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Halt an influx of migrants crossing over from france it is putting pressure on the government which promised to take back control of the borders after breakfast. Im sorry kelly welcome to the program the 2020 nobel prize kicked off a short while ago with the naming of the winners in the field of physiology or medicine this year it is a trio of virologists harvey j. Altera Michael Houghton and charles and rice the panel at the institute in stockholm awarded them the prestigious prize for their discovery of the hepatitis c. Virus the medicine prize carries a particular significance this year with the corona virus pens and make highlighting the importance of medical research for societies and economies around the world. So lets get more with 5 correspondent Eric Williams who is here with us in the studio so tell us more about the winners and whether you were surprised with this choice well to be honest im almost always surprised i mean ive been doing this for a lot of years and there are always predictions everyone always has predictions and most of the time i think ive gotten it right twice in the last 15 years and thats thats 50 different prizes it isnt a surprise in the sense that this is a dangerous and deadly pathogen and the steps that these scientists took were very important to helping us get on top of that pathogen they were very fundamental and very basic so in that sense also against the current backdrop of the pandemic that were going through its not a surprise tell us more about their research and how its changed actually our daily lives well the hepatitis Liver Disease is often caused by by infectious viruses as well there are 3 different strains that we know of and and 2 of them b. And c. Are potentially deadly pathogens they can cause theyre thinking turned chronic and often silent and they can slowly destroy liver function just just to give you the idea of the scope of the problem hepatitis c. Virus alone infects around 70000000 people every year all over the world from among those who are infected around 400000. 00 people are going to die and when it reaches an advanced stage the only viable option for many patients is going to be a liver transplant so the 1st step towards fighting a disease is obviously identifying the pathogen if you dont know what you what you have and to deal with then theres no way to go on and for example develop diagnostics to detect it thats one reason why theyre receiving the prize because another is that youre not going to also going to be able to go on and develop antivirals to help to help treat people so the 1st fundamental Building Block that you have to have is what are we dealing with lets identify it. This is what it is and thats what they did and its really interesting that theyre being awarded this in a year where we are having a Global Pandemic and these are their role it just arent that they are and i think that even though the nomination process closed out and in january and weve seen we see the shooter amount of interest and research into into viruses and and sars codes to and weve learned a lot about things like very fundamental science things like about the immune system all of that research is still very fresh so i think youre going to see a whole crop of sort of coated 19. Nobel prizes 5 or 10 years down the road but i think that giving them giving this prize right now for Viral Research certainly sends a sign and that sign is that this is these are problems that were going to be dealing with in the future and this is a very very Important Scientific Research it deserves the prize Derek Williams from science thank you. There are mixed messages coming from washington after u. S. President donald trump briefly left the hospital where he is being treated for kovan 19 he took a motorcade to greet supporters outside in a move that appeared at odds with protocols for patients with covert 19 now while his medics say he could be well enough to be discharged on monday other physicians have their doubts. President trump alive and well appeared to be the message behind his short right outside the walter reed Military Hospital where hes being treated for a cold that 19 the wisdom of his outing to greet supporters was immediately questioned leading physician said President Trump disregarded Standard Guidelines for corona virus patients and put the health of others at risk. In a short video posted on sunday trump claimed that this experience was teaching him a lot about the coronavirus anybody so its been a very interesting journey i learned a lot about kovi i learned it by really going to school this is the real school this is in the lets read the book school and i get it and i understand it and its a very interesting thing going to be letting you know about trumps doctors painted an optimistic picture of the president s health suggesting that he might be back at the white house as early as monday but the medical details provided were contradictory and a vase of some information including drops in the president s oxygen levels and the decision to administer a steroids treatment point to a more serious case of code 19 than what his physicians previously disclosed. Trumps supporters who organized the boat rally on marylands Eastern Shore were certain that President Trump would make a full recovery. Of course i was worried about our privacy we love our president. I think hes in the best behave and hes got a great doctor and i think youll be just fine hes a Strong