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A woman Time Magazine calls one of the worlds 100 most influential people. Welcome to news asia glad you could join us our grand military parade over the weekend in north korea has left analysts concerned about the Nuclear Threat posed by the hummer nation the calls of the body this new missile a mock up of which was put into during the 75th anniversary celebrations of the Workers Party of north korea if fully operational the myside could be capable of carrying multiple Nuclear Warheads and targeting a better can cities now north korea already has missiles capable of striking u. S. Cities but it is the multiple warheads that any misfiled caddys. That makes defending against it much harder and more expensive and has more on what many believe gives north korea a very potent bargaining chip in future negotiations with the United States. It was a kind of military spectacle the world has become used to seeing in north korea. Perfectly choreographed with a vast array of military hardware on show. And the usual statement of defiance from the countrys dictator kim jong un willing to physically here join we will continue to strengthen selfdefense of war to terence to deter control and manage all dangerous attempts and threatening acts including ever growing Nuclear Threats from Hostile Forces the way that it is and. I but it was the sight of this weapon that caused Many International north korea watches to sit up and take notice. It appears to be a new in sick on financial Ballistic Missile the largest and potentially most powerful of its kind ever displayed by pyongyang and one that could pose a new threat the u. S. And the international community. Saw like it or not as a Nuclear Power and is probably as it certainly. Has kept about offs crisis American Cities saw it after russia china. South korea responded by urging pyongyang to commit to previous agreements on disarmament. Japan also expressed concern saying it would continue to boost its military defenses and. I will refrain from mentioning various individual missiles but in general terms when we are aware that some new missile is make it difficult for conventional equipment to deal with when they were part of a corner. But for all the bravado on show in north korea analysts noted that kim jong un also appeared to be holding back. Hes not yet tested a new weapon leading some to say it may not even. And that it could be a tactic to increase his leverage in any future talks with the United States. For more on this im joined now by dr sujan lim an analyst on not could unify from the university of central lancashire in the u. K. Dr lim welcome how much of a cause of concern would you say is this new missile. As i see our having the missile itself isnt that much new thing for us is that kind of tactics been there for a long time and especially are rare waiting for the november presidency election in the states and north korea especially is aiming to see who will be the present and giving the message to the states and its not only about the a missile at the parade what is more about the conjunctions state their speech on the day he made it clear that north korea will use it these missiles for south self defense they were in that have an intention to be provoked rocketed a mess they dont have any challenges so that means whoever it will be the president of the United States after november north korea will be ready either be provocative or cooperative so they are giving the message to the United States in that sense it will be really about how you present a real show a kind of gesture to north korea at the beginning what is driving a north Koreas Nuclear Missile Program i mean is it the argument that look if you dont develop weapons that can hit us hard we wont be hard. For the for the north korea the a Nuclear Program or this kind of misses can be have been the Bargaining Power and also survive all writing so bible tactics for north korea they think they have seen their what happened in they iraq before in the area or gaddafi what happened after they gave up their our Nuclear Program in the past so for me its really not likely that north korea will give up Nuclear Weapon entirely alas they have any kind of. The tactics that they can develop of order to maintain their resume for an hour in Clear Program is one of the strongest. Pogany power for north korea thats why i thought there were people in the ensign near future where do you see because usually the United States progressing in the future dr lim the movie really will be the president but as i see both biden and trump are pretty much interested in at talking with north korea essentially if i didnt also mentions that it isnt a story he has intention to mitigate in general for trump of course it will be our not our layer of this theater tactic for donald trump as a reality t. V. Show program so. Whoever it will do before north korea us and will continue to have a negotiation and discussion about over the clear our Program Within a career north korea has been facing tough u. N. Sanctions over its a Missile Program what does it say about these sanctions if not korea is even to create such a missile despite these sanctions. The situation is like in the past the when. Or. The