Transcripts For DW Nuhr Im Ersten 20240712

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Virus this after an alarming jump takes the daily number of infections above 4000. 00 thats the highest in a single day since early april and carla harris and mike pence face off in a Vice President ial debate dominated by the Coronavirus Crisis they also talked about Supreme Court appointments abortion and Climate Change but did they have any answers and Indonesia Workers take the streets to take to the streets to protest a contentious felt based table favor investors i think spent up labor rights and the environment. Im sorry kelly welcome to the program the nobel prize in literature 2020 has been awarded to the American Writer and poet louise cloak the swedish Noble Academy said that she had one. For her unmistakable poetic voice that with austere beauty makes individual existence universal now her debut collection of poetry which was called 1st born it was published back in 1988 shes a Pulitzer Prize winner and a professor of English Literature at Yale University the Swedish Nobel Committee described her as one of the most prominent poets in american contemporary literature the academy announced the award after several years of controversy and scandal for the worlds preeminent literature literary accolade. And for more lets bring in karen holmes shot from arts and culture did you expect this karen you know i didnt say to be quite honest when i got up this morning louise glick was definitely not on my radar an american poet of 77 born in new york comes from hungary and jewish roots and of course many people will not know her simply by the fact that shes by virtue of the fact that she is a poet although this is says something about the relevance of poetry today which is in itself a positive thing so congratulations to her. Shes definitely won many prizes throughout her career but of course there betty was talking about the fact that this year the academy might make a safe choice i suppose based on the fact that shes a woman it is in that respect but i was pretty surprised i think i would have expected them to. Perhaps be a bit more in tune with the political side guys to. Going on at the moment and look at a more diverse body of all so why do you think they chose her well you know you read out that wonderful quote of why she got it i always love the way the poetic formulations of though she does a very distinctive voice she did win a Pulitzer Prize in 1903 she was us poet laureate in 2003 to 2004 and she is considered one of the countrys most talented and important contemporary voices shes known for incredible technical precision intense sensitivity shes got great insight into into things like family relationships into loneliness death and loss. She also does a lot of reworking of classical myths very interesting lee and never the last shes really a poet that people can understand triumph of the killers from 95 is one of her very very well received works from a while back that people could check that out we have to talk about the scandal in recent years karen i mean there has been so much scandal there was even an alternate prize created in trying to kill or area to listen ok well it definitely it it does look like the academy you know is is somewhat of a. Dated obviously a Privileged Group that is largely male dominated and definitely not transparent enough i think for peoples tastes today huge controversy last year when it was awarded in 2902 the austrian author peter hunt who has really in his later works downplayed even denied the genocide committed by serbs against muslims in the bosnian war so that was that was very controversial the Sexual Misconduct scandals that date all the way back to many years actually before but came out in 2017 in the wake of need to. And those that caused obviously one member to leave several members to resign a lot of turmoil there and there were also financial there was financial misconduct going on there with with that couple so the academy is also been accused for many many years of being too euro centric and this this of course takes it to the other shore and the fact that its the female winner i think theyve theyve made some points on the gender issue thats so much at play here is so much more than just the surprise talk about a factor here in the meantime congratulations to of music lovers who has now received this award his current house that thank you. Lets turn now to some of the other stories making news around the world 1st clashes have erupted between azerbaijan and armenia in and around the disputed region of no car no car of the fighting calms ahead of talks between the u. S. France and russia securing a cease fire between the 2 former soviet republics. Residents of mexicos yucatan peninsula are cleaning up after hurricane delta the storm packed winds of up to 175 Kilometers Per Hour there were no reports of deaths of the damage was less severe than initially feared the storm is now heading toward the u. S. Gulf coast. And 700 year old chinese scrolls they have fetched more than 35000000 euros at an auction in hong kong the 2 metre long artwork from the one dynasty is the work of the are now chinese renowned chinese artist ren ren 5 its called 5 drunken princes returning on horseback. A leading Health Official says that the spread of the corona virus in germany could become on controllable if people do not stick to hygiene and distancing roles the warning comes as official figures show the number of new cases has leapt with more than 4000 infections reported in the past day thats a rate not seen since april when the country was still in lockdown authorities have tightened the restrictions at high risk areas and warned against domestic and international tourists. And talking to the press today the head of germanys robert costa institute Robert Mueller said that he