Healthy me and so i think the timing is good but it sounds like hes recovering and getting through it well i dont think i have too much of an impact on the election. With the election just one month away trumps camp is struggling to push his campaign forward pulls show that joe bidens lead in the president. The race has grown since last weeks debate under quarantine the president cant hold rallies to fire up his base and his Coronavirus Diagnosis has made it even harder to divert attention from his much criticized handling of the pandemic. And lets get more now we are joined by a hansons president of the German Interdisciplinary Association of Critical Care and emergency medicine welcome to the program and thank you for joining us there are reports that we have heard that the president s oxygen levels dropped twice what does that tell you about his condition is from the far distance it only tells the capacity of the president s law was perhaps affected by the virus disease beaucoup at 9 tune it could also. Be or have a high grade fever on friday as reported together with high grade fever and possible affection of the law it could be that the office set routine goes on and theres a very important measure to look after patients with copd 19 so i think this measurement of to them dropping off today will let the doctors change their treatments and they should change the treatments so we know that hes tested positive for kovan 19 how long should somebody with kovan 1000 be in the hospital or in quarantine so that they dont infect others because weve seen the president leaving the hospital briefly to greet his supporters what do you make of that. I think that as the american physician said i think that theres no not quite responsible that i think its quite irresponsible to send of a message like that on the other hand the question of for me regarding the quarantined of the president from that is we started with symptoms and he was positive on friday i think so at least the should be of 14 days in warm time and that means that he should stay low on a day that any context should be very close the measured and that. Measure is to taken to prevent infection that think the sign to see him in a in a car driving through the streets i think thats quite irresponsible i think he shouldnt do that and the doctors should told him that not a good idea and we have heard from the doctors at walter reed the Medical Center they have indeed criticized the u. S. President for that behavior behavior how much of an influence does a medical team have on such behavior of patients. I think thats a political question from the side from the point of view of the doctor is when they recommend something for a patient and then they say dont do that and the patient is the one who is responsible for his actions so i would tell a patient dont do that and then the patients and no i will do that and the lives lost both go on the street i think i would say ok he is responsible for his own behavior and i told him not to do that and i think thats the way to deal with patients autonomy and the President Trump has his own autonomy and he acts political and not the responsible regarding his health and we have of others profess that will again since president of the chairman Interdisciplinary Association of Critical Care and emergency medicine thank you for taking the time to speak with us thank you. And here are some other developments in the corona virus pandemic. New york mayor bill de blasio is seeking to close all nonessential businesses and schools in 9 neighborhoods that have been identified as virus clusters up to 500000 people could be affected by the proposed shutdown the french capital paris has been placed on max maximum alert for 2 weeks to curb a rise in infections bars will remain closed restaurants will have to implement stricter sanitary protocols the new measures take effect on tuesday in the philippines some 25000000 students have begun classes at home president. Has ordered schools to remain shut until a coded 19 vaccine becomes available. And some stories happening elsewhere European Commission president. Is self isolating after coming into contact with the person later diagnosed with coke at 19 the meeting in question took place during a business trip to portugal last week on her twitter account the e. U. Chief announced that she had tested negative on thursday and would be testing again today. New zealands Prime Minister just into ardern has again declared victory over the coronavirus she said restrictions in auckland could be lifted after no new cases were confirmed for 10 days in zealand appeared to stamp out the virus in may but a new outbreak hit all client in august. The worlds 2nd biggest cinema operators in the world is set to shed over 700. 