Transcripts For DW Corona Spezial 20240712

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Danger would have been too much water or do with just a little bit more water no wed have had deeper oceans maybe tens of thousands of meters deeper and wed have had no land just one big ocean when it was no surface and no interaction no possibility of environments favorable to life. We can wonder if the fact that earth had just the right amount of water to have 70 percent oceans continents and then interactions was what made life possible for. The palms of hydrothermal springs provide an ideal environment in which the chemistry of life can get started water heat and chemical elements rising from under the surface to air not creamy to primitive earth was definitely chemistry and a dirty Chemistry Lab where you have a ball with lots of components all mixed up with a lot of changing of parameters and condition its a mental book will take on the show. To say. Hundreds of millions of years the molecules mix together rearranging themselves in all possible combinations becoming ever more complex could this chemistry to finally produce life the chemical elements needed to be able to assemble in isolation from the outside environment. The cell membrane needed inventing. The c. E. O. Within one voice a bubble of greece and ireland things element on that plane that was the 1st individual and if its split into 2 that was the 1st population of life to get a good morsi. Having only just come into existence the 1st life forms were still fragile theyre only protection from the outside environment a thin membrane. Yet they succeeded in developing their metabolism and specializing life could now diversify trying out multiple homes. They love you so if you have to fly has diversified an armistice but from a single common ancestor maybe early on there were several has a ton of peace of life but only once or ha ha ha not a moment of it printed this year we know this because despite the incredible diversity of living of thing it can enough and plants and the enormous variety and diversity of microorganisms and we all have characteristics that we share act guy stick a song. On the of us is just saying biochemical base at the same d. N. A. As genetic material and were all based on the same cloete imagine for thing. Just this everything thats in bacteria fungus birds whales or plants as the same stuff as us were all related from bacteria to the most beautiful dresses debate to date and everybody off. All inhabitants of earth carry within them the traces of these shared ancient history for we all constructed from a limited number of identical basic ingredients and yet 4000000000 years ago the Building Blocks were available on primitive earth. Just imagine if you only. Do coleader rights came from bodies which broke up the lands of years ago and it is near rights there were from 68 amino acids we only used 24 g. s goes on. The 1st life force shows least 20 amino acids why those so its probably just a question of chance. If the retired new emission you can very well imagine a world in which living creatures are made up of 28 amino acids it off but not the same ones as us it wouldnt produce all the same lifeforms as hybrid they would be very different movie so how can you feel. Scientists come up against a serious problem when trying to work out how life 1st came into being. 4000000000 years of plate tectonics have obliterated any trace of the 1st organisms. So they have to look elsewhere on a planet where conditions favorable to life did once exist and where traces of this distant past may still remain. Said they can either plankton exist theres no plate tectonics on the surface of mars or at least it starts very early there which means that at certain sites its entire history has been preserved going back a very long and highly after 4000000000 years that for me out any. There was certainly time for life to occur on months before the planet lost its atmosphere and any record of these beginnings could very well have been preserved under the surface. That mars had to use is very similar to earth which liquid water comets raining down organic matter and so on just like on earth and its all the neat he said to them shows crucial. Elements i could just you know at least with the same ingredients from space there might have been the same beginnings of difficult changes which on earth produced life also maybe on mars there were these 1st these are dangerous to like making membranes if i was structured like that this particular city plus. An affable thing didnt leave studied the planet online and realized that 3 and a half to 4000000 years ago mars had the conditions that it could have supported the beginning flyleaf. Detections. Thats where vic weve found that the curiosity rover which has been on mars for 7 years now sit down and is still investigating it so that a crater it touched down into which. 