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A critical view of the politicize ation of the nomination process. I dont know what it will take. That we really should get back to. When people are examining the qualifications of someone to be. Rather than trying to. Have. Mourners that candles for ginsberg on the steps of the Supreme Court while there was praise for her legacy from across the political divide the search for her successor threatens to be less dignified. Correspondent carlina chinoy joins me from washington kearney now this news comes just weeks ahead of the u. S. Election how will it impact the race. This will have a big impact on the race specially if the nomination of the is made after the election people know if they vote for trumpet they are going to vote also for a conservative judge if they vote for biden they would vote for a liver old church but the chances that the nomination might happen after the election are really very small. While one will that be a small chance of it happening after the election and when then can we expect the judge to be named. Well this depends on how long the dva it is going to take in the senate the usual procedure is a president in this case almost trump names that can a day before the Supreme Court and the same way the Justice Committee that is a very small group of senators interviews the nominee for some days and then the leader of the senate in this case a republican decides when the whole saying it is going to over vote on the number in this case the leader already said he wants to get it through this year well the debate in the senate 8 can take is several days but the longest procedure in his surrey before confirming to the Supreme Court were 125 days and this was along this procedure ever back in 1916 between did their work now on the neck or a should be there only 124 days left so chances that the next Supreme Court is going to be named before elections is quite high ok and how will this next judge shape the u. S. In the years to come. It was a new day and if he or she is being nominated by donald trump will be probably a conservative one this will save the country now a very severe way because were talking about the highest court in the country and this highest court makes a different decisions about Different Things for example. The womens rights but also i do b. T. I. Rights or also who is being deported and who not and if there is a developed also about the elections and the outcome of the elections this court might be the one who is going to decide who is finally the winner of the elections for november 30th ok currently in washington d. C. Thank you thank you. But lets take a look now at some other stories making news around the world russian Opposition Leader alexina vonnie has posted another picture of himself recovering in hospital the caption of the photo he shed on instagram said his path to recovery was clear although long the vollies been treated in a bubble in hospital after being poisoned with a nerve agent thats been used before against kremlin critics. Thousands of people have again taken to the streets in the russian city of how about all of us to protest the detention of their regional leader governor a surrogate for gov was arrested in july in a murder probe setting off months of protests in the far eastern city his supporters believe the charges against the Opposition Leader a politically motivated. The greek government says over 200. 00 people have tested positive for coded at a new refugee shelter on the island of lesbos europes largest refugee camp burnt down earlier this month leaving some 12000. 00 homeless the Migration Ministry says 3 quarters of them have today moved to a new camp which is already for. A hurricane like storm in the mediterranean has killed at least 2 people in greece named knows it battered the center of the country causing torrential rains and flash floods tropical style storms have become more frequent in recent years in the Mediterranean Region because of rising sea temperatures. Thousands of demonstrators are holding a rally in the thai capital bangkok in favor of democratic reforms the student led demonstrations are calling for the Prime Ministers resignation and changes in tough laws against criticizing the monarchy the protest at the weekend it marks the high point of almost daily protest against the Thai Government that have been taking place since july. Its become a symbol of resistance crazy 3 fingers to the sky a creative way to defy authorities in a country with stringent restrictions on freedom of expression. Protests have been growing in bangkok since mid july following a number of political scandals including the forced disbanding of the Main Opposition Party the protest movement has to maintain mons shake up of thailands military dominated government and reforms to the role of the powerful role family. If we had a Good Government a democratic government. Politics our Education Health care system would be better than this this is our dream and we hope that our dream will come true. Demonstrators want to see the resignation of this man Prime Minister. Hes a military man who came to power in 2014 during a coup then tightening his power in disputed elections this year. I cannot accept a system that is corrupt but with the last few rallies there was no response from those who hold power. The 3 core demands were ignored and even the most basic demand to stop harassing people government didnt listen to. The Prime Minister has slammed the protests as the responsible putting many ties that restrain the coronavirus pandemic. Any major flare up of infections will lead to terrible consequences and even worse economic destruction of which we have never seen. The prodemocracy movement is also calling for royal family reform criticising the wealthy rowhouses to boo in thailand and can lead to a hefty penalties and jail time protesters want to see more transparency when it comes to royal affairs. The protesters vowed to last all weekend demonstrations continuing throughout the night. Several countries in europe are facing a surge in corona virus infections leading to new restrictions across the continent spain was one of the hardest hit during the 1st wave of the pandemic the situation there has again been deteriorating in recent weeks but authorities want to avoid the nationwide lockdown ordered in march and are opting for more localized measures instead. Rapidly rising infections in madrid have sent the spanish capital into a