00 theaters in the u. K. In the us the firm said that the delay in major film releases such as the latest installment of the james bond franchise made the cinema industry and viable. Still to come on the program in sports germanys aus interests where ive raised questions after taking to his 4th round of the french open match with me fever and a cough. But 1st for Anyone Around the world planning a wedding this year the. Demick has brought talent just a few could have seen coming from dealing with travel bans to guaranteeing a socially distant celebration its not surprising many couples have put their plans on hold but for a pair of wedding planners in mexico there is a silver lining. Business is good surprisingly good for anastasia and their wedding planners on mexicos caribbean coast and the requests keep coming in and mexico is counting on wedding tourism to help lift an economy thats been in the doldrums for months general tourism has fallen off sharply due to the coronavirus pandemic. Is as i said weve never had so many september weddings were very happy. If all goes well this bouquet will soon be in a happy brides hand. Liane is american and has only seen her fiance peter from scotland online for 5 months the pandemic travel ban has made a wedding in europe or the usa impossible we tried to fake. It. Iceland and barbie dos and then we were just looking at lists of where can scottish people go where can American People go can we get there the most important thing you can give to someone this is receiving not in giving that is what makes people seeing it with make people dance it its how we have in music once they settled on mexico everything fell into place. Arriving its confirmed no i will be on the plate i also got an email from american oh like youre with me really well just like. Change your play at your convenience. The wait is finally over both film of their long journeys to their reunion. From michigan and scotland. Destination mexico. Where united after 5 months apart who. Who. Who. Who. Who. At the last minute a few Close Friends arrived from the us. The ceremony small but full of love sometime in the future maybe next year theyll throw a big party with their extended families who have to participate online for now. To give yourself marriage we do the ladies and gentlemen please allow me to pretend. Its done. 0 all that remains is to sign the paperwork as anastasia and anna get a new request another wedding. Congratulations to them one of the British Government has come under criticism after newspaper reports that its considering plans to house Asylum Seekers offshore on remote islands since august more than a 1000 migrants have made illegal crossings from the french port of cali after promising to secure the borders london is and are growing pressure to stop the crossings. The pictures that made headlines in the u. K. This summer. People and rubber dinghies making their way across the English Channel seeking asylum now the royal navy and the air force are being deployed to stop them. As here a sudanese citizen trying to get to england isnt fazed. The government doesnt want a new people for the country but the country is a big it can take anyone. With you and you will find it lays there was here is on the french side at the port of calare trying to figure out when he can cross the citys been an asylum transit hub for years but infrastructure for the almost 1500 refugees is practically nonexistent tent city on the edge of her road a little electricity or access to running water. Regular police checks. With anyone here there are no reception centers. In lay bys and roadside green areas refugees meet to discuss their only hope of getting away by robert. Its both like people who are the people in europe uses authority to enjoy yourself to not see what we used to you kate so its like some people use the machines want to switch out on some people they have more so here to look at about 34 kilometer area think about 30000 to know how it people use the heart and it takes about 10 hours to cool you never know. Most boats set off just after dawn the French Police have to keep an eye on 45 kilometers of coastline this summer theyve had reinforcements the british are paying for an extra 45. 00 officers a day some of them on horseback. But still theyre only able to prevent a fraction of the risky departures. Rescue crews are called out almost every day the English Channel is one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world. Janel is a motorway and driving on a motorway with a scooter is dangerous and thats what its like here. But that hasnt stopped hundreds of people trying to do it every day. After all as here says they have nothing to lose. Refugees and migrants have always faced stargardts the latest measures have made those odds even starker. And lets take a look now at some other stories making news around the waltz the ease lead braggs a negotiator. For land for government talks and mounting pressure on london in brussels to agree on the terms of britains departure foreign minister underscore the need for quick progress to avoid a no deal scenario by a also met with chancellor angela merkel. German authorities have launched an attempted Murder Investigation in the case of a 26 year old jewish student who was attacked outside of a synagogue in hamburg the initial findings indicate that the assault was motivated by anti semitism. The victim was seriously wounded when a man in military style clothing struck him on the head repeatedly with a shovel. Rescuers have stepped up the search for villagers missing after violent storms battered mountainous order regions in Southern France and italy several communities were cut off by flooding and mudslides france has declared the area a disaster zone at least 4 people died. To tennis now germanys alexander its where of has admitted playing with a fever after going out of the french open in the 4th round he called for a doctor during the 1st set of his defeats to italian teenager yannick center and was seen coughing on the Court Players at the tournament are regularly tested for the coronavirus and swear of the latest tests came back negative but speaking after the defeat he admitted he shouldnt have played the match. Right now here in the studio