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Closed welcomes the show im Susan Beardsley in berlin its good to have you with us as tick tocks fate in the u. S. Finally becoming clear Parent Company by dance and oracle have tentatively agreed on purchased terms for the short video social platform under the rumor deal oracle walmart and buy dances u. S. Investors want to get their hold majority stake in the firm citing security concerns President Donald Trump had given chinese own bite dance and ultimatum to celtic talk to us company which is set to expire on sunday. And for more on this we go to Chelsea Delaney our financial correspondent in frankfurt josie good to see you is this structure this new a structure is this going to meet the demands of both sides. Well the deal hasnt been approved by either the china or the us yet so we could still see more issues arise more obstacles arise to getting this done right now the big Sticking Point appears to be who at the end of the day is going to own tech talk in the United States by dance had initially really wanted to hold on to majority ownership of tick tock in the u. S. So they had proposed this partnership with oracle where oracle would basically oversee their data addressing some of the u. S. Concerns over over Data Protection but at the end of the day that the op would still be majority only majority majority of lee owned by dance but now President Trump doesnt really address his concerns here as well as other republican senators in the u. S. That have said that unless by dance it will hand over majority ownership to u. S. Companies theyre still going to go through with this ban so. Theres definitely is still a lot of tug of war happening over who owns this company at the end of the day sounds like this new move could please the u. S. Im specially President Trump what is china likely to say well china also does have to approve this deal what weve heard so far is that they would potentially hand over what they would allow by dance to sell of majority ownership to u. S. Investors theyve said that thats you know a better deal for them than completely getting shut off from the u. S. Market but what they really want is for the tick tock algorithm which has been described as secret sauce really the core of the company they want that to remain in chinese hands so thats really the the line that they dont want to cross and we dont really know yet if there are if if the u. S. Is going to allow that and the big question for many will american users still be able to keep using now. Well trump has been quite serious and has signed an executive order to the extent that if they dont reach a deal by sunday they could be banned in the United States so its definitely possible that a ban goes into a fact but its also it doesnt really benefit anybody in this situation for the u. S. Its to talk its very popular has about 100000000 users but its also a very big advertising business thats why theres been so much interest from microsoft oracle to walmart to have a part of this business because to talk is really seen as the future of social Media Advertising in the United States its seen as the next google and facebook so theres definitely a lot of interest in keeping this app running in the United States or a chill to delay any speed on a very complicated set of negotiations thank you very much. Francis thats a roll out new coronavirus trips for the big cities after the country reported its highest number of new coated cases in a single day frances lockdowns were already amongst europes strictest businesses and workers alike those frustrations now appear to be boiling over at one plant particular. Protesters have been gathering for days at the factory gates of tire make a bridgestone the Company Plans to shut the plant in northern from slashing 860 jobs the reason overcapacity and low demand according to the japanese tire maker the Left Wing Trade Union says she rejects that reasoning. Its unacceptable for companies to take advantage of the crisis as most of them like bridgestone are doing to restructure to cut jobs and put pressure on the workers to accept sacrifices like lower salaries and so on. The union called out strikes in several french cities workers say the billions of euros in pandemic were covering money and not reaching them. Have done a good deed get it back to fork over to there was no money it wasnt possible suddenly theyre releasing millions billions of euros in aid to companies so yes there is money you just have to know who its directed at and employees especially the front line ones as theyve been called should benefit from the wage increases that they need to. French society is deeply divided many people feel left behind in the crisis especially in rural areas theyre demanding more social benefits but the government in paris is pursuing its investment in business just last week the governments recovery package was ramped up to 100000000000 euros to strengthen companies and preserve jobs. Or right now to some of the other business stories making global headlines. Apple will launch its 1st online store in india next week taking a deeper dive into the worlds Fastest Growing Smartphone Market the tech giant has so far relied on used 3rd Party Retailers to sell its products in india 99 percent of indian mobile phone owners use enjoy devices. Europes travel industry is calling for uniform rules during the crowbars pandemic as e. U. Countries wreck their own travel restrictions and the industry wants quarantine requirements to end and governments to embrace testing and coordinated restrictions. To use plans to expand future emissions cuts could double costs for european businesses this decade