had great concern about the spike of what would be up to the Current Situation worries me a lot we dont know how things will develop over the next few weeks its possible that we receive more than 10000 cases a day its possible that the virus spreads uncontrollably so shes just going to do it for the right and for more lets bring in the of Legal Correspondent Thomas Sparrow who is following all of this for us from berlin did the German Government thomas mention any specific steps that they are taking. Sorrow what mr also mentioned immediately after that soundbite that weve just heard is that his hopes that germany will be able to control and reduce the numbers and by doing so that germany will avoid the Health System from being overwhelmed on this has been a particularly important element when you look overall at how germany has fared when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic because yes obviously these numbers are very concerning but at the same time germany has fared comparatively well if you look at other European Countries however there are areas of concern one for example that more young people are getting infected another one the situation in big cities like right here in but in fact but also now in some concrete measures for example a nighttime curfew and also contact limitations on Germanys Health minister against fun actually also refer to the Current Situation in but what he had to say about this specific situation. Is a step by step and we have to be careful not to undermine our success in dealing with the coronavirus. The situation here in berlin shows that callous and at times ignorant behavior during this pandemic can quickly change the situation for the worse. And thats why i welcome the new measures taken by the city council. And all of that thomas i mean it goes back to the message the numbers are expected to rise further though in the coming months what would germanys response be and what lessons have been learned from the widespread restrictions back in march. And thats why the German Government has also been discussing the plan for the coming months in particular because the next few months will be colder months where people tend to be more indoors than outdoors one of the concrete lessons that was learned from the earlier months of the pandemic was for example to separate patients in hospital between those who have grown out of virus like symptoms and those who dont that is something that also today in that press conference was clearly mentioned that need to separate patients and at the same time they have been asking people here in germany not only to keep social distancing not only to continue wearing their mosques as necessary but also to improve and increase the ventilation of closed spaces that is something that authorities not only now but also in the last few days and weeks have been very quick and very clear to point out that dot could be one very important and effective strategy to also help reduce the risks in the coming months in particular as yourself sara mentioned numbers could actually continue to rise something that is particularly worrying here in germany thomas authorities theyve also warned against domestic and International Tourism so can we expect straddle restrictions now in the future that has something thats also been under discussion although officials were clear today that only a minority of those who get infected in germany now returning from other countries in particular from high risk regions they have said that a majority of those infected are actually infected in germany for example in parties or gatherings or also in hospitals and that why the focus now will be primarily in beast kinds of infections and as i said earlier also considering particularly the fact that more young people are getting infected Thomas Sparrow and berlin thank you. And lets get you up to speed on some of the other latest developments in the corona virus pandemic a Majority Court has struck down an order imposing a partial lockdown in the spanish capital and 9 satellite towns in france new delhi cases are ive been all time high and hospitalizations have also jumped with more than 7500 people currently Receiving Hospital treatment for covert 19 a top immunologists in the u. S. Has quit his job over President Trumps response to the virus dr rick bright said the administration was ignoring scientific expertise with germany and other European Countries moving to contain a rising number of infections china is reporting its outbreak is under control beijing says that it has been the pandemic and that it could have a vaccine ready by the end of the year still experts are urging caution. A crowded train station yet people here are not afraid of getting infected there are a cowardly just a couple of 100 active cases in china it has already celebrated its victory over covered 19. Now china wants to be the 1st country to develop a successful vaccine. For companies have vaccines in stage 3 tasting some trials could be finished by the end of the year. But several 100 people have already been vaccinated since july and actually it was military and Health Personnel but now its teaches trying conductors and journalists. Here that usually only if we have completed preclinical an animal tests that fulfills the conditions required to approve the product. Cool to push on the for. Me. Even though in fiction numbers are currently low in china experts say the country money will experience a 2nd wave of infections in coming months after the good times of summer and autumn to fight. Well now we head to the United States where President Trump and his democratic challenger joe biden will not meet in person for their next debate organizers say next thursdays event will instead be held online with each candidate in separate locations and just the past few moments trump says that he will not do