by Jonathan Crane joining us. Talk us through what happened here doesnt sound possible does it reduce their division or the kind of coronavirus measures in place these tournament vera it was already feeling you know all 3 3rd round match on friday and he was struggling during the warm up before the match with yannick see nobody said he hoped you could get a quick and easy victory but soon there was a very good player and often coming young player and of course that didnt happen as you said during the match the doctor came out gave him some medication he was pointing to his throat and the last in 4 sets and after the match we have these striking admission. In the best physical state. Im really sorry they are nothing well and they used to like very showing a lot of late coming to the press conference that i like to know since you said you had 3 but if you can tell me or tell us how much grace i mean the grease. Like something. Was 38 and larger. In the evening. He played the match then he went to this press conference i mean were seeing him coughing also at the press conference you just imagine the journalists who must be there there are measures to protect players arent they so so how did this happen yeah there are measures in place the players for example have to stay in the hotel unless theyre playing a match they tested every 5 days but still this is going to raise questions of the organizers because if you compared to the measures in place at the u. S. Open where for example play is that she had to get the temperature checked before every match the measures that the french open dont seem as strict now organizes said didnt tell dr is that he was suffering from symptoms according to the player guidelines which so i have will have had that was his responsibility he should have told an on site doctor now he did test negative on choose day that was his last test but of course that was 5 days before this 4th round match hes jew another test but if that does come back positive then thats going to raise all kinds of questions has he potentially unfit infected anyone else especially considering that its not the 1st time that hes been embroiled in a coronavirus controversy no cost of mine back to june when the idea of having spectators a sporting event seemed almost unthinkable Novak Djokovic arranged a Charity Exhibition with a full house of spectators vera was positive that it was well intentioned maybe but the social distancing measures were well lax to say the least we can see in these pictures that apply a policy that they are dancing around no social distancing at all and the upshot of all of that sarah was that several people involved tested positive for the current virus including djokovic as various did and he tested negative but he posted a very grovelling apology on instagram apologizing for putting anyone at risk the irony is he may well have just done the same in paris. Sports thank you welcome. And in the bundesliga munich are back in the winners column but just barely trying to bounce back after their 1st loss in 8 months the bavarians turn to robert for goals and against the pole the star came through. A cerebral robert levin dusky urging his byron munich teammates to find a way to start a new win streak goalkeepers kept those sides at bay for 40 minutes then biron took the lead love and dusty forcing a big c. But then getting the ball back on his foot by searching operate with the assist. After the break Young American Chris Richards help love and ask you to a 2nd goal plan were up to nil but then it got crazy characters materials konya found a leaping john porter and it was game on in the 59th minute later cooney of found himself alone in front suddenly it was 22. 00 character showing confidence in the 85th minute levon dusty completed the hat trick off of the free kick game over right wrong or free kick jessica and dan come headed home all tied at 33. 00 but 11 dusky drew a fall on the box 2 minutes into injury time and he fired in his 4th goal of the night characters coach bruno leopards couldnt believe it byron victorious at the last for 3 hoping its the start of another long win streak. And now theyre feisty they are ravenous and 3000 years after their extinction on australias mainland tasmanian devils are back conservationists release 26. 00 of the tiny terrors into a protected area 3 hours north of sydney where they can settle and prepare for a breeding season in february its believed that the devils were wiped out on the mainland by wild dogs they havent fared too well on the island of tasmania where a contagious disease has ravaged more than 80 percent of the population. Youre watching t. V. News coming up next it is eco in the end dont forget you can always get the very latest on our web site t w dot com you can also follow us on twitter Instagram Facebook we are at the deadliness im sara kelly in berlin and ill be back again at the top of the hour we hope to take care and say see. Oh indeed. The dog whisperer phonetical was a probable explanation to go has since become a symbol of sustainability and success fans to a project at the edge of the himalayas. D. W. I. Every 2 seconds a person is forced to flee their homes nearly 71000000 people have been forcibly displaced. The consequences have been disastrous our documentary series displaced depicts dramatic humanitarian crises around the world. Forgetting when i didnt go to university to kill people that i dont want to have my boss come to me and tell me to kill someone having in many and if