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Does the highest number in a single day since early april. And chinas race for earth from a virus vaccine genesis one could be ready by the end of the year but experts say return of the pandemic could come there soon. I am brian thomas good to have you with us today in the United States 2 candidates vying for the vice presidency have sparred over the coronavirus another contentious issues republican Vice President mike pence and his democratic challenger. Clashing over the trumpet ministrations response to the pandemic with terrorists hammering the task force in the white house all the hard question. Issues the president s choice for the open seat on the Supreme Court abortion and the ongoing unrest in American Cities lets take a listen to the American People have witnessed what is the greatest failure of any president ial administration in the history of our country and here are the facts 210000 dead people in our country in just the last several months over 7000000 people who have contracted this disease one in 5 businesses are closed were looking at front line workers who have been treated like sacrificial workers from the very 1st day President Donald Trump has put the health of america 1st before there were more than 5 cases in the United States all people who had returned from china. President donald trump do what no other american president has ever done that was he suspended all travel from china the 2nd largest economy in the world from our Election Team im joined now by peter a roll of dollar good to see you peter whats your takeaway from this one and only Vice President ial debate well i think that a lot of ways this was the debate frankly a lot of voters would have liked to see last week when trump and biting faced off i mean it was much more civil it was much more president ial it was much more heavy on actual policy you know dont get it wrong there were lots of interruptions lots of spin even lots of false but in many ways it also felt like a throwback to the way that debates used to be the tone was different the luxury completely different and i think its really important keep in mind with this debate you know a lot of people a lot of voters actually dont really know either candidate intimately the Vice President is not a person who is front and center especially not in my kansas case with trump absolutely dominating that position so i think in a lot of ways this introduce him to these candidates temperament their character and for harris i would say she had a very tough balancing act she is not just the 1st Vice President ial woman candidate it in decades she is also a black woman and you may remember some of the rhetoric we saw surrounding Michelle Obama back in 2016 who very very early on was you know cast as a angry black woman whenever she spoke up there was a balance and that Camilla Harris your hat to really try to carefully she did that to some extent at the expense of i think that it bait that she did not hit back ask harder she couldnt move even though she really attacked the trump inspiration on the coronavirus pension prove that hes. Very very skilled debater hes a master of spin you know hes this devout even jellicoe born again christian and i think its easy to forget the pence is what made trump palatable for a lot of conservative voters acceptable mid mid road kind of candidate staunchly conservative in many areas that trump is not and i think watching him yesterday the calm he exceeded the mastery of the stage i think that might help some voters on the fence about trump you know to maybe. To maybe cast their ballot for him because they know this data right behind him thats so important because of the age of the 2 candidates joe biden would be 78 upon taking office dog from 74 right now and thats whats made this debate so watched and so important thats exactly like is that usually we dont pay a lot of attention to the Vice President ial picks but this really does stand out because not only will you know you mention there biden being 78. 00 that will make in the oldest president he has said that he also would be one term president so that means that. Very much be next in line if you know when we look to 2024. This is their 1st time to present herself to the public since the big joe biden exactly yes oh yes this was so important was exactly and therefore also i think important to not come across as too aggressive someone if you you know shes very much been pitted as a very liberal candidate which you know by current standards maybe she is. But the Democratic Party right now as an incredibly broad tend to lot of voters that they need to get into that and including a lot of conservatives so she really had to be careful to not ruffle too many feathers in mike pence this case. You know not only will trump be 75 when he say if hes reelected and when he takes office. Hes also tested positive for corona so that has obviously raise a lot of questions about his ability to continue in office we he still it seems maybe in the middle of the disease we dont really know exactly whats happening there so thats really of the n. T. When it came to this debate as the debate was going on he went on to twitter as favorite form of communication of course and he tweeted an update on his condition after testing positive lets lets check that out i want everybody to be given the same treatment as your president because i feel great i feel like perfect so i think this was a blessing from god that i caught it this was a blessing in disguise. Ok it was an appeal to the evangelical base you know talking to the undecided christian voters what would you make of him putting that out there during the debates i think this is very much in line with the this quote that went around after the fair enough bob woodward book in which he you know was it which was revealed that he knew about the coronavirus very early on when questioned why didnt he