a virtual debate so many questions there still remaining biden have previously refused to take part while donald trump was still infected with the coronavirus meantime republican Vice President mike pence and his democratic challenger senator Collins Harris have held their only debate ahead of the november election the 2 clashed over the trumpet ministrations response to the pandemic and several other hot button issues. After the recent chaotic president ial debate this seemed civil and much more orderly the 2 candidates seated at a safe distance divided by plexiglass barriers in the 1st and only Vice President ial debate both harris and pence seemed ready for firing to give every need to give Vice President id just like he interrupted me and id like to just say the coronavirus pandemic was just one of many issues of contention between mike pence and Camila Harris the American People have witnessed what is the greatest failure of. Any president ial administration in history of our country undermining the pens who hates President Trumps corona pandemic taskforce on excel went on the defensive from the very 1st day President Donald Trump has put the health of america 1st before there were more than 5 cases in the United States all people who had returned from china President Donald Trump do what no other american president had ever done whatever the Vice President would depend demick still affecting millions of americans leaving many worried about keeping their Health Care Coverage harris went straight on the attack if you have a preexisting condition Heart Disease diabetes Breast Cancer theyre common for you if you love someone who has a preexisting condition and you think only so many of you if the vaccines this response avoided specifics obamacare was a disaster for the American People remember well President Trump and i have a plan to improve health care and for present protect preexisting conditions for every american and heres the abortion also came up as always an important factor in american elections were informed. Im prolife i dont apologize for. And this is another one of those cases where theres such a dramatic contrast Joe Biden Kamel Harris support taxpayer funding of abortion all the way up to the moment of birth late term abortion they want to increase funding to planned parenthood of america issues before us can be more serious there is the issue of choice and i will always fight for a womans right to make a decision about her own body it should be her decision and not that of donald trump and and the Vice President michael pence though most viewings of the debate to place bertie at home some locations host a small viewing parties like this one in cincinnati. Well i think it was a lot more like a debate than the previous president ial that be a lot more with what normally happens. It was pleasantly surprised to see more civility in this debate than the previous president ial debate. But its unclear how much this winds president ial debate will change the dynamics of the president ial race donald trump and his challenger joe biden will to face off again in the 2nd debate next week. And from our u. S. Election team im joined now by peter roll of dollar here in the studio this debate perhaps getting more attention than the debates of the past why yes the globe reason is really its all about a bite and were looking at someone whos 78 years old if elected he would be the oldest incoming president ever he would be 82. 00 by the time the next election rolls around and not really you know triggered a lot of speculation not he may decide to just offer one term essentially setting the stage for a couple harris in 2024 with trump he already broke the record for old his incoming president when he was elected in 2016 he would be 75. 00 is reelected on Inauguration Day and in a. To his age were also looking at someone who is very sick he has a grown a buyers and he is not out of the woods despite his claims and so there is a much greater likelihood here that the Vice President president ial candidate would have to step in take over a lot of focus on that did the candidates sell themselves as president ial well i think in many ways this was probably the debate that a lot of voters had hoped to see last week when joe biden and donald trump faced off it may even be the last debate that will get to see as we just heard there donald trump saying that he won not participate in a virtual debate. So im not sure even if a lot of voters will miss it because this almost makes you feel nostalgic right it was you know there was an air of you know what debates used to be like it was a lot more civil it was a lot more president ial it was a lot heavier on policy and you know there are not a lot of undecided voters left but theyre not it could still help us win the election so this was their introduction to these 2 candidates you know was kamel harris. A former attorney general of california who as a senator has also proven to be a very fierce prosecutor her challenge i think was to stand her ground to stand up to mike pence and essentially call out donald trump is in the white houses failures especially with regards to the pandemic. And also not just a fire of the liberal base but also really assuage moderate republicans who may have some qualms who they dont like trump but they may feel a bit uneasy about voting for democrats and so some say you know this came at the expense of her being forceful but the reaction showed that it went down very well with those who watched and well hes a very skilled debater he is a master of spin a lot of people not very familiar with him but he again here prove that hes a proud devout born again christian and jellicoe its easy to forget that kids resume. Asked the staunchly conservative candidates is really what brought a lot of republicans over into the trunk fold who made them feel easier