kingdoms of other things i knew was that they used a Nuclear Power for food aid so whenever data showed a missile test or shore the Nuclear Program department then the support rest on allies probe i did a 4 day rather than imposing a stronger power sanctions but at the moment i can generally north korea is facing a stronger sanctions and kim jong un tries to see the way how to get away from that and for example china and russia we know that still provide such a level of support to north korea. Dr lim believe it that thank you so much for speaking to us thank you. For 3 months early this year a small neighborhood in delhi was the most visible protest against a new citizenship law project by the Indian Government the protesters in shah he opposed to a law they said discriminated against muslims when it came to granting Illegal Migrants in india citizenship but amongst those protestors an octogenarian grandmother stood out because bono named recently as one of Time Magazines 100 most influential people for 2020 was a constant presence at the protests we met the 82 year old in delhi. Everyone knows bill has been or here in shopping bag a muslim quarter in delhi they call her respectfully bill kissed daddy granma bill kiss at the age of 82 she has become the face of muslim protest here against the nationalist hindu government of india shining back translates roughly as royal garden but this part of town is hardly regal bilk it says muslims are discriminated against and she wants to change that. The government doesnt care about muslims they are only for hindus they keep saying we should go to pakistan but we were born here just as our forefathers were what should we do in pakistan. We live here and will die here. The women of shahid bag earn their nationwide reputation last winter thats when they blocked one of delhis main roads for more than 100 days in protest against the newly passed citizenship Amendment Act which has caused some International Concern because critics claim it discriminates against muslims. When coronavirus 1st hit the government was able to clear the streets of people but bilk is kept up the fight even though many of the other protest leaders have been arrested hindu hardliners called her a terrorist and a pakistani agent but shes become one of Time Magazines 100 most influential people of 2020. Men tell us we should stay at home and cook dont get me wrong i like to cook and im proud that i have borne children but we women also have to serve as role models for our children if we dont teach them then they wont amount to anything i do this with pride and with store says im. Prime minister Narendra Modi has also made it on to Time Magazines list. Bill chris says he deserved to but at 70 morty is comparatively young and still has a lot to learn she says hell have to do that if he wants to run the country better and. I consider him a son. But he should listen to me as a mother if he ever invites me to meet him i would gladly go. But i would be coming with my demands. Bill kisses phone fame and she doesnt mind it but she knows that she hasnt achieved her goals they 82 year old says she hasnt given up and then hops on her real son scooter to head to the next protest. And thats if a very be sure to check out all the stories on bit of the dot com. On facebook and twitter i believe you know with these pictures. In the north korea marking the 75th anniversary of the countrys work. Remarked more of the same time of birth. My 1st vice was the sewing machine. Where i come from women are balanced by this notion for even something as simple as learning how to write them by side isnt. Since i was a little girl i want to have a bicycle off my head it took me years to. Finally gave up on mental buying young and returns because sewing machine sewing i suppose was more appropriate for those than writing a. Novel i was a. Woman back home for bones and social goals and informed them that basically writes my name is the about of people homes and i wore them. Should governments put a stop to sexism in advertising law makers some places in europe are listening as women and girls speak out that story coming up and. Then. And then breathe out through a trump. Varian brass band switches to yoga music to relieve some pandemic interest stress. Welcome to arts and culture well have those stories in a moment but 1st it was a big premiere at moscows State Theatre of nations this weekend a 3 hour play about the soviet unions last leader Mikhail Gorbachev while russias current president Vladimir Putin fights to keep his sphere of influence the play gorbachev portrays a very different leader the man who gave up power and let the soviet union dissolved and he was at the dress rehearsal in person. With you i remember everything. Memories of the life of one of historys greats. From a balcony see the 89 year old watched his own life play out on stage at the moscow theater of nations the play that was supposed to be a love story between michelle who gorbachev and his wife raisa became much more its the story of an entire country and the era during which gorbachev was in charge. Of what it would to show hes a visionary politicians none of us can come close to that one day his name will be written in gold lettering. 