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Many different walks of life. Some are. Awfully. Hard all of them come straight from the heart just want to see you but when theres no more you delusional. Injured. From. The loss to their final resting place the russians g. W. Documentary. Comics trumps positive coronavirus tests and investors running to safety u. S. Futures take a dive within moments of the u. S. President s tweet meanwhile stock markets around the world also registered a shock we go to new york for the latest also coming up ken yes sir if i recall him sets its sights beyond. Kenya as it hopes its payment platform will spur growth across east africa and as germany marks 30 years since really think patient we take a look at how an east german lens to make air has prevailed just by the ongoing economic divisions between east and west. Welcome to do business i want to go johnson berlin good to have you with us the pandemic has caught up with the leader of the free world donald trump and his wife melania have both tested positive for grown up iris theyre both in quarantine now news comes just a month before novembers u. S. President ial election and it sparked a sell off in european stocks before they regained some of their losses while the safe havens again and the dollar rose on the news also stirring up the markets movements and was of the latest report on u. S. Jobs growth and the ongoing uncertainty about a new stimulus package to help the u. S. Economy get through the Coronavirus Crisis so lets talk about lets cross over to our Financial Markets correspondent in new york against markets reacted quite strongly to the news at 1st why is trump testing positive a topic for investors. The big question is what does it mean for the behavior of u. S. Consumers that the 1st lady and the u. S. President and have been tested positive might it mean that people might travel less might go out dining less might even consider not going to shops as much as it has done in the recent past that if you look at the stock market especially those stocks or the hotel chains to the Airlines Groups shippers being among the biggest losers and then clearly that test and the whole situation is so quite dramatic and its to the overall uncertainty and uncertainty is always something that does not go well with some stock markets for me personally its surprising that were not even dropping further as we do right now at the moment blue chips are down by not even one percent. This is interesting so obviously time testing positive means that a lot of people are taking the virus most seriously now but how this whole thing impact the possibility of a bipartisan deal on a much needed new stimulus package is it easier now or will difficult. Well maybe that might be the reason why we see this mild reaction on wall street that we did hear from and then see obviously. Saying that who knows maybe the whole situation changes the dynamics when it comes about the negotiations for a new aid package sure the democrats have put a plan on the table in the amount of 2. 2 trillion dollars that will probably not to get the thumbs up with the senate which is dominated by republicans but maybe negotiations continue and who knows so maybe the dynamics might change likely that is sits down for me to tell but actually there could be one reason why the markets recovered after dropping quite strongly when trading started to you on wall street and because it is a dynamic situation well catch up with you again thank you so much from new york. To africa now the east african mobile phone provider safari com wants to become a Financial Service provider for companies now this was announced by c. E. O. Peta and they are in nairobi safari called miss one of the largest corporations in kenya and partly owned by britains vodafone. The Payment Service is a must in kenya anyone who wants to send money pay bills or shop with their so phone uses it the Payment Service was introduced in 2007 and now has 40000000. 00 customers most of them in kenya its the driving force behind mobile provider safari com. In march c. E. O. Peter in daegu reported a profit of almost 1000000000. 00 u. S. Dollars in the past Business Year and now he wants to drive growth further. We want to move away from being Telecom Business into a proper Slate Technology company that would mean that we use technology to create change in other eco systems in the same way that weve done with them tessa in the Financial Services area what he means by other ecosystems can be seen on safari comes home page ditch or farm a mobile platform that gives farmers access to loans and insurance but also to agricultural markets and products. In daegu is planning something similar in the areas of health and education and he wants to expand. More globally we are looking at partnering with other us so that 10 percent becomes the partner of choice for a crew do visa and pay pal weve signed many partnerships across the world. Already has 15000000 customers in other african countries and plans to enter the ethiopian market soon. And for more lets bring in there herman singh c. E. O. Of future advisory in johannesburg good to have you with us now you and your company i understand specialize in Cutting Edge Technology supporting companies and startups in the process in your view is a ferry called the kind of business that would appeal to you. Its an Excellent Company i think its a great 3 very high market share in kenya the challenge with safari well i think if they dominate their local market and they have little exposure outside of kenya however in piers that its a world beater done very well in kenya and i think the challenge they have is outside of kin youre they have a lot of competitors m. P. And mobile money has 18000000 customers and there are orange money also has about 40000000. 