pollings and other countries have warned that higher carbon cost would burden businesses already struggling through the pandemic in particular airlines and manufacturers and the e. U. s new plan still needs approval by all member states. And staying in the e. U. The German Government is considering aid to pig farmers as poor prices fall and that comes amid new cases of swine fever in a wild boar in east eastern germany the disease is not dangerous to humans but its failed to pigs and is highly highly infectious. At the moment there are 2000 pings on this farm in the german state of lower saxony. Only the farmers are some one worker have access to the livestock the double entry system is designed to protect them from pathogens in particular the african swine fever virus until now illinois has made good money raising pigs but ever since it did wild boar was discovered with the disease far away in the state of brandenburg the price of pork has dropped by 0. 20 per kilogram for the from the you know you can calculate what it means for an average pig farmer here in the region with around 700 to 800 animals he can easily be a loss in value of 15220000 euros from one day to the next for the month for 400 kilometers to the east. The oder river had been considered a natural boundary that would prevent african swine fever from spreading additionally and the electrified fence was set up to keep infected wild boar out of germany back in lower saxony more and more corn is being planted on a large scale which provides food and cover for the wild boar hunters are trying to keep the population down but its a time consuming process after 3 hours of stalking this hunter hasnt shot a single one of the there should be plenty around. As with some by sheer nonsense of the op ak in 1980 for example we bagged 50 wild boar. In full gun last year we shot 540. 00 which one more than 10 times as many eyes on a foot see in front of the outbreak of african swine fever has already had a drastic effect on pork exports Asian Countries have closed their markets to german for up to now 10 percent of german exports have gone to china alone. For a farmer a year or less its unfair for all of germany to be included in the export ban the dead wild boar were found in the forest far away from his stall he doesnt want to see all germanys pig farmers being lumped together. Number youre going to divorce and we should be looking at farms close to the center of this epidemic it would make sense to restrict exports there but it doesnt make sense to apply these restrictions to all the farmers who are 400 to 500 kilometers away and it was all refrain from all. In there is cant imagine the virus spreading from wild boar to the pigs on his farm for that he says the Safety Measures in his stalls are far too good. And finally good news for south africa visitors are flocking once again to its wine country and theyre touring it in style the wine trail has finally started running again after a lockdown and juice halts so its all board at top. The countries want. The socalled wind tram is back on track south africas strict lock down had put a stop to the tourist attraction but now passengers can enjoy the views over the video its just an hour from cape town its also a great excuse to try plenty of wine. You know the good 19th being the help with the work its the difficulty because you in and out at the end work. So being on technically you do wonders with the phrase you know escape as much as we can so you stay busy and slowly opening the economy so it can show you how i would like. The tram whens its way through the historic french oak valley south africas world famous wine region unlike before most of the passengers are day tripping locals foreign tourism is yet to see a revival here but the owner of the tram line david bleich expects a steady turnaround in the coming months. In february was a 1000 people a day. Today. And said they were doing 250. 00 and its the 3rd said. So the numbers are going up winemakers and Restaurant Owners are also hoping for an uptick in visitors for 6 months the entire Tourism Industry came to a standstill a lot of jobs here are dependent on the wineries as well as the tram that brings in the tourists without the wife weekends would be a lot quieter as you can see its very very busy. Very very grateful for them its not quite full speed ahead for the tram line as it serving just half its usual timetable but its a start one that symbolizes south africas journey back to normality. Looks like fun and thats it for us thanks for watching. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour corona. Covert 19 special next on d w. In the. Climate change. Summit soon. People. Want to use today how far future. D. W. Dot com africa megacity the making. Sure. The world of virus doesnt discriminate that was a common refrain at the beginning of the pandemic. But people and systems do in the u. S. The virus is magnifying existing social ills and inequalities. Statistics show that black americans are more likely to die from the virus than whites. Worldwide it is america 1st in total cases and dads experts point to the countrys lack of pandemic preparation and the Political Division over prevention measures. With case numbers gradually falling once again can the u. S. Ward off another spike of infections and they fall disproportionately on its most vulnerable. Hello and welcome to georgia as covert 900 special im stephen busy in berlin good to have you with us one foot in one foot out depending on the very weak u. S. President Donald Trumps response to even his very belief in the Novel Coronavirus seems the change of the pandemic may remain an inconvenience for the president but for