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A stone is no stranger to political chaos. Following this developing story for us as Moscow Bureau chief. Hear why these protests happening now. Well its all about actually about alleged manipulation on the one hand and corruption on the other hand in this very poor possible country and its also about a power struggle between the old president tom by it and the new president of who has been leading the country since 2 and 2019 the former president at time by was put in prison for 11 years after the new one the current president. Was elected bias relations with his successor just back up and with the biggest parliament every simply been tense and is those are the tensions that are bubbling to this sort of face after the recent parliamentary elections 16 parties participated only a small number of parties the received seats in the Parliament One of the main parties has close ties with the family of president can back off and the 2nd one is this is easier to do with it another influential clan a clan is the opposition sees the election as an obvious for old and is demanding a new vault rather quite complex situation what does this mean for the wider region. Well just like all countries in central asia rebecca kyrgyzstan is a poor country which can cause its instability and unrest in bishkek may have a domino effect to duty and result problems to that of the country has with the neighbors recently in may of this year for example on the border of kurdistan and had just done there was a shoot out because of a disputed territory on the border last year in the fall that will also arm clashes clashes with the biggest and that of course the poverty interest and also makes it and the breeding ground for the socalled Islamic State like other countries in central asia. What do we know about whats happening on the ground now and whats expected in the coming hours. Well its quite difficult to say what is exactly going on in the streets of bishkek i would sit summarize on one worth callous after a night of protests the lido off one of the losing party is south of that and peoples government would be convened in kurdistan instead of the current government and a new Prime Minister would be appointed at the same time government representatives in 3 other regions of kyrgyzstan have reportedly also resigned the opposition to this has appointed inhumane for the capital bishkek as well as they have of the state committee for National Security group here and finally one of the former members of parliament has declared that hes now the new prosecutor general and promised to arrest everyone involved in the large scale fraud which is what he called to the elections the opposition however intends to remove from Office President jim beck of budge and back off for his part called to the whole thing a coup attempt and called an opposition parties to remove remove their support us from the streets theory rachet are speaking to us from moscow thanks very much. U. S. President donald trump is facing a backlash in the wake of his hospitalization at 19 in a Laboratory Stage returned to the white house he made a show of appearing without a mosque and address the American Public in a video with defiant comments that have angered medical experts. It was a determined donald trump wearing a mask who emerged onto the steps of the hospital. 4 days after he shocked the world by announcing he and 1st lady millennia had tested positive for covert 19 trump was back. After the short helicopter flight to washington from across the white house lawn and strode up the stick case he made a point of removing his mask over in a salute to the departing a crew. And that was encourage meant for the other 7 and a half 1000000 americans who have been infected by the virus dont let it dominate you dont be afraid of it youre going to beat it we have the best medical equipment we have the best medicines all developed recently and you going to beat it i went i didnt feel so good and 2 days ago i could have left 2 days ago 2 days ago felt great like better than i have in a long time i said just recently better than 20 years ago dont let it dominate dont let it take over your lives the doctors are not convinced i think that the president may be in a honeymoon phase as i call it of course in 1000 disease in the 1st its me me the viral for the inflammatory feed we look for warning sign around the 70810 when people can actually do a lot worse require a lot more oxygen and you may get better or at that point may get a lot worse than we are on the weekend those words will not be enough to deter the president in one of his many tweets on a day of high drama chum pledge to be back on the campaign trail suit. I can its get straight to our correspondent my shweta in washington my the president looks back at the white house sounding pretty upbeat but does that and the uncertainty about his health. Well weve definitely still been seeing this picture from the white house that theyve been pushing of strength right weve heard trump say that hes back hes feeling better than ever that hes strong throughout the ordeal the white house has been saying oh hes continued working while he was in the hospital but we have to remember that trump has access to some of the best medical experts and he has a medical team working on him all the time even though hes left the hospital there is still a full suite of medical equipment and medical staff that is in the white house with him we also really dont know whether hes still contagious or what stage the disease might be at as weve said because weve had some sort of vague statements from the white house and honestly the white house throughout the entire pandemic has not had the most reliable information about coronavirus and this message that trump is putting forward of youre going to be ok youre going to get through it dont take over too seriously i think there are about 210000 families in the United States who would disagree with him of course there are several that have also been infected what does that mean for everyday business that the white house. The white house has said that they are limiting access to the president that they are taking quote every precaution thats what a white house spokesperson said earlier today but there are still a lot of people in the white house and its not just the aides in the staff in the west wing its the kitchen staff its the ushers is the security guards this whole legions of people who have to be in the white house to do their job who are now also at risk if the president is in fact still contagious now in terms of the staffers we are up to i think last count was 14 or 15 people who had come forward and said they had tested positive so this one particular instance has had quite a splash zone one very good chance they could be potentially but my of the last few days have seen solidify his lead in the polls to get around what a Trump Campaign options right now. Well if trump chooses to follow medical advice hes not going to be leaving