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Christiane there were no has tested positive for the coronavirus he has spent the past week with the Portuguese National team he was supposed to play. On wednesday night and drill it now they say. There are several one. Back on the campaign trail boasting bragging about testing negative for code 19 his democratic challenger joe biden is also on the attack with just 3 weeks to go until election day. Its good to have you with us we begin tonight with the pandemic here in Europe European Union countries have agreed to a common strategy. Restricting travel from coronavirus hotspots e. U. Ministers meeting in what some burg want a traffic light system showing regions as green orange or red depending on the number of corona virus cases the ministers have to avoid the kind of confusion that disrupted travel across the e. U. At the height of the initial outbreak earlier this year. Lets take this story now. She joins me from brussels good evening to youve barbara so talk us through these european coronavirus traffic lights. Its an attempt to bring some order into the chaos that was as you said the sort of. Work that was to be seen earlier this year at the 1st the 1st round of the corona virus hitting europe what countries are not trying it to do is use the same data use the same criteria to determine whether you can travel from point a to point b. For instance germany has a travel warning against belgium i am at the moment but france does not have a travel warning against a 4 belgium so why is that because they sort of set the point where the thinking country is dangerous at Different Levels now that is supposed to change in the future countries are supposed to send their data to the European Health agency in stockholm and they are supposed to be correlated there and a european travel map should come out every week it was countries being red orange or green so then you could go from green to green but from orange shoreditch maybe just if you do a corner test and so on and so forth however the problem is criticism arose immediately because these new rules are only voluntaries voluntary countries arent forced to to do them to obey them and so therefore this may work Better Things a bit but it would not really be a solution yes specially because not compulsory there barbara stand by were going to take a look now at one of the e. U. Countries hardest hit by does new surge in corona virus infections if there is the Czech Republic where officials tonight will impose a 3 week state of emergency schools bars and clubs will be closing to at least live in brazil her it is a dramatic reversal of fortune for a country that emerged relatively unscathed from the 1st months of the pandemic. Almost 500 people have died of cope at 19 in the last 2 weeks in the Czech Republic more than in the 1st months of the pandemic another 400 are in critical condition. Because. I think people are not taking the virus seriously. Medical stuff at this hospital in prague are doing all they can to protect themselves nearly 3000 doctors and nurses have been infected with the virus meaning many are unable to work. In klein and come in small hospitals where there are not so many stuff it can be problematic if one infection turns into a cluster. Of cruise. Control. No other country in europe currently has a higher rate of infection per capita as the Czech Republic many let their guard down in the summer and became lots about protective measures like the wearing of mosques. Procedures that they dont if they say please wear a mask then very few people will do that it was recommended in the holidays but no one more a mosque the ability to put a chimney effect than you can do when you get an unknown you get it. The government has decided to take action theatres cinemas museums and gyms have already closed and even tighter restrictions go into force from midnight. Bars now have to show us and restaurants can only offer takeaway its another heavy blow for an already struggling hospitality sector. Alist expect in brussels we saw right there are severe restrictions in the Czech Republic but theyre not the only country in the European Union thats taking were actions are that. The netherlands have Just Announced very similar measures because so with belgium the netherlands are the 2nd or 3rd worst hit country in europe at the moment and its very similar picture there people didnt want to obey the rules anymore they thought ok this is for somebody else doesnt concern me they were really lex now the government minted really has really had to fairly harsh or partial lockdown bars will be closed restaurants cafes a public transport should be taken only if absolutely necessary and public life will have more or less come to a standstill youre not supposed to be have more people than sorry in your home as guests and so it is a really severe reduction of the social life in the netherlands now and it is just short of a complete lockdown mark ridge of the Prime Minister has warned his citizens and has said it is in your hands now you really have to show responsibility because the Health Minister also said after 4 weeks of this partial lockdown if it doesnt help if the figures dont go down the country may have to return to full lockdown and that is a threat that here hes everywhere in europe at the moment not only in the netherlands because spain and france are also struggling and it might very well end up if these partial measures at the moment dont work out as everybody hopes they will do that they will especially