00 customers so its very much a contested market right now right and it seems to be extremely attractive as well even the current pandemic restrictions aside obviously they will play a role but whats in store for the Telecommunications Sector in africa is now the time to invest. So the Telecom Sector i think has had to consolidate its going through a mess across all addition face its hugely capital intensive the challenge you have is is its difficult to invest in 4 g. And 5 g. Except for. Areas and its a huge continent so so rural customers are under serviced so you need more capital to give companies are spinning out assets trying to generate cash and all of them are committing towards mobile Financial Services and trying to implement super super apps so i think youre going to find a fundamental transformation happening in telecoms in africa and these companies are all going to turn into Digital Lifestyle Service providers rather than purely being in Communication Companies in the future of course if they all go for the same service then at some point theyll just be too many of them so they have to diversify which african markets you mentioned this is huge continent which one is the most promising to invest in. So i think there are full markets that are released that stand out for me the 1st is nigeria because you know one in every 41. 00 in every 5 nigerians africans is a nigerian so its a huge market youre talking about a population the size of brazil basically its its a its got scale on its side its a mature market in the sense that youve got a great penetration of telecom cell phone filtration is sitting at 78 percent the margins in the market tract of the average revenue per user is relatively high so if you go to start in nigeria egypt i think comes a very close 2nd and 2 wild horses for me are basically ethiopian angola as you heard just now if you get about to issue a new license they probably touting the telco sector great time to enter and go to i think in the future its anderson just its huge its got phenomenal wealth in the country and in the future going to be a great market to actually play it at home and saying see healthy to advisory thank you so much for your advice and for your time thank you thank you. And now a brief look at some other business stories making news elitists have agreed to levy sanctions against government officials in belarus however the countrys leader Alexander Lukashenko is not among them the around 40 officials will be subject to travel bans and have their assets frozen follows a violent crackdown on protesters following august election which the e. U. Has described as rigged. Tesla has cleared all the major hurdles needed to get approval for its new factory near berlin according to the Regional State premier it follows nearly 2 weeks of public hearings environmentalists and some locals raised concerns about issues including deforestation water usage and Noise Pollution well this weekend germany is marking 30 years since east and west became one the fall of the berlin wall was the beginning of the end for many east German Companies who couldnt compete with their western equivalents however some of the skills and expertise they had built up well simply too precious to loose optics for one of communist east germanys biggest exports but when germany were unified 30 years ago few thought the steep one called science plant here in garo had much of a chance against tough western competition 3 optical engineers took a chance and bought the Company Shares to keep the optical traditional alive. The young would seem to be stacked against the 3 who had never run a business before and had little idea about the market economy. Munford shoe box was one of them. Whom into a lot of society. Just as we had to be able to recoup the money we were spending has been. To name and as we also had to build relationships with banks. And develop other ties with you to create a Broad Network rioters nits to show off and. The lack of relationships with banks in particular broke the backs of many startups in eastern germany they needed the banks money for investment but they had no experience dealing with banks at all. And that tavis is not an issue its an irony of fate that just after the crisis these companies were not trusted as much as the Old Established ones that had existed for 3540. 00 or 50 years. From when i thought if its a Young Children because of their strong point was their Technical Knowledge their company known as p o g or perception optics gave up was full of optics experts even so uncertainty about its future meant many sleepless nights for the founders but that was something they kept to themselves. Your current position we couldnt tell the newly hired employees that we all tried to make it work they could have gone to work for other companies but we wanted to keep this Team Together and the team stuck by the owners and out of 50 employees they soon grew to 180 the road to get there was an arduous one but in the end the company clearly made the cut. And thats a Business Update here in new delhi you at this hour from me and the team and thanks for giving us company under seal in just a few hours. We can see them. Sometimes. Slam. The comics people in the stronger the mood separates them. Some strong getting torn down. We celebrate the funniest of germanys for. Cobra Service Comedy w. Nicole is in germany to learn german english binnacle. Why not learn with him as he learned course because vick. Is did other news a show coming up today exploitation. And abuse in the global trade. And investigation reveals whackos from across the exploited in palm oil politicians in indonesia and malaysia we all skull companies are getting away with it. And the teenage mountaineer are determined to prove off the

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