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German probably will not im often berlin this is the day. You cant fix the economy until you fix the code the crisis i think people across this country are fed up with a time when theyre kind of playing where their next meal is coming from and he has no intention of doing anything about making it better in 47 months than youve done in 47 years just make it Crystal Clear that russia. Is involved. Of course the American People if there is an additional round of stimulus then that would add 2 Percentage Points of growth in 2021 which then would bring the u. S. Much more quickly back to crisis level investors are frustrated that washington cant seem to get its act together to give a package to the country which is sorely needed especially for Small Business before the election. Also coming up french president emanuel saying tough new measures against the spread of covert 19 including strict lockdowns in paris it ok this is you know the decision we have taken is in effect a curfew a curfew which will be imposed in the paris region where the virus is spreading very actively. I did 8 of the metropolitan regions apart from paris i mean itll put up with another human difference. Which you our viewers watching on p. B. S. In the United States and to all of you around the world welcome we begin the day with the different designs for recovering from a pandemic and then economic near collapse in march when the u. S. And countries here in europe begin shutting down their economies to slow down the virus no one knew how this would end a selfinduced economic coma had never been attempted in modern history it was uncharted territory for both europe and the u. S. But now as we enter the 2nd wave of this pandemic it is clear that we did not get here the same way germany and the United States have taken different paths since the 1st shutdowns were imposed last march and the outcomes so far are like night and day jobs and joblessness life and death more than 200000 people in the us have lost their lives to cope with 19 germany despite the current surge is nowhere near that level by any metric and when we measure Economic Health the numbers for both countries remain out of sync germany and the us both switched off their economies at the same time from that point forward policies and politics diverged. Place closed bars boarded up. The pandemic could washingtons until taman does 3 tard say kaufman takes out whats left. Pressed and workers like him are some of the 1st to lose their jobs thank you the only bartender left where he works and he does know how long the owner will be able to keep him on hes scared of joining the 19000000. 00 americans who lost their jobs in the pandemic and he warriors what would happen if he does. Im renting right now ive already got one month forgiveness of rent from my landlord im very fortunate a lot of people havent been in that situation a lot of people might be forced out of the city that might lose their. Lives or vehicles and certainly to get around the city. If it did their face that it at some point. If the government failing to pass another who would stimulus package he fears businesses that employ people like him who could that. Given that winter wont have as much outdoor seating a capacity to serve our gas it probably wont be enough to save some of the Small Businesses from closing anyway if Small Business were to fail specifically bars and restaurants there would be a Ripple Effect all the way through the supply chain that would probably have an Economic Impacts all the way across the country. What would it mean for that personally if no action is taken before a new president is elected or this one is reelected. Its not something i like to think about but it is something that keeps me up at night i fear that maybe ill be out here myself for you know people that i know and love might be out here in force and these kind of conditions i know personally in a lot of my colleagues are really worried about getting affected maybe early next year if nothing happens or no help we could all be facing you know almost miss or having to relocate and its really a big fear of a lot of us right now. The fear of losing everything is everywhere in the United States not just here in washington as cool big numbers continue to rise and businesses continue to close more and more people like they do see their fears turn into reality. Are still a spring in Washington Post economics correspondent heather long her latest analysis compares how the u. S. And germany have weathered the coven 1000 crisis economically she joins me tonight from washington heather its good to have you on the day that the headline for your piece reads as u. S. Unemployment soared to germanys barely budged is americas safety net and know it made me think of president george bush sr and his vision of a kinder gentler america which is definitely not the america that this paid to make has exposed. I think youre right on so many levels and its interesting back in april there were actually a number of republican senators including josh holly of missouri who actually proposed doing they call it the british model but its similar to the german model they proposed doing 18 percent. Wage subsidies to keep workers and cloying and keep more workers attached to their companies as opposed to doing what we normally do in the United States where people have to get laid off millions of people applied to their state Unemployment Office or a there were these Horror Stories where these Computer Systems werent updated since the 70s so it took weeks if not months in some cases for people to even receive any aid and on top of that were still sitting here in. October and now