business with her just a real on the corner you know be used provisional on this work force in brussels barbara thank you. These soccer superstar cristiana were not although has tested positive for the coronavirus the youve been to send portugal striker will not be able to play for his country in their Nations League game against sweden on wednesday in the last 7 days when all the has played into other International Matches all of the other players on the board you go team have tested negative. So theyve tested negative so far but that doesnt mean a whole lot joining me now to discuss this further is the use of the bully so what more do we know pablo well we know that christiane or naldo as a long with his team mates have had multiple tests in the past 7 days so he came back positive on monday and what happened was that normally the team would have a Training Session on Tuesday Morning but in fact that they did was they postponed so that the rest of christiane are not as teammates could actually have another test taken and they all came back negative and that whats interesting is that on monday Christiane Arnaldo posted a photograph were actually going to see it very soon which is on social media he posted a photograph of himself along with a number of his teammates i. E. Lunch what it appeared we can see it now its going to come in of course this is you know the typical image that we see and were always hearing you know you shouldnt get together with a group of people i know this the its very clear there that he was in close contact with the rest of his team mates and then posted it on social media now what we do know is that were now to himself as the very 5th person he feels fine he said and hes asymptomatic and the rest of his team mates can continue on as normal and play in the team and theyre going to be facing sweden on wednesday and its not as if when you see the picture though you have to wonder if they have to be thinking im not going to be the next one who gets a positive test result were known of course it is not the only player to test positive for the coronavirus me what impact has this virus. In having on the game well a couple of players in the Portugal Team of tested positive in the past few weeks in fact a team that. Plays for you ventus in italy they also actually have players at the moment who are tested positive for corona virus weve seen the impact here in germany where you know people have been allowed into stadiums theyve tried to restrict the number of people in stadiums here in germany but thats the case across europe and also you know its even led to games being postponed and obviously a lot of concern amongst people about you know people are coming together and these players are coming into contact with their people and were not just talking about football or soccer here right no not at all and fact of the italia of the cycling competition that taking place at the moment 5 teams have seen members of of their team actually test positive to 2 teams in fact have decided to actually just completely leave ditalia and this is not just in cycling but also across the atlantic in n. F. L. The n. F. L. Football league has actually been forced to reschedule 8 games because of the number of coronavirus and functions so certainly worrying it is were you the problem as always thank you. U. S. President only trump has held his 1st election rally since contracting 19 about 2 weeks ago now that his doctor says hes tested negative he has flown to florida the 1st of 4 battleground states that he plans to visit over the next 4 days with just 3 weeks until the election hes trailing his democratic rival joe biden in several key National Polls both contenders have held very different events in key swing states take a look. Back on the campaign trail after his own brush with a witness donald trump is no trying to revive his reelection fortunes. Trump tossed masks from the stage at the 1st of several events this week. Following attendee separation from his hardcore fans it appears absence makes the heart grow fonder. I went through it now they say im a mutant i can feel i feel so powerful walking. I walk in the iraq kiss every one. While the thought lingered sought to alleviate any concerns the tightly packed crowd to me have about catching the virus. That i said to my people we are going to take whatever theyre know they gave me and were going to distribute it around aspinalls and everyone is going to have the same. Thing. Similarly reinvigorated trump wrapped up the rally dancing with the crowd even as the tone jarred with a country in crisis. The contrasts with democratic nominee joe biden couldnt have been stock visited another battleground state how one of several a socially distance events across ohio he attacked trumps handling of the pandemic asked Donald Trumps presidency 250000 dead because of crude. Experts say were likely to lose another 200000 people in the next few months unless we take some serious action and he doesnt know what hes doing all because this president s only worried about one thing the stock market he refused to follow the science its estimated we just warnings mass nationally we save over 100000. 