about voting for him because they knew that they would have mike pence in the background and so i think the Vice President president ial debate again you know may have helped you know make republicans on the fence about john feel better about cast their vote for him this time around talk with a little bit about the content of what they debated 1st of all what does it say about what is at stake right now and in the country and what voters might be looking at when they go to the polls in just the right mix time right well i think this this debate really demonstrated that the stakes couldnt be higher i do we are looking at one of the most desperate situations at least since a financial crisis the Great Recession demick with more than 210000 people dead cases searching by the thousands every day the economy is bleeding unemployment is still twice what it was before the penn demick many have lost their Health Care Coverage people are suffering and so unlike last weeks president ial debate i think with this one we actually got a chance to hear about you know the 2 camps a vision for the future of america wildly divergent views of how to tackle some of the Biggest Challenges how to revive the economy how to tackle Climate Change how to improve Health Care Abortion how to deal with the problem of Police Violence and Racial Injustice and i think this was really reminder that this is maybe the most consequential election more than a generation thank you so much thank you. 3rd of the world bank is warning that the pandemic could push up to 150000000 people into extreme poverty of by next year more than 3 quarters of those people are expected to be middle Income Countries in these middle Income Countries for example india nigeria and indonesia let me go to indonesia now because it itself has a new labor law that has prompted clashes in the capital jakarta during a 3rd day of protest and strikes critics fear that it will come at the expense of workers and the environment. Long live labor the cry. Is in the grip of protest for days im going workers have been down in their tos and choking up streets across the country this mans pluck card says hes missing his waiting to be there theyre furious about a new law that they say strips away their rights and puts the environment at risk. We will continue making demands because it determines our lives if needed we will go to the city hall again to morrow the. President says the sweeping reforms are necessary to create jobs lure investment and revive the economy after a rough year. But the measure sparked a 3 day strike that saw revolting factory workers march in defiance. There were ugly seems to as Police Clashed with demonstrators. And in the capital jakarta officers used tear gas to disperse crowds a police van was ransacked in the violence. More than 20 arrests were made and in one case an officer assaulted a man being detained. The police van was traveling to pick up the protesters who we had ended when it was making a u. Turn on this street are the protesters suddenly attacked the car there were hundreds of them they ransacked and flipped the car the police warned them to stop the action but they ignored us. Here. And this may just be the beginning the controversial bill has not yet been published in fool. And lets have more we are joined by. Some of us joining us from jakarta what exactly do we know about the new regulations that have triggered such resistance. Articles. Clipping for your articles concerning about the length of employment working hours overtime were in the city for instance in the new regulations the government doesnt. Detail the time that day for the renewable off workers contract whereas in the previous law the greenough length of employment was set at a maximum of 2 years with only one years contract renewal and thats just one of many contentious articles in the law and thats what people protesting it because it think that it will find the pay that during workers rights and harm the environment in major source of criticism for a desk law is that it has hit you know the ploys against foreigners business against education workers and this does has come out very much on top of. The indonesian president insists that reforms are needed to boost the economy does he have a point. So just point is that ministration as a supporter of this law think that it will attract Foreign Investors by cutting so many regulations and business eliminating many permit requirements for the workers they fear is that it will harm them even to have a consumption in Global Investors are and have that i mean they are concerned about what is on might need practice so i guess thats what people are protesting and we have seen similar protests of course recently in india for example in new labor in farm bills or pass or workers rights or roading more broadly perhaps across the region. Thats what the unions the workers fears about about this that it would you know lose in the labor regulations i think we see how the economy the economy the suspect in indonesia has been a mom the hardest hit by the president made in many asian conscious experience and same thing so you know perfect for the institution and its they see it that the law will attract Foreign Investors plus for the workers this is what harmed them and will conduct their rights but yeah one thing is certain that the protesters students who went to the street today hold on the government to work and be a lot will continue to have a hard time protesting and any Research Since but well be keeping a close watch on this critical some of joining us from jakarta thank you. A quick reminder her top stories here on to this years nobel literature prize has been awarded to the American Writer and poet louise cloak the Swedish Nobel Academy said that she had a one for her on the mistake a bold polish boys writing on themes of childhood