2 actors wigs and dozens of anecdotes from an eventful life together. Any mere enough. Play a couple from early on dream of a better free your future everything. Seems to go according to plan the young Party Official hopeful from the countryside is given a post in moscow he rises to the ranks to become head of the communist party and then president of the soviet union. He dares to do what no one has done before reform the soviet union. In 1906 cover chuff began his restructuring his perestroika risking what Many Russians still cant forgive him for today the collapse of the soviet union acclaimed in the west remains a polarizing figure in his own country. So it was as a politician he did a lot of bad things for russia. In the us that i see that its not good if a country isnt moving ahead or something about your work i want our country the soviet union was stagnant. The old times they were not good. Thanks to him we were able to free ourselves from the big prison that we were all in back then we helped russia would one day become a gorbachev was striving for the move to get what you were. In the play about the statesman who brought freedom to his people there is no reference to todays russia no reference to the terrible disappointment that has still not been forgotten almost 30 years after cover charge resignation. Of the last count i was a young woman when perestroika came and back then i was promised a whole new world a world with a functioning freedom of the press freedom of assembly and rights to sexual and gender selfdetermination that the world that was promised to me then has nothing to do with the world today with 3 years of research us the climax of the play is the death of michelle gorbachevs wife from cancer and the turning point of his career. The last chapter is called gorbachev and solitude the theater may be filled with enthusiastic applause but in real life things quickly became quite lonely around. And history of the better for russia to. Here in europe sexism and advertisement isnt just a social issue its also political last year the u. K. Banned ads featuring any gender stereotypes the city of paris has its own laws against sexes outs several german cities are behind the changes here in germany as the protest organization pink stinks. Do we really still have to talk about this sexism in advertising about the fact that women are objectified to sell everything from beer to cars to whatever one person who is battling the way women are represented in advertising is gender researcher dr steve. Thomas i asked myself how its possible that were allowed to have the advertising that so backwards in terms of gender while the state of spending money to bridge the wage gap between men and women whos responsible for it and it annoyed me so much that i thought we have to have a public debate about it. So she took action and organized the 1st world wide demonstration against sex isnt an advertising she gave up her University Career in founded the German Branch of the organization pink stinks. That kind of. Pink is a great color of course and often little boys like it but theyre quickly told that pink is not for them and theres a lot of sexism as announced as he is and then we have the problem that women dont stand up for themselves because theyre not allowed to be aggressive they should be pink fluffy and sweet that theyre not raised to have top jobs in business and they take up a job theyd like or otherwise assert themselves for these you got to have. Pink stinks is pushing for a change in consciousness not just among the media and advertising agencies but also within the German Government is about completely approached the Advertising Council quite aggressively. With petitions and he campaigns we were also very vocal in the press and this is how we got the attention of the federal government theyve supported us for years with the study as well as monitoring advertising do you and i money tooling success to show the World Companies are gradually realizing that taking a stand against sexism is Good Business seen here in an ad for a german hardware store. So for more on this ive got my colleague Melissa Holroyd here melissa that organization pink stinks also does research on sexism and advertisement what are they finding one of their findings is that there is a city country divide that while many Large Companies do tow the line a lot of small country cut companies particularly in the countryside dont heres some examples of what Smaller Companies across germany have come up with to sell their wares this is cool here yeah. Yeah this of course is going to lose if in germany this is what a scottish businessman selling glass among other things came up with there were complaints about his people said that they looked like they were from the seventys he didnt back down he doubled down and he made ads that really did look like they were from this era he said rising like you would need in your kitchen for your wife oh my goodness yes so i mean he could get in trouble as you said new rules have been introduced across britain banning the stereotyping of gender is ok we always hear this cliche is sex sells is it time to bury that is that over now i mean as long as we remember something right as long as the group that you offend isnt the same