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A 3 day stay in hospital for colbert 19th he tells a cheering crowd that he feels great and the coverage and the corona virus will disappear. For more cities in france shut down their boss entirely as they put on maximum a let it comes as new infections of the country spiked to a new one day record of almost 27000 cases. Im told me a logical welcome to the program a ceasefire between armenia and azerbaijan appears to have been short lived just hours after it came into effect both sides traded blame for the renewed hostilities earlier the 2 countrys Foreign Ministers reached a deal after 10 hours of talks in moscow the accord stipulated that the ceasefire should pave the way for talks on settling the decades long conflict. Stepanek the capital of the embattled nagornokarabakh enclave little structure left by as i shot army rockets is visible everywhere the residents mostly Ethnic Armenians im now living the cell is where they sought shelter during the attacks. You know the good the silence frightens me. Too much silence is frightening after the silence and there is usually a new bombardment. Now i dont know if they will strike again or if it will be quiet for a long time. Several 100 people have been killed on both sides in the heavy fighting since the end of september now russia has stepped in to mediate the conflict with the latest cease fire the result of tense negotiations in moscow. A cease fire will begin at noon on saturday for humanitarian purposes for the exchange of prisoners of war and of the detainees and the bodies of the dead for mediation in accordance with the criteria of the International Committee of the red cross. It didnt take long for the leaders of both sides to accuse each other of violating the cease fire but many still hold great hopes for peace such as here in baba as a by shun which lies on the border of the disputed area. Or to shift if there is a cease fire and the conflict is resolved in a peaceful way then thats fine with us that means we will not lose more soldiers. Christian Ethnic Armenians make up the majority of the population of nagornokarabakh the predominantly muslim azerbaijan accuses its neighbor of occupying its territory in violation of International Law the territorial stalemate has continued for decades and its likely to take many more hours of negotiation before a Permanent Peace deal is achieved. Spoke with tony on research on the south caucasus at the university of minnesota and i asked him why moscow was hesitant to get involved in the not gone conflict. Russias role really complex hes. The only country that is supplying weapons to both countries to come to think or against. Tremendous they ask for a christian presence. Of these countries russia upwards of 2000000 armenians and upwards of 2000000 azerbaijan italy and russia so russia does not want to have this conflict spill over into interethnic conflict on its territory so its trying to tread you know. Rather gingerly on this issue and it is trying to be more or less. Arbitrator whether if they are succeeding in doing this remains to be seen at the moment but it is sort of their role in the conflict right now and thats further complicated by touches involvement. Yes actually. It is actually complicated because of turkey and no way turkey has been trying to. Put its weight and insert its title into the conflict on the side of massacre which modding conflict even further and its making the solution to the conflict even more complicated because now we have nato member country was inserted into force into a conflict it really had no business to being in. Yeah ok its clear there is no easy fix but whats the way forward and can a diplomatic solution be found before this all gets out into an all out war. And these really the crux of the question this moment and. Honestly. The western governments and russia need to ward in a court together to bring the parties together and say is there a dissolution. There are actually frameworks that have been. Finished over the years on how to see a diplomatic solution to the conflict but the cause of the completing far these are so entrenched in their positions that at this point i think diplomacy. Enterprise. Hes really failing in the moment and western governments need to be much more forceful involved in bringing the parties together ok the. Research on the south caucasus at the university of minneapolis thank you very much for joining us with those insights thank you so much for having me. President trump has resumed his Election Campaign with his 1st public event since contracting the coronavirus amid the resurgence in cases across the nation trump took off his mask and addressed hundreds of supporters from a white house balcony he declared that he was feeling great as recovers from cope at 19 he told a cheering crowd that pandemic which has killed over 200000 americans is going to disappear. I want you to know our nations going to defeat is there about china viruses we call it. And were producing powerful therapies and drugs and were healing the sick and were going to recover and the vaccine is coming out very very quickly in record time as you know its coming out very very soon we have great Great Companies doing it and theyll be distributing it and we will through our military very very rapidly to washington correspondent so me so misconduct told us how trumps 1st public appearance since his