in family life. And their only debate ahead of us election Vice President ial candidates mike pence and common harris have clashed over the trumpet ministrations for spots in the pandemic but both appeared to dodge questions at times and so on whether truong but except Election Results should he lose and harris on a potential expansion of the Supreme Court. Up next it is conflicts only with my colleague Tim Sebastian and the Vice President of person. Entering the conflict zone with Tim Sebastian. Brazil is in the news these days for all the wrong reasons i did so thats the 3rd highest figure in the world for covert 19 infections my guess is me from brazil a f is the countrys vice pres of those comments on the flow wrong how did the government message all get so bad. Conflict zone. Next on d w. Every 2 seconds a person does forced to flee their homes nearly 71000000 people have been forcibly displaced the consequences come a disastrous hour documentary series displaced depicts dramatic humanitarian crises around the world you know. What a good thing we dont need and i didnt go to university to kill the paint i dont want to have my boss come to me and tell me to kill someone to get my and if i dont theyll kill me. People feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of the person who stay behind and say play up a little my husband went to peru because of the crisis that i wanted that if he hadnt gone there we would have died of hunger but on a down the bottom of displaced starts oct 16th on dont you. Hear in brazil everything is ok for you preparing for the military to intervene we have enough the military government brazil is in the news these days for all the wrong reasons allegations of high level corruption. Uncontrolled illegal logging and fine is raging in the amazon rain forest added to that the 3rd highest figure in the world for cope with 19 infections my guest this week from brasilia is the countrys Vice President humble to move around how did the government let it all get so bad. Vice president Hamilton Moore our welcome to conflict zone a few months ago you told journalists everythings under control we just dont know whos just how bad is the chaos in your administration. Everything is ok in our administration there was a kind of a joke that i used to say ok it was not a very straightforward war war that i put it was a joke only a joke because here in brazil everything is ok. What sort of joke was it you had to Health Ministers who were gone in the space of a single month during a Health Emergency and Justice Minister resigned and Education Minister hurries off to the u. S. Just days after stepping down from the job saying i dont want to fight leave me alone dont provoke me isnt that enough chaos for you now it is now admitting that things that happen in any government ok the way that theyre decay should minister went out well it was not a big problem for us ok and you know brazil is a very different country and well some things that happen here that happen in other countries its our culture. So why did you write an op ed may the 14th you said no country in the world has inflicted more harm on itself than brazil and you warned that institutional damage was driving the country into chaos you were the one who mentioned the chaos and your attention to it you said weve become incapable of the essentials in facing any problem sitting at the table talking and debating that was a powerful indictment of your own administration wasnt it because your leaders like you who are supposed to unify your country well the country is suffering what happens all around the war there isnt an excess of of tribalism and politico the political sides are all d very glad to say. That its a lot of polarization in politics but. Our administration is running the country well and so far as to day things are Getting Better and the relationship between the different powers are getting each day better and better so we had some difficult time some months ago but now everythings ok really and added to that the president his family and several associates are need deep in criminal and legislative investigations is that ok too. This question is still under investigation and of course its than the hands of the judiciary system and we have to wait for it disperse to get tweets sent. By warning about all this chaos as you did last may were you preparing for the military to intervene and start to dealing with the chaos in june the president openly floated the idea of military intervention saying the armed forces would not accept absurd decisions by the Supreme Court of congress is not was not a threat. Thats not a thats not true 1st of all the ahmed force are aligned with their constitutional mission and they are not stepping out of the it syncs we are in brazil are going to use moose and well and. We had to make it very clear that democracy is a value of not only for mr bosso not his government but us to our am and forced to so there is no any anywhere and there is no threat to their Supreme Court or of the legislative system here in brazil and the fact that he attended rallies outside military bases when his supporters called for an armed intervention to get rid of governors judges and lawmakers who imposed lockdowns in response to the pandemic no threat there either i suppose. Well the question of the pandemic people have to understand that brazil its a very unequal country where were unequal socially economically and of course youre graphically so since the beginning we depend emic and weve been trying to deal with their health for which theyre kind of a curve and with this curve thats the way that mr bowser not a government dealt with this pandemic well he attended rallies which called for an armed intervention didnt he to get rid of governors judges and lawmakers whats that if not a threat to democracy you want to play of the