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Pandemic. Also police have stepped up the night road drops in kinshasa and theyre mostly targeting taxis its because of the rise in kidnappings in the city. Hello im christine its good to have your Company West African deeds is all yes to react to the appointment all the president of malis Transitional Government until. He has been named interim president by mollys genting the it is the 17 year old former defense minister is a retired colonel now the regional body ecowas had insisted that the president off the Transitional Government must be a civilian. Last week the body to step up economic sanctions and impose a total embargo on mali if that and other conditions were not met in madiao if a Public Opinion about those appointment is mixed. I would have liked the people to have chosen a politician because mali has been a democracy for almost 25 years. Im very happy because its a purely political appointment hes also a career soldier. I think ultimately no man is suitable some and get things done a less divisive but the new president is among the least divisive personalities in the country im now joined by about a local she is chair of the African Security Sector Network Pan African Network of experts and organizations working in Security Sector reform good to have you on the program so we just heard some different opinions about bundles appointments. How do you think people and money feel about having a military man as a transitional president. Its important to remember is that just after cooper and. August there was a lot of interest yes the main street and also you know there are parts of the country but no i think that feelings of people are who are mixed including because so of course you know political. Elites do not necessarily agree we. Really do you know we need you know clinton and so i think there are different feeling about these including because it and 5 areas being i was explaining some concerns and to the probation about. Nomination. How is. It meant as a point of going to go down with regional leaders as specifically ecowas who had said that they want to less of a day and to leave the transition council. Says i asked for a civilian to ease the transition not only president owes a transition but also the Prime Minister so the name and the choices of Prime Minister will be also a very important element but it is also important to remember is that they called us out also in greek to have a longer transition no barriers initially as no there seems to agree to either 18 months transition good also or eliminate it will be important because the lousy curation of states has been also required. To be solved it is one of their required and so we will see that they will ringback accept decent notice that they are desperately to argue Prime Minister who will be a need to be equally in charge of defense and security related matters now that the ecowas was very quick sample sanctions on mali following that that could have just wondered about these sanctions and how how much they could have an impact on on the efforts by the Transitional Council just how uncomfortable could these sanctions make it for the Transitional Council. The sentient will have a lot of going back to their era to be continued to date you can use there are targeting specific early eightys or realities that are the ground it is more often that now that book relations and c. D. s are a sobering from then and it will not be possible for same you are sorry to go there and well just function because otherwise there will be and there is or to lose the support of that creation so it will be absolutely crucial for such an echo but decides to take on that same ship ok that say i dont know now thank you for. The covert 900 pandemic has made many people in cameroon worried about going to hospitals or clinics to seek medical care now a new video consultation app is making it easier for patients to keep their distance while getting treatment an unusual medical consultation incoming route. Through a local platform the service call. Dr and friends you lost patience a book an appointment on line and choose a doctor. Public hospitals over such a rigid people who are working and have a 9 to 5 job dont really have time to stand in a long queue to seek medical assistance. They can spend the whole deal at a hospital with a doctor. To visit bruce a home as is. The limits and services have become popular here since. 1000. We cant reveal details of bruces condition but due to the virus hes not comfortable going to the hospital. Correct i think is a sickness we have getting medical treatment. In pandemic that. I wouldnt want to go to the hospital i want to minimize the risk of getting infected michael vick 19 so i used the Online Service to consult my doctor often of the city in the course of a long anything. Not to jump cause some parties to contribute to greeces treatment theyre close to 400. 00 doctors are vulnerable and a plus for. More than 500 patients since you started operating in juneau. The internet is sometimes down but doctors manage to reach out to their patients. With even if it costs about 3. 00 a month to store medical far undersurface. Feet. With us you know i can assure you that the are many patients who are suffering away in need of a doctor silence deaf or the intelligence to make this service what fission become of want to make it of the world to all cameroonians so everyone that needs. Cameron is require more than 20000 coronavirus cases with a little over 400 its we know and side to the Global Pandemic more and more people cannot decide to use digital means to consult a doctor away from the hospital. Now in kinshasa thats the capital of the democratic republic of congo hijackings are on the increase getting a taxi or many of us in downtown kinshasa has been dangerous for a long time particularly for women traveling on their own now the situation has cautioned work and women are pressuring police to crack down on the criminals. Lose each other id never really felt safe catching a taxi in downtown kinshasa. One day the worst fears were realized. Yet theyve seen. A kidnapping by criminals disguised as taxi drivers that it was in my way home from work they