160 kilometers across used to be a lake of fresh water filled with fresh water this water was present for hundreds of millions of years old so its possible that my wife appeared in that crater if you pray about it and also cut to. Exploring the former lakes of mons these scientists are hoping to on so one of the major questions of astronomy and biology is life a pretty ordinary phenomenon in the universe popping up wherever conditions are favorable or is it really a one off phenomenon that we have practically no hope of finding anywhere else but on the earths surface this is the crucial question which the next missions to explore the red planets arid surface will attempt to answer even though for the last 40 years the history of the search for life on mars has been one long series of disappointments almost every 2 years we hear we found evidence of life but we havent gone margulies on us. These disappointments began with mariner 4 in 1965 as the probe called close to mass it sent back the 1st photographs of the surface to the consternation of the scientific community. The photos showed a dry and desert like planet then it was the viking missions the 1st time scientific probes actually touched down on martian soil we have since 1976 the viking referral to look for life worthwhile logical experiments looking for life on the surface of mars the results are negative yet if. She was exposed to the viking experiments were actually looking for life on mars that would be the same as on earth as well thats a total illusion and it didnt work or it got nowhere but in either dog it was a huge disappointment as the 1980s dawned not just the general public but scientists to you. Were in through to the then dominant idea in by the cinema and literature that life the bounded beyond our planet said that upon munich the hat was the 1st big shock shaking the dominant paradigm of that time which said that there was life everywhere including on mars. The failure of the viking missions called for a total rethink of how we should tackle the question of extraterrestrial life bhaskar normative career if you could just see it since mankind had been convinced for several centuries that there was life all over the universe and the solar system false if people seriously thought that mars was the most likely to be favorable to life on the a definite presales issue took several setbacks in those experiments before people realized that this idea that there was life everywhere and run its course of us if you did a few no food is only recently that Space Missions have shown us that we should have a different approach and our missions of the planet mars the commission of a cup and that mass. The next Exploratory Missions to mars wont be looking for a life now but rather the trace of life in the past. This is the objective of the ambitious european xo Miles Mission with its most bought a libertarian. Name and we know mars well enough now to look specifically for things that have been preserved in the right context in zones favorable to life. Its here in shereen that the gigantic 3 puzzle of the european exo mars is being a symbol its a worthy challenge for the scientific community. From the control center ensure in caroling frisson they will monitor the analyses of the martian soil carried out by the automatic look for a tree in the rover its the 1st time a mission will be capable of analyzing samples from beneath the surface of mars. All 6 of us just surfaces bombarded by radiation which destroys the material were looking for such as organic matter which would be the possible residue of a life or. Falling to. Mars as atmosphere became too feeble to filled with the solar radiation that so from full to life. On clothes off by drilling down to meters we can get a much better preserved environment is clear it is more likely that the moment youll see we are looking for would be preserved please help us fill them with a trickle all the chefs. Looking for life on mars is in effect looking for our own origins will on earth that we dont know how it went from chemistry to biology its the missing link exobiology that passage from chemistry to bio and if you lose you. Push or must because its on mars through these experiments we find organic matter we can say that were attracting the 1st stages of how life in mars on earth jeff in a very solid ideas of the. Earth fortunately underwent a very different history from that of months our planet was able to hold on to its atmosphere and liquid water life continue to evolve inventing new forms. This white rock his testimony to an uphill battle that occurred 2500000000 years ago in the oceans a development which changed the entire history of life on earth a planet scale revolution proof about by microorganisms. We make less beautiful to lead this rock was the history of our of the history of biology its evolution its the amazing ability to transform matter and energy and its fantastic and where the children of this type of microorganism and this is our parent and i hate is what. These arent just any rocks that biologist put it because your lopez garcia and her team are here to study. These cow kariya structures the result of what was a brand new process using solar radiation as a source of energy us dramatic lights constructed by complex microbial communities in particular cyanobacteria. Skin onto im surrounded by fossils from our lives and this is a piece of living history man and ive got ive just chargeable you can see the colonies of green scion are bacteria that is still a typical color of chlorophyll a crop of pigment essential for photosynthesis that level doesnt