us is not a threat to democracy but the governor of south paulo thought it was going to. The governor of south paolo said brazil i said face up every day afraid of aggression to democracy to the constitution to the congress to the Supreme Court president both scenario he said stop this endless aggression. This is happens because there is polarization in politics the government of some paulo opposed to mr bosun out of this is much more talk than that say action when his angels heres the happens its a new way to people behave. Not dangerous its dangerous to have power to do what you mean but nobody has the power to do what they mean we swards here in brazil plenty of people seem to think you are doing politics through fear these days eduardo cost of pinto from the federal university of rio he says this is the problem of having a government filled with military personnel during an institutional crisis the military will fight tooth and nail to stay in power and they have guns which makes political mediation difficult why fill the government with all these military personnel if youre not planning on the military taking over power. First of all its got to be very clear that we are not a military government mr both are not and i were elected by more than 57 median brazilians ok and of course we have some people in to govern that come from the military but they are here sinking for the good of brazil and respecting our constitution and our loss the federal audit court is now investigating what it calls the excessive presence of the military in Civil Public Service and it is excessive isnt it the court said in june there were as many as 3000 military personnel in government jobs what do you need 3000 of the military in government jobs for well 1st of all it have to be very clear that any government in brazil has more didnt to taos and military in government jobs because we have a security cabinet that belongs with that a president that has more than 1000 military people and in this county of military people are those who work at the Defense Ministry so we dont have such a huge number of military people. Civil jobs in our government that some kind of its information that came through some different channels and are all these military personnel qualified to do the jobs theyre doing im thinking of the current Health Minister as well oh hes an active duty general who followed orders from the president is that his only qualification he doesnt know anything about health or drugs does he well you dont need to be a doctor to be the house minister why do you need to be its manageable understands the Public Administration and more that you dont mocked up with a rupture and of course mr percivale logs are not about logistics that was the main problem in our house minister. And he knows how to a baby orders more than the other Health Ministers the city you know has to do as hes told thats his main qualification is it well he has the qualifications and he has been do we have very good job and this has been a task that about all the secretaries of the different states here in brazil they are all very pleased with the job that mr percivale has been doing because all the necessary support for to fight in control the pandemic it has reached it every point in our career and our country mr Vice President mr paulson r. O. Has never hidden his admiration for brazils former military dictatorship do you share that admiration well we had a period of a military presence that lasted about 20 years they had they did a very good sings for brazil another sings they didnt go so well and this is history and history can only be judged it. Time pass we are still some 50 years away from that period we need some more 50 years so that this period can be judged well well during the vote to impeach former president Dilma Rousseff mr ball so narrow dedicated his balance to one of the regimes most notorious torturers this man was convicted of torture during the 21 years of military dictatorship last year your president called him a National Hero 502 cases of torture were identified in the unit he ran you have nice heroes in your administration these days dont you. First of all we had on we dont agree we started torturers is not. A politics that our country is simpatico to it and of course when there is a lot of people that fought the euro bund guerrillas judy in the late sixtys and beginning of the 7th of last century and many of these people have been wrongly accused of being torturers so colonel Carlos Alberto was still was wrongly accused and you also think of him as a hero do you despite the cases the 500 cases of torture which were tribute to his unit what i can tell you about a man carries about 2 brilliant used he was my Commanding Officer in the late seventys of their last century and he was a man on earth and the man who respect the human rights of his subordinates so bent of syncs that people tell about him i can tell you because i had a very close friendship with this man thats not true so he was wrongly convicted then of torture was say it was all made up while the trial was fixed 1st of all. Im not aligned with stuart and of course many people are still alive from that period and all and all of them want to put sings in the way that they saw thats why i told you before that we have to wait for all these sectors to disappear so debt history can make its parts and of course what really happened during that period that period come through well given that you and your president are not prepared to condemn the torture is only torture can you not understand why so many people in brazil and internationally doubts your commitment your administration is commitment to democracy and you understand that. Well democracy its one of a national of our National Pair money and objectives we dont see brazil out of democracy our Main Objective today is make of