold chance has said its crucial to prevent it becoming uncontrolled with winter still ahead. Of the countrys economy would not be able to afford another lockdown as she outlines you measures aimed at slowing the spread. People to put their potties on hold while underlining that everyone has a part to play. Im convinced that the actions we take and do not take in the coming days and weeks will be decisive in answering the question how we will get back to seize upon me common then disease. Were seeing a rise in the rate of infections a steep rise and there is a very high rate of infection in certain regions of germany was infected and joining us for more on the coronavirus situation in germany and europe is Michelle Stockman from our Team Michelle what sort of measures is germany looking at to contain the spike in new coronavirus cases well the measures that were announced Late Wednesday night aimed to help people limit the number of contacts that they have so in cities in regions where the number of cases exceeds 35 per 100000 within 7 days been the messman number of people youre allowed to meet in a private setting is 15 thats important because germany had a problem with the virus spreading to privacy operations like weddings and birthdays and things like that and also with that number if that threshold exceeded mask requirements will be stricter now lets say that a city or region becomes a hotspot meaning that the number of cases exceeds 50 per 100000 within a 7 day period that means that there will also be a curfew imposed on bars and restaurants at 11 pm now thats the case already in several cities across germany including here in the capital berlin theres been a curfew on bars and pubs since saturday now the situation here in germany is pretty bad but in france just across the border its looking even worse what more can you tell us about the situation there its not good were also seeing merit there they are reporting record numbers of new daily infections 3 days this week the new daily infection rate exceeded. Many 1000 new cases so present a manual mccall has reimposed a Public Health emergency state of emergency and he earlier addressed the nation to talk about measures that are going to be imposed like curfews and he said that france isnt a worrying situation. We have not lost control we are in a situation which is worrying and which means we shouldnt remain active but we shouldnt panic donovan. We are really learning what it means to be a nation that we had slowly got used to being a society of free individuals we are a nation of citizens who stand side by side we cannot get through this if everyone doesnt play their part so im saying very clearly the message i came to convey this evening i need every one of you we need each of us good moves of isnt this old. Ok so what he wants from everyone in france is that they limit their social contacts and so hes imposed a curfew across 9 cities that means from 9 pm to 6 am youre not supposed to be outside your house so you cant be going to a restaurant or going to your friends house if youre on the street you have to have a good reason and that nighttime curfew will affect just around 20000000 people across france. So we talked about germany we talked about france what about the rest of europe theres also a worrying picture there were seeing that in countries that had been hit hard by the virus but then beat it back over the summer theyre now in their 2nd wave and then there are other countries who didnt have such a worrying problem with the virus you know so far in the year are now seeing a surge in cases and were going to bring up a map to show you what that looks like. You can see that early on it was countries like italy spain france and britain that were the hardest hit Eastern European was largely spared but watch as most of the map turns red summer cases have surged in all but a few countries norway finland and greece are still posting some of the lowest numbers of new infections by population on the continent. Michel stockman thank you so much for reporting on the coronavirus situation in germany and europe youre welcome. Lets turn now to some of the other stories making news around the world the vatican has opened its 1st known trial against clergy sex abuse one priest is accused of molesting an altar boy in the vatican cus seminary between 27. 20 another priest is accused of covering up the crimes the vatican started investigating only after the victim went public and 2070. In a landmark ruling a greek court has handed long prison sentences to the leaders of new nazi group golden dawn the groups leader and. Several other members were sentenced for running a criminal gang the former Political Party has been linked to a number of violent crimes. In thailand the government has banned public gatherings after protesters set up camp outside the Prime Ministers Office and bangkok prodemocracy rallies have been gaining strength in recent weeks with calls for a constitutional reform the demonstrators out also demanding an overhaul of the monarchy to boot topic in thailand where criticism of the king is punishable by law. They have come in their thousands once again calling for a prime minister. To resign the protesters vowed to remain until their demands were met. The next morning the government. Is arrested opposition leaders and removed demonstrators come dives in front of the Prime Ministers Office. Its also banned gatherings of more than 5 people and the publication of news it seems the security threat. The antigovernment rallies started