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Good to have you with us the credit has claimed the lives of more than a 1000000 people but experts caution that the true figure is probably much higher the tragic milestone has been officially recorded by the Johns Hopkins University Database it shows the virus has spread to at least 188 countries and the fatalities have been rising through most of all this and september after weeks of gradual decline many countries are seeing a resurgence in corona virus cases including here in europe experts say the crisis is far from over. Most of the countries with the most deaths resulting from coated 19 they all are the u. S. Brazil india mexico the u. K. Italy spain france peru spain and iran but. If we look at the number of deaths as a proportion of the population of each country we get a slightly different picture and a better indication of the impact of the virus you can see that it includes peru belgium bolivia spain ecuador chile the u. K. Brazil italy and the us lets focus on just one of those countries for a moment belgium the government there has been criticized for being slow to act but the high per capita death rate may also be because of a statistical cork belgium has a broader definition of deaths caused by the virus which makes its figure higher than in other countries but no matter how the statistics stack up every coronavirus death is a human tragedy teri schultz reports now on one belgian familys heartbreaking loss. The world has lost a 1000000 lives. One of them meant the world to 10 year old lorenzo grandpa was the best his grandpa luke picked him up from school each day when. We made all merch and after that. We just played the couch and just did what we wanted to deal. Mostly i got snacks easy but their hometown st true then was hit early and hard by the corona virus we had 53 people. Who had to enter the hospital and we only had bets for 20 people but luke was already hospitalized failing fast he said if i dont make it police to a group. He didnt make it on march 23rd luke became seen truants 1st corona death jeanine and their daughters nell and lane and lorenzo didnt even get to see goodbye now that really hot. It struck was really all. Mayor very hit and felt it personally her husband became critically ill but survived it was a terrible time for the families but also for us as a mayor and also all the people of my policemen and you know the people in the town working for 24 hours a day 6 months later same treatment has the infection rate under control with strict measures father room in and he says now inhabitants need to heal its important that we share. With each other what we feel what we want or are and im sorry that too but also or the. Mayor here and decided to create a space for that a corner of a city park is now a memorial the theme forget me not plenty of those flower. As have been planted by city landscaper d. D. s summers long with the tree of life and a plaque bearing a poem in a heartbeat that. The flowers will come so yeah even when its out. It will be a little bit. Beautiful. For the memorials dedication september 13th lorenzo was asked to commemorate his beloved grandfather he told his mom nellie he was too afraid to look at life there or they were again to laugh at me. But lorenzo changed his mind and wrote a letter leave. Dear grandpa i miss you very much i am mad about corona mad about what happened you were dead best and always are going to be the best because you think. That i was brave and that i was happy that i did it that i. Throw it all out. Please happy. Everyone lies. The sunni grandpa. No one here will forget them. Joining us now is dr Marcus Harris spokesperson the World Health Organization in geneva thanks for being with us this morning dr harris a 1000000 people are known to have died from covered 19 already and the pandemic is far from over how much farther do you expect the death toll to rise. Good morning terry we want the death toll to stop we want the transmission to stop we know that weve lost at least a 1000000 people probably many many more because many deaths have not necessarily going to accorded coronavirus stance. But whats really important now is that we all know so much more about this virus so much more about how to stop it what weve still lacking is that society all of government response in every place to really do the things to turn it around but its not too late we can fight back talking about fighting it there are various therapies in development to at least prevent the infections from becoming lethal synthetic antibodies for example do you see anything promising in the pipeline that could become widely available soon is in fact this enormous has been in the fantastic work that scientists have done all sorts of. Diagnostics treatments and vaccines and when it comes to the treatments we already have some treatments that can stop the severe things when people get the severe form of the virus and doctors and nurses are becoming very good at recognizing when somebody is going into that stage and getting treatments steroids but also the blood thinners that stop the clotting which can cause a lot of problems so definitely we have to medically and clearly clearly how to fight this what we now have to do is fight transmission you mentioned the importance of the International Community working together on this how difficult is it to coordinate the fight against this pandemic when countries are taking very different approaches ranging from hyper vigilance in the case of south korea to deny oil in brazil. Well its critical that every post on this planet understands that this is a threat to humanity this is not about politics this is not about one great begets another great these stops when we stop it together. We do know what stops it we know that there are individuals you do that watching the