it. This Great Innovation by cyanobacteria was their ability to manufacture their own food sugars from the 3 most abundant elements on primitive earth water Carbon Dioxide and sunlight this process of photosynthesis. Also produces a cow carious deposit which surrounds and protects the cyanobacteria allowing them to form colonies. No doubt. That a lovely piece is growing real and ok really really fast as. We have at least at least a 100 micro meters of growth per year maybe even 202250. Pound has wonderful. So much on like that we were happy this morning because we found colonization systems we placed here 5 years ago yes now colonized by microbial communities which produce these minerals in very quick crabs you know off the top its about a millimeter over here told them which is huge spear its a 10 on. 2. 4000000000 years ago cyanobacteria benefited from an unexpected asset to help them colonize and dominate earths ecosystem photosynthesis produced a waste product oxygen which was poisonous to the 1st organisms on earth the sausage and released in great quantities into the atmosphere wreaked havoc on other primitive organisms leaving the field clear for the cyanobacteria. As oxygen was toxic for many other organisms and they imposed themselves in certain Nations Mission in the 1st year of a learn to resist this toxic oxygen and then they colonized this new oxygen field in the. You know in the so much to everywhere from the oceans to lakes just to allow all sorts of surfaces online as on teena. The cyanobacteria became the most abundant organisms on earth and their massive presence changed the planet. The atmosphere. Now contained oxygen and oxygen also provided life on earth with a new protective barrier. High up in the atmosphere ultraviolet radiation transformed oxygen into ozone and gave earth a vital shield the ozone layer. Earths surface was now protected from harmful ultraviolet radiation and new forms of life were free to evolve in the open air. Convoy unionised it out there i called for through remember when you see a picture of earth such as from a space station that you see how incredibly thin the protective atmosphere is here remember this then film which was made by life itself over time and you realize to what extent all these critical areas were essential not just for earth would you support for the life to which it is all that all of you. Thanks to the cyanobacteria a fascinating selfperpetuating circle came into being. At 1st hoped foster the evolution of life but then with oxygen it was life that changed earth making earth increasingly welcoming to the evolution of life. Our planet started to look different becoming a green planet a planet the color of chlorophyll. Yokes you share now with oxygen his role in releasing energy and enabling the release of our lots of energy through Chemical Reaction and its more useful for animals and probably lead to the evolution of a multicellular organisms are already fairly rare few. Years multicellular organisms then larger animals could now of all thanks to this new element essential for keeping these increasingly complex biological machines running. New features requiring a Greater Energy input like muscles a liver or a brain could now form. A union. Evolution shaped our planet and its diversity evolution and life on earth into socio bill. By us remembering im stunned by biological diversity of life is constantly evolving and producing younger just the pair of the ok but all these forms of animals and plants that i see here in this primary for i can am a. Vision of unconscious but i also realize how hard this world can be so you know its beautiful but its a world full of struggles between different types of organisms you dont get a sphere is a quite and when i can see how darwin i came up with his theory of Natural Selection id still use it as having come to places like this you dont design where you can see these selection mechanisms work and all. The time you can use mark this election for a cure for. Our ecosystem is the culmination of a long dialogue between life and the environment a dialogue orchestrated by the rules of evolution. At your groceries and even useful prey when individuals are almost identical theyll be in varied circumstances and in the population of these individuals some will have a small particularity and this particularities may give them a competitive advantage for getting food or reproduce next year and we do well but you sure it will reproduce faster and gradually supply of those that dont have the particularities the id its the environment that has selected the individuals best adapted to the current circumstances was of course on the ticket is that. The environment itself was now modified by the biological activity of these individuals. Evolution in fact is a constant back and forth between the environment and its inhabitants. In the men and theres no purposeful direction that its not a Straight Line it in evolution progressed from bacteria to humiliate and it does go from bacteria to us but also from bacteria to bacteria we shot it in evolution is a sort of fan going in every possible direction. Evolution of this flora what is biologically possible ideology. On there was a move what were in Constant Movement and this is what has created