theres a huge crisis about whether the United States will do more stimulus once again let him kill people flip from bull you know when we look kids. In the u. S. And germany look at the beginning at the start of this year we can see clearly the Economic Impact on the u. S. Labor market i mean the u. S. Experienced a shock the german labor market did not and it still has it you know what we see is a picture of 2 very different philosophies about the role of the state in the economy especially in a crisis on its face the german approach seems to be more humane would you agree. Well certainly i spent most of my time as economics correspondent the post talking to unemployed workers and if you ask people what they rather get laid off the u. S. Model and get a check from the government or would they rather be in the german model where they stay employed and get a check through the government and their employer most would say the german model because its more stable and they dont have to go through the anxiety of what am i going to do next but when you talk to a lot of economists at least in the United States including ones who are more liberal or left leaning its interesting quite a few still argue in favor of the u. S. Model and the reason is really this debate about how many jobs are going to go away because of kobe 19 for instance the Airline Industry you know we probably wont have as many flights even after the pandemic ultimately is hopefully saw in a year or 2 there just probably arent going to be as much Business Travel 9 again so is it really make a lot of sense to keep those workers employed in attached to airlines when we know theyre probably going to have to find another job yeah and so what whats happened is that stimulus money you were talking about its run now and congress cannot agree on a new stimulus package weve got the election coming up and im hearing that we probably wont see anything new in terms of stimulus maybe until after the inauguration in january i mean it looks like willful hourman to the economy being done by members of congress. Well there are certainly a lot of Business Owners and employed people who would agree with what you just said theres just a lot of shock that congress and the white house cant come together especially since the white house and House Democrats nancy pelosi are House Speaker who isnt democrat from california theyre pretty close right now the democrats initially wanted about a 2. 00 trillion dollars proposal the white house has come all the way up to 1. 8 trillion so its pretty close yes a lot of the details still have to be ironed out but theyre surprised that you cant bridge that gap when its really not that big of course Weather Center republicans would want to agree to that package remains on scene but i think this sort of illustrates that at the moment it started out in this ring and summer there was a lot of the United States about how germany was controlling the virus and your system of short term work that kicked in for the unemployed but now i think theres a lot of envy in the United States that germany has more stability then you have this 10 year plan and people can disagree about it but in the United States you know it changes by hour its very chaotic right here are we still going to have a what is going to happen in the next few weeks and you know in the states people do continue to argue about face masks and i want to take a look at a new billboard thats going up in berlin right now i mean if you can see it has there but it shows a woman shes wearing a face mask and shes giving the camera the bird to the middle finger and that takes region this is for all of you not abiding by the coronavirus rules i mean we should the finger on Us Television the media speaks volumes about the different Public Discourse is weve got going on in the u. S. And germany doesnt. And thats one of the debates we had as we put this article to gather and say you know has germany just been that much better at controlling the virus partly because the germans are better rule followers and i walked out of my street and a lot of people on various people are crossing in the crosswalk for instance so i dont know how much that difference in culture and rule following respect for science perhaps plays between the United States and germany and the response of this particular crisis but it is certainly in fact there have along with the Washington Post the other fascinating talking with you we appreciate your time in your insights tonight thank you. Thanks. For president emmanuel mccrone has reimposed a Public Health state of emergency saying that france is in quote a worrying situation when it comes to the corona Virus Outbreak in a televised interview the president announced that paris and 8 other cities will have a 9 pm curfew and he stressed that the virus is not out of control but he warned the Health Care System has little capacity left to deal with the pandemic it comes as french authorities reported more than 20000 new Coronavirus Infections for the 3rd time in a week. Are the skill now to lisa lewis she is covering this for us in paris good evening to you lisa so france has declared the Public Health state of emergency over cope at night what exactly does that mean on the ground. Well that actually just means that the government or local governments can impose local or nationwide look now thats obviously something that france just as germany one stew prevent from happening thats why the government has now decided to impose that curfew in several cities just like here in paris so if i want to go out after 9 oclock at night i need to have a good the right reason as the president put it the government is also recommending for people to only meet