i dont theyll kill me. Things for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad its about building up a basket as me the most about this steadiness seems to rise is that someday we wont even see the really sad. But what will become of those who stay behind its if my husband went to peru because of the crisis. If he hadnt gone there we would have died of hunger. That sentiment on account of. Displaced starts october 16th on d. W. Each decision has a flip of the fix. Some consequences of this. To us and the above. But some results. How many of us think about that like the right has been leaked around us has rights too when this week. Alone welcome to equal india. Magazine stories and not only from india across asia and europe but our house must report the story of an inspirational comeback our history books not just the color integral has a troubled past in india the die for which its right was a major source of exploitation in the british raj the colonizers commission on indian. Food which led to hunger and despair and in fact was a big cultivating ever since but a collectible. Stamberg of the crop. Something magical that describes extracting pigment from an indigo plant the timing and external conditions must be perfect it is the only way to get exactly the right shade of indigo the 42 year old says his own mood is critical. If im upset. When we 1st grass green leaves. It when youre citing an. Affinity for indigo today it is hard to imagine that. And vision and then die. Different going to get bought for himself 15 years ago when he completed his masters degree in geography. Suddenly changed after his fathers untimely death and an opportunity led him to the species of natural dying with. It is a physically strenuous process which requires scientific position and artistic ecstatic both of which has none and must. Just part of a himalayan movement that is Getting Better vibe of its nonpolluting natural diet through a sustainable supply chain that has been built around producers like. Me is a social enterprise that creates commercial opportunities in textiles and die making. It began using it as a way of connecting the people with the mountain ecosystem years ago. When it was. By the British Government the farmers had to go in to go as a contractor crop a percentage of their crop had to be nickel and they were given seeds on very high Interest Rates leading to a lot of starvation debts suicides and so on and so forth looking at that it was it was a tough subject even ventured into the moment that occurred towards indigo i had people just telling me that the hell can i even plonk about what within they were. Considered the father of modern india was among foment to lead a revolt against forced indigo cultivation in 1918 this war was the 1st of its kind to provide a clear direction for indias freedom struggle culminating 30 years later in so much on independence from the british coloniser. Today and he hopes to transform the idea of the color indigo as one that resonates with prosperity empowerment and sustainability. 300 who have been creamed and indigo cultivation are growing the dye crop and rotation that food crops using organic farming techniques. This not only increases soil fertility because of indigos nitrogen fixing qualities but also provides much needed additional income for the producers. Over the last 3 years davy from des goli village has been planting a small patch of her farmland with indigo together with paddy crop once a year by 21910000. 00 rupees the plant also keeps wild animals away. The thing you were bored in i began growing indigo because i might it would. If some magical farming rice for example meant having to kill hannah constantly for wild pigs monkeys and other pests are damaging to crawl through what ive always worried about whether theres anything left for me and then my lib like you got me before. Compared with the synthetic version of the organic garden is much cost but also more eco friendly. To crops i can last for about 90 days the quietest 10 to 20 days of live and nearly guarantees and provided the crop isnt damaged by unseasonal rigs or other effects of Climate Change what began as a small experiment has blossomed into a sustainable and actually can see to scoff indigo when you change that in short or donna me and selfsufficiency production are mainly sold in india but are also exported to countries such as germany japan or the us comment about it beyond through our borders are seen by people around the country a member degenerate of our hard work and we are really proud of a need and i think it feels good to know that people appreciate and love their macguffin you. Ringback with the himalayan indigo project the pigment seems to be bringing in a new kind of. Healing the wounds inflicted by the British East India Company on the community and the land is gone. Now like many grassroots organizations across india embodiment of connected Decision Making and Self Determination emotional sweat lodge which was the guiding principle in india. And badminton mr jordans connection and finding solutions for that more and more people and organizations. Can benefit from it. So these are all movements where people have actually tried to claim that for all my toes that affect our lives we should be the ones who are taking decisions all be central to the Decision Making we cant leave it to governments and corporations and so on. Its what i was actually a very ordered concept in india comes from the ancients book shows and then you