take more drastic action he said he didnt want to cause a panic i think with this he came out in this clip also touting a new drug regenerate on that the president got he called it a key sure. That he would make it available free of charge. It is an experimental antibody treatment its still you know in large scale testing it has shown a lot of promise. But you know trump is out here making promises that he might not be able to keep by any stretch this has been an incredibly sped up process of trying to get through these drugs and trying to get through vaccines that usually take years to develop to say that he wants everyone to get the same treatment as the president while it sounds incredibly nice it simply does not square with the president s actions or the republican partys actions been trying to undo obamacare the Affordable Care act that includes preexisting conditions you know more than 70 times the trouble in court right now challenging the Affordable Care act so you know it does suggest that he is hes lacking trailing strongly in the polls new polls out showing him trailing by as much as 16 points i was a case in 26 and you can see it was this well absolutely but bidens lead has been incredibly steady lets not trust the polls too much 2016 definitely taught us that but it does show that you know. Trump has been paying for his handling of the coronavirus he needs to demonstrate command and i think this may be his last desperate shot at trying to really hit that home and see if he can peter with all the voters without thanks so much for coming in thank you this morning lets get you up to date now on some of the other stories making news around the world at this hour residents of mexicos yucatan peninsula are cleaning up after hurricane delta the storm packing winds of about 175 Kilometers Per Hour there are no reports of deaths the damage less severe fear the storm is now heading towards the u. S. Gulf coast. The former Police Officer charged with the murder of george floyd has been released from prison on balance for posting a 1000000. 00 bond floyd died in may after show rest his neck is near rather against his neck for several minutes that despite floyd telling him he couldnt breathe its. A greek court has found leaders of the countrys far right Golden Dawn Party guilty of operating a criminal organization the group is once greeces 3rd Biggest Political Party and its leaders now face up to 15 years in prison one of the Group Supporters was also convicted of the murder of an antifascist rapper in 2013. Germanys foreign minister has called for the imposition of european sanctions against russia over the coreys inning of opposition figure alexina volley call for michael moscow the day after International Chemical weapons watchdog the o. P. C. W. Confirmed the presence of the no one talk like nerve agent in samples taken from a volley after he collapsed on a russian domestic air flight. Well russia has put the belo receipt in Opposition Leader svetlana to sky on his wanted list russias state News Agency Says she faces charges for making public calls to harm the countrys security has been leading protests against authoritarian leader xander go from exile in lithuania this week she was in the german capital. Well fellow who see an Opposition Leader that learned ticking off sky has made the most of her visit to belin calling for new elections and International Support we need. Help in mediation of all in the decisions with authorities and we think that. That is really just going to be extremely helpful in this situation. Since that a reeses disputed elections in august the country has been rocked by protests thousands tanning out demanding the resignation of authoritarian leader Alexander Lukashenko on tuesday taken off sky i met german chancellor Angela Merkel and was encouraged he is. Aware of the fate of the people that she understands why or what we are fighting for and the she. Im sure that she will be involved in this situation in for that shes really put the show prism contre bought helped to civil society. So on. The e. U. Has slapped sanctions a new question because in a circle but not so far on the man himself some think its time to change that one of them is Angela Merkels conservative Party Colleague no but what can he also met with to can of sky a. Dentist and so i mean the. Guy has consistently rejected cools to begin a process of dialogue thats why adding him to the sanctions list would be the right step for the e. U. To take right now as its been taken up skya got plenty of supportive words from germanys leaders but those words are yet to be followed up with concrete action. Lets bring you up to speed now with some of the latest developments in the trend of virus pandemic global cases have surpassed 36 knowing that according to John Hopkins University the u. S. In the in brazil remaining the 3 worst affected countries and france new delhi cases are out an all time high ospital stations of also jump with more than 7500 people Receiving Hospital treatment a top immunologist in the us has quit his job over president trumps response to the virus dr rick bright said the administration was ignoring scientific expertise while leading Health Official here in germany has warned that the spread of the virus could become quote uncontrollable if people dont stick to hygiene and distancing rules this warning comes as official figures show the number of new cases in germany has leapt with more than 4000 texans reported in the past day thats a rate not seen since april when the country was on lockdown authorities of tightened restrictions in high risk areas and warned against domestic and International Terrorism. But Germanys Health minister has called the jump in cases alarming and hes calling on young people to take the virus seriously. At the moment its mainly young people that i getting infected. Because they want to party go to travel because if you invulnerable fillets but they