up with about 6 people or to you know if they meet at home or in the street they should limit their circle of friends to 6 people but the government has sat in the past that they cant really impose that massive measure its a recommendation but thats really the president really wanted to appear to the commonsense of the people here to limit the spread of the virus and the curfews are part of that measure really. Just a moment these measures they come as many are still struggling to recover from the impact of the 1st coronavirus. Since take a look. Theres not a lot going on in this paris restaurant today because of the coronavirus pandemic hardly any guests are stopping by always break through the leg room where were following all the rules but the tourists are still staying away its very complicated. Here and over has dropped by 50 to 60 percent on people. The French Economy is suffering from the coronavirus in the 2nd financial quarter the Gross Domestic Product fell by 13. 8 percent and you develop play were expecting the economy to shrink by 9 percent in france in 2020 thats gigantic and this is despite high Government Spending on employment will continue to rise in the future. Almost 23000 new infections were reported within the last 24 hours in the greater pair. Area over 40 percent of the intensive care beds are already occupied by coronavirus patients with the predator is growing and we still have to take care of the other patients we might reach the limits of the system soon im very concerned about what will happen in the next few weeks or. The government will now implement more coronavirus restrictions in response yet lisa let me pick up on that intensive care patients i understand the number of french i. C. U. Patients for corona virus earlier this week surpassed the peak that we saw back in may now if were dealing with that already in october that doesnt bode well for the coming fall in winter in terms of the Health Care System in france being able to deal with it absolutely you are youre right and thats what the president was insisting on in the interview tonight he was saying you know our intensive care units are also already starting to be stretched and we need to really bring down the spread of the virus also because the situation is actually now worse than in march in that now in march actually have any basically paris and surroundings concerned and they used to france now the virus is spread across the country so whereas earlier in the young the 1st locked on Health Workers doctors nurses could come to the concerned regions and help out now this is no longer possible because there are needed across fronts that the president has said we really need to limit the spread of the virus otherwise our system is really going to crack under the amount of patients and it needs to deal with you know if we were to see have 2nd walked over i know the no one in france wants to see that after the 1st experience do you think that were looking at coronavirus fatigue playing a role here in the spread of the virus. Absolutely we are already looking at that obviously many people here are complaining about the fact that you have to wear masks almost everywhere like in paris you have to wear them outside on public transport at work but actually thats also one of the reasons the virus has been spreading a lot more over the past few weeks because once people get home at night many of them take up the mosques meet up with friends and family and thats where the spreads take place really the government is now insisting that people really need to stick together to to win this fight against the virus the president has said that this will go on at least until mid 2021 when you believe that the country can make this and that they should all stand together and win this fight so to say a lie ditto because this really was the way just like in paris lisa thank you. Well the numbers tell the story of this latest surge in new infections the daily number of new infections here in europe is hitting about 100000 now thats twice the figure that were seeing in the United States most european governments eased restrictions over the summer now theyre backpedaling fast and furious. It was what the Hospitality Industry was dreading most a return to law. From midnight restaurants bars and cafes in the netherlands must shut their doors for 4 weeks. Masks to will no be mandatory and indoor public spaces the government says it was left with little choice in the face of spiraling infection rates. That is unheard of. Its a hard on message and the new rules are going to hearts but its the only way because the facts dont lie we have to be stricter on ourselves and stricter on our behavior as long as im opals. Its a similar picture at the forefront of europes 2nd wave in the Czech Republic testing has been ramped up across the country and tighter measures have been enforced as well as the Laser Industries schools will be shut for 3 weeks mosques at trans stops now a must officials conceded they may have relax through too quickly in the summer on was not an ability of the i wasnt Strong Enough in the summer and i didnt insist on measures to protect us from the 2nd wave. Across europe growing infection rates down measures and the inevitable health and Economic Hardship to follow is the heady for which there are no easy fixes. To the pandemic in belgium brussels has closed its famous beer bars and cafes in an effort to slow the rate of surge in new infections its a blow to the businesses themselves and the people who supply the belgians love their beer the country is known for its many varieties and its bars and pubs but thats no consolation for kaka has been ever since the coronavirus hit in march he seemed sales