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Optimistic that hell have a very quick and speedy recovery to bring you the latest from washington. Im focused on welcome to the Program President trump is in quarantine in the white house and the west wing of the white house suffering from what his aides say are mild symptoms of comfort 19 taking him off the campaign trail of course just a month before the u. S. President ial election the president and 1st lady tested positive shortly after one of his senior aides was found to have been infected democratic candidate joe biden has tested negative despite sharing a platform with mr trump during this weeks heated president ial debate. Full President Trump it has been an extraordinary election campaign. During an unpredictable year and that was before the president shocked the world by revealing he and his wife malani are the most powerful couple on earth have been infected by the corona virus he tweeted tonight the 1st lady and i tested positive for covert 19 we will begin our quarantine and Recovery Process immediately we will get through this together. The president does have while symptoms. To try to. Make sure that not only his health and safety and welfare is good we continue to look at that war of the american people. He continues to be not only in good spirits but very energetic. At the white house anxiety has been rising after the news that a trusted Campaign Aide was diagnosed with the virus on thursday. Topix seen here in the brown coat often travels with the President Trump and his in a circular tested regularly and now the race is on to trace and test the people who might have come into contact with the president and the pool of potential people is huge with an election to win trump has been on the road addressing voters and he hasnt always want to face mask or follow guidelines on social distancing. Here he is 2 days before the positive coronavirus test result at a Campaign Rally in minnesota. But for now in person campaigning is on hold. In the key state of florida an empty venue trumps event planned for friday night is canceled if donald trump hopes to make America Great again hes going to have to be the coronavirus 1st. Straight to washington where were joined. From the solomons welcome stefan so what does this mean for the campaign. Good question pain is a disaster now is an absolute disaster for the Farm Campaign and if everything they had planned for the next for this week for the next week for the week after that is out of the window its over its done the president will not participate in person at any event he will if possible virtually campaigning and that is not only extending to him but to his entire core team that means the 1st lady that means a Vice President even why because of course we know the Vice President has tested negative but we are still in the incubation time he and the Vice President and helpers or staff of the Vice President had been in contact with hoping he had been in contact with the president so you know you need to test now a large amount of people inside the white house outside the white house in the campaign. Repeatedly to make sure that they stay negative if they are negative so this is a major blow to trump as president and it is a major blow to donald trump as the campaign are asked the man who campaigns for reelection on november 3rd so the mood in washington must be quite bleak at the moment i know there was whats it like. I think that hits. The nail on the top absolutely on the head here its a lot of shaking hands its a lot of head scratching for example yesterday october 1st the president knowing that whole picks his top aides he was in contact with for many many many days very very closely hes still going on a donor event and speaking to people there with apparently not to care then hours later confirming via twitter that he is fall and covert 19 positives so why how whats with the timeline and why it was that communicated question number 2 did the Biden Campaign receive a phone call or anything from the Trump White House about being maybe cautious or getting a test done because last tuesday those 2 men Vice President biden and president were in lets say in an animated debate but in close quarters they didnt receive any notice whatsoever and learned about this via twitter as everybody else we here in washington and everybody else in the world and make sure they get tested themselves and so lots of questions lots of head scratching and you know the Republican Party definitely not a very happy camper right now so what has the Biden Campaign been saying about this. Bind campaign is trying to find the right tone here even the Vice President himself confirming actually that he via twitter he did this just a few hours ago that he is not covert positive he tweeted let me read this to you im happy to report that jill and i have tested negative for cove it thank you to everyone for your messages of concern i hope this serves as a reminder wear a mask keep social distance and wash your hands so they have it the bite of campaign 2 thumbs up nobody as of now and so far as we know impacted not covert 9000 positive and the Vice President and the Democratic Campaign trying to find a little bit not a not make and it got you moment but bringing the message across look you President Trump now a covert 1000 positive you did anybody who came even close to saying like where mess keep social distancing wash your hands its sensual do it do it do it and you downplayed it over months and months of month here is the biden snow saying like you may should have listened and to all to the public to the American Public please do listen you see it is also hitting the president himself nobodys safe. Steffen