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Was happening knew how dangerous is going to be back in february and he didnt even tell you hes on record as saying that he panicked or he just looked at the stock market one of the 2 because guess what a lot of people died and a lot more are going to die unless he gets a lot smarter a lot slicker who is the president that used the word smart. So you said you went to delaware state but you forgot the name of your college you dont go to delaware state you graduated either the lowest or almost the lowest in your class dont ever use the word smart with me ever use that word give me your because you know what theres nothing smart about you joe 47 years youve done this to believe you would have had let me just tell you something you know if you would have had that charge of what i was put through i had closed the greatest economy in the history of our country and by the way now its being built again he said its going to their economy in the next segment sir ok its going up fast ok were going to live when it comes to how the virus has been handled so far the 2 of you have taken very different approaches and this is going to a fact how the virus is handled Going Forward by whichever of us up becoming the next president i want to quickly go through several of those reopening is Vice President biden you have been much more reluctant than President Trump about reopening the economy and schools weiser because you dont have a plan if i were running not to have what the plan is youve got to provide these businesses the ability to have the money to be able to reopen with the p. P. E as well as with the sanitation they need you have to provide a nicely pelosi. Well hes just shush for a minute tell it to you as you see. Nancy pelosi and schumer they have a plan he wont even meet with them the republicans wont be in the senate while he sits he sits in his golf course and well i mean i literally think about you probably are playing more than i do joe what about this question of reopening this and the fact he wants to shut down this country and i want to keep it open and we did it made yes i did he shouted wait a minute chad let me set you down for a 2nd chance just for one second. We want to he wants to shut down the country we just went through it we had to because we dont know anything about the disease now we found that elderly people with heart problems and diabetes and different problems are very very vulnerable we learned a lot Young Children arent even younger people arent weve learned a lot but he wants to shut it down more people will be hurt by continuing if you look at pennsylvania if you look at certain states that have been shut down they have democrat governors all one of the reasons isha down is because they want to keep it shut down until after the election or you know what it want to its not just i want to go into another government stands on those days and are not doing well that are shipped etc i got astana from one of them shot down who have gone to increasingly question the effectiveness of masks as a disease preventer and in fact recently you have cited the the issue of waiters touching their mouth and touching plates are you questioning though i think of that as i have to understand if you look i mean i have a masquerade here ive put a mask on it you know what i think i need it tonight as an example everybody has had a test and youve had social distancing and all of the things that you have to but i guess there are mistakes when needed when needed i wear a mask ok i dont have to i dont wear mess like him every time you see him hes got a mask he could be speaking 200 feet away from it he shows up with the biggest mask ive ever seen i will say by words that my son by the gods for look the way to open businesses is given the wherewithal to be able open we provided money card i was asking a starbucks now asks well masked mass make a big difference his own head of the c. D. C. Said if we just wore masks between now if there everybody were mass in social distance between now and january we probably save up to 100000. 00 lives it matters and theyve also set up a set of said no no serious person said the opposite that no rules that will listen or not do what dr fouts he said the young. Did literally just draw in a minute left and that hasnt are not good then he changes mind you said mr i want to do with mass i want to fight about one last subject because your different approach has even affected the way that you have campaign President Trump youre holding a large rallies with crowds packed together thousands of peanuts outside yes or a great Vice President biden you are holding much smaller vans with nobody will show up people with. Nobody shows up to his overhead in any case why you are holding the big rallies why not you go for it sir because people want to hear what they have to say i mean but you know there are a lot of things as president and i have 2535000 people show up at airports we use airports are you not worried at all we have got a lot of people are well so far we have had no problem whatsoever its outside thats a big difference according to the experts and we do amounts we have tremendous crowds as you see i mean every and literally in 24 hours notice and joe does the circles and has 3 people someplace by the way does it still has to decide to one of the last for big rallies he has and a reporter came up to him to ask him a question he said oh no stand back for the new mask for the mask have you been tested. Im way too far away far away from those other people and thats why he said i cant im going to be ok he now worried about you you know worried about the people out there britain where we had no negativity down no negative effect weve had no negative effect and weve had 3545 people one of the israelis to yes life in a shop because i want to move on to are not yes i would hes been totally irresponsible the way in which he has handled the the social distancing and people who are in mass basically encourage him not to all right and hes a fool if you could get the crowds you would have done the same thing but you cant nobody can and then can we move on to be a Consumer Sentiment can we move on to the economy yes the economy is i think its fair to say recovering faster than expected from the shutdown modest gains in the 2nd quarter the Unemployment Rate fell to 8. 