are not since the oven to crow by Research Remains a dangerous disease especially for the elderly. Lets bring indeed obvious Political Correspondent Thomas Barrow whos following the latest developments for the day to you thomas and did the german Health Minister mention any specific steps or was this more of a cautionary warning. It was certainly a cautionary warning because the numbers that were seeing today those 4000 cases that you mentioned brian are certainly worrying not only for German Authorities its something that has been a marked increase compared to Previous Daily coronavirus numbers here in the country yet at the same time what the german Health Minister was very clear today was that on the one hand germany compared to other European Countries has fared well with the Health Service is not being overwhelmed and theres also preparations for what will come in the winter in the next few months yet at the same time obviously authorities are concerned about these developments and thats why they were asking germans in particular to still maintain social distancing to still stick to some of those rules and regulations that have been announced and as such to be that those numbers do not jump any further thomas stories are also warning against domestic and International Terrorism can we expect mandatory travel restrictions in the pipeline traveling was certainly one of the key issues in the summer months but all thought is today in a press conference said that people who return from high risk regions are only a minority of those cases that are confirmed in a daily basis here in germany that most infections actually happen in the country for example when people party when there are gatherings in religious services and theyve also stressed that its not only young people other young people certainly are now one area of concern but its also more and more older people getting infected and thats also one of the reasons why Health Officials were particularly adamant to try and make sure that people understand the importance of maintaining social distancing and hygiene rules Thomas Sparrow forest very bring us up to date on the latest developments thomas thanks very much. Well say in germany and a new rapid antigen test is raising hopes for quick self diagnosis for corona enables patients to check for the virus in their saliva problems as a result within 15 minutes without the involvement of a lab or a doctor but critics say its not quite reliable at this point and as our reporter found out its not yet widely available either. As a journalist i mean quite a lot of people and some of them maybe corona positive so today i want to try out the new antigen test. And. Id like to buy a 90 gen test didnt do read for plan afraid i cant sell you the test as things stand it can only be given out to medical staff so you dont qualify you cant test yourself you simply have to go to the doctors and agree its kind of. After this initial setback i find a doctor whos willing to let me do the test myself not the standard procedure yes. This is this is the packet containing the antigen quick test i only got as a week ago so i had to read the instructions to and this is a small sterile swab here you know. If you can put your tongue time far enough you can use a stick to help or you can tell him. No thats easy but for me definitely doable. Have you done both sides yes left and right afterwards the swap goes into a liquid which is then tricked on to the test. Negative to mean positive. As a result its pretty clear the tests are showing a negative result sibylla katzenstein thinks everyone should have a test like this is home. Which would be great for a moment for example his child wakes up feeling sniffly but she isnt sure and is wondering whether she can take the child to school and go to work herself. If patients have access to a simple test they could do at home that will do use the pressure on doctors and laboratories and it would help a lot of people to decide what to do. But critics say the test is not sufficiently reliable heres how laboratory an antigen tests compare when a person gets infected with kovac 19 the viral load in the body starts flow increasing rapidly in the 1st few days and then decreasing as time passes a regular lab test can detect the fire a surly on with very little viral load the antigen test can only detect the virus later when the load is higher so does that mean i could actually still be positive despite having a negative result i asked a lab expert. When he was asked if the viral load in the throat is not high enough to begin by the test that might result in a false negative and its the same if this was not done properly. The antigen test isnt and fast way of testing. That the test is a sensitive to others and can completely inspect and to do tests country placement tests that they can be a great job in the fight against cold 90. Now with germany and other European Countries of course moving to contain the rising number of factions china is reporting the pandemic there under control beijing says it has been a pandemic and that it could have a vaccine ready by the end of the year will go to beijing for more on that after this report. A crowded train station yet people here are not afraid of getting infected there are currently just a couple of 100 active cases in china it has already celebrated its victory over 19. Now china wants to be the 1st country to develop a successful vaccine. For companies have vaccines in stage 3 testing some trials could be finished by the end of the year. But several 100 people have already been vaccinated since july and initially it was military and Health Personnel but now its teaches train conductors and journalists. Here that we have completed preclinical an animal test that fulfills the conditions required to approve the product. Even though in fiction numbers are currently low in china experts say the country may well experience a 2nd wave of