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A key speech should the bundestag chancellor merkel warns of tough months ahead in the battle against covert 19 and appeal directly to the german public not to underestimate the threat of a 2nd when. The death toll climbs in the breakaway negara no kind of back to the region as our median and azerbaijani leaders say now is not the time for peace talks. Plus colons l g b t community is being marginalized by the warsaw government it is hoping the european commissions new report on the rule of law could change that. Im sumi so misconducts good to have you with us u. S. President donald trump and a democratic challenger joe biden have faced off on whats being called the worst president ial debate ever the chaotic 95 minute televised clash touched on issues including the coronavirus Race Relations and the economy but the discussion descended into a series of interruptions and personal mudslinging. President ial debates are meant to eliminate educate and engage this one offered up little of that and instead a chaotic skied of lies insults and interruptions mostly the work of donald trump who made hectoring an art form. You should go out and vote youre in voting now vote and let your senators know how you get on are you feeling that vote now that impact they were sure you in fact let people know his or senator russian im not going to answer the question i always answer that because for us china is the newest us is the radical left would you share with us out madison who is on your list this is on your right gentlemen is i think this is so is a tactic or do you have not set the tone trump defended his record on covert 19 and attacked by did over his handling of swine flu. You could never have done the job that we did you dont have it in your block you could have never done that yet i know how to do the job i know how to get the job where you dont do very well in swine flu h one n one you were a disaster your own she stands out a Disaster Team 1000 people died not 200000 there were develop their economic classes sure you made a good r. L. As no or just made a point by now and there was no one know we didnt shut down the economy this is his economy its been he shut down any attempt at meaningful debate was spoiled by cross talk. To the scientists that are in charge the way they will have the vaccine very says it doesnt but with you that it was not going to get the final word its hard to get any word in with this clown excuse me this at one point the exasperated moderator ton teacher scolding donald trump. I think that the country would be better served if we allowed both people to speak with fewer interruptions i am appealing to you sir to do that perhaps the moment that will live longest in the news reels was when trump to claim the invitation to condemn White Nationalist groups. Give me a name give me a white is a problem thats unlikely to can die out process on right proud of my list stand back and stand by but ill tell you what ill tell you what somebody has got to do something about anti for and the left because this is not a right to sell is a levy. It kept on an edifying spectacle in which donald trump people over his policy blindspots and his competitor to biden people over his each the paramount has been this you are formalisation t. He with the consensus the way are known when us. Did have used chief International Editor Richard Walker follow the debate 4th hes with us here in studio hi richard lets pick up on one of the points we just saw there in our report President Trump when asked about White Supremacists declined the invitation to condemn them and this got a lot of attention tell us about it thats right i mean this moment is really being parents to pawn by democrats that donald trump is still in the business of dog whistle or even even more openly than that too far right groups. And even using this expression stand by seeming to suggest that he might want to mobilize them some point now you can certainly expect this to get a lot of airing i think in campaign ads in the weeks ahead leading up to the election the thing is its not really certain how much will impact that will have because trumps wording did manage to say stay just enough on the side of ambiguity that his spokespeople love playing it down and theyre saying you know it was quite clear that what he meant was knock it off. The thing is that the members of this group the proud boys dont seem to see it like that theyre celebrating this and seeing it as recognition by the president of the Group Richard this was a pretty difficult debate to watch and there was so much mudslinging and interrupting insults who do you think came out on top if anyway yeah well i think it is fairly clear that neither nor biden really landed a decisive blow me there has been a lot of outrage about trumps aggressive behavior constantly interrupting constantly haranguing biden but i think that was to be expected and its no accident i mean this was strategy what he wants to do here is come across as you know aggressive guy who stands up you know this is his trademark but also it serves the purpose he wants to try and disorientate and distract joe biden who has a starter and who has a bit of a you know character of a kind of rambling speaker to try and throw. Im off to try and disorientate him which sometimes was effective joe biden was most effective when he was trying to come across as the reasonable guy you know his pitch is essentially you know he wants to return kind of on a stature to the presidency so he was most effective when he was really calm and just trying to play the reasonable potential president but he did allow himself to get distracted by trump quite a lot so i think between the 2 of them they both you know achieved part of what they wanted to achieve but entirely successful and richard