00 lives between now and the end of the year. Haydn himself is now heading to florida with the election day just 3 weeks away both campaigns are in overdrive i. Want to put you in peru is one of the wonders of the world and one man has managed to secure a private tour but it only happened after a very long wait jesse talk a young woman arrived in peru in march and planned to spend a few days seeing the famous ruins but pandemic restrictions meant that he got stuck in peru for 7 months and of course the site has been closed the whole time now after a special request government has agreed to let him see the park before returning to japan just to talk to young described his visit as quote an amazing experience. Im sure it was worth the wait its. Dont forget you can always get me w. News on the go just download our app from google play or from the app store that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news and if youre part of a news story you can also use the d w app to send us photos and videos when news is happening. Youre watching the news ill be back at the top of the hour with more world news followed by the day i hope to see event. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Our corona update. 19 special next on d w. Climate change. Most of us. See. What ideas do they have for the future. For megacities the melting give us a clue. Distance is almost impossible in an overcrowded slum. The World Bank Says over a 1000000000 people face a high risk of the coronavirus due to substandard Living Conditions in other informal settlements like in brazil. The population here is very high its believed according to our weekly experience that the contamination index on the positive index are high. The United Nations is a highly susceptible to covert 19. On availability of clean water sanitation housing and other basic necessities. Welcome to the show im been physical and in berlin for the 1st time in history more people now live in urban areas than Rural Communities and population growth is expected to take place almost exclusively in the world cities and towns a fast pace of. Leading to a growing number of slums. Conditions and overcrowding make them much more vulnerable to the spread of a disease. Asia is home to the worlds largest. Stand some 2400000 residents have to contend with the scarcity of water violence its followed by. East of mexico city and in mumbai both a 1000000 residents. 2 of the 5 largest on the african continent Nairobi Kenya and cape town south africa. People were expecting the virus would wipe out entire slums but it hasnt happened like that the indian slum of is being hailed as a model for containing the spread of covert 19 it was widely reported to have flattened the despite the lack of fear. Sickle distancing and Contact Tracing officials admit not all deaths are probably registered but Health Experts argue it could be greater immunity in india due to the high incidence of Infectious Diseases like tuberculosis still if its not a virus or viruses that are making life even harder for the poorest of the poor lockdown made things even worse. About a 1000000 people live in this chronic slum of tired of the known quote its multicultural and entrepreneurial spirit. With its large migrant working Class Population was expected to see a massive probably 1000 outbreak earlier this year. Instead it effectively contained the spread of the waiters drawing global attention. To control of the forward situation here the authority of the arctic to measures like aggressive death thing and cleaning all the nice things regular of it and quarantine think that defining containment and a heart will get flagged down. The shutdown of back in march due to the nationwide lockdown hits the heart of the heart because of the Small Businesses and look shops that had been trading there came to a standstill. Mamas good has lived in the heart of the for 30 years working as an art isnt doing surgery thread book on fabric. After months of sitting idle their heads just assumed to work in his workshop. Hour by live our earlier i used to get orders from clients but now i have to go out and look for them. And i still dont get much work theres been a lot of lost. I have to pay the room rent and the electricity bill. He says he has never seen a slowdown like this. 6 months on with Economic Activity limping back to life most people like up there are still struggling to own a living. The board of one of the work has been severely affected your company was already in bad shape now because of coronavirus people have lost whatever savings they had moving. Authorities in one way bracing themselves as to how he has begun to see infections rising again as restrictions are eased and Migrant Workers are down. We have endorsed her to do were going to. Know. Where their members. In case will be mother and see we hope to. Bring them. Their regular house and is returning to the street to the changing situation didnt require a Major Overhaul in her the School Nothing to him in strategies. After is if you think things will pick up a bit one says craftsman back to their villages. But he is still expecting it to be hard to make a good living for quite some time to come john friesen is a trained engineer and is doing his ph d. On the scale of slums within cities he says determining their exact size is vital in working out their infrastructure and Health Care Needs especially in a pandemic so john what do we know about covert nineteens effect on slops. I bent. Reason crosssectional studies different slums than by law Kenya Nigeria and india showed that with covered 9000 we see a reduction in access to Health Care Services on all sides including Preventive Services and we also see that the cost of health care increased by the Household Income of the slum dwellers reduced which was also confirmed by the latest report of the published yesterday so basically it sounds like things are going from bad to worse