Many Americans its a harrowing saga. Around 40000 americans are still becoming infected with covert 1000 every day nearly 200000 people in the usa have so far died from the consequences of or with the virus the worst affected are poor u. S. Citizens especially africanamericans and part of the system at the beginning of the pandemic nobody expected it to go like this not even the u. S. President. He initially played down the danger of the virus ignoring the warnings of Health Officials. Its going to just appear one day its like a miracle it will disappear looks like by april you know in theory when it gets a little warmer it miraculously goes away i hope thats true. But the number of infections has risen rapidly and the u. S. Has become the country but the most coronavirus cases worldwide. New York Hospitals were pushed to the limit shortly after individual governors began to lock down their states in march trump raised hopes that the country would open up soon im also hopeful to have americans working. Again by that easter that beautiful easter day. Meanwhile americans have had to deal with wildly differing statements like to get in trumps advice often blankly contradicts the recommendations of his Health Officials in this way he ignored advice to wear a face mask in public for a long time instead he made fun of his democratic rival joe biden for appearing in a mosque at her memorial day event on top of this trumpet spread misinformation for example that children are immune to cope with 19 or suggesting that injecting disinfectant could work as a treatment. And then i see the disinfectant if not in a minute fly injection. Or almost a cleaning dance it sounds interesting to me some i dont think leisure he explained there mark was meant ironically when the number of cases rose in june and july after the initial easing the president adopted a different tone. Resuming his daily coronavirus briefings trump expressing recommended Wearing Masks and i will use even recommended against going to bars and i say if you can use the mask. Then this month came another surprise us journalist robert woodwards latest book rage hit the bookshelves the books that trump new covert 1000. 00 was deadlier than the flu in february. It goes through air thats always tougher than the touch you know the touch you dont have to touch things right but the air you just breathe the air thats how its passed yet so thats a very tricky one thats a very delicate one. The message was a Perfect Point to tuck for by. Your step president ial election takes place in early november over 100. 00 about a comp ain appearance in michigan biden summed up his views. Black church say that if youd acted just just one week suitor 36000 people would have been say it reacted 2 weeks suter back in march 54000 lives would have been spared march and april alone. And so do us a remains the country with the highest number of infections in the world the number of unemployed after months of lockdown in many states remains high. Lets take a closer look at just how disproportionately the pandemic has hit american communities. These numbers are from the midwestern state of wisconsin where white residents make up 80 percent of the population but 67 percent of infections are by comparison black residents make up only 6 percent of the population but 11 percent of current infection and close to 20 percent of deaths. Assim are just similar disproportionality with hispanics we should note however that the ethnic category hispanic can overlap with white and black. Or i was did a little deeper into this with joshua roun hes an assistant professor at the university of wisconsin in madison where he studies the sociology of Public Health josh good to have you with us help us put this disparity in perspective why are minorities more likely to get covert and die from it in wisconsin. Well the answer to that question is really based on the intertwining of racism in capitalism in the United States if we take a step back and you really think of any group and you limit the places they can live and you limit the places they can work and you limit their transportation and you limit their wealth and you do that for a long enough keep period of time you segregate them and then you introduce a pandemic these are the sorts of effects youre going to see in any group and thats what weve done in the United States weve racialized that weve created the racial hierarchy and this is what weve done to black people to brown people to Indigenous People we disenfranchised them we just invested in them this invested in their neighborhoods in their workplaces we have literally destroyed their homes their businesses their livelihoods really their lives their bodies and we have done this over a long period of time thats the American Experience thats the american experiment and if you keep running that same experiment over a long enough period of time and you were going to get the same results over hundreds of years youre going to get these results when a pandemic emerges the pandemic does not create new realities on the ground in terms of the racial realities of the United States it simply exacerbates the existing realities the existing inequalities and thats what weve been seeing in the country and thats what weve been seeing in wisconsin especially in the city of milwaukee just want to set the social benefits play a role or the access or lack of access to social benefits such as Health Insurance or paid care paid top paid leave time i should say. Absolutely its enormous and thats enormous universally but again what weve done in this country is that we have created the racial order in which the people who are most likely not to have access to