partial 2nd look down the areas most affected by the nearest frictions of the densely populated low income neighborhoods and the sight of the City Movement will be restricted and all bars and restaurants will be limited to 50 percent capacity. For the moment im not going to i understand that we need to save the economy in the forward but health is more important with our health theres no money. Credits are being cut i know and i think its good to avoid making the situation worse because there are people who go when they dont have to. Let those who really need to go do so so they dont lose their jobs so they dont lose what little they have. We hope people get lucky and. Even those in the hardest hit regions will not be stopped from going to work as happened to non essential workers during the initial wave of the pandemic i give you that we need to avoid a state of emergency and a hard look done we need to avoid Economic Disaster hard look down and state of emergency are an Economic Disaster and we need to avoid that by all means. Regional Health Officials say madrids Health Care System is under growing pressure as hospitals struggle to operate with limited Health Workers and resources. Now lets take a look now at some of the latest news on the pandemic are across the world. France has registered more than 31000. 00 coronavirus related deaths since the start of the pandemic it comes as the country like many others in europe sees a huge surge in new infections the death toll is also rising rapidly in iran official figures put the death rate among patients requiring requiring intensive care at around 50 percent and the Health Minister in germany says the Health System is coping with the rising number of infections the germany has just seen the highest number of infections since april sports news now and the Opening Night of the buy in munich the 8 time defending champions have already put themselves on top of the league in the new season just 4 minutes environed were ahead thanks to surgical gnabry it was a blog in the making after the break newcomer the roy sonny got into the act with an assist he chased down the ball and left it for the mabry to score his 2nd of 3 on the night 8 mil was the final score. But its not only humans that enjoy art in london exhibition aimed at mans best friend has opened showcasing designs for dogs dogs are not just the subject of the show they can tour it as well the traveling exhibition is the brainchild of japanese designer kenya who launched it in 2012 before now unleashing it on london architecture for dogs runs through january 10th dont forget to bring treats. Youre watching the news live from berlin after a short break well have a report on how Migrant Workers from abroad are making up for the shortfall in workers in germanys Health System remember you can keep up to date on our website d w dot com and on twitter and instagram. Ive told me a lot for me on the team here in berlin thanks for watching. Can you hear me now oh yes were going to debut and how it all stands gentlemans house without wavering on going to a man called and youve never had to have a surprise yourself with what is possible charisma call really what moves her and want. To talk to people who follow her along the way maurice and critics alike join us for metals last hour. Plus. If we just take the time to observe it nature provides us with a fascinating spectacle. Over time the inhabitants of our planet of woven complex relationships of collaboration symbiosis dependence and predation. Earth is the planet of life running crawling all flying life abounds everywhere. But for this beautiful diversity to have proliferated earth has had to provide a favorable environment for around 4000000000 years. Then with the conditions which enables the blooming of fly. On earth. And could these conditions be present elsewhere resulting in alternative ecosystems. In attempts to answer these questions scientists scour the cosmos for signs of life. Theyve built giant telescopes with which to probe the universe and listen to the whispering of the stars but space has remained resolutely silent. Scientists have sent probes to the very edges of our solar system. But all they have sent back have been images of planets inimical to life. Over the last 25 years however astronomers have discovered thousands of incredibly diverse planets in our galaxy alone. So many strange worlds with no sign of life not one of the planets similar to our own so could it be that earth really easy to make. Mean this Program Scientists will tell the fascinating story of how earth developed how these bowl of ice and dust became the planet of life. In their laborde trees or out on the ground they continued their research into the extraordinary circumstances which allowed life to appear and eventually transform this planet and. They said look on palos all the were trying to understand with all the possible outcomes what it was that made the uniqueness of our system with all them push it seems like earths climate fix that self to always be favorable to life thats amazing. Each will explain the incredible saga from the viewpoint of their own discipline from the birth of our planet to todays ecosystems its a story punctuated by an incredible succession of lucky accidents to valleyfair luzhniki theres the analogy with the lottery the game your life if the probability of winning is tiny so in the game of planetary formation forming a solar system with our earth is like winning the lottery. Scientists are only now fitting together all the various chapters of these turbulent history our history that of a succession of helpful nudges lucky chances and beneficial cataclysms. Without a helping hand from jupiter and saturn without the moon without hurtling comments without the power of volcanoes without the genius of certain microorganisms we would not be here if bush sr its possible that life as a one off was existing you know our l. T. That only our atlantis has all the conditions necessary for life as we know it theyre going to. Let their house or sausage go out in that sense earth is probably unique although we may detect some life elsewhere that it will necessarily be completely different. Than. It was this mind blowing series of improbable events that made earth the possibly unique life bearing planet it now is. The idea that earth may be the leak could have been spawned by this famous photo taken on the apollo 8 mission in 1968 it changed our way of looking at earth there is al planet floating