4 percent last month the Federal Reserve says the hit to to growth which is going to be there is not going to be nearly as big as they had expected president you say we are in a v. Shaped recovery. Vice President Biden you say its more of a case a what difference does that mean to the American People in terms of the economy President Trump in this segment you go 1st so weve built the greatest economy in history we close it down because of the china plague when the plague came in we closed it down which was very hard psychologically to do he didnt think we should close it down and he was wrong and again 2000000 people would be dead now instead of still 204000 people is too much one person is too much should a never happen from china but what happened is we closed it down and now we are reopening and were doing record business we had 10400000 people in a 4 month period that weve put back into the workforce thats a record the likes of which nobodys ever seen before and he wants to close down the he will shut it down again he will destroy this country you know a lot of people between drugs and alcohol and depression when you start shutting it down you take a look at whats happened. Some of you democrat run states where they have these tough shutdowns and im telling you its because they dont want to open it one of them came out last week you saw that oh were going to open up in november 9th one november 9th because its after the election they think theyre hurting us by keeping them close theyre hurting people people know what to do they can social distance they can wash their hands they can wear masks they can do whatever they want but they get open these states when you look at North Carolina when you look and these governors are under siege pennsylvania michigan and a couple of others you can open these states up its not fair youre talking about almost its like being in prison and you look at whats going on with divorce look at whats going on with alcoholism and drugs its a very very sad thing and hell close down the whole country this guy will close down the whole country and destroy our country our country is coming back incredibly well setting records as it does it we dont need somebody to come in and say lets shut it down all right your 2 minutes sir are now moved to you. As i as i said posing the question the president says its a cover you say its a cain shaped recovery whats the difference a difference is millionaires and billionaires like him in the middle of covert crisis have done very well another said billionaires of ray have made another 300000000000. 00 because of his profit tax. For pros and you only focus on the market but you folks at home you folks live in scranton and claim on and all the small towns and working class towns in america how will you do it this guy paid well total of 750. 00 an accident and he very well might know sarat says it on stage i understand youve agreed to the 2 minutes of please let him have it i get my time back the fact is that he is in fact worked on this in a way that hes going to be the 1st pres the United States to leave office having fewer jobs in his administration than when he became president fewer jobs they want to be came from the 1st one in American History secondly the people who have lost their jobs are those people who have been on the front lines those people who have been saving our lives those people who have been out there dying people whove been putting themselves in the way to make sure that we could all try to make it and the idea that he is insisting that we go forward and open when you have almost half the states in america with a significant increase in covert deaths and covert cases in the United States of america and he wants to open it up more why is he want to open up why doesnt he take care of them are you cant fix the economy until you fix the code crisis and he has no intention of doing anything about making it better for you all at home in terms of your health and your safety schools where schools open because it costs a lot of money to open safely you know they were going to give his ministration to give the teachers and School Students mass and then they decided no couldnt do that because theres not a National Emergency not a national emerge. Its theyve done nothing to help Small Businesses nothing theyre closing one in 6 is now gone he ought to get on the job and take care of the needs of the American People so we can open save your time as observer were going to get to that i have to respond to the well you both had 2 minutes or excuse me he made a statement i decided to people want their schools no people want this schools open they dont want to be shut down they dont this state shutdown and they want their response i look at new york its so sad whats happening in new york its almost like a ghost town and im not sure it can ever recover what theyve done in new york people want their places open they want to get back to the people feel he can safe but they want this schools i dont want im the one that brought back football by the way i brought back big football it was me and im very happy to do it all right thats a little very proud of me and you know how to get it out at once a talent to get to your economic plans Going Forward in a moment but 1st mr president as you well know theres a new report that in 2016 the year you were elected president and 2017 your 1st year as president that you paid 750. 