another point thats getting a lot of attention is again the president casting doubt upon and eventual result of the election calling mail in voting really vulnerable to fraud what does that what implications does that have for us Going Forward when we look at the election coming up i mean this could have really huge implications i think this moment towards the end of the debate was perhaps the most concerning for a lot of people watching whats happening in the us the moderator asked both candidates whether they were pledged to kind of calm among their supporters and pledged to recognize a result once it was certified. Because there is this big question about whether a clear result will come out on Election Night because so many people are going to be voting with mail in ballots which take a long time to get counted trump said things like the ballots or a disaster its a rigged election this is not going to end well really kind of cuing up the arguments that hes going to use potentially in the days after the election where we dont have a to result to say any mail in ballots should not be counted this and throw complete out of the of the election result and i think perhaps the most concerning think that he said that was he said that it could be months before we know brazil which really does raise questions about a transition of power in january thats meant to take place our chief International Editor Richard Walker with us thank you very much. Well whats the reaction been here in germany to the 1st president ial debate we asked andreas nick a member of the committee on Foreign Affairs in the bundestag for chester city your party what we have seen. Unfold in the last night also means i think that we should be prepared for the democratic process in the United States and for the Democratic Institutions to be tested to the maximum in terms of their resilience and for what we increasingly hear is that one of the candidates seems not to be prepared to accept a defeat in a democratic election that. Is highly vora sum in terms of what it means for what happened after december after november 3rd i fear that institutional setup of the United States will be tested to the limit. To recall the historic quote by Benjamin Franklin we have a republic if we if you can keep it and clearly if that were to happen this is also traumatic consequences for the standing of the United States closely and as a measure ally of. Germany and the european partner so we look at that was a lot of. Exile but we also have a lot of trust in the ability of the American People to make the right decisions in their own responsibility in a in order to democratic process what it will come up to the institutions to protect that maybe ultimately to the Supreme Court to the chief justice. Unfortunate in the party of our prime winkel and roll reagan of George Herbert walker bush and john mccain has largely failed in being safeguards to what is going on but we have a lot of trust in the in the viability and resilience of the institutions of american democracy but they may be tested to the limit and bresnik a member of the committee on Foreign Affairs in the bundestag their. Lets take a look now at some other stories from around the world belgium has a new government after almost a year and a half of negotiations the flemish liberal leader and former finance minister alexander de crow will lead the 7 Party Coalition as Prime Minister in 2010 postelection wrangling left belgium without a government for more than 500 days a world record. More than 60000000 people in india may have been infected by the corona virus 10 times more than the official figure thats according to a nationwide study by the countrys leading Biomedical Research agency it shows a far greater proportion of the population has antibodies than Previous Survey results had indicated. Belorussian professional basketball player and political activist yelena low chunka has been detained at minsk airport the arrest happened as she was trying to leave the country for medical treatment abroad the chunka earlier this month took part in mass demonstrations against president oleksandr. French president tomorrow and mccall has condemned what he called turkeys comments backing azerbaijan and its efforts to take control of the separate region of nagornokarabakh as reckless and dangerous turkey has voice its backing for the former soviet republic which has clashed militarily with armenia since the Weekend International calls for both sides to work towards a diplomatic solution have so far gone unheeded. This mans heart has been shelled beyond recognition. It now resembles a number of other civilian homes in the disputed nagornokarabakh region. Everythings broken well what else can i say. Officially the separatist region lies within as a by john but it has been under the control of Ethnic Armenian forces backed by the amenia and government since 1994 fighting has now spread well beyond the borders of the contested xyron like in this bordering town in azerbaijan and is threatening to spill into an all out war. Despite the growing death toll both military and civilian neither are mania nor azerbaijan appear ready to take steps towards pace or to build no its very hard to talk about negotiations when specific military operations are under way. It is especially concerned about the alleged involvement of turkey which it claims has begun aiding its ally as i shown. There is no evidence of turkeys involvement in the conflict and there is no such mean that Azerbaijani Army is sufficiently prepared to ensure the protection of its people and its territory we were not on. Both sides have accused the other of initiating the latest hostilities attacking civilian targets and obstructing negotiations the clashes have continued into a 4th day despite International Calls for a cease fire. French president emanuel macron