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Visits theft or is it just just an activist who tried to steal african art form a museum in paris has been fine but he says he was only taking back what rightfully belongs to. God as welcome to the Program European countries have begun imposing new restrictions on public and private life as they struggle to cope with steep rises in corona virus infections the u. K. Which has europes highest pandemic death toll has unveiled a new 3 tier system closing pubs gyms and betting shops in the highest risk areas and the Regional Government in Northern Ireland has just imposed europes harshest 2nd wave lockdown restrictions the Czech Republic. Has already imposed a state of emergency today new restrictions come into place closing all schools bars restaurants and clubs and the netherlands is also returning to past lockdown closing Restaurants Hotels and cafes for 2 weeks. It was what the Hospitality Industry was dreading most a return to lockdown from midnight restaurants bars and cafes in the netherlands must shut their doors for 4 weeks. Masks to will no be mandatory in indoor public spaces the government says it was left with little choice in the face of spiraling infection rates. And heard about how its a hard message and the new rules are going to heart but its the only way because the facts dont lie we have to be stricter on ourselves and stricter on our behavior this thing is a. Good laugh its a similar picture at the forefront of europe 2nd wave in the Czech Republic testing has been ramped up across the country and tighter measures have been enforced as well as the Laser Industries schools will be shut for 3 weeks masks at trans stops no im asked officials conceded they may have relaxed through too quickly in the summer and were not an ability of the i wasnt Strong Enough in the summers and i didnt insist on measures to protect us from the 2nd wave. Meanwhile in France Business owners in the capital through a Cocktail Party protest to draw attention to their plight. Bars are in the middle of a 2 week closure that officials hope which stem the rising number of infections and hasnt and the public is bracing for new restrictions to be announced so you put those who dont know home i dont drive the government least to put in place strong and powerful measures in line with the economic tragedy that were facing here and across france. Governments. Across europe growing infection rates for measures and the inevitable health and Economic Hardship to follow as the haiti for which there are no easy fixes. From prague in the Czech Republic im now joined by viral of his. Shiny he is from the Czech University author a Life Sciences that the Czech Republic was one of the countrys managing actually quite well to keep the pandemic on the control so whats gone wrong now ok to rest her all starts to quickly and people i think that in march of 0 the virus during the summer they. Slow the virus came back and the 2nd wave we chase much stronger than the 1st one but tell us more about the new restrictions and how much public support is that. Ok so according to the nearest directions old school and pops and james should be closed from today including play to school song from small hates to primary schools and the can do gardens and also the pops and so long people are according to my opinion very tired about this because they hope that the situation will be good to during decide on it as it was during the summer. The Cell Research since doesnt have such a big song or as they had during the spring what do you as a viral ijaz say about these new restrictions that have just been brought. Ok i think that the nearest frictions are necessary now we close we made our great chains which we had during the summer to employ samadhi less restrictive measures to control the on that makes and knowledge situation very much out of control and d. C. Restitution has to be down at least for a couple of weeks to get to situation again under the control and to stop the exponential growth of it and now which we can see now and your problem. You said earlier that people in the Czech Republic a are getting tired of these restrictions do you reckon that the exceptions now is big enough so that they can actually work. I hope so and surely if when im going out into the streets of prague and some burning like a public place and i can see the people glaring face mosques every barrier and people are trying to do get a box somewhere that the broader not requiring defaced months early covering mouth and small so they are sometimes covering clean mollified and that they are being damn soso about what they can see during their last few days the situation is Getting Better there is a sucker for. All the Police Across the political spectrum so i hope that the situation will change soon and measures which are being paid in right now where do you think any additional measures that should be taken. There could be additional a hearse if there are smoke going to be any improvement in the next lets say like of then days 2 weeks for example shopping malls are still open so the skin be close there can be some restrictions for the people about leaving their houses and so on but i hope that that wont be necessary. For all of his cheery czerny from prague thank you very much for joining us and. Thank you by now lets have a look now at the curbs already in place in several European Countries spain has a state of emergency in the madrid region to enforce a partial lockdown effects in 4 and a half 1000000 people that masks on are mandatory in all Public Places frances place paris must say and 7 other large