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There were fears that Living Conditions in urban communities in south africa and beyond would accelerate the spread of the virus for some experts are now asking what is those same crowded conditions also offer some extra protection against private 19. Some scientists thought a useful population might be behind africas relatively low infection rates but as the pandemic continues analysts are more and more reluctant to put the continent successes down to demographics. Some researches have also hypothesized that the presence of certain parasites in the body are contrary to into higher survival rates. But theyre still trying to unravel the mystery. Africa has recorded a little over 1400000 cases of coronavirus thats less than a quarter figure of the figure for the United States alone almost high. Off of the continents confirmed cases where in south africa but even there the death rate is surprisingly low and the country scientists are pushing to find a vaccine in. The search for a lifesaving covert 19 vaccine is back on in johannesburg. Anything christian is that senator kay today we dont seek a g. 800 minutes to make sure that you understand that weve actually discussed this pools and the steadiest thinking that. Oxford university partnered with South African blacks and ology experts in june to begin producing a locally effective serum to vaccinate against the corona virus which was halted when a sister trial in the United Kingdom saw participant take ill. Do you. Think you can pick up a stick and i just i know when i had that someone was in england i was worried because they didnt know what being close we would call a book at least involved with this. Vaccine issue. But after a few days i just do it what it was about and im here particularly. To try. To even notice the very kid the efforts for part of emergency measures to deal with the coronavirus pandemic in the worlds most Unequal Society its very important for us to know that these vaccines are safe and effective in a South African population who may differ greatly from from populations in in other parts of the world. South africa much like the rest of the continent has not experienced the covert 1000. 00 death rate seen in parts of the developed world. This is baffle some experts as to how a country with poor Living Conditions a high burden of diabetes tuberculosis and hiv aids is not overwhelmed by the pandemic. South africa has a much younger population than many European Countries and younger people are less severely affected than older people in addition about 40 percent of those young people we estimate had asymptomatic infection and that might be because theyve been exposed to other coronaviruses that cause the common cold early on. Indigenous communities have a simple hypothesis and claiming south africa whether the covert 900 storm through the power of Traditional Medicine that is widely used throughout the country. For them to search for a modern vaccine in africa is futile and offensive. So we feel insulted that. People who come with them at the damages from the west could come in london our shores in want to think that we can just be vaccinated is problematic with that recognizing the fact that the insurance systems of healing that exist in this and i do know in our midst. Amid this opposition the vaccine trial continues with fears a 2nd wave of coded 1000 infections could arrive in coming months. We need to try and diminish the impact of covert both from a health point of view but also from associate anomic point of view and that can actually only be done if we have a suitable vaccine going forward. Only a few months old the vaccine trial is expected to run at least on the latter part of 2021. Im really hopeful that by this Time Next Year well have a vaccine available the studies are going well and we should be able to say. With almost 16000 deaths and over 650000 infections in south africa alone for dr fairly and her team the arrival of a vaccine cant come soon enough. For corona virus deaths across africa are lower than scientists would have expected especially when you consider there may have been many more cases than have so far been recorded a number of reasons have been put forward for that from africas young population to Traditional Medicines there is another more unusual hypothesis some scientists believe parasitic worms could be protecting some africans from a full effects of 19 on this we can speak to dr kim hare of who is a parasite ologist borne University Thanks for joining us can you please tell us what this hypothesis is all about. Good afternoon. We have been working a long time on the reality of a parasitic disease and the host response of the human immune response particularly against warms and one of the dominant features is that there was ensure their survival for 10 years and longer in the body by suppressing the immune response for example to rid of live which is a parasitic one sees it is spread through tropical africa with about 40000000 people infected and here you have one logging in the skin amounting to some hundreds per square millimeter yet the. Immune response is sort of regulated that there is almost no inflammation in the majority of people and they sometimes dont even know they have these so we know also that there is a spill over of this immune response to other. Immune responses for example the negative is that somebody seems to not work as well as they should and this is also been very clearly aligned to this immune suppression and the motivation is more as well established and the hypothesis now is that this is overshooting immune reaction that carries with severe comit 90 cases might be mitigated because the people who are were wars and havent you know suppressed general. Status if this hypothesis does prove to be true other any implications for possible treatment coronavirus. Just long sought to carve out the beneficial parts of the immune response of a parasite immunosuppressive moat and voids the total parasitic infection but this is very tricky you have to imagine the parasite horrors of 10000. 