is planning to hold discussions with both russia and the u. S. On ways to end the conflict in. Maine while both armenia and azerbaijan continue to see this citizens queue to enlist in the military and join the battlefield. Chancellor Angela Merkel is warning of tough months to come during the winter ahead and says the people of germany need to prepare in order to avoid a 2nd nationwide coronavirus lock down she made those comments during the annual budget debate in Parliament Michael defended her handling of the crisis so far rejecting criticism from the far right opposition a. F. D. That her government views the pandemic as a pretext to spend taxpayers money. Michael acknowledged the difficulty of coping with coronavirus restrictions but said that it is too soon to ease up completely. This is one time you didnt begin with a moment what i miss most is the spontaneity in encounters with other people. Thats the way it is and i think we all want that spontaneity that naturalness back we all want life as we knew it back especially our countrys young people. But we are currently putting everything that we have achieved in the past few months at risk. We must not allow a nation wide restrictions High Economic and emotional losses again. We cannot allow a dying person in a hospital or nursing home to die all alone because their loved ones arent allowed to hold their hand to say goodbye. Im speaking here because i want to do everything i can to prevent another nationwide shutdown lets bring in our chief Political Editor michelle or because now shes at the german bundestag for us. So is germany like other e. U. Countries moving closer towards a full lockdown scenario again. Well it isnt for now but certainly there are more nuts and bolts in place is a common agreement on when more measures are needed at this particular moment is the threshold of 35. 00 infections per 100000 people per week so theres now a socalled hotspot formula in place that was agreed on yesterday and now were here to day in and usually emotional speech appeal to germans to keep that discipline to be patient and to prepare for worst times to come once again this autumn once again vowing that she wants to avoid a nationwide shutdown but its by no means being ruled out despite the fact that is in terms of infection rates and deaths doing so much better seems to be pretty much an exception within the European Union for now while germany is halfway through its 6 month European Union presidency as well the agenda there also is being dominated by the pandemic what did she have to say about that. Yes shes determined to take the lead in making this a european issue also an International Issue but there she sees this as the moment for the European Union to actually pull together she herself of course has done that policy turnaround where she after a decades long resistance from germany suddenly allowed the European Union to take on joint bets thats the closest germanys come to socalled a euro bonds scenario so far that says have a listen to what she specifically had to say on Europe America we noticed inflammation was the case before the pandemic but this is intensified with the pandemic that multilateral cooperation is under considerable pressure in many areas. We hadnt experienced such pressure in recent decades this changes the world and if you look at history a pandemic like this kind tends to find such a development and thats why i think its very important that we resist the tendencies towards renationalisation and protectionism. This is a multiple of that has nothing to do with being able to be sovereign on certain matters of them was mine but overall we have to push for joint collaboration before so you can and we also understand when they say to a certain extent aggressive world that were faced with. The e. U. Member state we can achieve little alone. For me this is europes our. So a pledge there for you have to stick together and the absence of her mentioning the u. S. Let alone us President Donald Trump quite clearly thats where she sees a key risk for that multilateralism that she is so calling e. U. Leaders but also internationally leaders to act upon and times as she maps out those geopolitically but also specifically and regional regionally through the corona crisis our chief Political Editor at the bundestag for us thank you as we heard their chance america has introduced what shes calling a hot spot strategy after a meeting with the leaders of the country 16 states the new steps come amid a rise in case numbers here we visited a major clinic in berlin to find out how they have coped so far. Uno teagle had just started working here at the helios clinic in berlin and the curve on of iris pandemic reached germany a young assistant doctor still impressed by just how quickly the hospital reacted last match. For that. We reallocated parts of our central surgery room to be used as a new intensive care unit within 24 hours thats a lot of football are few and far to. Parallel to this entire coronavirus Treatment Centers were set up in berlin equipment was scarse and management was worried there were not enough then to late as many hospitals had to improvise the 1st wave of infection also had the helios clinic by surprise. With an order from a cup of tea paper as far as testing capacities are concerned in terms of mass and protective clothing we are prepared because we know where and when to hospitalized patients we can make quick diagnoses and quick decisions. Everyone who arrives at the hospital is tested for coronavirus before they are admitted and patients are strictly separated those who test negative go to the green ward those who test positive go to the red ward suspected cases too they get a ward pull no teagle feels this system is safe. If not with you i havent seen a single case of patients infecting stuff since the measures