silence in washington thank you lets get a medical perspective on this steve morse is a professor of epidemiology at the Columbia University Medical Center in new york welcome to day w. What went through your mind when you heard about the president s diagnosis. Well of course it was a great surprise but perhaps not such a surprise given that almost everyone around him had been coming down with the infection often symptomatically and had been diagnosed so i think it was partly a matter of time but this was a shock i mean now on the other hand i think it also indicates the importance of taking these precautions whether derided or not they clearly have prevented a lot of people from getting infected and thats the most important thing hopefully this will be a good message for people to be conscious and we all hope that the president and his circle will be well ok were talking about an obese 74 year old seems 6 foot 4 in a stressful job what does this tell us about his likelihood of making a full recovery well in the course of just hes varies considerably from individual to individual being an older male obviously is a disadvantage theres a greater risk for a more severe disease being overweight having stress are all obviously risk factor areas on the other hand these vast majority of people who do become infected even in that group do survive and so he has a good chance of survival its impossible to say whether he will have a mild case or whether like Boris Johnson for example will require hospitalization that just happened so quickly its impossible really to determine that the events actually unsolved ok so the president is isolating chasing his contacts over the last few days thats going to be a massive job. It is a massive job as you can imagine this increases exponentially as you find individual contacts and when you have Large Group Gatherings such as the donors gathering it at that minster with people who may have been in close contact you have a lot of people to trace all of their contacts a lot of people to task so it is a massive job and new jersey i think will take on the best minster contacts at least the ones in washington have largely been identified although as you know there was a recent positive from a Senate Judiciary Committee Member who met with amy. Tony barrett and so there is some concern even though she was last reported negative about the impact on other parts of the political establishment as well so how far back to have to go then when and when they do face this tracing so you got a diagnosis today how far back in terms of the president s contacts to buy go looking for people hes met that depends largely on what you find after the initial tracing so usually you test people who lay had been in close enough contact thats usually considered to be 16 minutes at less than 2 metres distance although under other circumstances you might want to cast a wider net you would then identify their contacts and find out test them and find. Some other it was your if they test negative you may want to do this day or 2 later again but at that point you could probably move on to testing other contacts on the other hand if theyve had contact and are positive it could be a very long trail we thank you for your time and your analysis epidemiologist steven wells thank you. Well turn out to some of the other stories making news around the world news militants released a video of what it says shows its downing of an by johnny helicopter in the disputed mokoena kind of back region as fighting between the 2 former soviet republics and is in sync they armenian Officials Say they are ready to discuss a cease fire. Australia is to allow New Zealanders into the country without having to quarantine for the 1st time since both countries closed their borders in march arrivals from new zealand will be allowed quarantine free entry into 2 australian states provided by having come from a cop at 19 hospitals. Storm alex has left more than 100000 people without electricity in the brittni in france the storm has now made landfall in the u k a residence there are bracing for heavy rain this weekend have already been a number of Power Outages along the english coast. This weekend germany marks 30 years since the 2 houses of the you know once divided nation came together reunification was hailed as a historic achievement the former west spent billions reviving the old east which had been left bankrupt by its communist rule as its generally recognized as a Success Story but 3 decades on some deficiencies remain and healed. There was no master plan no example worldwide for this is turning event german freezing few cases. Not even a year before the belling wall had come down after months of peaceful protest in the form the east german. Steve u. S. U. K. France and the soviet union gave the green light paving the way to reunify the 2 germanys. Those from the east had to adapt to many things new money and the Economic System and a new lifestyle soon the disillusionment kicked in. What were missing. Its about because you know. You can only financial called. The social medical corps. Or not. They cannot make. Your money the next unemployment no reading. We mentioned before in these young women as many as 4000000 workers in the east saw their jobs disappear countless others had to take on the work that was below their qualifications many young and educated people left to look for a better life some areas feel the neglect to this day. There are rural areas where theres a lot of poverty and rip people feel left behind and turning towards what they have which is often their National Identity or their racial identity and the last National Elections the center right and center left parties were more popular