the white house for another 4 or 5 days however we know that trump really loves his big rallies and thats what his supporters really love as well this is where he gets his energy his momentum he missed a bunch of big rallies over the weekend and now he has 4 weeks to make up that gaffe if you believe the polls that now 14 ish point gap that joe biden has pulled ahead of him now in terms of the biden side biden has been taking the opportunity to really highlight the differences between the trouble ministrations approach to the pandemic and what his approach should be highlighting his Health Care Plan has been democrat Coverage Plan going really hard in the very key swing states and really just trying to paint overall picture that hes taking it much more seriously than trump is. In washington thanks very much. When its 10 on some of the up of stories making news around the world at least 14 people have been killed and dozens more wounded in an explosion in the town of northwestern syria witnesses say a large truck bomb went off in a crowded area near a bus station the blast also damaged several buildings. Germanys foreign minister has visited the Holocaust Memorial with his counterparts from israel and the United Arab Emirates the visit is part of whats being called a 1st historic meeting between the u. A. E. And Israeli Foreign minister is as the 2 middle east countries continue to normalize their relations. Germanys Foreign Office has confirmed that the countrys ambassador to have been a ruse manfred has temporarily left the country in order to leave discussions in berlin exile belarus in Opposition Leader spent planet you can ask iran is currently in the german capital for talks with chancellor under the market. The u. K. s Service Sector has been hit hard by the coronavirus and as winter approaches Prime Minister of bars johnson has warned of tough months ahead but its not only restaurants and bars that are suffering londons Financial Hub the city has been left deserted as people work from home. Pots has more. With this is this is the latest fashion trend for bank us in london city accessorizing suits with a matching mask made this one his shop has been around for over 100 years business had always been great until the pandemic it and for 6 months he didnt make a single suit and the people come back into the city. So he can get back to some normality now though Boris Johnson has said everyone who can should keep working from home over the winter so the tale of this policy is a disaster. So easy. For an issue off the high street or the independent shop where you couldnt the big big. Out there i can swear for it because of course stores all over america wherever it where. One shop. Best. 9 am usually rush hour in the city not so in corona times its hard to believe how empty the streets which are normally bustling with people cars and buses up to half a 1000000 workers come into londons financial district usually every day to work here now Norman Foster world famous gerken is virtually deserted as are the other skyscrapers here in the city most work. Still working from home at this point at least over the winter or until a covert 19 vaccine is found. Experts tell me that social distancing is difficult in skyscrapers plus making offices covert compliant with because twitter has already announced that their employees will be allowed to work from home indefinitely and British Petroleum is mulling over the most dramatic downsizing of property in their history we are seeing a lot of tenants completely rethinking how they are going to occupy space so without a shadow we are looking to where rents are going to go up and up and begin to become more and more valuable. Rents will stabilize or even drop clocks believes london city will survive this crisis as it did for now though this iconic part of london really is on life support and local businesses dont know how to make it through the winter especially in restaurants and bars we havent got one book for christmas not one for taylor dayne hook tells me from now on its survival of the fittest and he desperately that he will be a mother to the wife and. Well its nobel prize season again and todays announcement was for the winners of the award for physics its been shared by 3 scientists this time who all carried out pioneering work on black holes the 1100000 dollar prize will go to britains Roger Penrose who provided mathematical proof that black holes exist back in the 1960 s. The other half of the prize money is shared by german astrophysicist reinhard cancel an american astronomer and drag gets whose work proved the existence of a super massive black hole at the center of our own Milky Way Galaxy guess is only the 4th woman to be awarded the physics prize. And they all rushed from data be science is here to tell us more about it but 1st lets hear from one of the winners we just mentioned andrea gets. I think black holes because theyre so hard to understand is what makes them so appealing this idea that there are objects where. That represent the breakdown of our understanding of the physical world and where you get this mixing of space and time. For me that those are the things that intrigue me about black holes the fact that they are so hard to understand. Hard to understand tell us what they have understood about black holes they have answered the most important question i guess about black holes theyve proved that they do exist that black holes real bad wasnt clear for many years and thats also why many scientists and physicists have questioned the very idea of a black hole because just imagine if black hole is if you squeezed lets say the earth our planet earth into the size of a pea which. Is that incredible and thats why also scientists and really believe that this could be true but then penrose came and he on the basis of einsteins theory of relativity proved mathematically and theoretically so far that the possibility is there for the existence of black holes now the practical proof of cause was difficult because you cant see a black hole because it eats up everything we can observe time matter light even. But the other Nobel Laureates gensler and days found a way to prove it practically to prove the existence of a black hole because they observed the stars that move around a black hole because its such a high gravity and it attracts the stars and on the basis of the movements of the stars they could prove that yes black holes do exist its the only reason for this movements but if you still know wonder what thanks ali. Lets have a look at the video clip. What is a black hole. Black holes are among the weirdest objects in the universe there traps in space time where gigantic amounts of matter are compressed to a point so massive that it curved space almost infinitely and brings time to a standstill and the border of this bizarre world is known as the Event Horizon. The german astronomer. Did seminal calculations of the defining parameter describing the Event Horizon. Black holes are formed when most of stars collapse at the end of their