cities on the maximum virus closing bars gyms and swimming pools and banning public parties cases are also rising rapidly here in germany since friday night lights restrictions are in effect in the capital berlin bars must now close at 11 pm further hitting berlins famously liberal Nightlife Economy chancellor Angela Merkel will meet leaders of germanys federal states shortly to try and solve the confusion around 16 different sets of rules. The incidence of new coronavirus cases in germany keeps rising every day new cities join the list of risk areas some areas in germany have surpassed the key threshold of 50 infections per 100000 inhabitants over the last 7 days including major cities such as frankfurt berlin munich and cologne as infections climb germany is trying to figure out how to deal with the new upsurge one problem the solutions differ all over the country in berlin for example there are no limitations for travellers from inner german risk areas staying in hotels there is also no obligation to wear masks on the streets. Another city another set of rules in munich travelers from designated risk areas can only stay at a hotel if they show a recent negative covert test and masks are mandatory in some outdoor areas of the city the different rules are making it hard for germans to understand what they can and cannot do in essence no one can really remember this seems to be pointless and i dont think. For a long period of time because more and more cities are going beyond which is. So short sell arms threshold which is in use here so the policy becomes redundant in a couple of weeks anyway. But the end of that chaos might be near the leaders of germanys 16 federal states arrived in berlin and are set to meet with chancellor Angela Merkel for the 1st non Virtual Meeting in months. Some state premiers have already announced they will cling to the accommodation ban while others want to see it dropped the question is will the chancellors personal and in person off the already be enough to unify the positions. That question are right on top chief Political Correspondent melinda crime milena and the chance to wrangle unified nations from 16 regional leaders. I think theres a pretty good chance that she can she is known as a very adept negotiator and on her side is the fact that this is a personal meeting the 1st time that the state leaders have met with the chancellor in person in over 4 months and that usually does increase the likelihood of getting to yes besides that there is a precedent here because at the height of the 1st wave of the virus in april of this this year there was also some wrangling amongst the different federal states and some disagreement about the way to move forward and theyre under the watchful eye of the chancellor the the state premiers did agree and the fact is that a patchwork of rules like the ones we have now can be confusing to people and that in turn can diminish compliance and that is very problematic as infection rates rise so we are seeing some of the most powerful state premiers in particular 2 who have not always agreed on the same approach in the past namely the head of the bavarian State Government and the head of the north rhinewestphalia and State Government now both saying yes we do need unified rules if we want to see unified rules those rules going to be tighter than the current ones. I think its quite likely that some of them will be the government has put together a paper that some people in the press have gotten a look at and it seems that the government will be suggesting more stringent requirements for Wearing Masks in a variety of places as well as more strict limits on social gatherings and restaurant closing times all to come into effect at a threshold of 35. 00 infectious cases per 100000 residents that means such rules if the government gets its way would then be affected most of this countrys major cities since most of them have an infection rate above that at the moment whether they were the state premiers will agree which still remains open the meeting was just getting down and just beginning now and its unclear whether there will be any attempt to roll back that accommodation ban it is being roundly criticised by viral it just and by Economic Experts who say it doesnt do much to decrease the rate of infection but it does strain Testing Capacity and burden the economy so another point of the governments approach apparently that they would like to see put in place is support for businesses that are affected by these restrictions for example restaurants the grain thank you very much. Time now to turn to some of the other stories making headlines around the world today 2 russians and an american have successfully reached the International Space station fastrack flight took just 3 hours half the usual time and its not his last mission on a russian spacecraft the u. S. Now has its own access again with space x. U. S. President Donald Trumps nominee for the vacant seat on the Supreme Court says her religious views will not influence decisions the 2nd day of confirmation hearings so any honey bear the wrong question of the Senate Judiciary Committee Personal views on the Supreme Court in a landmark ruling a greek court has handed hefty prison sentences to the leaders of Neo Nazi Group golden dawn leader nikos and several other members were sentenced for running a criminal gang the former Political Party has been linster number of violent crimes. Concerns are growing over the failure of the ceasefire to stop the fighting between our 1000000 and a very forces in the disputed enclave of the god of her about russias urging both sides to observe the truce and end the long running conflict through diplomacy the 2 former soviet republics are blaming each other for breaking an armistice which came into force at the weekend the cathedral of step a knock at a place of worship no longer be true if ripped open and its interior in ruins the church has fallen victim to a conflict that has cost hundreds of lives since it erupted last month the congregation and i praise in a makeshift shelter. But they cannot escape the war. Oh or russians fire was supposed to come into effect last sunday but the shelling continues destruction and death a constant companions. Empty streets after thousands fled stepanek cared the capital of a selfproclaimed republic within azerbaijans formal borders. 