in the west than germany the far left and extreme right in eastern germany. A celebration nevertheless takes place every year with good reason we have had 30 years of peace and prosperity for a lot of people we think of germany as such a stable and secure country i think its amazing when you look back at german history over 100 years germany went through from a monarchy to a failed democracy to a dictatorship to a communists system to a successful democracy and then through unification so reinvention is the real headline for german history regardless of the differences really unified germany is often seen as an example of a stable and democratic country. So how is a political mood in germany 30 years after reunification the leading Polling Institute in for test thema press just published a new nationwide survey which shows some interesting results. Now people in the former east germany same target feel less at home than their western compassionate 78 percent of the population in the former west identify as german whereas only 16 percent there feel they are west german. But in the old east only 55 percent of people identify as german while 41 percent still see themselves as east german spring day the blue Political Correspondent simon young to try to make sense of some of this welcome simon 30 years on is reunified germany less unified than we thought. Though i think there still are very significant differences when you compare the former west and the former east there are there is a dividing line in a fairly clear one in such a lot of areas you think of the economy is as already been mentioned. People in eastern germany are much more likely even now to be unemployed than those in the west if they had got a job its likely to be lower paid on average it will be significantly lower paid than people in the west are getting and linked to that of course people are less likely to build up wealth facets property of their own so you know thats thats an economic context politically theres a division the far right is much more successful in the east i think will come on to that or if you look at family women in the eastern part of germany much more likely to have children those children a much more likely to be born to parents who are not married but also more abortions take place in eastern germany so these are just some observed examples and indicators that show that 30 years probably not long enough to cover the tracks of German Division ok were going to see want to have a look at some of the other questions the survey asked and then well come back to just a moment simon so did they really unify germany deliver better times well apparently not at least thats the perception of most germans only 36 percent of western germany think that germany now is more Community Minded than it was in former communist east germany 42 percent think that things have got worse on that score. Perceptions Even Stronger amongst east germans only 16 percent say that really unified germany has more social solidarity than the former g. D. R. Stunning 3 quarters think the opposite. To simon young simon what would germans what would germans think the country today why would germans think the country today has less social solidarity than under the earth or a tear in regime of the communist east germany. Well perhaps the view of the former g. D. R. Is getting rosea as it recedes further and further into history you know the clues in the name it called itself a socialist state and indeed there was a sort of lifetime guarantee of a job and a place to live as long as you didnt fight against the system too much so perhaps people. Think in the reality that they have now comparing that with the former g. D. R. They may find life tough conditions harsher than they were back then although of course you dont get put in jail these days for applying to leave the country or it criticizing the Political Leadership i think its hard to say what people in the west make of what used to be the case in the g. D. R. Because of course they only knew it through the media perhaps through occasional family contacts but their opinions on the east of course are mediated to say the least ok well have a look at another come a question and then come back to simon one of the most disturbing findings of this new poll concern the german satisfaction with democracy while 68 percent of western germans are satisfied with the political system roughly a 3rd not its even worse than the former east here only half of voters satisfied with the democratic system even nearly 50 percent saying they are not happy with german democracy. So i mean young alarming figures whats behind them. Well simply put the Economic Conditions in the Eastern States are worse than in the west and the pace of social change has been too quick for some the result is a significant support for extreme poet is particularly the far right people in the east twice as likely to be members of a far right party and in the west and if you look for instance at state elections just last year 20193 state elections were held in the east and the f. T. The far right party got a quarter of the vote an astonishing level of support so. East germans much less likely to have trust generally in the political system partly because i think the mainstream Political Parties of repeatedly said they wont cooperate with the far right or with the far left which is also popular in eastern germany so you know its a complex picture i think theres still a long way to go and maybe you know 3 decades is not long enough for germany to be fully united simon yet thank you. To italy which the World Health Organization says she is describing as an example of best practice in dating with a coronavirus i dont give a