youve studied slums what are your key findings that make this fight against corona even more challenging. I think the greatest challenge is the lack of information and i spect so 1st of all we when we think about covered 9000 we know. That people with cardiovascular diseases have. Our entire risk for severe causes of covered 9000 but we dont know how many people in slums have cardiovascular diseases and the findings we have sometimes contradictory and 2nd we have to say what we know about the health of a slum dwellers often limited to very specific areas for example. To cuba and i will be ordered to dharavi in mumbai and a study of ours like you mentioned showed that the majority of. Us does not live in this huge settlements but lives and very small settlements most of them have us have the size of nearly a soccer field and. We have to say that. We dont know exactly how many people live in these kind of settlements when we look at the population figures vary between 200001 1000000 persons. Or 5 so we simply dont know how many talking persons were talking about. Certainly we could find out these things i mean what do we need to find out about these slums to come up with the right solutions i know youre talking about a huge amount of people in very small areas but what do we need to. Know about i think i have to repeat i think. The most important formation is to know how many persons are living there because if you want to provide infrastructure for basic needs such as sanitation or health care we have to know how many persons are living there and another fake i would mentioned i would mention would be that. We have to be aware of the regional differences to take adequate Counter Measure as a mensa like so we have to know what the similarities are the differences between a slum in bangladesh and a slum in kenya for example will the pandemic bring the situation of people in slums into Greater Public focus i mean an outbreak in a slum can threaten the rest of the city and very quickly. I hope so i mean this interview shows that that we are concerned about these people about these underprivileged people but what i think is important to mention is that we often call slum dwellers the invisible or the poor and in my opinion it is especially important to perceive them not as as the others but to perceive them as part of our Global Community which we are jointly responsible for so its awareness that so important but slums here to stay are they part of a reality that just wont change. That think thats a very very tricky question. Since the enormous number of people currently moving into cities worldwide cannot be observed by which we caught plant or farm and settlements and i think these slums are an informant type of serve laments are necessary part of ive been ization. But after all people do not live there without reason and i think the goal of. Us as a Global Community should be to provide them with basic infrastructure on the one hand and on the other and give them the opportunity to move on and leave the settlements if they want to phrase and thank you very much for being on the show today. Thank you. And time to look into your questions about the coronavirus is the w. Science correspondent derrick williams. What about long term complications we seek over 19 disabilities in the future. Doctors are especially worried about the impact of heart damage in patients since tissue death and storing there is permanent and poses Lifelong Health issues well obviously only know the long term effects of coated 99 survivors when much more time has passed but there are already indicators that those effects will be significant the doctor who treated british Prime Minister Boris Johnson last spring called the disease this generations polio its a sobering prediction that implies that he at least expects Long Term Disability related to cope with 19 to grow common and lots of other experts agree with them. And youll know how badly that corona virus has affected impacted the Tourism Industry but many travelers did and still find themselves stranded far from home when that pandemic hit earlier this year including the japanese tourist in peru back in march Jesse Takayama order ticket to see the world renowned ruins of my true picture ive wanted to go there for ages but have to put off those plans myself well he got there he hadnt got to see the site yet but while stranded he made a special request to the government to visit the inquisitive hell and now the government has actually granted his wish after a 7 month wait jesse has become the very 1st visitor getting a special tour by the head of the World Heritage site ok guy but thats why it is time because have you along today for another of our carbon special so see you tomorrow. Finally communist east germany was pleading tonight tonight. To move. The 100. 00. It was a great opportunity for the clues to show up. In the soon to be determined. To know that 77 percent. Are younger than 6. Cuts me and me and you. And you know what its time all voice is part. Of the 77 percent speech issue. This is where. The 77 percent this weekend on d w. This is some top story a stubborn rice farmer from thailand. His problem. Is crito photochemical. And his true. Step. Son it struck. The students on the. Training successful. Starts october 15th w. Done is to stop us yet and. I dont use a gun or cooper to. Do this season on the bass. Lines just 64 and mondays and then were going to this and. These are not there for you in a semi is it a boy

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