30 get off their its very elderly in wheelchairs who have stayed. Its scary and you can even imagine whenever the shelf lives we dont know who its going to hit them but we tremble in a basement what if it hits here again every day we live with this fear but far far from it it was you. On the other side of the front lines are telling the fire is also raining down in the town of teta residents have sought safety in their cellars. Oh. What can you do we have no choice the armenian guns and cannons made us come here we run we fall down we stand up again we get injured and now were here hiding we fall down again and then we hate again what can we do i got injured here here here. I mean yes Prime Minister nico blames azerbaijans ally turkey for the field cease fire he says ankara is looking to expand its influence in the region homos of whats there. Im convinced that for as long as turkeys position remains unchanged as a by young will not stop fighting. Brother Mark Longworth of. Turkey for its part has called on armenia to withdraw from the azerbaijani territory it currently hold so far the International Community has been unable to broker peace talks. With the 2 sides refusing to come to the table peace remains a distant prospect for the people here. In thailand major antigovernment rally has been met with concert demonstrations from supporters of the monarchy scuffles briefly broke out but the 2 sides but mostly kept apart if you Police Presence the prodemocracy protesters are calling for reform to the constitution and the monarchy criticizing the kings traditional is seen as taboo a protest after a momentum over the last few months. Earlier we spoke to journalist money just paired bangkok and we asked him whether most thais are backing he and government protests yeah i believe government critics have significant support in the population it is hard to say that for sure because there are no reliable opinion but if you speak with people here on the streets in bangkok or outside in the countryside there are really many people criticizing the government at the moment especially also because the Prime Minister approach fails to deliver his promise to bring Economic Prosperity to a country at the moment thailand is hot. Really strongly by the Coronavirus Crisis and. Deep recession at the moment millions of people lost their shops and of course that makes many people are fed up with the government and asking for change. And he has been bangkok that. An activist from congo has been fined 2000 euros by a french court for trying to steal an african artifact from a museum in paris your buns a live live streamed his attempts to take a 19th century relic he accuses france and other european nations of plundering the countries they colonized he says they should return the objects they took. Many would call this theft by this activists hes only getting back what was taken away from his people i came to reclaim goods that were stolen from africa during colonization of this video of us live streamed on facebook back in june or west. And for other activists were trying to steal a funerary post from carol nima see him in paris he failed but managed to draw attention to a topic that has recently triggered a heated debate should african art looted during colonialism be returned and if so how and when the congolese baron activists action is needed now on the do you never ask a thief for permission to get back what is still from you and thats what we did we have the right to defend ourselves because we were robbed the fact that our works are on display here means to theft continues to be displayed yes you. Also caused a stir when he tried to steal a piece of art from a dutch museum as well as in the french city of must say some say these acts have to be considered as performances not just theft. Its a different way of saying things that have already been said to many farmers for a long time since african countries gained independence on a diplomatic level in a dialogue between museums and International Corporation events you know what is in the report commissioned by french president emanuel and the art historian said was looted art has to be given back and that up to 90 percent of african artworks are located outside of the continent the care berlin was c. M. Alone has more than 60000 objects taken from africa but according to this lawyer an art lover not all of them are looted he recently published a book on the topic. Some objects have obviously been taken away european states have to give back what was taken in wars but there are also other aspects africans themselves all are too european physically. For bands and his fellow activists its not only about bringing heritage spec home as he calls it he also wants european societies to face the realities of their colonial past take one of the desired goal to reach the biggest possible audience on the one hand are just people in africa but also people in europe adore says says he does not fear possible fines not even prison sentences in his eyes this is about a lot more than just his own destiny. Borden joins us now from brussels marina we just heard mr banta has now been convicted by a court in paris and fined 2000 euros start rather mild sentence there is definitely a very mild sentence 2000 years in comparison to like the fine you would normally have to pay if you just walk in into this very famous cave or only a museum in paris usually would have to pay up to 1100000. 