show officials appraising Government Policies and the discipline a shown by italians they w. That matters is painted to find out how a nation hit hard at the start of the pandemic is not coping much better. She lifts through the spanish flu the 2 world wars and now shes the wife cope with 940 money greeny is 108 years old during the 1st wave of the coronavirus in italy she watched many friends in her nursing home die well. I have been through so many things in my life and im still here it looks as if jesus christ doesnt want me. Care homes were hard hits in the early stages of the pandemic when milan was at the epicenter of the outbreak more than half of the 33000 lives lost to cope with 19 in italy were here in the city and the surrounding lumber the region. Vanda gutty a volunteer with the white cross provided Emergency Support during the most acute stage of the crisis she captured some impressions of the chaos on her phone relieved. A very from arctic experience like a tsunami something that in the moment drives change it completely everything so from that moment that we change our out of the air we are our approach to the life people are legally obliged to wear masks in all crowded places from 6 pm to 6 am and many also keep theirs on during the day another reason infection rates are rising slowly is the long term effect of italys harsh lockdown which kept people confined to their homes for months on end. Professor maria retouches mando says theres no magic formula for other countries to follow italy is not perfect and it certainly cant go it alone i think is an important. Think an easy way to think out today european have to have the same of protocol all therapy the same an exchange of experiences set the same acquired counting not just that they look at localize it as the batter just motto you know european a strategy to face a divider says the professor also has high hopes for a rep its testing scheme the government plans to roll out in schools thats good news for material and his sister. They started class only 2 weeks ago and dont want to go back to homeschooling. That i hope we can syntax off the mosques and get a bit closer to each other without having to keep track distance all the time. That isnt that it only stands. That. This symmetry is a bitter remind of milans collective trauma the 128 people laid to rest here were brought here from overcrowded hospitals and morgues relatives who may not have been able to claim bodies because of the tough current teen restrictions or because they were sick themselves can move their loved ones from here to other parts of the symmetry within a period of 2 years for century reasons. March and april 2020 change the north of italy for ever so public support for ongoing restriction remains high many now fear the approaching winter. Under sports and in formula one japanese manufacturer honda bowls. Engine partner will leave the sport at the end of the 2021 season under says its moving towards green at solutions and away from internal combustion engines the decision means red bull and alpha tory will need to find a new engine supplier ahead of the 2022 seats and thats what will then have only 3 to choose from but no mistake hes on for. How do well in pick skiers keep fitzgerald the off season before the pandemic many have to travel abroad but in australia freestyle skiers can now hit the slopes year round thanks to a new water around the flying kangaroos are making a splash in brisbane as they practice aerial jumps with wet suits instead of species athletes can reach reached up to 70 kilometers an hour on plastic ramps. Is your mind top story the white house says u. S. President donald trump is suffering from mild symptoms of covered 19 he and his 1st lady midlothian have tested positive and that quarantining at the white house the president s chief of staff says he is in good spirits. That you can always get the w. News on the go just down the road out from google platform the app store thatll give your access to the latest mission around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news and if youre part of a news story the for those who can use the after sentence for the terms of the. Situ update more world news at the top of the hour in just a moment ill be back to take you through the events of the day what today its certain. That were also available on by forcing them to talk. Most of all. We can see them. Sometimes since man. One connects people is stronger than what separates the. Mob so strong getting be torn down. We celebrate the funniest anniversary of germs from the fridge. To research on g. W. Not all think out of the jam. Just some time back but most ended up in winter that we should german thinks the printer jemma culture of looking at the stereotype clad figures into slaves of the country that i now know. Needed to take from this ground im am thus its all doubt. No im a joe join me from the germans on t. W. Post. And you hear me now years years we can hear you in her last years german songs that really bring you uncle a man and youve never tried to have surprise yourself with what is possible who is medical really what moves and want. To talk to people who follows her along the way admirers and critics alike how is the worlds most powerful woman shaping her legacy joining us from eccles law stops in. Just over 4 weeks to the u. S. Election and President Trump has tested positive for corona virus and is exhibiting mild symptoms in the 1st lady in self isolation while the washington establishment on both sides of the aisle wonder what do we do now well well see if we can provide some answers over the next half hour im phil gayle in berlin and this is the day

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