fizzle his clients especially bar and pub owners have slashed their orders. From one day to the next there were no more orders and no more payments from our customers. As youd expect because the entire Hospitality Industry was closed down all of a sudden everything changed for months after that our sales were only about 40 to 50 percent of normal. Thats it you ations not likely to improve any time soon. To curb rising trend of iris rates belgium has closed all bars and cafes in the capital proselytise for a month through november 8th. And its a little cool with this new decision here in brussels many breweries have lost hope that theyll be able to stem the damage. And were also worried that this will spill over beyond brussels fix that given the rise in infection rates cathay is in the rest of belgium will also be closed due to the visuals an economic cut and then is also worried its hard to say how long local breweries will be able to keep their heads afloat during the flung dry spell. Or time is running out for a final deal beginning tomorrow teams from the European Union and the u. K. Will meet for a 2 day summit to assess the progress e. U. Leaders are reportedly concerned that progress on key issues is still not sufficient for an agreement to be reached by the end of the year Germanys Europe minister warning that no deal would be bad news for everyone the e. U. And britain the negotiations are now at a very very critical stage and we are on the very serious time pressure we will see in the next few days whether oppose it if outcome can be achieved all whether we have to intensify our preparations for ricin are you without an agreement and let me be very clear and this is also a message to our british friends no one should play down the risks of a no deal. Yet serious now the heads of leading german french and italian Business Associations on wednesday they urge the e. U. And britain to do everything in their power to reach an agreement on post breaks it trade british interests are under threat here w corresponded to good moscow reports tonight on english farmers fearing disruption to their access to french markets. Frank languorous and his son and 4th generation 6 famous they raise some 5000 sheep in the southern english county of kent but most of the meat this export from. The french like a lamb like this which was a good conformation. They want them weighing around about 18. 00 to 20. 00 kilos as a carcass. Not too much fat just a little fat but they are very discerning and they like good quality lamb course if theres no trade deal between britain and the European Union customs duties of as much as 50 percent could be happy to have a caucus and extra board at 6 might mean the meat being less fresh when it arrives and frogs go to the wall and then they go into a refrigerated truck and normally theyre killed one day and theyre in the paris market the next morning and he delays to that will cause a big problem if theyre talking about you know 4 or 5 days of customs checks and lorries how it up its just going to that it will impact the supply chain impacts all prices. The languishes also farm cattle which are subject to strict quality regulations they feel that often brags it cheaper low quality meat from the us could damage the home market despite this many famous including some of the language this neighbor has voted for bricks and other now requesting that stores here at cannes. This week the cattle auction most foma say theyd just have to answer to it i think farms just got to make the most of the situation but it will have the legislation is in place and whatever tires we have and get on with it we will be better off in the end but it will be very hard in the interim period all be on a softer start in our culture and on the looking for softening its going to be a long haul to hold we have bricks without government subsidies many farmers might be facing bankruptcy on particularly in the absence of the trade. At length which is furious. Its just disbelief that they can tell so many lies you know its its you know the hollow they wont be ques it dave everything will be fine it will be the easiest Free Trade Agreement history. And i cant swear it is just proved it will be so much rubbish. Father and son the hoping all the same that ed children will take over the business s. Fish generation farmer and despite threats it. Follow the sheep the day is almost gone the conversation continues online we will see you tomorrow. Come. To the barricades in defense of cultural autonomy students in budapest an occupy the countrys top Arts University the far right government wants to impose a government going to war to the school. But the student protesters strongly oppose this measure. The cultural war in congress receiving up. To focus on your. Resume and scoff t w. Good good. Of the morning. Cannot sleep because you know for losing loved. Him most wars swallow her. Wounds lol hers was. Theres no news no love. For the wicked. Doesnt. Work using a burglar. Cant sleep. Her closely. During school. In the. Climate change. This is. Going to be years to the how far future. Dot com megacities the making. Clear cut. The funds against the coronavirus pandemic. Where does science stand. And what the new findings have researchers me. Information and background. To come on up to. The 19 special. Monday to friday on t w. This is g w news why for from berlin tonight pushing back against the pandemic governments across europe trying to turn back the tide of the coronavirus here in germany chancellor Angela Merkel has met with 16 regional leaders to look for a common approach to deal with the countrys 19 on spot and the french government declaring a Public Health state of emergency after new jailing