release from hospital panned out. This was president obamas 1st outing since being released from the hospital and i think its important to talk a little bit about the optics here to the president a little bit over a week ago tweeting that he and the 1st lady had tested positive for covert 19 now holding a large event at the white house with hundreds of supporters now they were mostly Wearing Masks many of them received temperature checks when they entered the premises and the president s house speaking from a balcony so maintaining distance but we dont know if he was still expelling the virus so really remarkable to see such a large of vent given the risks that could be involved now what did the president speak about well its interesting to note that many of the people who were in that crowd were members of a black conservative group and there are also many latinos in the crowd so the president really making an appeal there to a group where he doesnt normally perform very well he also as we heard in that clip of that he was going to defeat the china virus and he said that this was a peaceful protest for law and order the reason for that is that the president and his campaign believe that he performs the polls particularly well on the issue of law and order not just among his supporters but also among more moderate democrats and republicans that might be swaying one way or the other at this point he doesnt however poll very well at the moment on covert 19 the majority of americans not happy with his administrations handling of the pandemic on till now it is however been difficult for the president to move the spotlight away from covert 19 when he himself contracted in it and has been suffering from it so tommy this event really an opportunity for the president to move the narrative away from the pandemic and back onto the campaign trail. The number of new corona virus infections in france has surged to a one day record of almost 27000 the countrys maximum security alert level has come into effect in 4 cities as authorities struggle to stop the rise in new cases and france has stepped up its Testing Program but its most recent efforts have failed to stop the onset of a 2nd wave francois it is especially hard in the spring and the beginning of the covered 19 pandemic thats why the country ramped up tests and its now carrying out more than 1000000. 00 per week like in this lab led by josh actually minutes he says the situation has improved. Given the facts that the requests were twice as hard as we had to make sure that we could technically carry out the number of tests requested. On the requests from. Today this situation is currently being read soft. But directed testing is not the only solution cases are especially high in big cities like paris where the density of population is very high. This hospital in point of paris was going through a hard time during the 1st wave into our Divorce Court noting the covert danton response here he sees another main reason for the rise in numbers and france. The french population suffered a huge storm on during the 1st wave nevertheless with another wave were seeing a relative flux behavior in people who. Devotes personal responsibility is key in fighting the virus keeping a safe distance and meeting as few people as possible but since the virus is now heavily circulating in france the government is toughening rules in paris for example bars have to close down for now. In germany rapidly rising infections have prompted action from the authorities the capital berlin has joined frankfurt and cologne on the list of cities when new cases have exceeded a key measure bars and restaurants have to close early but theres some doubt about whether the new restrictions will be enough to stop the spike. 11 pm and its pouring with rain but that doesnt stop these young people here in berlin neither does the rise in corona virus infections in the past few weeks the police have had to clear public squares and parks people were ignoring hygiene and social distancing rules now the city is cracking down. On that since the end of the Summer Holidays the focus has shifted to young people who got infected during leisure activities especially in pubs people get infected because they dont keep their distance when it gets late or that you can absent go ahead with the speech of. The new rules a strict no more than 5 people can gather at 11 at night private parties will be limited to 10 instead of 25 guests bars restaurants and kiosks will also have to close between 11 pm and 6 am bartender jango is frustrated. Time is crucial for us thats when the bar is running at full swing with lots of customers around and then to say you have to leave now were not allowed to serve you anymore this is it thats the end for us. And what happens after young people have to leave the bars at 11 oclock well they actually go home its because i was only 4 but im not planning to go home until 11 i want to live my life and enjoy it as much as possible so. Why does the rest of those who want to drink will get their drinks beforehand they get out the whole from the supermarket and drink it anyway until 5 am no matter whether the bars or clubs are open up your boss off because of moms assessment of course i want to go out for dinner in the evenings and sit together after 11 but personally i want to take people with a higher infection risk into consideration i can step back. The new restrictions are