something absolutely unique that should be more than just. The seeds the rich dynamic that has been driving earth since its origins stimulated by the diversity of its environments and climates life is permanently inventing new solutions from one continent to another species evolved differently coming up with new. Strategies c. R. Last year we read launched evolution since the origin of life if you know would we get the same result and im probably not that they say history repeats itself but it doesnt really i didnt know some things are repeated but history is always different its the same with life i thought if we threw the dice again its unlikely wed get the same animals and plants that we have to get money from vulcan mind hand. Evolution on earth is a coming together with the adaptations of genetics and the environment many environment which is itself the result of a long succession and chance of bents chance multiplying by chance. See its all this chance which is made earth unique in the. Big. Leagues ecosystem ecosystems in which we find ourselves with snow desert sand or sea we wont find them anywhere else. Births ecosystem is the result of a random process the probability of evolution producing a similar result on another planet seems very weak and yet for the last 25 years astronomers have discovered countless planets in our galaxy they are now quite certain that around most stars there are planets the actual number of planets in the universe must be beyond our imagination. To fall out of the moment theyre gone this is the argument brought up to challenge this change of paradigm on the i didnt know there are billions of galaxies all with billions of planets thats true but billions of billions is an infinity of them yell between us what they are us and there are billions of people but were all different its not about there being a billions of galaxies its that in a probability terms billions of billions it may not be a big enough number for us to find an identical case. You dont think. You know all those to make us want it who in any case if we do discover another life itll be surprising and fundamentally different from life on earth. Should i know my family i wouldnt expect to find a tree on another planet or an ecosystem identical to destroy on the sea diving life has occurred on other planets based on a similar chemistry im not even sure there have been animals implying it is i dont. Look for soul but these dont imagine we could find our environment on another planet its a complete illusion is could there be a planet big my answer is very harsh there is no planet being and its criminal to say there is is 6 q theres only one spaceship with earths ecosystems and thats earth was just and there will be no other. By the. Current for around 4000000000 years earth has been home to life of increasing diversity constantly inventing new strategies to survive cataclysms or changes in the environment. Life always seems to be on the front foot as though determined to survive in one form or another. Yet today it seems that this beautiful machine ecosystem could well be stalling as a result of the depredations done to it by now own species. Of 50 to sydney and we are part of the same biodiversity this ecosystem it will if we destroy them thats all part of this ecology in a deep way and ill probably go extinct i sit back and not we will be the last to go and i will go a long time before the bacteria that were just a leaf at the end of a branch which billions of years all the same as all the bacteria all the trees all the plants and all the microorganisms on the planet with a missile were just one more part of his biodiversity nick and nothing more than managed to panic place. Back. Damn. Thing after. Lunch call. Anyone searching for gold to acquire 16 its like a piece right there see that stuff in there during the clinton era the finding in who tradition calls palin. 2 how they do it what they find a nugget and why its a great way to conquer existential fiennes ive already forgotten all my problems so some kids only heard. Them 30 minutes to the dog. Collar full time where sitting bull society according to military market delivers that he has called more of the gender ethnic background age orientation health for the military should be the deciding factor in career success. We talk to Human Resources director is diversity Just Lip Service loreal or seeing made in germany. In 90 minutes on d w. Every 2 seconds a person is forced to flee their home. The consequences of them to sas trysts our documentary series displaced depicts dramatic humanitarian crises around the world. Fuck anything we dont have time to think i didnt go to university to kill people who dont act that way i mean a handful of people feel for their lives and their future so they seek refuge abroad but what will become of those who stay behind. Displaced starts october 16th on g. W. On the. This is deja vu news and these are our top stories france has set another record for daily kovac 19 infections with more than 16000 new confirmed cases and the number of people hospitalized with the virus has surpassed 6000. 00 for the 1st time in 2 months france is currently introducing a tougher social distancing

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