case has surged above 20000 for a 3rd time this week plus rival didnt streeters face off in the tide. Apical before antigovernment protests and controversial calls for curbs on the powers of the team. Im burnt off its good to have you with us across europe the number of new corona virus infections is surging and now so are the number of new restrictions to stop that search germany is at the center of it all just a few moments ago chancellor Angela Merkel outlined new measures that she and the heads of germanys federal states hammered out in a marathon meeting here in berlin the aim is fewer social contacts to slow the spread of the virus in urban hotspots merkel said that germany is now at a critical point you see her walking right there a little late but shes there. Been about trying to convince that the actions we take and do not take in the coming days and weeks will be decisive in answering the question of how we look at the pandemic flu season penny common then the senior thats the who we are seeing a rise in the rate of infections a steep rise and there is a very high rate of infection in certain regions of germany was in fact since she and i neednt figure. Either is the german chancellor speaking just a few moments ago this go to our Political Correspondent kate brady shes been following the story for us all leaving so kate talk us through this what more did we learn tonight from the chancellor. Well there were a number of new measures announced by the chancellor this evening a mainly as a head thats about limiting the contacts between people so what well see come into play depends on whether certain cities or regions overstep the threshold for these new measures to kick in so anywhere for example a city or region that reports more than 35. 00 new cases per 100000 people in the last 7 days in those places people will only be able to have a maximum of 15 gas as a private celebration this has been a big issue in germany actually because a lot of the new cases have been traced back to celebrations as well on top of that for those same figures mask will also be required in more places as well but one of the other big new measures to come in as well if a city or region reports more than 50 new cases per 100000 people in the last 7 days then there will be a curfew imposed on bars and restaurants from 11 pm thats something that weve already seen in various cities around germany including here in berlin thats been in place now since saturday so these are complicated interventions we can see there because we never took the chancellor of the 16 state premiers what some 8 hours to reach this agreement today i mean why did it take them so long. It did take them an awfully long time and if we go back to basics of course germany is a federal has a federal system so you have these 16 state premiers that today all voicing their main concerns for that particular state and so far during the pandemic theyve largely speaking been able to respond according to the situation at the time in their state but over the past couple of weeks weve seen the number of cases rising quite quickly here in germany and its not so much these cluster outbreaks that we were seeing at the beginning of the summer whether it was on a farm or in a slaughterhouse but much wider spread outbreaks now around the country so what merkel was looking for today was a unified response and there is still one big controversial issue and that is the ban on accommodation a ban on people traveling from hotspots coronavirus hotspots high risk areas in germany to other states now there are some. Some measures already in place for that and that will be reviewed at the beginning of november thats still a very contentious issue and something that the 16 state premiers just couldnt agree on tonight and we know that if infection rates continue to increase its going to bring germany closer to a National Walk down and need help the use of the dust what were going to see. Well well have to see in the coming days exactly how these new measures implemented of course a lot of cities and regions have already overstepped those appropriate thresholds and i think was interesting what marcus or to his a state premier of bavaria he said that a lot of progress is being made tonight but whether or not these new measures are actually enough that still remains on and so well have to say in the coming days if not the next couple of weeks exactly what effect these new measures have but of course germany will be watching closely as well to say exactly whats going on in neighboring countries as well because of course whats happening right now in france is exactly what germany desperately wants to avoid is exactly right a Political Correspondent keep ready with the latest here in berlin kate thank you. As kate said the situation is serious in france for its president emanuel bankrolling his reimposed a Public Health state of emergency saying that france is employed a worrying situation when it comes to the coronaVirus Outbreak in a televised interview the president announced that paris and 8 other cities will now have a 9 pm curfew he stressed that the virus is not el of control but he warns that the Health Care System had little Spare Capacity it comes as french authorities reported over 20000 new quotable i was infections for the 3rd time in the past week and the president says Everybody Needs to do their part to successfully contain the virus take the lives. We have not lost control we are in a situation which is worrying and which means we shouldnt remain inactive but we shouldnt panic and. We are really learning what it means to be a nation that we had slowly got used to being a society of 3 individuals we are a nation of citizens who stand side