when. Now treating coronavirus patients has become a routine one of the rest of the hospital is back to business as usual the nursing staff has returned to taking care of patients who arent infected with the coronavirus and i have to be on the beach we have returned to our usual activities and the employees are relieved to be able to get back to that every day work the applause heard from german balconies has quieted down people seem to have forgotten how important their work is. When. I was no pay rise or any token of appreciation for the nursing staff. That so many coronavirus deniers are taking to the streets these days is something and doctors cant understand you tube you need some people say ive never seen grown up so i dont believe in it i have never seen electricity but if i dont put my finger in the socket weve seen corona here weve seen deaths here. Has seen the effects of the corona virus firsthand but who knows that his hospital is well prepared for what the pandemic might bring. A majority of European Union members have approved a new rule of law tool aimed at sanctioning you states that defy the blocks democratic principles and values poland and hungary opposed the role of law checks hungarys government has come under scrutiny for its increasingly authoritarian methods but many also have their eye on poland because of its treatment of the l g b t community. Pictures like these are the reason why i bought starship ski is getting death threats. He puts up the sign of the entrance to tell us that a socalled l. G. B t free zones shining a spotlight on the difficulties gay people face in poland. The situation they laugh or we are not showing off or only are in the closet where we are at our house not showing that we are scared of being beaten i am scared of being. Scared that somebody will wait for me in front of my house almost 100 local governments have declared themselves free of l g b t ideology these declarations are not legally binding but Rights Groups say they fuel homophobia even outside the zones counter protesters have repeatedly attacked members of the our g. B. T. Community as you can see here. I have seen do you know if it is fake. Im spreading. That its not just life its the people who are drawing stones on to us. Polands ruling and Justice Party is behind much of the antigay rhetoric it claims to be protecting traditional family values here we have to defend ourselves against the l. G. B. People their way of life is the road to perdition it leads to the dismantling of basic social structures in which the family plays the most fundamental role. The European Union has condemned polands treatment of its community i want to be close still clear l g b t q i have 3 zones are sure manatee tree zones and they have no place in ours union in july the e. U. Commission rejected grants to 6 polish towns that had socalled l g b t free zones. But it wants to see more concrete action. So i expect the european you know be not the euro is empty or its about something more. Obvious that the people are equal and theyre taking it until that equality becomes a reality in bobs country he will continue his fight against homophobia. In tennis Serena Williams has been forced to withdraw from the french open in paris with an achilles tendon injury well the ms was aiming to win a record equalling 24th grand slam title she pulled out of the tournament just before her 2nd round match today saying she was struggling to walk the 39 year old 1st suffered a flare up of the injury at the u. S. Open earlier this month. In football irony in a take on brasier dortmund in the german super cup on wednesday night in munich the game between the bundesliga champions and runners up was supposed to happen before the League Season but the coronavirus destruction pushed it back and comes at a time when both clubs are licking their wounds. By in munich a bidding for a 5th trophy this year in the super cup against dortmund but the otherwise all conquering bavarians are smarting they suffered a shock for one defeated hoffenheim in their 2nd bonus the game at the weekend the roy son name is also out of the super cup through injury and i want to do for him as often time did very well they kept things very tight and we didnt have the same punch that we usually have but we have to move on from that game and concentrate on dortmund unlike every other match were desperate so when its yours and of 2 for just given the good news for byron is that dortmund also surprisingly lost on saturday going down to now lets out. The young dog one team showed their inexperience at times and could have wily captain Michael Royce back in the line up against dion. Dozens of sonata months and 171819 years of age the fact they dont play at their best every week is normal we have to have patience and we have to find the right blend the coach must find the right mix we have total confidence firepower on top and of not won a trophy since lifting the super cup last year beating who else but by earn. Another scalp in this years edition for the black and yellow rose will mean 2 defeats on the bounce for bion for the 1st time since december. Coming up next our environment show eco africa highlights a solar powered irrigation system for farmers in rwanda thats coming up next on the w. For all of us here in berlin thank you for watching. Eco im afraid. Dreamt instead of breaking new season in rwanda Climate Change is threatening harvests. A startup is now increasingly. Its out in forms farmers about the plants more needs. Solar energy and sure is cheap everything. Climate. For. The next. 5 years of conflict zones 5 years of hard hitting political stuff and a good success of a good day families i suppose thats what a free free stuff you mean for you so coming back to the islamists are you concerned were not concerned lets bring it full im missing jim savannahs