00 a year in federal income tax each of those years. I know that you passe a lot of other taxes but im asking you the specific question is it true that you paid 750. 00 in federal income taxes each of those 2 year ive paid millions of dollars in taxes millions of dollars of income tax and let me just tell you there was a story in one of the papers they were here tax i paid 38000000 dollars one year i paid 27 michaud issues tragedy here i went youll see it as soon as its finished youll see it you know i wanted to go to the board of elections is 118 pages so report that says everything i have every bank i have im totally under leverage because the assets are extremely good and we have a very we have a we built our i dont you a specific question which let me tell you that i understand all of that and i just barely i know mr president im asking you a question will you tell us how much you paid in federal income taxes in 20162017 millions of dollars you paid millions of dollars hundreds of dollars im not someone who is out of dollars and youll get to see it and youll get to spend it but let me the law of you chris let me just as have think that it was the tax laws i dont want to pay tax peak before i came here i was a private developer i was a private Business People like every other private person unless this stupid they go through the laws and thats what it is he passed a tax bill that gave us all these privileges for depreciation and for a tax credits we build the building and we get tax credits like the hotel on pennsylvania avenue you get a massive which by the way was given to me by the Obama Administration if you can believe that now the man got fired out right after that happened but i said President Biden you want to respond to i do want to respond look the tax code that made him the put him in a position that he pays less tax than a School Teacher makes them on the money a School Teacher makes is because of him take he said. Hes smart because he can take advantage of the tax code and he does take advantage the tax for thats why im going to limit it to trump tax cuts and were going to ram going to limit those decades and make sure that we invest in the people who in fact need to help people out there need help but why did i do it over again in the last 25 years not because i want our president doing ok as you know our president screwing things up you were a senator and the worst president is america has never had a let me just age ive done more in in 47 months ive done more than youve done in 47 years weve done things that you never even thought of including fixing the broken military that you gave but not good at taking care what you thought it mr president were talking about the economy id like to ask you about your plans Going Forward because mr Vice President your economic plan. If you were to be elected president focuses a lot on Big Government big taxes big spending i want to focus 1st on the taxes you propose more than 4 trillion dollars over a decade in new taxes on individuals making more than 400000. 00 a year and on corporations president front says that that kind of a increase in taxes is going to hurt the economy as its just coming out of a recession well just take a look at what the the analysis but im going wall street firms points out that my my economic plan would create 7000000 more jobs in his in 4 years number one and number 2 it would create an additional one trillion dollars in Economic Growth because that would be about buying american that we have to were going to make this federal government spend 600000000000. 00 a year on everything from ships to steel to buildings and the like and under my proposal were going to make sure that every penny of that has to be made by a cut number is not nearly so im talking about taxes not slanted by the way im going to live in a significant number the tax im going to make the the the Corporate Tax 28 percent it should be 21 percent you have 19 companies 91 companies federal i mean in the fortune 500 dont pay a single penny in tax making billions of dollars into a 1000000000 how do you advise precocity obama because you in fact pass that that we are hearing reports of get it done and you know how you got a down economy boom its never been the economy let me just present let me finish let me mr president me pick up on that you would continue your free market approach lower taxes more regulation correct not lower tax American People but believe me it is but in but in obamas you talk about the economy booming it turns out that in obamas final 3 years as president more jobs were created a 1000000 and a half war jobs that in the 1st 3 years of your. Wouldnt say they had the slowest recovery since 90 economic recovery since 1029. 00 it was the slowest recovery also they took over something that was down here all you had to do is turn on the lights and you pick up a lot but they had the slowest economic recovery since 1029 let me talk about the stock market when the stock market goes up that means jobs it also means for a one k. s if you got in if you have a became president with your ideas you want to terminate my tax my taxes ill tell you what youll lose half of the companies that have poured in here will leave and plenty after considering already here their leaders are going to places have they will leave and you will have an operation the likes of which youve never seen look and as we heard the worst recession short of a depression in American History i was asked to bring it back we were able to have an economic recovery that created the jobs youre talking about we handed him a booming economy he blew it was it he blew it he didnt listen boming it was it was the week streak well there is a 3rd of the way as an american as a fair to say he blew it when in what i call it right you know when there was record on him low unemployment yeah. Yeah because what he did even before covert manufacturing went the whole