brazil the most brilliant democracy in the 1000. Really and with people like al gusto hal a no minister of Institutional Security another retired general hes on record as saying he believes its up to the military to put this house in order this house meaning brazil another threat you have all these people who are prepared to make threats but you say there really isnt a threat im confused mr Vice President. Like a 2 like ive been telling you this makes parts of the discussion that we have the polarization in politics ok its must really wards then actions because you want name one single action from mr bowser not a government that was a real real real stretch to democracy here in brazil but words matter in politics dont they you play its all down but even the Supreme Courts chief justice d. A. s tough ali warned in june about the president s dubiousness about democracy he said dubiously thats not a great characteristic for a democratic leader is it is dubious about democracy well i think there is no way to sink a. Big get there is that some dubious of feelings of the mr bowser nodded to democracy including last saturday for instance mr bush or not and mr tough fully aware eating together in a dinner so if mr tarpley had any doubt about the way mr bush on our behave they would not be together in the heat in their house in his house by the port but that. Your former Justice Minister sergio morrow accused the president of interfering in an investigation into his family basically attempting to obstruct justice this is a highly damaging allegation from a minister who used to be well liked and respected by mr bowles and was in it well mr morell may dislike you say chanst views are being investigated through their Supreme Court we are waiting for this investigation to come through ok of course we have to wait for dead it is process to end i myself. Will walk im side by side with president bush for not joining all this time and i can tell you that he didnt not interfere in the federal police to do work and to federal police so that he could help some of his sons that are being accused of some wrongdoings how do you know he didnt did he tell you that he didnt have i know that well well ive been with mr bozo not. To tell us and weve been working closely together and i can tell you he is not interfering in the work of the federal police a federal police is doing our job they are investigating all the skase. Theyre our system is investigating the problems that one of his sons has so i see that this process is going their way all process go here in brazil. Mr Vice President how important is truth in your administration lets take the issue of deforestation and the fires this year in the amazon august the 10th you said government agents were executing urgent measures to contain deforestation and fires a day later president both sonera said the exact opposite you wont find any spot of far he said nor a quarter of a hectare deforested the report that the amazon is burning is a lie in fact it was his statement that was the lie wasnt it because they are muslim was clearly burning at that point well i dont and i what happens and weve been working very hard to stop any illegal deforestation and illegal fires that happen in the amazon what has been clear is the forestation has been increasing since to tells and 12th accelerate the last year since that 2nd half of this month of june last june deforestation has been decreasing so their work is beginning to pay now and of course we still have the problem of the fires we are in the dry season that i see isnt year to year is beginning to be very bigger and bigger and of course we have to have more resources we have to put more a source in the fight to hand against the legalities that happens in the amazon area yeah but when mr bronson our august 11th said there is no fire the report that the amazon is burning is a lie that itself was a lie wasnt true was it simply wasnt true so by lying about these things what happened. You know now what happens in the amazon for the question of fires its very clear we allot of people that we have some more than 500000 farmers in the amazon area and some 5 percent of dinner about some 25000 farmers they work their fields with fire and thats why our thats a very. System to work the field so we have to make them stop this so debt. Dont grow year to year the fact is these are the worst fires in a decade on day in september you know satellites recorded more than 32000 hotspots in the rain forest 61 percent rise over the same month last year and in both september and the oldest when you will tell the president was telling us there were no 5 as the blaze matched or supposed last years single months high so the science director for your Amazon Environmental Research institute said we have had 2 months with a lot of fun its already worse than last year satellites can see it why do you deny its worse than last year now we dont deny we dont deny anything ok september of 20 has been a war since september last year but like i told you before some 70 percent of these fires are raging in the 80 s that have been over already deforested many many many years ago that are occupied by farmers only one search of them are happening that they wouldnt do should not happen and we a fight and then since the beginning of their day a green brazil to operation that we lounge and system us of may where we stop at some 6000 points of fire so we have been doing our jobs. Youve been doing our jobs but. Not very effectively it seems according to reports on the ground is the fires are that bad and there are still 32000 the hot spots in the rainforest the 61 percent rise over the same month last year thats not very effective is it well like i told you this season is very dry so its a moment that fire happens and of course you say 32000 hotspots 32000 hotspots in an age of 5 median square