by side we cannot get through this if everyone doesnt play their part so im saying very clearly the message i came to convey this evening i need every one of you we need each of us moves of wus what is in this world. Well earlier i spoke with who responded lisa lewis in paris and i asked you to tell us what the decision to reimpose a Public Health state of emergency what it means for a. While that actually just means that the government or local governments can impose local or nationwide. Now thats obviously something that france just as germany wants to prevent from happening thats why the government has now decided to impose that curfew in several cities just like here in paris so if i want to go out after 9 oclock at night i need to have a good the right reason as the president put it the government is also recommending for people to only meet up with about 6 people to you know if they meet at home or in the street they should limit their circle of friends to 6 people but the government has set in the past that they cant really impose that matter measure its a recommendation but thats really the president really wanted to appear to the commonsense of the people here to limit the spread of the virus and the curfews are part of that measure really. That was lisa lewis reporting in paris now to asia in thailand thousands of prodemocracy demonstrators have set up camp outside the Prime Ministers Office as protests escalate theyre calling for reform of the constitution and more controversially of the monarchy in thailand criticism of the king is traditionally seen as taboo and its punishable by a wall. Valen to remain outside the Government House until their demands are met thousands of prodemocracy demonstrators are demanding the Prime Minister resign this is the latest in a series of antigovernment rallies that started in july the crowds want a complete government overhaul that includes fresh elections and a new constitution but many also are pushing for a less powerful monarchy a move that is raise the political temperature and cause further divisions. I think loyal supporters are out here because they love the country but were out here because we love the country as well i want us to win but i dont know how everyone seems to have the same goal but i dont know how much we can do you. Earlier scuffles broke out between protesters and supporters of the monarchy thailands royal family is backed by the military but still enjoys support of many but they came as less popular than his father who died in 2016 the kings motorcade being met with chants and with the 3 finger salute would have been unthinkable in earlier times the gesture has become a prodemocracy symbol borrowed from the hunger games films about a dystopian totalitarian regime. Demanding reform of the monarchy would have been unheard of just a few years ago but many now question the kings extravagant lifestyle hes been absent for most of the Coronavirus Crisis spending months in a german alpine retreat with an entourage of 20 women. Criticizing the royals has long been off limits in thailand due to harsh defamation laws now a new generation of young protesters is breaking that taboo. Thank. You has awarded serious champions as a 3. Despite a game not take. Earlier this month the Southern Italian side were also docked a point Health Authorities ordered napoli not to travel detour because of 2 corona virus cases in the team now police have said that it will appeal the ruling. Well there is no rest for byron munich and their players there in action in the german cup on thursday against 5th division side. Starting a run of 8 matches in 23. 00 days minnows from during will be looking to take advantage of that although their aims are modest to say the least quaint sleepy geordan isnt used to the big time 100000 people call this place home its also home to 50 vision sight as see. The cops pride and joy is the stand the oldest in germany now the latest chapter in this clubs history a cup game against the mighty buy in munich. Must come home with this of course weve been having a bit of a joke about it just get them out the way and then well be one round closer to the final rule excited you dont get drawn against by and every year will be a huge experience for us. To perhaps niche the game will have some personal significance used to play at us level so by leave accused in with current brian style iraqis and they may remain in contact to this day. That we write every so often how were all doing the distance is a problem and now were both parents we dont see each other too often who is still in touch and gets on really well. Friendships will have to be put to one side its during the game the team has been stepping up its preparations and then add a match a shake they have a form of born to sleek a player in that squats. We havent spoken to huge deal about by any acts or analyze them in any great detail but i think everyone knows what to expect its hard to find any weaknesses with them so its just about giving it all we have enjoying the game and then seeing what happens at the end. Usually when a lower league side meets a team like by and they shy away from setting themselves targets but no. Shame these will be a sham match and if we manage to concede fewer than 8 goals in the game then we can say were better than shall occur in barcelona and thats with something. That. Shall. Both found themselves on the wrong end of the buy and go machine in recent months success is all relative. A rare 400 year old collection of the plays of William Shakespeare has been sold at auction in new york for almost 10000000. 00 u. S. Dollars and american collector made the winning bid for the 1st folio the auction helps christies says the price is a record for a printed work of literature it is only 1. 