manufacturing went whole excuse one or swayamvar to prison for 3 they said you would take now your number to go chris chris they said it wouldnt take our arab goal to bring back manufacturing i brought back 700000 jobs they brought back nothing they gave up in manufacturing we want to know is the day ended fair im the guy who taught lackey one minute. We brought back i was asked to bring back chrysler and General Motors brought them back right here in the state of ohio and michigan he blew it theyre gone he blew it and in fact theyre going i had the best year its ever had last year michigan had the best year theyve ever had it is not any through our companies and i mean from germany from john and went to michigan to ohio not have it and they might come anywhere. Mr Vice President got it and so you take a look at what hes actually done hes done very little trade deals are the same way he talks about these great trade deals you know he talks about the art of the deal china has made perfected the art of the steal we have a higher deficit with china now than we did before we have the highest def a trade deficit china with a. Percent in a china. And no wonder your son goes in and he takes out what he takes out billions of dollars takes out billions of dollars to manage she makes millions of dollars and also said while were at it why is it just out of curiosity the mayor of moscow says wife gave your son 3 and a half 1000000. 00 as lot easier to deserve it that he do with the resign 500000. 00 that last one amounts are not none of that is true really. Mr president is devotedly resident plays totally discredited totally discredited and by the way he got half 1000000. 00 yeah thats the price you get that he has and dollars it is not true really mr president its an its an open discussion please its a fact well theres a new having raised an issue like this been ties rather than an answer discredited bird was a really 183000 as a month with no experience in energy and as lot i would disown did nothing wrong in peru and i think he did mr president either one of the answer he didnt let me answer because he knows i have the truth his position has been totally thoroughly discussed who and you could buy every book well by the media empire allies to either barabanki. Well everyone has discredited a matter of fact matter of fact is going to be but who testified under oath so let me ask you this and i dont know the guy had mr im listening to you people under you get 3 in a 510 he testified under oath that his administration said i did my job and i did it very well and i did it under and over the every wall give you the list of the in protest and i had 3 that youve already fired most of them because they did a good job some people dont well heres that with you guys it was not wait a minute you get the final word its hard to get any word in with this clown excuse me the state and let me just say that no no im mr president running after me president oh that is simply why didnt you deserve 3 and a half 1000000 for look heres the deal we want to talk about families and ethics i dont want to do that i mean his family we could talk about all night his families our family goes a lot of guy a family fortune going timing down and helping out with the governor had said that. Mr president you single one of them oh this is not about i have my family or his or them its about your family that in american have many thats not true it doesnt want to talk about what you need you the American People its about you thats who were talking about you summarize i dont you know i think that thats the end of thats not like our moment were moving on he didnt take that well as a president to be honest its a very important to how i see it up now so i doubt if the answer the question has no ukraine no sir with a 1000000000 dollars if you got rid of perhaps you know when youre not gone through take are doing it youre going to not a true gentleman is i hate to raise my voice but i do you say to me i why should i be different than the 2 of you so here is the data point we have. 56 arguments we have ended that segment were going to go to the next segment in that segment you we sure going to have to uninterrupted moments in those 2 were interrupted minutes mr president you can say anything you want ive been asked a question about race but if you want to answer about Something Else go ahead but i think that the country would be better served if we allowed both people to speak with fewer interruptions i im appealing to you sir to do that and him to well frankly youve been doing more interrupting the cigarette but he does plenty well less than a certain less isnt plenty now less than you have lets please continue on the issue of race Vice President biden you say the president from response to the violence in charlottesville 3 years ago when he talked about very fine people on both sides was what directly led you to launch this run for president or yours President Trump you have often said that you believe you have done more for a black americans than any president with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln my question for the 2 of you is why should voters trust you rather than your opponent to deal with the race issues facing this country over the next 4 years Vice President biden you go 1st. Its about equity inequality its about decency its about the constitution and we have never walked away from trying to court require equity for everyone equality for the whole of america but weve never accomplished but weve never walked away from it like he has done it is true the reason i got in the race is when most people close your eyes remember what those people look like coming out of the fields carrying torches their veins bulgy see beauty and just spewing antisemitic bile and accompanied by the ku klux klan a young woman got killed and thats the president he thought he said were very fine people on both