doing in venice movement against the British Colonial rule it was up to the eyes by many different movements such as put in since the moment done on the naval and others where the british were trying to beat them fold over our Production Systems on agriculture and so on. And then down the rabbit especially in his book ins what i was and then in the moment but whats important is still realize that its not just about indias independence from colonial rule about a nations independence. Its actually much more about an individual than a communities dont know me and freedom but responsibility to other peoples and other communities around them in freedom which means it encompasses a deeply ethical well being of living it encompasses my self restraint so that i dont impinge on the rights of others to live. In india the concept of development has been taken all the same from the west in that. Since and we have imposed it all successive governments have been boys did either to state socialism or not increasing the program produces them it means that g. D. P. Growth has to happen at any cost which means you can cut down for those who can. Bring out over to lend you can do anything you can displace millions of people in the pursuit of this kind of they will appoint cunt fortunately in modernized development we seem to think of ourselves as apart from nature we have to figure out how we are actually part of the reason sort ourselves understand that other species have their own right to exist that everything around us has as a spirit of being order is in is is something in itself which needs to be respected. For the last 40 years what ive seen is a lot of communities in india and other parts of the world that are actually practicing in some senses different notions of what arch for instance Women Farmers in different parts of the country claiming for solar energy which means complete control over everything to do with food you know the seeds the land the water the knowledge of all movements to reclaim Community Control or forests in central india and other parts of the country. To build in the notion off far which is a deeply political and economic concept of independence and autonomy as they said but also the responsibility to the rest of nature and so the course what arjan but also a radical ecological democracy in the sense of trying to rescue the word democracy from its currently liberal interpretation where we think elections is about democracy actually democracy is about power of the people we each have within ourselves inherent power to take decisions or be part of Decision Making many other values that are explicit or implicit in this but instance the value of solidarity our competition but cooperation the value of working with nature as a palm and an artist private property the value of rights of all species the value. Living simply because if you if you consume more and more and more youre actually impinging on the rights of other communities or on other species the value of diversity so that i respect your ethics and your ideologies and your beliefs and faiths and you respect mine. You have to fundamentally order the economy in order for people to have much more control over their own Productive Resources and in order for these sorts of occupations also to gain respect and be something that also encourages young people to get into them rather than everybody running boards and machinery and industries and so on. Selfreliance sort of maneuver ties become quite a buzzword in india these days everybody seems to realize that crisis tells us that we have to be selfreliant but the way in which its being manned and the kind of packages that are being pushed are actually pushing people more and more towards commercialization privatisation. With it because what i would show many many things happen one is that for instance we make the centralised state a much less important probably even withers away and each of us begins to understand how we can take control over our own lives with as i said responsibility for others as collectives as communities wherever we are. Like. We have to recognize that other species and on the whole also have rights and that their value is not only by how useful they are. But the way the world is wrong. Can we expect investment for example as the guiding principle accompanying. Here only outskirts of band on a city on internees his main island java something is being cultivated that could be of great value mushrooms they rarely draw much attention there are many species with many varied properties some are now rushing others contain medicine allegiance here they are the raw material for an innovative kind of textile. Mushroom its a pretty real to be Sustainable Future leather he carries it cruel mycelium vegetius part of a fungus that can mean making perfectly like a letter without any b. Your p. C. Or any can we count on time race material how do you raise a new growth comes from a family of mushroom farmers in 2012 he and some county expanded a startup for call me mushrooms but they quickly changed tack to focus on my steely and they are committed to developing a sustainable animal friendly fashion industry compared to animal there mysel of larry is having a really huge advantage in Environmental Impact and for example we can show him less water we dont have to kill our herring all he can move vertical farming so we can save some species and its also really last carbon emission they feed them up

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