00 of 6 nov 1st folios is considered to be the in the best condition of all of the work was all for sale by Mills College in oakland california. A maze. I dont forget you can always get d w news only good just download our app from google play or from the app store that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news and if youre part of a news story you can also use that you have to send us photos and videos when you see news happening. Youre watching news from up next my colleague at the robert whats with g w Business News to be wrecked. Germany to learn german looks pretty cool. Why not learn with him as he learn course because fake. Why did this person. There are. Laws that can be done to. Make up your mind. Small things the future holds for the u. S. Economy but the president ial election. Just 3 weeks to get away well look at the fresh analysis comparing how the contenders plan to manage americas finances also coming up. How the coronavirus pandemic is proving to be a page turner and well meet the german booksellers who say business is booming. This is the do we have business on robots in berlin welcome to the program. Its only 3 weeks away the outcome of the u. S. President ial election will have a profound impact on the american and the worlds economy u. S. G. D. P. Has grown over all during President Trumps 4 years in office this year but of course book that trend upwards as were about to see because of the coronavirus pandemic experts are expecting the u. S. Economy to slump by 4 percent in 2020 lets also take a look at the job situation during trumps presidency unemployment fell gradually over the 1st 3 years after President Trump took office that was in january of 2017 so we can look at 2017201820 extension 19 here surly dropping but again credit hours put paid to that a drop of unemployment of 7. 9 percent in america during september again in large part a result of the Coronavirus Crisis so what can be expected if donald trump secures a 2nd term as u. S. President and what would Joe Bidens America look like when i speak to mickey levy chief economist for the u. S. And asia Capital Markets which has just published a report into the likely consequences of the election thanks a lot for joining us dr levy just how different are the approaches of trump and biden when it comes to the economy. Well there are really dramatically different trump if reelected would just pursue what hes been pursuing that is higher spending higher deficits cant hold over the line on taxes further deregulation and of course being tough on china and erratic and unpredictable. Biden quite different. He proposes the most expansive spending increases and tax increases in the last 50 years in the us and and reregulation and so they really propose Different Things 2 Critical Issues we have to keep in mind. Firstly what happens in the senate will determine the extent to which biden can we can propose what hes campaigned on and secondly will biden tone back what he proposes and into a. More scaled back policy i think president from my lights have used the economy more to his advantage during this election but try to virus that a bit more difficult we were just looking at the figures how much credit can president take for the 3 years of Economic Health that he see. Well i think you know when you cut through the personality and the erratic behavior he does deserve some benefit for the deregulatory environment that Business Investment and look we see us prior to the pandemic had to look lowest Unemployment Rate in 50 years so i well Overall Economic performance its not an 8 plus but its a its a success pretty solid. Yet pretty solid the big negative of course was was trump and his his his terror for his trade wars with china just created so much uncertainty for the world and dampened global trade yeah Foreign Policy is going to be a of ake difference between these 2 candidates as well herein your for example who is going to be hoping is elected to the white house. Who do i expect i mean i expect biden will get elected. Very clearly you know nothing is here the European Union the e. U. More likely to want to see in the white house in terms of their Foreign Policy its o. O. I think definitively they day would love for trump to lose and almost anybody to get into biden would if elected we engage with europe and other allies and readmission you know diplomacy in contrast to President Trump who has you know aggressively been combative with its traditional allies so mickey levy thank you very much for giving us your insights the u. S. Chief economist at back to back Capital Markets thanks for joining us and here. Well thats life after the us election but lets look at the here and now and our financial correspondent correspondent in new york quarter yet what impact is the election which is on its way fast having on markets right now. And by the way im standing in front of a bank of America Branch they came out earnings on wednesday not so stellar of the stock down by a good 5 percent but other than that actually wall street has been pretty stable and quite solid in the past couple of weeks clearly what wall street does not want is unclear pictures to a contested election that would be probably the worst outcome for the Election Center so we will see the clearer this picture the better for wall street at this point if wall street really has a favorite its tough to say on one side donald trump has been pretty good was lower taxes and this regulation but this use just im hurt also connected was a lot of unravel and on the other side what wall street would not have to fear from joe biden is tighter regulation on the Financial Markets and hes been senator for delaware for decades so he has not been necessarily tough on wall street and banks on the other side texas would probably increase there was an interesting survey out that probably the ultra wealthy would shift hundreds of billions of dollars to their kids before joe biden would get elected president because for it would pretty likely increase texas like a state texas for example. In new york thanks for bringing us up to date. Now a brief look at some of the other business stories making the news g 20 finance ministers have agreed to extend the suspension of 14000000000. 