in july apart from fresh elections and a new constitution the opposition also wants to limit the powers of the king which has not gone down well with thai royalists. I think they were the supporters are right here because they love the country we love the country as well im not worried about violence because both sides are doing what they think is best for the country. But still fails to break out between opponents and supporters of the monarchy. Thailands world family is backed by the military and traditionally revered by the population but king my how what cheer along koren is less popular than his father who died in 2016 the kings moshe kate met with chancellor 3 fingered salute unthinkable in earlier times the gesture has become a prodemocracy symbol borrowed from the hunger games film series better to tell a tarion regime partially also have stifled public criticism of the monarchy but the king has stirred dissent with his extravagant lifestyle and long holidays abroad jury in the pandemic. Opposition leader anon number called the king on stage during the protests. Parking does not reside in thailand id like to ask directly whats so bad about living in thailand. He was later arrested with the anger boiling over the government is keen to put a lid on the protests any way it can. And im now joined by a professor at 29 palms the director at Chulalongkorn University in bangkok professor the protest stuff been ongoing for several months why has the government now declared a state of emergency. Put this predates the codes and you can see began in february this year when the future for policy with this also is a positive lot of young people younger. Leading to put this movement this time and then we had a toss of the it would depend and make it a lot its also now since june it restarted this time the protest movement has kind of stepped up has piled up in madison. Much more much more daunting now i mean the ones who have to find these are resigned and then to have a new constitution to east that thailands democratic system and then to. Reform of the monarchy so these are they are very shot very unprecedented kind of the math so the stakes are higher basically and wind it put it has just got in yesterday they have had some encounter with a royal part of the royal motorcade and that became the catalyst for the crackdown overnight and now we have it but you see the. Basically were facing more repression a crackdown rather than before intercession. You mention it then when i came just as high as it at the one i can kings that traditionally red beret and tyson fight scenes so why have the protesters turned against them want to katie and how significant is it. I think the 1st is this is not really directly trying to get them on a p. S. I. s i think that they want to see the monarchy in a different way that you know much more modern. More kind of a system of monarchy within the constitution with didnt. Exist you have to remember you know that reigns the late king and he was very populated as all moral authority at times because he was on the throne of the 7 decades as a long time so all time that you can see you know weve come up on that range from 7 kids off one king. Under one key so that means this morning hes very popular i know have a new model and i think at the same time you also have new younger generations you also have a lot of messy politics over the last few decades so basically it is just them about these people who. After 980 days seem thailands not making a way that is you know a future for themselves they seem to music who in 2014 which is run thailand today to the browns you know the time he called me the only indian you know even before call it was struggling enough to call it kind of the there was a tradition in all asia you know so theres a lot of grievances ordered. And the time is right for some kind of news in the form otherwise it will not move ahead thats why dont you go and not happy but do you think the government crackdown will put an end to the protests. By the short term in the crackdown is very severe so who knows im sure the leaders will be arrested and in prisons and then. The severe restrictions of movement and you get someone so there will be a short term setback because of the protest movement because of the coercion and the legal persecution and there is Musical Force but a lot of it unless these grievances are addressed somehow you know less time and can move forward somehow not falling behind all regional peers and the rest of the world then we will have more you know thats basically the bottom line even if you have a north korean system and it works well. I think a lot of young people be fine but theyre not happy because time is running to get around were not moving and they have no future. Professor tim hugs that arac many thank. You. Thank you. A rare 400 year old collection of the case of William Shakespeare has been sold at auction in new york for almost 10000000. 00 u. S. Dollars and american collector made the winning bid for the 1st folio the auction house christie says the price is a record for a printed work a pitcher it is one of only 6 known 1st poniewozik and is considered to be and the best condition the work was offered for sale by college in oakland california. Youre watching the news and heres a reminder of our top stories at this hour german chancellor im going to have to have said its crucial to stop the coronavirus becoming uncontrolled with winter still ahead in factions have about 6600. 