physical distance thing and what must gray like when youre in close contact and a void crowds like avoid gatherings where you are together we know this stops it we know that governments can stop it by doing good tracking tracing testing but we dont have to do it all its not just better saying the government has to do this or this person has to do this it has to be all of us doing all of it numerous vaccines are in development can you tell us when we can realistically expect a back scene that youre sure is effective and safe. Well at a very promising stage with quite a lot of vaccines or good knowing that have gone into whats called a phase 3 trial way you tested on people get it. Right and they go sickly into the wild into the community and you see if it really really protects you now while youre doing that youre also looking very very closely at safety so the important thing is to gather any information and look at 1st of all it is a pretty safe and theres if a case just doesnt work and then once youve got that data you know could you start we can roll it out but we not really going to get that information until the end of this year beginning of next year and of course reading it out will still take a while but you know the signs are very good dr Margaret Harris from the World Health Organization in geneva thank you very much. Its a pleasure. State look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today french president has met with a recent Opposition Leader taken off sky and during his visit to lithuania you can also lead the roost in august after a disputed election she told journalists after the meeting that have promised to help mediate the political standoff in belarus and secure the release of political prisoners. Fighting has continued for the 3rd day in the region of nagornokarabakh on 30 on tuesday armenian and azerbaijani supported forces deployed heavy artillery in the latest fighting over the contested region fighting also took place around the border town of denis menas away from going to college. And Spain Supreme Court has upheld a ruling that bars catalonians regional president from Public Office for 18 months protesters gathered in barcelona to denounce the decision she. Was forced to step down with immediate effect he had refused to take down a Pro Independence banner from a public building ahead of last years election. Protesters clashed with police in mexico city as hundreds of women marched through the capitol demanding the decriminalization of abortion rights of female Police Officers used pepper spray against the demonstrators abortion is banned in most to mexico except under certain circumstances such as sexual assault. U. S. President trump and his opponent joe biden are preparing for their 1st t. V. Debates set to take place later on tuesday after mondays revelations by the New York Times many voters want to know how will deal with the investigation into his tax records revelations suggest that the selfproclaimed billionaire may actually face a nightmare of bad deals and unpaid taxes totaling 100. 00. Submarines of dollars trump denies the assertions. Reactions to the New York Times scoop reflected the deep divisions that are evident across america in this Election Year makes my blood boil. Everything he does makes my blood boil and whats going to make my blood boil even more is if there are no consequences to this why now why now they bring this up like 35 days through election day you know i mean i think it will affect the election probably not because theres been way worse accusations against him before and people havent cared. The story adds to the troubles of a president trailing badly in opinion polls the newspaper reported that tax filings show donald trump pay just 750. 00 in federal income taxes in 2016 the year he won the presidency and the same amount in 2017 his 1st year in office and he paid no income taxes whatsoever in 10 of the previous 15 years. Thats because he reported losing more money than he made according to the times he also reported to be personally responsible for loans and other debts totaling more than 420000000. 00 revelations that undermine the image trump likes to promote of himself as a successful businessman and deal maker. Trump dismissed the story as untrue so it was total fake news faded. On tuesday evening trump and his challenger joe biden face off for the 1st of 3 televised debates trumps tax history gives the democrats fresh ammunition going into the final month of the campaign. Now to the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean where a group of 36. 00 giant tortoises have been released into the wild born in captivity the tortoises are an endangered species at risk of extinction weighing nearly 5 kilograms when theyre between 6 and 8 years old they were released in their natural habitat on suncoast upon island after a break to restore and to process the tortoises play a Critical Role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem in the unique colomba goes archipelago. And finally a riddle for you whats fast in the left ache and doesnt need to covet 19 tests to compete for the answer we turn to the United Arab Emirates camel racing is back in dubai for the 1st time since april how do they do it that compound would do it pandemic friendly well robot jockeys are the answer remote controlled robot strapped to the camels at all more moon Heritage Village theyre controlled remotely. Thanks for watching. Can you hear me now oh yes we can you can have it all stands out and so on its now well bring you im going to a magical and even never time time before surprised to self with what is possible who is magical really want to move sad and want to hold somebody who tells the people who follow through on the way maurice and critics alike join us from apple sauce stop

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