chairman of the center chile thank you so part of the matter of the highest levels of government why not just investigate i mean those here just to get the christians who believe in those things is somebody giving some small cred of confronting the powerful. You know. The. De to know that 77 percent of. Our younger ben thinks of fox. Guts me and me and you. And you know what its time no voice is part. Of the 77 percent veto bobbie to say. This is where you cut. The 77 percent this weekend on d. W. I. Welcome to the new edition of africa a weekly environmental show i am sundra to nobody here in kampala uganda what would you know been living with a coronavirus pandemic for over half a year and im sure my journey each of us have Something Like these would do too many restrictions along the wild nature and the environment have been able to recover well find out more about this today. Yes indeed sandra helen greetings from me now its i may in Lagos Nigeria but to see your hero again to spend the next half hour there about with us in the force of ethiopia and on the streets of burleys plus. Walking around in sandals made from blogging. How monks in ethiopia are looking after the environment. And why cycling isnt just good for the crime. Missions to make our lives easier by using them often takes a toll on the environment when the internal Combustion Engine was developed in the 19th century there was no way of predicting that the primary invention would cause air pollution and a number of Serious Health issues now technology is still a beautiful thing and thats why innovators today remain committed to finding eco friendly always or popping machines and when these inventions have to counteract Climate Change then well just see for yourself. Weve got con husks arent uncommon in ground of these days the current drought has lasted months and be increasingly extreme of the threatens the livelihoods of locals from us especially those in the eastern part of the country. Or not quote of the trinity its apparent that Climate Change is real and increasingly dangerous the farming seasons that people are used to are not longer predictable at times it trains were one expected drought well route instead of rams its confusing you can just farm and have hope over having harvest and what it will bring issues and when you arent in a couple. Light is one family who has been fortunate during these hard times have filled me a river so shes been able to pump sufficient water to her crops. But the desire needed to power the palms is exposed and the exhaust that is a meter to sends out contributes to a greenhouse effect. Now rhonda is increasing its reliance on solar power. The researchers and Technology Experts from around and stuck up developed a solar powered irrigation system that they had to project was financed by a u. S. Aid organization and they run the government the new irrigation plants came at just the right time for 40 families from authorities in the district that god made agricultural more difficulty and the cost of renting the diesel pumps nearly consumed the needs of. What is reason as of today sciences we ended up spending much of what awnings on buying fuel while using the fuel pump into narrators iraq with those little left for our livelihood now we have gotten great of all those expenses we only need to deplete someone to water the plants. Of the kurdish just. Due to the more affordable irrigation promise cannot attend a larger areas of land and keep farming they yields a much higher as a result. At. A hole i was only have a sitting 50 kilograms of beans in 2 bags of saga it says on now with solar irrigation the yield volume has multiplied by 3 when i am considering expanding my farming even on that one i mean if a town that solar powered irrigation system should be up and running in all of 30 districts in the country by the end over 2020 an official from the Agriculture Ministry sees that randa hopes to have a climate neutral economy by 2050 and his role for the country as i booked it. This sort of system to get through this solar system. Because off for. Cheaper in terms of energy cost option and secondly it. Yeah claim it smart. Climate smart also means a more plentiful way of managing water one of the arts most valuable resources the startup that builds the solar irrigation system has also developed a system to measure the temperature and moisture of the site sensors calculate the exact amount of water needed by the plants. Farmers ive been notified by and up about when and how much they should water their crops. The plants need to get up to or what thats why we believe when they use this technology to improve their production. And it does been tested to be a success. These pilots system is powered by solar energy as well now the farmers know exactly which plants need water and how much of the need for the time being they improvising with plastic bottles which will soon be replaced by war to horses. But one of our us pandemic sent shock waves of around the world and changed our lives in countless ways but there has been an unexpected upside the environment has been able to take a breather much needed out that theres been less traffic fewer cars on the road and fewer people needing to go from point a to point b. And in big cities around europe many people are hoping on their bikes from green a mode of transport in the german capital and on the number of bike riders is really really increased many people no longer want to use public transport and business is booming in lots of bike shops. Changes afoot cycling may soon overtake driving in berlin and elsewhere in germany theres an all too far call he people who sell their car and switch to a bike tend not to buy another car. The mechanics here which endure how our bikes are extremely busy and have been for months. The Company Founded in 2009 designs and builds high end bikes. This year has been exceptional weve seen a huge increase in demand for bikes and that definitely has to do with the Coronavirus Crisis in front of the corner because its a feeling that. She into how it produces a range of models and all. So office custom bikes it champions streamlined simplicity and innovation. Some of its bikes cost more than 5000. 