00 the highest daily tally since the pandemic at mecca announced new restrictions on the wednesday and at slowing the spread of. Thailand has been to gatherings of more than 5 people after protests and protesters set up camp outside the Prime Ministers Office and the demonstrators are calling for a constitutional reform and changes to the monarchy a touchy subject in thailand where criticism of the king is out. Youre watching did every news from burma end up next as our documentary academy and dont forget you can get over the latest news and information iraq the craft on our website that c. W. Dot com you can also follow us on twitter or an instagram tabs t w news im merely for how much time thanks for watching. A. Good. Little bit. More different. Running down. Her. Arms. Thank. Her. For. Their. Local region is a rich agricultural province in central tight. Tight and is one of the worlds leading rice produces and exporters. But this isnt even possible with the extensive usage of agricultural chemicals be a taboo site pesticides or fertilizer. This has led to environmental economical and Health Problems affecting both farmers and consumers. My name is some look to sunny im 74 years old 60 years ago type people were very healthy rice was number one in the world back then we never used chemicals to farm but farmers were later misled by Agro Chemical advertisement and started using that by you and that saddam had a lot of hot gap. Of the 18000000 rice farmers in thailand so mark is among the few who refuses to use chemicals involving. He has his simple and interesting way of growing chemical free rice. In the fields as in the mid ninetys the population of apple smiles exploded i found out my wife was secretly using pesticides i didnt agree and bought my docs instead of me. These are some looks a. V. s. Their existence can be of tremendous benefit to mankind and the environment. Oh oh. Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. 0000000 they are the cross breed between natives and cocky campbell ducks. The natives breed gives them a strong immune system and the cocky campbell greed means they can lay lots of eggs. Their future is determined by their gender. These. Because checking the gender of the ducklings. Theres a hard spot in the rear end of male ducklings and only experts can feed. The. Male ducklings a soldier to keep the price and will be arranged for me. Females are more expensive and will be raised. Doubts are raised in both closed environments and free range in the fields. I. Need how old are the docs. When he almost 3 months. Today so no hes visiting the ducks to preserve 3000 female ducks hell pick them up when theyre 5 months old which is the perfect age for training. So look is discussing the new school year of the academy with his son and wife. Its a Family Business which needs all hands on deck. The for. The previous class of duck academy has retired. And this is a boarding academy. And his helpers up preparing the dormitory for his new group of students. Yeah i need to put in a poem for the ride. Just tie it to that wouldnt post the road she got here. The most necessary feature of this academy is the school bus. Designed it himself using his 20 years of experience in transporting docs. It has 7 levels and can carry up to 3000 ducks what makes it different from other trucks the adjustable ramps which enable ducks to move up and down each level by themselves. Today its a big day. So no hes going back to the docks to recruit his 1st group of students one im taking out 99 docs today how about i want to test out the storm. And let the dogs get used to that i think. I. Got some now 5 months so. High time docs. Have got 99 is a lucky number of people. Like me today is friday which time people believe is no suspicions day. Friday is the best day of the week to hold a ceremony according to tradition. I come on out there. I know. Lets go. Home come on hurry up. I did a great got my family get a few smaller ones to a nice healthy signs. Some new plans to train the 1st group of dogs to be leaders for the big group that will come later. I doubt its too long familiar but theyll soon find their way around. Their arms. Back and forth exploring the. Terror of the property on their way out cracking loudly she could make a good leader. See the docks go up. Learn to use the ramps to get up to the top level. Im teaching them how to get on and off the truck theyre still having trouble with the corners but theyll learn eventually to use both levels. The flow for. The time i picked up the docks a lucky number today im getting out of 2900. Count them and take them all out. I want them on Different Levels when you. Go out by themselves all. No way these are new drugs they wont know how to do that yet. They will. Each doc cost around 3. 00. Go up soon once already made it stick together docs need to do this every day catch them and put them up there. Thank you very. Ready. 2. Well. I. Was. Of the. Academy as officially open. Of the ok to me as 3 simple lessons. Of the. Lesson one boarding the truck. 3000. 700. 30 minutes. More than an hour past. I. Doubt its the 1st time theyve ever done it at. Any one and eventually. Yes. Teach themselves. Takes his 3000 students to feed in the rice field every day. Normally we have to pay around 200. 00 us Dollars Per Day to feed them. Taking them to the field is 4 times cheaper. He takes them to his own fields as well as to his neighbors. They finally arrive at the destination. Both the canteen and the playground await but the students must 1st learn the 2nd lesson. Lesson to getting off the truck. 3000. 