infections in coming months after the good times of summer and autumn a fight. That now with our correspondent in beijing. Just how concerned is china right now in spite of all optimism about having the band under control concerned about its covert numbers going up again. Hi brian this is really something that that is still looming somehow and although we havent seen new outbreaks for quite some time now and people are somehow enjoying their life more and having more. A more normal life i would say the fear that it might come back is there we still the borders are still closed everybody into us the country still has to quarantine for 2 weeks at a designated hotel at a designated location and there are frequent the people have to use these apps where they have to register at certain places so Contact Tracing should be working quicker if there was an outbreak so the possibility of often outbreak is looming and thats something that everybody is aware of you know gay vaccine would then be quickly deployed apparently in china to deal with that how close is china to coming up with a vaccine for domestic use and one for marketing internationally. Thats a very difficult question because these trials are under way as there are also trials for some of the countries in europe and america face 3 trials underway china is quite confident that they can quickly. Get the results of these trials and finally approve the vaccine weve just heard it a lot of people have already been vaccinated despite the trials not being finished yet something that has been criticized by the International Scientific Community China is hoping to be the 1st country to deploy these vaccines to market pete bring them on the market then they would have to be approved also in other countries i think this would depend on a lot of factors that china is not controlling but of course the 1st goal would be to vaccinate enough people in china to have it here on the market we will see then whether this is really working or not its early to say one of those factors china is a dearth of definitely interested in is its transparency and accountability when it comes to the safety of any vaccine its producing is it moving to address the concerns about transparency. Thats a hard question because there are Different Levels of transparency and different situations here in china when china wants very clear that china hit the outbreak in the beginning and it was not transparent at all the numbers were seeing now are more or less credible if there was a major outbreak in china i think we would know that no matter how hard they would try to hide it if the numbers are as low as we are seeing now which seems to be very probable there would also no need for china to highlight individual cases or anything its kind of hard to assess you have to look at all the factors but at the moment i think we can be confident that what we are seeing now is really what is happening on the ground and it is thanks very much for the assessment for bringing us closer was happening in china mathias 1000000000 for us from beijing and were taking you to australia now where a World Championship surfer is counting his lucky stars right now after an extra Close Encounter with a shark on a stroll his east coast the close call captured by an Early Warning drone former pro surfer Matt Wilkinson seen paddling on the surface when a shark briefly surfaces right within striking distance and then abruptly swims away wilkinson later said he heard a splash but didnt realize what was happening until whos back on shore and how narrowly he had escaped becoming the 20th shark attack victim in australia this year has trailing a. Bit of news here live from berlin youve been watching our special coverage of the Vice President ial debate in their only debate ahead of us election Vice President ial candidates mike pence and come on arsenal clashed over the top of the strangeness response of the democrats both did dodge key questions hands on whether trump what its after watching results for the losers and paris on a potential expansion by the democrats of the u. S. Supreme court and germanys deli number of new Coronavirus Infections was left over 4000 was a large number in a single day since feed this is the german Disease Control agency warns of the virus could spread uncontrollably most people stick to hygiene and social distancing. Coming up next conflict zone im dr thomas thanks for being. Into the conflict zone with jims. Baskin. Resilience in the news these days for the reasons i did so thats the 1st highest figure in the wall for coated 19 infections my guess this week from brazil e f is the countrys Vice President how to flow wrong how did the government message old get so bad. Conflict zone. Next on t w. A country where children often learn to shoot before they can. Break solution. Country where people worship guns. A country where the victims are no longer willing to stay silent and Armed Society americas love affair with guns. In 45 minutes on t w. Every 2 seconds a person is forced to flee their home. The consequences than just stress our documentary series displaced depicts traumatic humanitarian crises around the world. Fucking thing we dont have and i think i didnt go to university to kill people and i fully expect that i am handful of people feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of us who stay behind. Displaced starts october 16th on d w. Here in brazil everything is ok for you preparing for the military to intervene we are not the military government brazil is. In the news these days for all the wrong reasons allegations of high level corruption uncontrolled illegal logging and fires raging in the amazon rain forest added to that the 3rd highest figure in the world for covert 19 infections my guest this week from brasilia is the countrys Vice President hamilton rural how did the government let it all get so bad

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