set to remain in force until the end of this month but if you factions keep rising because could be extended. Support now and polish teenager sean tech has won the french open womens final in paris after beating americas sofia cannon in straight sets shows like becomes the 1st polish player to win a grand slam singles title be unseated 19 year old did not drop a single set during the Clay Court Tournament shes also the youngest womens french open champion since monica seles in 1992. A year after chinas state broadcaster banned showing n. B. A. Basketball games the sport is back on the yeah Chinese State television which holds the t. V. Rights for the league and game 5 of the n. B. A. Finals between the l. A. Lakers and the miami heat the n. B. A. Is the most watched sports need in china but was suspended last october after the manager of the Houston Rockets posted a tweet in support of hong kongs prodemocracy posts. Watching news remember you can keep up to date with all the latest news and information on our website d w dot com im told me a lot of well for me on the team thanks a lot. Im sure that it was all. Over. The debris of. This 2 so no story about stubborn rice farmer from thailand. His problem past. His crew go no chemicals. And was. The students you. Dont stand a chance. Training successful. Duck out of me starts oct 15th d. W. This week unmoral stores. Lessons from the pandemic. Turkey waiting for tourists but we begin in russia where at the beginning of october journalist i really really set yourself on fire and later died from her interests the Russian Federation is responsible for my death is the message she left on facebook. A death that sent shock waves through the city and through russia in need of good had hundreds of mourners came out to remember the journalist. Who lit herself on fire here last week. In us live in the equals freedom of speech this sign reads. And at her Public Memorial Service anyone who wanted could say a few words in the journalists on are. Sorry that we didnt save you didnt keep you safe. Worked with us live in up she remembers her colleague as being fiercely independent despite working in a country where Media Censorship is commonplace. Its hard to approach the authorities and ask questions now but irina always asked she asked uncomfortable questions you couldnt please her she upset p. R. Officers because she didnt try to safeguard anyones reputation she always collected the facts to reveal a full picture of the very corruption and human rights violations. Of. Her supporters say slavin i was under near constant pressure by the authorities she had to pay several fines for her work at the independent media outlet she founded and just before her selfimmolation Security Forces searched her home over a case against opposition activists. Say said skis home. On the same day the opposition politician things the authorities wanted to silence in us live in the. But i think she definitely meant her death to be a political act a final political act it was a final attempt to get through to people but she seems to felt that the classical tools she had a media outlet her Facebook Page that wasnt enough for her they didnt get her the reaction she wanted. The governor of the region has expressed his condolences 1st love in those death and promised a full investigation into its circumstances. Meanwhile the bench where she let herself on fire outside a Police Building has become an improvised memorial to the independent journalist. Italy was beautiful worst hit countries at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. While infections there are increasing and the government and citizens have learned hard lessons from the traumatic situation earlier in the year. She lifts through the spanish flu the 2 world wars and now she survived cope with 1940 money greeny is 108 years old during the 1st wave of the coronavirus and its only she watched many friends in her nursing home die well its all there we thank you ive been through so many things in my life and im still here it looks as if jesus christ doesnt want me. Care homes were hard hits in the early stages of the pandemic when midland was at the epicenter of the outbreak more than half of the 33000 lives lost to cover it 19 in italy were here in the city and the surrounding lumber the region. Vanda gutty a volunteer with the white cross provided Emergency Support during the most acute stage of the crisis she captured some impressions of the chaos on her phone relieved. A very traumatic experience like a tsunami something that in the moment arrives change it completely everythings so from that moment that we change our out of the air we are our approach to the life people are legally obliged to wear masks in all crowded places from 6 pm to 6 am and many also keep theirs on during the day another reason infection rates are rising slowly is the long term effect of italys harsh lockdown which kept people confined to their homes for months on end. Professor maria retouches mando says theres no magic formula for other countries to follow italy is not perfect and it certainly cant go it alone i think is an important. Thing. To think out of the european elf that you have this same approach a car all therapy the same. Exchange experiences the same require counting not just that they look at localized. But to just motto you know european a strategy to face a divided society the professor also has high hopes