kidnapped me around quarter to 6 and let me go around midnight and. They stole my finals he couldnt even contact our Family Member why am. I mean. Official statistics of kidnappings a hard to come by but surety says its becoming more common for criminals posing as taxi drivers to kidnap women and demand a ransom from their families. Own experience led her to start a campaign to raise awareness about the issue. I heard women complaining about the problem. And then when it happened to me i thought oh no we have to save others we have to save peoples lives thats how all this began we made a promise that what happened to us wouldnt happen to at us at even. The womens activism is finally showing some results. Police now acknowledge that the city is becoming more dangerous for women and are trying to do something about it. Is a kid i love. These constant calls for help reached the authorities. Their service to melt the lie they instructed the forces of law and order to implement security measures security. Which began with the reinforcement of police patrols. Creek. Police roadblocks these days specifically target yellow cabs and real taxi drivers confirm the police increased presence at night. Ive noticed that there are problems in the city there are criminals and thats why there are controls to try and find these people who create fear in the city. Even taxis are checked and if a dangerous object is discovered you are arrested. Police say the patrols have slashed the numbers of kidnappings from up to 8 kidnappings a day to nearly none at all. Each. Time thats where well leave it for the program today be sure to check out other stories on dot com forward slash africa or on facebook and now leave you with some inspiration from the amal jazz band in south sudan the band works with children seeking shelter from conflicts at the u. N. Protection sites in. The north of the country. Like me for us as a jazz band music is everything so we decided to train youngsters here so they can learn about their culture theres a real challenge for displaced children across south sudan to keep in touch with their own cultures so we wanted to find a way to keep our traditions alive among the Younger Generation i know you dont you see the music or hear it at least i hear it is. Staying up to date dont miss our highlights. Program on line w. Dot com highlights. The merely mancipation compatible with. Most muslim women choose between their faith and selfdetermination. For the militant feminist i dont want anyone to tell me but the right to marry his stuff for no good reason. Women are striving to reform their islam away from traditional prejudices. Starts september 24th on t w. How do you perform Shakespeares Macbeth when actors cant even get close enough to play a murder scene coming up on arts and culture theater in the age of cove it and also on the show capturing americas diversity and divisions to photographers take their studio on the road and later the small town work centuries of instrument making traditions live on from generation to generation. Welcome to arts and culture anyone who has read or seen macbeth remembers the famous line out damn spot out i say as lady macbeth tries desperately to scrub her hands clean well since the coronavirus that weve all done plenty of hand washing theatres too are taking precautions as they reopen in places including here in germany. Now i would. First up the powderpuff so this is it the return of theatre to a kind of new normality make me there for prices own make up. This almost alone on the stage of dressed and darts shall spiel murders at a distance his desperation the rush of blood to the head his lust for power are all solitary moments backed by the band woods of actor director christian fredo has bought a slimmed down version of his plan to macbeth to the stage to help the new season because searching for the best. Show is a foretaste a theatrical trailer in which 31. 00 people are missing and there are usually 37. 00 people on stage and now we have the band and the best so to speak and so of course its a big difference. The rehearsals in spring 2020 unimaginable now christian freedom was intense interaction with dancers actors and musicians it was supposed to be a monumental shakespeare evening with all the blood sweat and tears that theater can muster. Practice for it was almost ready in march but usually the last week is always the week were some things are changed decisions are made things are left out thats when you really get ready to pray and we were prevented from doing that. Now 6 months later everything is back to square one at the start shellshock build trust and audience flow systems are being set up so theater goers have less contact with each other. Warning signs are everywhere the theater has become a danger zone. On stage actors maintain one and a half meters distance or in more energetic scenes 6 meters. Rule on stage and in the auditorium this makes for a more intimate but not necessarily easy production. The acting school that. Whether a few people see it is very very difficult to convince them the room is not filled with an atmosphere that automatically comes alive so a little more has to happen almost and thats why its such a challenge and im glad to be able to play at all. The. Searching for macbeth in dressed in the time of corona the stage belongs to the lone warrior. Michael krueger from 2 w. s culture desk is here now to talk a little bit about the situation in theater mike intimacy is normally such a big part of it seems to have gone a little bit missing here absolutely nearly everything is for. Cases and the the same theater we already saw is also performing the Magic Mountain that at the moment and look at. A kid. That stunning isnt it. But this is also the perfect play for the pandemic its about patients of a senatorial where everybodys already obsessed with illness so the actors dont have to get very close to each other. Oh my gosh i could just watch that for hours ok but here in germany you know were really lucky we have the situation there is public funding for theatre not the situation everywhere still this pandemic has to be a huge financial blow to theaters yet they have to cut back and every possible way. And even in