00 different proteins and even more of the molecules d that it can plainly see in order to interact and down regulate the in real systems not to speak about that of the infection in the locality and all these things its very complicated so far. Except for a few molecules that for example have been shown to down regulate. Becomes very specific or like receptors sort of pollen you are in the immune system also playing a role in septic infections they can be addressed by small molecules but they are still in the brutal developments and we are not yet there are definitely be longer. Perspective for a group of 19 weve seen which seems to be more or less round. So we went be relying on the worms just yet dr aqim her hour from phone University Thanks a lot for joining us. And now is the part of the program where we pose one of your questions to ask science correspondent eric williams. If you inhale to us the number of viruses you inhale make a difference in your symptoms. This is a really interesting question because it touches on a recent comment made by a top American Health official that universally masking up might be more effective than a vaccine at protecting us from covert 19 the idea behind that claim is that although masks dont prevent people from being exposed to the virus entirely by limiting exposure they could help reduce the number of people who develop severe cases of the disease and the theoretical equation is that light exposure leads to more asymptomatic cases ed and theres some evidence to back that idea up from settings like cruise ships and meat packing plants where were people who were required to wear masks during covert 19 elp breaks on average less severe forms of the disease no the exact amount of virus that it takes to make someone really sick is a kind of a slippery concept called the infectious dose or viral and and theres no way to really tell for sure whether a higher infectious those causes more severe symptoms or not at least not in humans thats because if you really want to test the either youre going to run into a major ethical problem youd have to intentionally infect people with varying amounts of the virus and basically wait to see what happens next but we have carried out studies like this in animals for example hamsters and they do indeed showed that there appears to be. A correlation between being exposed to more sores cove 2 and disease severity which is not really a surprise but of course other factors like like age and General Health also play a big roles and i dont columns. One and Derrick Williams there and if youve got a question for derek you can submit it through a you tube channel thats all from this call that 19 special if you do want more from us check out the dedicated coronavirus section at the d w website that dot com thanks for joining us and until next time take out. Whats going on here. House of your very own from a printer. Computer games that are healing. My dog needs electricity. Shift sixteens delivers facts and choose what the future holds for. Living in the digital world. Watch cold call anyone searching for gold to acquire 60 minutes like a piece right there to get stuck in there during the era of the finding in tradition called. 2 2 how they do it what they find enough and why its a great way to conquer existential feel ive already forgotten all my problems only. About 45. 00. Really. Im not proud. They will not succeed in dividing us sal not succeed in taking the people off the streets because were tired of this dictatorship. Taking the stand global news that matters d. W. Made for mines. Spare us the saudi consulate. A body that will never be. Plot connected to the highest levels of government why did journalist Jamal Khashoggi have to die. Was threatened by his work 2 years later and the reasons are still unclear the case of jump. Starts september 30th on d w. The internet has revolutionized the way becomes you music sign up to a streaming service and you can listen to all your favorite tunes on the go wherever you are many artists have even begun playing shows in Computer Games or staging virtual concerts how is all this changing the Music Industry today on shipped. Almost 300000000. 00 people stream music via spotify each month that gives the Market Leader a detailed picture of uses listening habits today music lovers can also enjoy streaming music videos and concerts in their homes and on their mobile devices and these services are rapidly growing in popularity computer Game Developers are giving a platform to others as well in spring if you ask rapper travis got to showcase the brand new track live in fort myers a hugely popular multiplayer game. Thats the big moment given recent hip hop fans have been waiting for you would virtual travel scotch since its a multiplayer game for. Performing in front of 112000000 players the largest crowd ever to attend a virtual concert like this. The gaming and Music Industrys emerging across over the tracks to try to get groups in one many games new feature cool soundtracks indie dance moves and virtual in game concerts because china im sure someone would believe. This streaming platforms like apple music these and spotify dominate the music market today raking in huge sums of money and only a tiny fraction of that goes to the artists on some platforms they earn less than 1. 00 cent per stream to make a decent living they need hundreds of thousands of place for exams. An artist would be 80000. 00 plays on the napster streaming that from just to the u. S. National minimum wage roughly 1400. 00 u. S. 1. 20 place would be needed on apple music and over 300001 spotify and amazon. Can musicians make a living like that its tough but its not all black and white you know we met up with drum and band who say despite the downsides there are benefits to spotify. And after mitt have been with folk pop. For 11 years their albums feature german english and arabic lyrics and have made it into german charts at 1st they didnt want them his accounts part of. 45 spotify definitely exploits musicians and if you have an almost nothing through streams. Its not even enough for major artists to get by. Making an album is a lot of work and costs a lot to record. Some at 1st we didnt really like the idea of making new music available for free and people like to. Write. I have played over here a living and loyal fan base today their music is on spotify after all with success their latest single happy from the new album has already been streamed half a 1000000 times about 250000 fans listen to their tunes each month users can discover your music on spotify even if you dont belong to a record label. And if your music gets streamed a lot and recommended to other people then you might feature your playlist thats what sway their opinion from them and work and. Their current music is available on other streaming platforms today but 90 percent of their listeners come from spotify since signing up in 2015 hours music has been streamed about 25000000 times in 78 Different Countries streaming platform. Meanwhile also changing the way artists create music. Keep them from us an overwhelming choice of music now if you get bored of the song you skip it i guess that discourages artists from producing elaborate 10 minute tracks with 3 minute solos and long intros so yeah people are adapting to that. On average songs have become shorter over the years in 2000 the u. S. Top 100 singles tended to be over 4 minutes long but in 2018 the average length for just 3 and a half minutes why in part because of the 32nd rule applied by spotify and other streaming platforms it means only receive money if the song has been streamed half a minute or more this is changing how artists craft songs long gone are the days when songs that long winded intros for example or more on that heres chris of a classic Berlin School of popular its hard to get to my one hits today follow with different formula from take just a beavers love yourself the song jumps right in with lyrics from the get go. Darrius and the listener knows exactly what the tracks about. The same time for an intro. The 1st few bars of a song are crucial they determine whether the listener sticks with it also gets to the next the vast competition for music has given many listeners a short Attention Span and so the 1st 30 seconds. I need just 20 seconds to never listen to the whole song or not know. The Music Industry started making money from streaming services in 2510 years later screaming about phones were already making 2600000000 euros in revenue and since 2018 streaming has become the biggest source of income for the Music Industry last year it made up 50. 