00 of debt payments by the poorest countries for an additional 6 months a decision opens the way for developing nations to concentrate on health and the pandemic rather than debt repayments in december. Mr lanka court has fined the captain of a super tanker that caught fire off the countrys coast in september 65000. 00 he faced charges of negligence and pollution carrying 2000000. 00 barrels of oil the empty new diamond left to long trails a few its own pace for lanka over 2000000. 00 to help to recover the ship. Meanwhile germanys book industry appears to be thriving during the coronavirus pandemic the Worlds Largest literary trade the Frankfurt Book Fair is just getting underway with coronavirus distinctions in place of course as a small bookshops say theyre seeing something from an expense. There on a small bookstores been busy these past months childrens and young adult literature are selling especially well now. Youre crazy about books reading spark your imagination and books are wonderful different ward all you have to do is pick up a book. Sales of childrens and young adult literature ive seen a 5 percent increase in germany this year but other segments have suffered sales of travel books dropped 27 percent through august year on year the deadlocked on lockdown had a serious impact on the book industry of course just like in other industries we saw sales drop up to 70 percent on the other hand after the lockdown we saw our sales rise theyve been higher every month compared to last year for you know both in terms of the small book shops have been doing particularly well with the lock down and the cancellation of many cultural events many people seem to have rediscovered. Their love of literature and their fondness for the book shop around the corner. I can make deliveries whenever even at midnight as an independent bookseller i can be a lot more flexible and people seem to want to support local businesses especially now theyve gotten a taste of what its like when theyre closed. During the lockdown ebooks were popular afterwards people started heading back to the bookshops where they can also get tips on what to read when theyve got more time on their hands. The same time with working at home and short time work you might have a bit more peace and quiet to pick up a book in the evening in. So many small booksellers have been writing out the pandemic surprisingly well. Destry was prepared for a situation like this every bookshop has an Online Platform where people can place orders booksellers got the books and put them in front of their doors for pick up they showed a lot of creativity and commitment and they really brought customers back to the bookshops and sgt. Our customers are incredibly loyal many of them offered to help me deliver books cookies or kick or stop by for a chat through the window of course it was a lovely time in that respect. And now it seems the next generation of book lovers hes waiting in the wings. And then more coronavirus good news the glamour is back as fashion week tokyo finally kicked off this week following its best buy and in march because the pandemic demick rules do still apply theres a runway but no audience the entire event is being live streamed 39 brands are participating and design is trying to merge real and Virtual Worlds to appeal to fashionistas and watch as event runs. Until saturday. And also from a in the Business Team here in berlin if you want more from us check out our website www dot com slash business for us on facebook and twitter goodbye. To the barricades in defense of cultural autonomy. Clarkie prize the countrys top Arts University the far right government wants to impose a government of mourning or to. The student protesters strongly oppose this measure of the cultural war in congress to speeding up. The 60 minutes d. W. I. We know this is a scary time for the coronavirus is changing the world changing. So please take care of yourself keep your distance wash your hands if you can stay at how we are d. W. I. For here for you we are working so hard it would seem to keep you informed on all of our platforms were all in this. Run together make it. Stay safe everybody stacey stay safe stay safe the priest stay safe. It was the 1st International Tribunal in history. The number of trials. 75 years ago high ranking officers of the nazi regime before you judge it by the allied forces. Were the 1st war criminals to be held accountable for their crimes. Of those who fight it out their mom. Going through both pairs usually for a sure. Our 2 part series the 3rd right dog starts nov 12th on g. W. This is due to be in east africa coming up on the program the power off young nigerians have taken to the streets forcing the government to act on a demand for Police Reform theyve demonstrated how effectively the masses tend to mobilize but when its bringing change if not for you why did what he was going to do while we were both oh yeah monday papers what was it he did it was not most people that means out of this i doubt as i do that it how do i look thats not good if i was on holiday and t. V

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