which is sold out that doesnt mean that they have already enough money. Because most of the seed have to remain empty and we all of the people also expect that we saw that in some of the opera house filled the seats but it backfired they had to cancel the show the people clapped in protest because of a lack of social distancing specially in the highest and cheapest so it is hard just they cant just sell out these days ok so its really hard to get back to normal on the other hand we are seeing some really Creative Solutions and and very scary ones there we have and make some bull this is not only the Zombie Apocalypse its also a drive in theater in tokyo the Company Started this as a way to get close to the audience safely so visitors can be afraid of everything just not of the crew of ours because everybodys safe and theyll come and this is also a car washes are it yeah after after that performance the zombies clean the car. Ok i would say well if we could go to tokyo places which i could go now anyone who is following news from the United States can see divisions in that country growing practically by the day the new book divided we stand shows the people of america as seen by 2 outsiders swiss photographers morning official and much. Drove across 40 us states in 4 months taking portraits along the way. Looking for america encounters from a journey to find faces that reflect something about the land of the free. 25000 kilometers through a divided country. Sometimes we found people weve been looking for and some days we found no one sometimes we turn up somewhere and we see someone and we know thats a story thats an exciting person on the phone the snake catcher in virginia for example who started doing drugs at the age of 8 he tells his story as openly as the make up artist from las vegas. Was so great about americans is that theyre so spontaneous i think we almost never got told no joy it helps that were from switzerland and were not showing up there is new yorkers and want something from them but from neutral switzerland the couple are from village egg in the swiss country on of. This is were Monica Fisher and to mathias brush have their home and studio when theyre not living and working on the road in order to capture spontaneous support traits. They use the same neutral background to have free time. Whether they are taking a photo of nasa nerd one always dreamed of being an astronaut. And i am a chef farmar who would never even get into a motorized vehicle. But watching the pictures of gun nuts and crystal meth addicts tell us about america. Life. Beauty. Sadness. War. We dont just take photos we talk to people thats a very important part of our work and we are sometimes very surprised at what comes out. More than a year and a half has passed since Monica Fisher and mathias set off on a mission to understand america did they go. To. Say you know can you understand switzerland id also say you know. Thats another story in november the people Monica Fischer and. Encountered will be able to vote to elect the president of the most powerful nation on earth. And who knows where that will really. From a giant divided country now to a small town that values harmony at least when it comes to music just a few 1000 people live in marked noisy ocean in eastern germany and yet its famous to musicians around the globe 3 centuries ago a group of protestant instrument makers set up shop there after fleeing religious persecution to save a town has a variety and concentration of instrument workshops unparalleled in the world. d is a musicians paradise the tiny town in the folk and region is home to about 100. 00 world class instrument builders. Musicians like patch of the castle state orchestra come in when they need a new instrument. Together with his son as apprentice master violin make it a little is continuing a long tradition they fashioned violins using the methods developed by the italian master antonio study of ari as well as other local craftsman. Every instrument we. Is custom crafted for a particular musician mostly theyre commissioned by the musicians themselves to play to the specific strengths quality. Custom sound just also the focus of the schmidt mouthpiece maker workshop a Family Business for more than 200 years grandson and grandfather field frost wind instruments so they ship as far away as south korea and australia and make trumpet can cost over 3000. 00 euros but if you compare with the sound of conventional mass produced instruments the price is well worth it. He says. And how much and shape the metal the whole process produces a material that is especially thin and hard and thats crucial for a crisp clear. Plan. For. The citys community of instrument makers and has a unique infrastructure that has grown over the course of generations. 100. 00 music instrument makers dedicated to their craft and to passing on their skills to the next generation. Striving for perfection to help musicians around the world attain the most definitely the sound. We heard earlier in the show the drive in theater is now kind of a thing im going to leave you with the English National opera performing. In a london parking lot thats high culture in the year 2020 folks thanks for watching. Because day one of the bundesliga comes to a sensational story by a crush al qaeda complete with the beautiful ramona. And family meant nothing new there and if he didnt come by has a banana. One ounce ahmad. Most. Is for me. Is for you. Is for health. Beethoven is for. Is for the. Beethoven is for us. Is for the ma ma beethoven 202250th anniversary here on. We can see them. Sometimes sense now. But what connects people is stronger than what separates them. Is so strong getting the chance to play. We celebrate the 30th anniversary of germanys reunification bank. On 2 thirds of g. W. Plague. Cut. Cut plan. This is g. W. New swine flu from berlin a coronavirus clash between the president s of the u. S. And china to follow the guidance of science if food played to the leading role the role tulsa okla say should i launch a joint International Response to this predominant we must hold accountable the nations which unleash this playing on to the world shines out

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