for a rep its testing scheme the government plans to roll out in schools thats good news for material and his sister its already out they started class only 2 weeks ago and dont want to go back to homeschooling you. See 1st that i hope we can soon take off the mosques and get a bit closer to each other without having to keep our distance all the time. So it isnt that it only through. This cemetery is a bitter reminder of my last collective trauma the 128 people laid to rest here where brought here from overcrowded hospitals and morgues public support for ongoing restriction remains high many now fear the approaching winter. In turkey like and other countries the coronavirus pandemic has greatly hindered freedom of movement and traveling the countrys Tourism Industry is suffering as a result which includes istanbul. At 1st glance the stumble looks as lively as it did before the coronavirus crisis. Yes. But if you talk to shopkeepers in the touristy areas youll only hear complaints there are still hardly any foreign visitors and the frustration is growing by the day. We hear from morning till evening but we sell very little sometimes just one souvenir a day for. All of us have debts we arent selling anything we cant pay our rent so its a lost season utterly lost because. Even Luxury Hotels like the parapet are in crisis mode because of the pandemic. The building is one of the stumbles landmarks and manager john carroll proudly shows me how beautiful it is the hotel was billed 130 years ago for the passengers of the legendary Orient Express today guests are staying in rooms once graced by emperor president s and movie stars. Or Agatha Christie who wrote crime novels here. At the moment though most of the 115. 00 rooms disinfected and abandoned. 21000. 00 was a very successful year for a purpose. It was the changing between selling the person to a 95 per cent about at the start of 2000 the. Rise of the epidemic pandemic. First. Around the person 10 percent to 0 the situation has been particularly dramatic on the tank usual riviera and tell us the long beach is almost deserted for months most hotels closed. Since early august holiday makers have been returning mainly from russia because the government there is allowing flights to techie again. Some action has returned to an tell us pools and to towel owners now hope they can extend the Summer Season far into autumn. At the para palace they also hope for better times the hotel survive 2 world wars it might also survive a pandemic. But everyone here knows it will take time before tourists come back in large numbers and marvel at the sunset over eastern ball from the terrace of the para palace. Children really for creation took place 30 years ago afterward many people left east to me to find work in the wealthier western heart of the country but their newly gradually returning to more remote areas. A small town in an idyllic lakeside setting pen kuhn in the far north east is marking the 30th anniversary of the end of communist east germany on october the 3rd. A Public Holiday i did before and its something to celebrate im glad i experienced it then and that i can live like i do today things are much better now. D. W. Last reported from paying khun 13 years ago at that time young women were leading the d. Population of the region leaving the older men behind the women always wanted to move west. Or hamburg someone like that. Definitely going yes im out of here. Its rubbish here. Paying khun and the whole of the northeast seemed then to be in terminal decline today it appears at 1st that most of the residents are still men but in fact there are young women with children living here as well the men as says theres no more talk of the town dying on its feet but is it and as always yeah more things have changed young families are moving here from berlin and the stettin area. Some of polish families bringing a breath of fresh air to our town or in. Life in pen can began to improve in 2007 when the border opened between poland and germany paying khun is not far from the polish city of state teen a lot has changed since then the school was on the verge of closing but is now thriving thanks to its polish pupils new homes are being built and more are planned people can also grow old here young people are moving to paying khun to work as carers in this retirement home not everything in pink or in is perfect ironically a building called unity house is an i saw it will soon be converted into a Medical Center other buildings are empty the last 2 shops in the Market Square have closed and you wont find anything to eat and drink but paying coon is not on its last legs there are just as many women as men again here and their numbers are growing. Literature in the age of corona. Award winning novelist. Experimenting with an online book fair. And a female poet is awarded literature his highest honor. Student. W. B is going green. Kenyas capital city is transforming illegal dump sites into public parks alameen what you wish was a new make it a place that people want to be an inch of from. The path to becoming an environmentally friendly metropolis. Col nairobi is bringing nature back to the city for good. In 60 minutes t. W. What secrets lie behind these walls. Discover new adventures in 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites. W World Heritage 360 get the map now. Fact the. Taking place

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