00 euros or even more and you could also face up to 10 years in prison so its clear that the court also didnt see this activism as we might call it is as a record of theft i mean a french president has pledged to look into the restitution of african Cultural Treasures but has anything been done with. France actually asked a very special relationship with this former colonies their very very close political and economic ties there are still in place and french president to travel to were going to go and look in a fossil trying to 17 how this very important speech in front of students and our relationship has to change and one way of showing this is giving back allude to it art but since like 3 years have passed and not much has changed up till now its at least what activists and critics say is probably the most vocal one at the moment but we see some movement at least some 30 artefacts have been given back to the need for example just recently well thats france but whats the situation like in countries in europe with the colonial past francis definitely taking a leading role there even if its a bit relaxed and but we also see some change of attitude in other countries for example in their the lands a special Committee Just a few days ago recommended to the dutch government that looted art has to be given back as soon as possible if you look at germany some artifacts have been given back so many are still in germany and museums and archives to cetera but there are recent discussion has caused a big stir because soon if museum the humble farm in berlin is going to open up and this ard weve just been talking about will be on display there and this obviously draws a lot of criticism. Marina strops thank you. The Frankfurt Book Fair is one of the biggest states in the Publishing Industry every year thousands descend on the city to trade rights and promote new releases this year pandemic has forced nearly everything to go online the organizers hope the Virtual Event theyve come up with will prove almost as we was. Last year more than 300000 industry professionals and visitors came to the Frankfurt Book Fair its the most important industry show of the year some 7500 exhibitors meet this year because of coronavirus the trade holes are empty the book fair has gone digital the message home music and the trade fair holes wont be the same this year as well as a decentralized event weve had to come up with a relatively large scale Digital Concept and most. Many publishers said theyd interview their own authors and then present the results at the fair. Of the numerous digital platforms industry professionals from around the world can communicate and present their authors as he is selection is extremely diverse from star chef jamie oliver to whistleblower edward snowden. The fares social political stage is this year all about europe and its cultures naturally its online. Because of the emphasis on the digital some creativity gets lost there are a few random encounters for example the great thing about physically being here is that i can look up on my shoulder and see whats going on 10 meters behind me you cant do that on line. 2020 is guest of honor canada has postponed its physical presence at the fair until next year instead its presenting a culturally diverse offering online including books on its indigenous population the 2020 Frankfurt Book Fair is an experiment but will it remain an online event in the future. Were trying to figure out what works digitally and how the economic transactions work how does the public interact with the digital elements of course we will use whatever works at this years event next year the future is looking more digital anyhow but the desire to mix with others in person is unlikely to disappear any time soon. That says for me and the news team for now so stay tuned for protecting peoples dolls in uganda. Africa the environment magazine coming up right after this news program and also dont forget you can get all the latest news and information on our web site thats w dot com and follow on twitter and instagram d w news im god helps those. 9 is going green. Can use capital city is transforming illegal dump sites into public parks our mean what you wish was and you make it a place where people want to be a new car from. The past to becoming an environmentally friendly metropolis. Nairobis is bringing nature back to the city for good. On. In the other life of climate change. The city. People. Want to see is do they have the future. Dot com for mega city the multimedia. Tour. This is some dope story a stubborn rice farmer from thailand. His problem pests. His credo no chemicals. And its time. To step. Out. Senators. The students are in the past. Training successful. Talking to me. Starts october 15th w. When the sun is beating down in the city at high noon what could be more welcome than a loss shouldnt be offering a break from the heat on a nice wrist welcome to this weeks equal africa i am sundered tino vo here in kampala uganda today you know environmental magazine will be looking at how green little prizes can be right. Hello