00 to get off the truck within 15 minutes. Thank. God. I. Thank you. Getting off the truck might be simple for students in the lower levels yet they had to bring me this take im now an evel fast. But is not a simple for those on the upper decks. I close the ramp 1st all that go back up. Chase them down to. That. I so know how to use the emergency slide on the 1st day i. Like skydiving i was taught. To use the adjustable able to move down by them so i just need more time. For. The grains on which the ducks are feeding those of spillage rights from the last growing season. The ducks get rid of these grains and prevent them from growing into mixing with next seasons crop. Prepping the field is only one of the many duties the ducks have to help someone grow his rice. And theres always spillage at least one or 2 bucketfuls paragraph. So most students enjoy the field for around 8 hours. Collecting the ducks from the field is duck academys most difficult lesson 2. Lesson 3. Obeying the whistle. Have to return to the truck at the sound of the whistle. However. Getting 3000 students to stop playing is no easy task. But it is easy to recognize. It tells them if its time to get her out to the fields. But it takes months of training. Im trying to use my voice and i caught a cold my voice wouldnt work properly but the whistle sounds the same. To. Some people call me crazy yeah blowing my whistle like im a soldier that the banks dont understand. But i do like a lot but i just do things my way. Because so much stuff so females soon they will lay eggs which will give him a regular income. In the equivalent of their team. They enjoy having fun. And certainly even take it a step further. Their performance is improving day by day. On the 1st day it took nearly 2 hours to get them out of the truck it was chaos. And maybe theyve improved a lot theyve learned to use the ramps and better going around the corner i. Got here when i need to be gentle when your training Animal Shelter them all be aggressive they have feelings. But its their instinct to eat all day and one when they go into the field they start searching with beaks for something to eat straight away i know theyre eating snails. Every now and if theres no food in one spot they move to another there. Is no stopping. I the field grazing of ducks says chilies for. Wisdom that was brought to thailand over 100 years ago. Are currently there are around me in the field grazing ducks in a country. That takes his dogs home every day but most field grazing duck overs take their ducks to feeding different rice we found that the ducks sleep out about. Between probably. Field grazing raised for meat and eggs. To raise ducks. For use of chemicals. Some of it has around 40 acres of rice fields. This is a new leaf planted plot. Im checking the rice plots. These ones are about 14 days old. Im also checking facts. Because i dont use chemical pesticides on my you know they normally come out to feed in the morning as indeed or in light rain the plant sprouting after 2 days if it ran out and after that the snails will eat everything like little or have to take extra care until the rice is among. Golden apples snails were imported as a food source from japan taiwan. However they brit with native snails resulting in apple snails which quickly spread and became the worst enemy for younger ice plants this is one of the main reasons for the increase in a group in mccall use. Chemical usage in farming started in thailand around 50 years ago it was the result of the post world war 2 the revolution. That there were several changes one of them was the introduction of new types of rice the native varieties were abandoned in favor of the new west that had a higher yield and shorter stocks or they require the use of chemical fertilizers and insecticides. That there has been a drastic increase in our Group Chemical imports in 2000 feet dean thailand imported around 80000. 00 tonnes but recently this amount is increased by well over 100 percent to almost 200000 tonnes. Of forest carry out regular studies an occupational diseases and they show that a 3rd of thai farmers have abnormally high levels of chemicals in our blood. And got. On my head no i oppose the use of chemical pesticides in addition to snails the substances also kill fish and crabs downtown on the right way. Grazing his ducks in other peoples fields has potential dangers. Is all it needs to be extra careful. I ask people if they use chemicals i have fields i need to know in advance because if theyve recently sprayed their. The chemicals could harm the ducks that. They just harvested the rice. Theres a lot of spillage for dark so. Now you know. When you dont spray the fields. You can. Keep a few days ago right. The owner always does it himself. Pop them off. To get their snail shells birds have come here to feed theres lots of rice spillage and their. Young son looks ducks are popular among his neighbors he must check that the field is free of chemicals and that there is enough food for his ducks. For various snails here. Taking the dogs to graze in the neighbors fields provides mutual benefits. Its a free service to clean up the field while so looks ducks get a free meal. Was. I i i i. I. I i thank. God i talk so much better at getting in and out of the truck now that 40 percent faster than i go out on the 1st day. I. I. Thank. Him. When you. Come to. My. Next ones want to get out to. Where i will be good im good dear. I move to the left. Every job round of applause. I

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