sides no president s ever says anything like that and its and as it is now that sentence our 2nd point id make to you is that when floyd was killed when mr floyd was killed there was a peaceful protest in front of the white house what did he do he came out of his bunker had the military do use tear gas sobs who could walk across to a church and hold up a bible and then what happened after that the bishop of that very church said that it was the disgrace the general who was with him said he all the only everyone to do is divide people not unite people all this is a president who has used everything as a dog whistle to try to generate racist hatred racist division this is a man who in fact you talk about helping africanamericans one in 1000 africanamericans has been killed bent because of the cone the coronavirus and if he doesnt do something quickly by the end of the year one in 500. 00 will have been killed one in 500. 00 africanamericans this man this man is the is a savior of africanamericans this man cares that all this mans done virtually nothing look the fact is that you have to look at what hes talks about you have to look at what he did and what he did has been disasters for the Africanamerican Community so President Trump you have. 2 minutes why should Americans Trust you over your opponent to deal with rightly the crime bill 1994 where you call them super predators africanamericans of super predators and theyve never forgotten and theyve never forgotten it Jefferson House or its his 2 minute say you did that and they call you a super predator and im letting people out of jail now that you have treated the africanamerican population community youve treated the black community about as bad as anybody in this country you did than 1000 and thats why if you look at the polls im doing better than any republican has done in a long time because they saw what you did you call them super predators and youve called them worse than that because you look back at your testimony over the years youve called them a lot worse than that as far as the church is concerned and as far as the generals are concerned we just got the support of 200. 00 mill 250. 00 military leaders and generals total support Law Enforcement almost every Law Enforcement group in the United States i have florida i have texas i have ohio i have every excuse me portland the sheriff just came out today and he said i support President Trump i dont think you have any Law Enforcement you cant even say the word Law Enforcement because if you say those words youre going to lose all of your radical left supporters and why arent you saying those words why dont you say the words Law Enforcement because you know what if they called us in portland we would put out that fire in a half an hour but they wont do it because theyre run by radical left democrats if you look at chicago if you look at any place you want to look seattle they heard we were coming in the following day and they put up their hands and we got back seattle minneapolis we got it back joe because we believe in law and order but you dont the top 10 cities in just about the top 40 cities are run by democrats or many cases radical left and theyve got you wrapped around their finger joe to a point where you dont want to say anything about law and order and ill tell you. What the people of this country want and demand law and order and youre afraid to even say it all right i want to i want to return to the question of race Vice President biden after the grand jury in the Briana Taylor case decided not to charge any of the police with homicide you said it raises the question quote whether justice could be equally applied in america do you believe that there was a separate but unequal system of justice for blacks in this country yes there is a center says systemic in justice in this country in education in work and in and in Law Enforcement and the and the way in which is to enforce but look the vast majority of Police Officers are good decent honorable men and women they risk their lives every day to take care of us but there are some bad apples and when they occur when they find them they have to be sorted out they have to be held accountable they have to be held accountable and what im going to do is press the United States is called a a together an entire group of people at the white house bow everything from the civil Rights Groups to the Police Officers the Police Chiefs and were going to work this out were going to work this out so we change the way in which we have more transparency in when these things happen these cops arent happy to see what happened to george floyd these current cops arent happy to see what happened there Brianna Taylor most dont like it but we have to have a system where people are held accountable when and by the way violence in response is never appropriate never appropriate peaceful protest is violence is never appropriate right miletus peace president roh test when they run through the metal at a town event from burn down just dollars and kill people little trolleys that isnt easy sport as it has always not like you say it is i wasnt around so id like to continue with rice i promise were going to get to the issue of law and order in a moment on this month your administration directed federal agencies to end Racial Sensitivity Training. That addresses White Privilege or Critical Race Theory why did you decide to do that to end Racial Sensitivity Training and do you believe that there is systemic racism in this country certainly i ended it because its racist i ended it because a lot of people who were complaining that they were asked to do things that were absolutely insane that it was a radical a revolution that was taking place in our military in our schools all over the place and you know it and so does everybody else right and he would know what his honest

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