like an oasis in the magnificent emptiness of. Space. For the 1st time where we all were bacteria mammals insects and plants on the same photo our planet a unique ecosystem and even today this photo hints that veiled with clouds an envelop in its the an atmosphere could be alone in the universe. The 1st reason earth was able to become this welcoming blues fear is because its at just the right distance from the sun in a narrow zone not too hot and not too cold when the temperatures are compatible with liquid water and life. But planetology just have discovered that earths very presence in this goldilocks zone is itself to an amazing stroke of luck. When the solar system was still young this zone came close to being taken over by the planet jupiter so how was earth able to form here. Research into the answer to this puzzle has been carried out it needs observatory. Sundram all the delhi has written a new account of the birth of our solar system. Coming in solution is theyve got it working on the origin of planetary systems as like being at the tact of you arrive at the crime scene and use the clothes to try to work out what happens if i see. I knew about the abuses them so that act will issue from our solar system as it is we try to reconstruct how it formed and develop a doc when we come up with a scenario we get a shiver of excitement with thinking that maybe weve got close to what actually happened to us here a more. Planetology just start from the present position of the planets attempting to hypothesize a scenario of the Solar Systems formation with the help of computer simulations. And also liston like all planetary systems formed from a cloud of gas and dust that surrounded the young son 4500000000 years ago. But our solar system seems to have a very different structure from the majority of planetary systems discovered over the last few years. And also to greek we now say that our solar system is pretty magical them so that the a lot of chance events had to happen to fred to be as it is usually this suggests that our solar system isnt a typical planetary system but a relatively rare one more. Because all shamash when we look at planets around other stars we see that when its of a similar mass to jupiter are found in earths spark class then up there this is an important jupiter was in the spotlight earth it wouldnt be here so they pull up. The discovery outside our solar system of giant planets similar to jupiter but much closer to this star posed a serious puzzle for astronomers because giant planets of that kind cannot form in such zones a planet so far planets form in a disk of gas and dust that surrounds the young star the giant planets form far out where the cold weather sags which lets these planets grow to a huge size close. Like a snowball rolling down a snowy heal the planet grows ever. Or bigger as it gathers to itself all the dust in its path. It calling it collect when a planet gets big enough when it acquires enough mass it migrates and works toward the star al it was on the. Understanding this phenomenon was a real revolution planetary migration explains why the majority of giant planets discovered elsewhere in the galaxy dont stay in their distant orbits as they formed a spiral inwards towards this dark but in that case why didnt our own giant jupiter migrate closer to the sun why did it stop just in time leaving the space free for the future earth. Should go on but of course saturn is very important this is a giant planet too and as weve studied the dynamic between jupiter and saturn we have realized that saturn was able to stop jupiters migration and even reverse that off it should be so jupiter started migrating to the sun but when saturn appeared there was a complicated gravitational effect which reversed the migration and the planets moved further from the sun one usually. Thanks to saturn the giant planet jupiter changed trajectory it left the in a zone of the solar system and it was this change of course that saved earths future. Without the intervention of saturn jupiter would have ended up in the zone where earth now is earth would never have formed and we would not be here. Our planet was luckier than its future neighbor must because on its migration jupiter passed through design when mars was forming. The giant planets swallowed up a lot of the material available leaving only crumbs for mass to our neighbor would end up with 110th the mass of earth which in turn. Reduced its possibility of maintaining an atmosphere favorable to life. Second point could i make a strong were understanding how planetary migration totally changes how the planets get distributed player size their position in space and the collisions between these objects before they stabilize the planets make the system developed and its the only particular way with a 52 year. Narrowly st by assassin our planet could keep on growing and being just the right distance from the sun meant that it would later have liquid water on its surface. And yes 4500000000 years ago planet was completely drying it formed in the rockies own of the solar system gathering up dust with barely any water content so where did these water which would later give us our oceans come from. After initially in danger ing our young earth jupiter would give it a helping hand. For most young to should be there look we think that the formation of the growth and the migration of jupiter out let these bodies which formed far out in the Solar Systems and so there was cold bodies with water they sent towards the enters dont it where they crashed into the still forming earth contributing their elements to it but then or a zillion more of. These bodies asteroids and comets enrich the chaotic pull of matter which birth then was with water but as our planet started to solidify the water molecules remain trapped under the surface in the magma. Yes an essential mechanism for. And its future was already in place and starting to bring some of that water to the surface. Its a mechanism thats still very active today. Following little. Room. For these folk a knows these mountains of fire has been helping to bring water to the surface from the very beginning in earths youth there was a lot more full kind of activity than today. So michael for me are both called when you 1st think about a volcano you think of lava danger and life threatening eruption eyes but volcanoes were essential for life as we know of you and that can occur in the. Center

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