those benefits which are not universal anyhow are ethnic and racial minorities so they are people they are brown people people of color Indigenous People they are on average less likely to have access to those exact benefits and as as as anyone could guess if you dont have access to health care or Health Insurance if you dont have access to some sort of secure income a guaranteed income or to food or to housing or any of these things you are going to suffer when the pandemic hits that carves out the basics of life in many ways and creates these difficulties for some people and might argue this is about more about poverty urban poverty or socioeconomic status you would say those 2 things socioeconomic status and race here in the u. S. Are much more tied together untethered together and thats why we see these results is that fair to say absolutely from the beginning thats the history of this country is the intertwining the tethering of race and and political economy of race and economics you cannot understand the story of the United States without understanding how racism and capitalism are inextricably connected and have been from the start. Just room with the university of wisconsin thank you very much. Thank you. All right now its time for your questions to our science correspondent there williams. Can you can track covert 1000 through a blood transfusion. In general diseases that primarily affects the respiratory system are not known to be transmitted via blood transfusions and according to National Health authorities like the w. H. O. And the European Center for disease prevention and control there have been no documented cases so far of that happening with copd 19 despite that reassurance lots of people have worried about this question i think because of the reports that the virus can cause blood clotting particularly in later stages of the disease but it looks like that symptom though indirectly driven by the virus is actually probably directly due to 2 deadly cascades that it sets in motion in the immune system that lead to hyperactivity in blood clotting cells not by viruses in your bloodstream that said since a few studies have shown traces of virus in a small percentage of blood samples from people who caught coke at 19 most organizations that take blood donations are now also taking a lot of precautionary measures as they collect it theyll probably now check your temperature before you donate for starters and you should also expect to fill out a questionnaire detailing your travel history if youve had over 19 and when how you felt in the last 4 weeks and whether youre aware of any possible exposures and of course if you test positive for the virus any time within a few weeks after donation you should definitely inform the collecting agency all those precautions i think make sense but but in general if transferred. Common way to pass on this disease i believe that by now we have heard of of many cases where it happens and we happened. All right our science expert Derek Williams there with the answers to your questions and finally how about a covert free flight thats what italys flag carry out tallia is promising some flights between rome and milan are going to be tagged only for passengers who have tested negative for the coronavirus they either undergo testing at romes airport or they show proof of a negative test in the last 72 hours before departure ill tell you says it might expand the measures to other routes as well. All right and thats all for us from this 1000 special if you want more you can check out the dedicated coronavirus section of the deeds of the website w dot com thanks for joining us and as always well see you next time. To the point the strong opinions clear positions international perspectives. Things are getting increasingly strange between the e. U. In china of the 2 sides have been hoping to sign a landmark in 1st minute deal in reality though theyre hardly on speaking terms find out on to the point shortly. To the point. Being 30 minutes on d w. In good shape john straining and one thing is clear its all about water after all water is the basis. Of all life on this. And theres a great deal in our body. We cant live without it. So whats this mother mean for our health so heres the answer. 90 minutes on t. W. World 6. To go beyond obvious. That were on live. As we take on the world. Were all about the stories that matter to you. But what ever it takes. Running down such. A made for mines. We can come to. Some time. Since none. Of. What connects people is stronger in the months separates the band was so strong that they can not be torn down. We celebrate the 30th anniversary of his religious education october 3rd on d. W. Didnt beethoven invent jazz did you did dont want to do. It is it is about a 60 mobile money. So many romances still in beethoven. To include of course the subconscious always one thing is clear the beethoven is mildly popular. She assured her. I love you sure. But how would the world sound without the biggest composer of all time i cant even begin to imagine a world class horn player singer willis on a musical journey of discovery. Without being told and. This week on t. W. This is the w. News live from berlin israel returns to a nationwide lockdown stay at home restrictions come back into force ahead of the jewish new year ask corona virus infections surprise sharply but will the measures further damage an economy already struggling after the 1st look. Also on the program indias government urges students to return to School Starting next week as new infections there as well there are doubts about whether schools can really keep children safe

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