sandra and a warm hello to all of us yes green searches figure to be speaking that is pleasant to live in as well and im mentally and Climate Friendly more on that in a moment but 1st heres what we have lined up on the show today the. War on which south africa tries to counter the dangers of toxic landfills. Back to nature a french project shows people what nature really feels like and whos afraid of the big bad crops some deadly reptiles get a new home in Lake Victoria. Africa cities face many problems but rising migration is one of the most pressing people from the surrounding countryside moved to the cities in the hope of finding a new and better life they arent put up by the prospects of difficult Living Conditions there despite the high incomes nairobi expects its population to double over the next 20 years the kenyan capital has now decided to become greener more environmentally friendly and generally a nicer place to live infrastructure and housing and wished disposal. Teaming up to nearly revive in me shuki Memorial Park. Slowly but surely why delay is retiring. And sharing space with those who can finally enjoy nature and. Being. Created from land once used for Illegal Dumping this park in the center of nairobi fast opened in 2008 but due to neglect it was later closed for several years now after restriction walk the pack recently reopened about a 90 tree species grow in shook a Memorial Park more than 4000 saplings have been newly planted. Kenyas capital is growing rapidly and the rubbish population is expected to hit 10000000 by 2040 issues like theres a difficulty in a compelling group villagers to move to the up and center to date 60 percent of cities inhabitants live in informal settlements when its polities recognise the uk it need for more green spaces. But were going beyond just. The green spaces that famous were also dealing with green spaces within neighborhoods. And more importantly green spaces within informal settlement. Kibera the largest settlement has direct access to the needle be river the government owns much of the land but has been reluctant to provide basic services such as sanitation of Waste Management so residents are taking things into their own hands. Or guiding principle is quite simple you have to deal with the programs in the communities fast because all the slowly berthold they need to do with all the human waste comes from the community nor of upolu to itself. The clean up work is mostly being done by local young people their main focus is removing west from him and out on the roof he beera generates around 200 tons of trash hardly. A menu for you i am happy because its clean unlike before when one quality even stop and rest by the side of there never got back under 80 was after clearing the snow but. They couldnt get near here before but now you can because its clean and you can rest or even. Get away there. After the garbage is removed a sewage system was installed so the worst water cant live off. The Government Funds were provided for public toilets that maintained by a local injury or clean Drinking Water is also now available. For new construct their preferred to believe that they would be not only be within very was going to construct their garbage collection and disposal sent out we believe that not only booster get into into the area of us again when we repair the throughline north you worry leak into their ecosystem. Other changes are also being made in an effort to reduce vehicle emissions by 50 percent on literally of a new narrowed. Busiest shopping district the city county government has recently closed traffic lanes. Additional chisel planted and an am 100. 00 system will soon be installed to collect data on the pollution levels the street was remodeled in partnership with you and happy to it. So our main with the question was can we use. As an entry point into a band regeneration into transformation and you make it a place where people want to be can we transform can we revolutionized have one ambitious project aims to do just that tata c. T. Is an urban development in the north of neural beat with housing schools offices green areas and Manufacturing Districts it hopes to ease the burden on the crowded cuppy to the. City is a mixed use mixed Income Development and so well have a Residential Properties for Different Levels of income so well have a lot of Affordable Housing middle income as well as a high end developments. The 1st 48 Affordable Apartment units completed Solar Energy Systems have just been finished a 2050 its expected that over a 1000000 people will be a tome in this modern community. From africa now lets head to you oh im from the city to the countryside for 25 years i mean shooting in the south of france has been raising awareness of a great quality thats natural farming and i thought those were saying its eco comes to learn how to plant how plants gardens and fields are cultivated sustainably and how seeds are selected and so on. And what is more near to an increasing number of people in front want a complete rethink of how we farm and processed food thats giving this nonprofit project a boost in part to sponsor from a Broad Spectrum from farmers to drop out. How does lettuce pretty you see. This hands on workshop is getting stressed city dwellers the chance to get close to nature once again. If you dont use your own you can over time i realized that i miss nature and that i needed to reconnect with it. Actually just did thats why i decided to leave everything you know but my job to give up my apartment and experience reconnecting with nature in places like this interrogate you man you know did you yeah i was and