00 euros theyre old and built. But will the them continue after the pandemic is over. We do expect to see a slight cooling of the market but local authorities are really promoting biking nowadays pop up by koreans fighter planes are popping up all over berlin and elsewhere paris is a good example of that and its doing a lot to upgrade and cycling infrastructure so the potential is huge lots of people are switching to a bike and that will probably continue. In berlin london. Paris all across europe cycling is seriously trending. Just year the german bike market was worth 4200000000 year one 3rd more than. This bike shop in berlin is doing. Its called recchi to. Designing and building its own bike this 5 years ago. Because we can continue to sell our occasional brand bikes. I hear from a lot of other bike shops around here that theyre struggling to get new stock and. There are no more bikes available on the market right now and thats a problem for retailers. Beach doesnt just sell individual bikes it also offers full Service Leasing of entire fleet. Is trending in berlin. Is a partner at. Your facility many facilities managers are happy because they need less space you can fit 8 bytes into one car parking slot as a Human Resources manager is unhappy because sick days go down by up to 25 percent of mobility managers are happy because theyre now leasing a fleet of 3000 euro bikes instead of 60000 euro cars. Cities are having to rethink their transport infrastructure cars made indeed be going out of favor even in cop crazy germany making way for cyclists is the order of the day. If you are. Also improve the situation here in come a new. The vision from north america could help also the environment in unexpected ways how you have a warm sun just made of if you dont you might be asking yourself how does that even walk well take a look at this simple idea that could make all planets a little bit whoa plastic feet. Around 8000000 pieces of plastic end up in our oceans every day each can take more than 400 years to decompose avoiding plastic uses one solution biodegradable products like this another. Researchers at the San Diego Lab created a new material its made from an alkie base and can decompose naturally 1st they grow in raceway palms then when they are fully grown they take the water out and create a gooey paste. The paste can be formed into any shape by pouring it into molds and just wait for it to dry. Companies have already approached the lab about working together on everything from rigid and soft foams to paint and coatings. Almost every major shoe manufacturer has come to talk to us about the possibility of using our materials in their products were also talking to other companies for example for things like Food Packaging or other types of materials that we dont want to live forever in the environment we really want to those to be able to decompose or be able to be recycled. To new sandals could be a step in the right direction to keep bordering plastic out of the environment. And how about you if youre also doing your business tell us about. Visit our website or send us a tweet. Hash tag doing your bit. We share your story. Plus dick is also a quote topic gun as the amount of land cultivated by Small Farmers was the amount of based on weight use also increases in those products come in need of attention plastic containers which pose environmental problems fost they use all the chemicals themselves and 2nd whats done with the containers once the empty too often they used things like what about us even though they still contain choices of toxic pesticides a local initiative in gunna is going to villages to make people aware of these positive. Mahmoud mohammed who didnt always keeps an eye out for them this plastic bottles used to content chemical fertilizers and now pose a danger to people and the environment from as in ghana often leave the used bottles running around is going to properly disposed of it can affect the health of the pharma. What are bodies and even. If. Mahmoud no didnt is a journalist and an environmental activist in 2015 he founded an n g o for Climate Change and Food Security focusing on farming he launched a campaign against their use of these bottles here and saw for farmers have had bad experiences with them for good and i used a Group Chemicals on my from and would just leave the content as there that wasnt good at all as one day my grandchild picked one fish would do with eat and drink it she fed the treatment was very costly it was a big worry fortunately the egg recall for 6 spent us that we should not leave the used content as on the fountain so now we gathered and put them in a trice cycle which goes to dump them send. Who for course being part of new didnt awareness raising tim he works for the Agriculture Ministry for and passed on his knowledge to the farmers. d center for Climate Change in food for a year now and we have been educating farmers on proper disposal of continuous because there have been. Complaints about farmers. On. The farm as ive been going through the use of the car so. On how to dispose them there will be induction of these cases many of the farmers are now also taking more care when using the chemicals on their fields. Before you start to spray you have to wear boots and a proper outfit you also have to use a mask so you do not inherit the chemicals. From money. Then vironment are just trying to get the message across

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