group thats playing 6 certainly appeals to our lizard brain as does violence and were often being sold things of course that we dont actually need so they do need to appeal to Something Else they need to appeal to our deep in needs the needs the need for sex the need for affection of course said. Sells has been around for a very long time here we have a pic of one of the 1st post is that uses a bit of 6 innes to sell something this is from 871 i think ill have a guess what it is selling tires what is he selling ive no idea tobacco i dont see any tobacco in there not that thats not what its about. These are pretty harmless examples and the people of pink stinks they are they draw a distinction between a sexism locals and 6 enos they also offer an app so you can read just ads that you think might be sexist and they have something positive they are or they have a prize every year hold the pink poodle for businesses the companies voted progressive now what can you tell us about some ads that have caused controversy and in the well recently that was a red cross ad which was used to attract volunteers if we can have a look at that. This young lady doesnt look like shes about to take it part in humanitarian mission anytime soon and this is also pretty are created a lot of controversy a bit of a 3 year old leaning up against the grill of an audi 800. 00 a banana they got plenty of complaints for that audi tweeted that apology of course they said that they sincerely apologize for the insensitive image and ensure that it will not be used in future and it makes you wonder if maybe thats part of the campaign because that certainly gets attention to it when were not going to get that in a hurry so thanks so much for coming on thank you well the coronavirus pandemic has put a stop to concert tours around the globe but a bavarian brass band with a cult following has been using their time off to change their tune so to speak theyre now making music for yoga brass band premiered their new symphony over the weekend. The misty autumn weather set a tranquil mood here in the southern german state of the area. Its the premier of yoga symphony number one. Its an idea from the group club brass band. Normally theyd be touring around the world but the coronavirus pandemic has forced the band to be more flexible. At least coronavirus times are of course depressing for musicians were not allowed to do concerts which is what we love to do most being with people and having a good time ever in sweats and dances it doesnt feel like that now its. Band are used to big stages. Here mix of traditional variant brass music funk and techno has brought them success on the international stage. But now theyre hitting a more relaxing. To see what the world this yoga thing when we play a concert for an hour and the people are dancing and sweating already then we usually do a short break for us musicians and also for the people where we play very quiet music and below us there are 10 or 20000 people doing the exercises. But the sold out show has only 150 people on mounts and socially distanced. You have never done yoga but i heard about this and was thrilled because during the penn demick you dont get to see any live music you had to get it to be guys on a very very excited because la presse banda didnt only paint pictures with its music but landscapes and soft and its iconic tom vosa face that so much energy and this time too even if it was in a different way but theyre doing it with the dog and the band hopes to repeat this experiment and offer relief from the stresses of the pandemic. 150 people doing yoga together in the worse its almost like were back in 2019. Anyway thats it for us if you want more culture news though weve got plenty of it for you at d. F. W. Dot com slash culture see there. Is a master of the art of confrontation this is wrong measure and hope for a comeback doesnt mean youre going to see ya next line leap on to spew the champion of toast political talk trying to frighten people or so fast everybody understands it except you enter the conflict zone and join Tim Sebastian as he holds the powerful to account this is a big. Failure whichever way you like to spin it conflicts of. D. W. In the art of climate change. Doesnt make this a. Good sense to. What he is today and the future of. T. W. Dot com. The melting it. Could turn. Every 2 seconds a person does forced to flee their homes nearly 71000000 people have been forcibly displaced and the consequences of the disastrous our documentary series displaced depicts traumatic humanitarian crises around the world you know. What a good thing we dont need and i didnt go to university to kill people. Or to have my boss come to me and tell me to kill someone to get my and if i dont theyll kill me. People feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of the person crew stay behind and save our capital my husband went to peru because of the crisis that the mother wanted that if he hadnt gone there we would have died of hunger the monogrammed. Cut displayed starts october 16th going to. Play. This is from the. Movie was proposed by germany and france who set the. Top of. The. Confusion in germany to speak. Changing the virus regulations

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