i mean. The at this very in the south of france this is where the association ted human easement has set up a model enterprise for agro ecology on a form live in yet. The garden is where workshop participants learn about how to apply green principles to agricultural processes the idea is to move away from industrial agriculture and towards natural cycles. We realize that plants are like us need a healthy environment they need to do well in the soil and then and there and if thats not the case they want to belive as well or be as productive dont appear to remold its ultimately a bit like human beings so theres a very close connection between us and plants. As a neighboring plot the soil has been exhausted by artificial fassel ises. Their own garden is being 1st realized with compost and plant mixtures. Activist to improve the structure so that nutrients are more available to plants so that the soil retains more water and is less pleated a source of the challenge of c c do you sit. There lots of microorganisms we can see the earthworms in it there are lots of little routes this is roughly the objective of the agro ecology that we promote a culture to get this kind of soil. To the bone you know to do sort of what is the opposite of what we saw on the other plot you know where you couldnt even push the shovel in a few centimeters they had to hit very hard. For the new takes on established thinking person is regarded as a very fast spreading and persisted wheat but the plant tastes good and is easy to digest the workshop leader even says that person could be a substitute for fish since it contains nutritionally valuable 3 fatty acids. So here this afternoon we talked about adam and wild plants Medicinal Plants all the issues with things like what to watch out for when you start or when she become more of an expert watching do with them how they can be used and how they benefit us. The group now know more about plants and have come a bit closer to nature on an old vineyard which sets a fine example of sustainable and reuse. Now lets head to the shores of Lake Victoria here in uganda residents are repeated they are taught and injured by 9 crocodiles the reportorial come out seeking food families and along the death which water and fishermen complain about broken nets britto long walks with a gun to wade Life Authority to capture and really look at the crocodiles in his career the experienced crocodile culture has captured more than 190 crocodiles impressive isnt it. The fear some side of america the largest a species of d. N. A. In africa while tourists cruise the nile hoping to see the imposing reptiles from the safety of a board along the shores of Lake Victoria the 4 rushes predictors pours a deadly threat to People Living in the area drinking fish stalks and shrinking crocodile habitats have led to a worrisome rise in attacks in recent times many victims are children who go down to the lake to play or fetch water fishermen are also a target peter is a crocodile expert with the uganda wildLife Authority he and his team have come in response to reports of a sighting they ask the villagers for further details before setting off to search for the animal when we receive information with quickly rushed through this. Form with armed with boarded up shot of the quebec locals the lead the team to the areas favored by the large reptiles. They lay a trap amid from a piece of meat attached to wire. On that floor. So that when a girl that i love comes in they grab the baby and then the wire will die. For your order by your when it leaves. The wire biting but in this instance the crocodile squad needs to adjust the trap the predator smells a rat and escapes. In one village the crocodile hunters have more luck fisherman have captured a crocodile themselves or gongs team is here to take it away safely safe not just for the people but the crocodile too. After a 7 hour drive the team arrives at the crocodile farm on the outskirts of kampala and the animal is released the facility was set up by the uganda wildlife or 3000. 00 partnership with the private investor. This one has reportedly killed 7 people the predator permanently lives in captivity now since its judged too dangerous a. Visit is paid to see the creatures which helps finance the farm that ensures aggressive crocodiles a safe haven some of their offspring will be returned to nature but the program was set up for several reasons one to breed them we want them to lay eggs and then we later incorporated the eggs and then we read the young ones which will do for one reason pop was for educational purposes and for that the uganda where level 3 to puts the countrys crocodile population at about 1200. 00 most of them are now living freely in National Parks in uganda. You can always count on him was to do the trick if you want to generate strong feelings and people there was quite fun when they were money and sex and thought about that and came up with a complaint for protecting the countrys huge that population it is called bad flicks in a lot to the well known digital film stream platform and it walks in very much the same way he is doing good deeds this week. There flicks is turning binge watch others into bear watchers its a new streaming service for wildlife fans launched by the w w f romania. Subscriptions to the site help support orphaned bear cubs in romania the country is home to around 7000 bears but Animal Welfare activists say the largest bear population in europe is under threat. Or more and more cards being separate that one day armando due to human related. Sets a 34th day that. Had

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