life cycle or when the compact remains of dead stars emerge thats how the light weights among these gravitational traps are born theyre called stellar black holes whose gravity ranges from between a few times to some 10 times that of our sun media massive black holes can have up to 100000 times the solar mass and the really giant super massive ones lurk at the center of many galaxies millions even billions of times as massive as the sun. Black holes grow by sucking up everything in their vicinity even might cant escape the gravitational traps and they merge with one another to grow. Albert einstein predicted them in his general theory of relativity. But they were 1st detected around 90 years later in the center of our galaxy the milky way is one such invisible mass that accelerates nearby stars to incredible speeds. Telescopes around the world were synchronized to capture the 1st ever image of a black hole. The relatively spectacular looking picture shows the place where time comes to a standstill the dark Event Horizon surrounded by a ring of light from the heart matter that orbits the black hole it was a milestone in astronomy. Right now that we know everything there is to know about black holes i want to talk about one of the research is the andrea gates who we had from a little bit earlier shes only the 4th woman to receive a nobel prize in physics why are there so if you fail Nobel Laureates you know its a good question but really if you just look at the physics nobel prizes there have been 210 male physicists got the prize and only 3 women now shes the fall of. Its is that number i guess but i think its a vicious circle i mean this just just one reason is that female scientists visible so there are few role models but another reason might also be that the nobel prize is also a kind of a critical history i mean there have been quite some cases where the nobel prize had been awarded to 2 men whereas women had done most of the research this was the case for Jocelyn Bell Burnell for example our pain. So we can say and its quite sad but we have to say that the nobel prize laureates still a gathering of mostly western white men so far hopefully the scales will begin to tip with me of this one being the 1st one of the 1st steps. That thanks very much thank you. And also other stories that are making headlines this hour russian Opposition Leader alexei in a valley has made his 1st video appearance since his poisoning with a band nerve agent the kremlin critic told a russian blogger that he believed he was attacked because russian authorities viewed him as a threat head of parliamentary elections he said his recovery in germany could take 2 more months for. The European Court of justice has struck down changes to hungarys Higher Education levels the court called the rules incompatible with a yugo critics say they targeted a Budapest University founded by george soros the u. S. Philanthropist is a vocal critic of Prime Minister viktor all bands right wing government. For make his an activist in thailand have gathered to commemorate the thomas at University Massacre of 976. 00 where more than 40 students were killed by Security Forces during protests the event has drawn renewed interest as a new protest Movement Gains Momentum in thailand calling for fresh elections and a more democratic constitution. To the world now on a story of success i gainst all odds the great painters of the mid renascence were almost exclusively men except for one woman in italy in the night in the 1600s rather for centuries art historians consider the works youre about to say a curiosity that has changed now with a new exhibition at londons national gallery. She was one of the most dazzling artists of the brock and Intrepid Pioneer are to means yet gentle a scheme be italian pain to use to work to raise the voice of women and fight for equality against all odds and this in the 17th century it was extremely challenging for women in the 17th century i mean they had sort of severe social restrictions but also as an artist i think you really had limitations this is the sort of restrictions on not being able to move about and see the art works on public display meant that she was really exposed to very little compared to say have male counterparts the exhibition shows 30 pictures from a remarkable career the daughter of painter or out salumi gentlest are to muse you discovered her extraordinary talent early on and let nothing stop her. We know that she was painting independently by the time she was 16 and her 1st known work painted when she was just 17 is absolutely astonishing but i think also she had sheer determination she wanted to do the same work the men were doing that meant painting more than just 2 lives and portraits artemisia painted scenes susannah and the elders from 1610 shows a bathing susanna who seems visibly uncomfortable under the Law School Eyes of the men artemisia herself then became a victim of Sexual Violence the exhibition presents the original transcript of the court case the put art museums teacher augustine autopsy on trial for rape for the trial artemisia had to repeat her statements under torture. She agreed to undergo judicial torture it was the only way that she could prove that she was telling the truth and she knows that and the way she comply you know and sort of answers the judges questions with incredible poise for a girl of just 1718 and i think you get a lot of optimism from that i mean she is trauma and her long. For avenge of visible in her most famous work judith beheading. It shows female determination to make men pay for violence inflicted the decapitation of the oppressor is brutally depicted. She takes the story of judas brutal killing of the general holder for these dials up the excitement the passion the horror youre right inside the tents with this thing happening in front of you can almost feel the whole blood spurting on t. V. Its a very shocking picture unflinching images painted by a courageous woman now finally in the spotlight. Just a reminder of the top story were following for you the Election Commission in congress dan has and all the results of last weekends parliamentary paul the move came after protesters seized government buildings over night and freedom child former president. Youre watching data with the news from then up next kick off with a review of match day train ill be back next hour with more headlines until then you can stay up to date on our web site thats day w dot com dr cant forget to follow us on twitter and instagram as well as. Thanks so much for watching. Uk. Kicked off. The berlin fights in the basement. At the match is dramatic and munich grabs 3 more points. Shaka is defeated again thanks to their shockingly low performance like to enter the International Break at the top of the table. Next on t w. Every journey begins with the 1st step and every language is the 1st word allusion to nico using germany to cut. Why not permit him. To suffer in simple online on your mobile and free. 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