6 percent of global music revenue thats why artists are under pressure to make their music Available Online play lists are also a crucial part of these major streaming platforms if an artist is featured on one it can seriously because theyre streaming figures and revenue but who curator these play lists. Popular music on spotify is promoted on playlists which drives up streaming figures even further. Algorithms define who makes it as an artist of all. Play lists only contain popular songs this is based on certain metrics. A song will move up a playlist the more it can stream. But there are other play lists with the structure is more important songs are added in a way that achieves the rights musical art. Something means have begun to help get those songs on surveillance to market them like replace the network now owned by sound cloud musicians are now less dependent on music labels but even more so uncertain algorithms. This is something that pub professor marcus klein i criticize this. Point sort of fortunately these days producing music is less about creating and more about calculation because algorithms calculate how many people like what and when they listen. The it will Music Production is becoming much more of those numbers and less about cultivating a future for society because there shaft. Is pop music no longer a revolutionary force well despite the criticism digitalisation is providing new scope for creativity like the video sharing app picked up some artists even have a global hit song because of thick fog if their song features on one of the popular to talk challenge are like them thats x. With all told. With the get up all of viral sensations. Streaming services and social media platforms represent a great new way for fans and musicians to connect especially now during times of social distancing. We have a spring tour plugged up with 26. 00 or 27. 00 concerts on these sort of even for a few months but like all been scarred the tour was cancelled because its a shame because we just finished recording our latest album of it at the market and we were looking forward to going on tour with it. Instead to africa has banned them to stage a concert on a rooftop in cologne and live streamed it for all their fans unfortunately there too bill then band mates couldnt join them because of the knock down. The show most important that fans get to see bands in a live context even if its online. So i believe in can you see its all over social media rights now. Streaming is a great way for artists to stay present during lockdown james blunt recently stream to show from hamburgs elbert philharmonic home. And artists like billy eilish the Rolling Stones and green days but in Joe Armstrong live stream performances from their own homes for the one will together at home Charity Event to on the health care workers. In addition to their Live Streaming the publish to music video made from 60 fan videos filmed at home the clip has around 50000 hits on you tube. I dont want to feel. The i think im really feeling the way to stay in touch with fans these days because by Live Streaming concert life. After thinking footage of past gigs Available Online you know come. To will now take place in autumn this year provided not tell me. I know that if not theyll just keep performing on. Ok so digital platforms are great for musicians to connect with fans and for fans to stream as much music as they want whenever they want but theres a catch companies are collecting vast quantities of personal data professor nick cauldron of the London School of economics explains more. The way we sat or jumped in front of or a record player was unknown to the Record Companies they were blind to that now theyre not the vision of markets is today is a relation which is continuous as long as you are using the product the product will be tracking new. Companies constantly analyze our music listening behavior to keep us on platforms for as long as possible platforms like french streaming site. Many users get to play they should in theory only hear music that they want to hear for the 1st we need to establish an ongoing relationship both of we have to learn what music to enjoy in a monday morning for example but not on a friday evening. Some artists have launched exclusive Online Events like us soul singer erykah badu one of my favorite artists who created an interactive Concert Series the idea is that fans pay a fee to watch and then have a say what happens like which song will be played next streaming has made it extremely easy for us to consume music but also harder for artists to make a living so its on us to support musicians we care about for example by seeing their shots online or one day in real life. What do you think those on your facebook and d. W. Dot com thats it from us this week say you know so. Much clay. And searching for gold to acquire. This like a piece fakir she got stuck in there during the clinton era evolving and tradition called. How they do it with a falling in love and why its a great way to conquer existential feel ive already forgotten all my problems 6. 30 minutes. Entered the conflict zone tim sebastian. Welcome to this special edition of conflicts of the last 4 years weve interviewed several senior lebanese politicians about felix or bill breakdown the fair is called to make a mistake institutions what they told us for vis an unusually clear insight into the recent elevens in chucks of the crisis. Comes like so for. 90 minutes on dublin to. Good use crime fighters are back africas most successful radio drama series continues this season for stories focus on hate speech cholera prevention and sustainable charcoal production. All of reserves are Available Online and of course you can share and discuss on africas Facebook Page and other social media platforms. Crime fighters tune in now. Get. Cut. This is deja vu news live from berlin. Police officers are shot and wounded in kentucky as Racial Justice protests erupt across the United States demonstrations break out after crossing shooters decided not to charge Police Officers with murder over the killing of a black woman Briana Taylor she was shot dead by officers during a braid on her home. Also

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