kilometers i think you can agree with me thats not so huge are people watch telly around the wood ok because the amazon is very huge so whats being passing through all around there were that the whole amazon is in fire and thats not happened there fires happen like i told you in ages that have been already before asked that since many many years ago mr Vice President the accusation from human Rights Groups is the jordan ministration has deliberately undermined efforts by your own federal agents to stop deforestation Human Rights Watch says that while federal authorities impose thousands of fines for illegal deforestation a president ial decree has allowed most of them to go on paid whats the point of doing that no we dont comply weve seen legalities in the amazon by for instance our. Environmental legislation to say that any property in the amazon can export 20 percent of it sadia they order 80 percent has to be preserved let the let weed will be as you weigh it with. You let people get away without paying fines why almost everyone gets away with not paying well lines well. So if people dont pay fines they gave the dont pay they fight defiance they land debt they have is going to be arrested but so far as today we have a problem of regulation of the land tenure we need to regulate these this is a big problem that we still have in brazil ok. We are dealing with years in the National Council that im the head of the council and thats one of my Main Objectives ive been working together with culture minister so death we can go ahead with this because its very important that we solve this problem because only repression against people who are making a sings wrong if you will not and they like galaxies we need to advance with their land can you regulation but why should these criminal groups involved in deforestation stop when the when your penalties are taken away and theyre not even obliged to pay fines means everyone gets away with it with no penalties which is exactly what you wanted i missed the boat scenario made no secret of his intentions he openly attacked his own environmental agencies which he called industries of fines and promise to end their festival of sanctions so he made it quite clear that he wanted to take away the sanctions take away the punishment and let all the illegal logging go ahead he was quite clear about that use of both and not a spoke about death when he who has a candidate and a candidate you know it speaks about a lot of scenes oh i was there it wasnt true it wasnt true that is. All the reports on the ground say thats exactly what hes done we have put in some 300000000. 00 in fines thats a lot of money ok so our environmental agents they have to freedom to do their job they are put in fines on everybody that are doing illegalities. Well thats not the reports coming from the ground mr Vice President and final word on the pandemic when it comes to the corona virus you have around 4700000. 00 confirmed cases the 3rd highest in the world after the u. S. And india more cases than all of europe not a great record is it well all like i told you before brazil has a lot of when equalities ok we are not an equal country we have problems in the social and economic and then drug you know of course we have our geography here in brazil so we try to fight the best way possible we regret most 150000 brazilians that we lost their lives but we have cured more than 4000000 people here in brazil so why i think that despite this number of cases and number of deaths we dealt very good wish to spend democrat as how much how much use was it for the president to call it just a measly code and say to people i think almost all of you will catch it one day what are you afraid of about being afraid of dying or having health Long Term Health problems or blood clots not much he has not much sympathy for his people have seen. Of course we prepare i wouldnt is has been always concerned about the people the president since the beginning of the pandemic said it very clear we have to take care of their health and we have to take care of the economy because we know that a lot of people here brazil they well they have very difficult to wear and their money because we are in that we live in a period of crisis that we dont have jobs for everybody people are leaving one formal way and from night to day just people lost any chance to have some kind of revenue so the president who knows they come and people knew that about all right Vice President how much tomorrow out thank you very much for being on conflict thank you. As of of of of the the of of. Of of of. The bank. Good. Good. Good. Going to get good. Good. Good good. Good. Again the thing is for me. Its from. Being told that is for. Beethoven is for the beatles for his former girlfriend on the beethoven 2020. 5th anniversary here on d w. Look closely. Carefully. Simply. To get. The band discovered. The by. The by subscribing to a documentary on too. Much him being born. To come prove that since. You want to look the no school. You want to be put on a love to. The doctors note when you fall in love they wont. You dont have. Children for free will be invisible to. You. Know. When youve gone theres no. Every 10 minutes. Someone misses. 10000000 people in the world which think they have no nationality or no. But everyone has the right. Everyone has the right to say. I. This is the deputy news live from our land a surprise troys by the Swedish Academy for this years nobel prize in literature 77 year old american poet louise cloak is honored for an unmistakable poetic voice in her works that dwell on the themes of childhood and family life. Also coming up chinas race for a vaccine beijing says one could be ready by the end of the year but experts say ever turn of the pandemic could come sooner and kamel harris and mike

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