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And showing solidarity one spoonful at a time meets long tears on lesbos working to make life better for migrants who lost everything. I brought in thomas could have you with us today worldwide corona virus infections have now passed 30000000 that according to the latest figures from John Hopkins University more than 940000 people have died of covert 900 now these numbers announced as israel heads back into a nationwide coronavirus lockdown as coming up later on friday its the 1st country to shut down for a 2nd time hundreds protested the return of the measures in tel aviv saying another lockdown would cause yet more harm to the economy. The 3 week long restrictions come into effect just hours before the start of the jewish new year russia shauna. Israeli Authorities Say the measures are necessary after the infection rate soared back to become one of the highest in the world. Just a few hours before the country goes into its 2nd prolonged Lockdown People in this market here in jerusalem rushing to get their shopping done the lockdown comes at the start of one of the most important holidays on the jewish new year starting friday israelis who only be allowed to venture 500 meters from their home the final list of frustrations and extensions published on thursday is slow the new lockdown comes as the country has seen infection rates rise dramatically the new rules will keep israelis at told me except for going out to cover basic needs to go out for shopping or to go to work school small Sports Centers will be shuttered and restaurants will only be allowed to do deliveries. This follows weeks of erratic Decision Making by the government its handling of the corona crisis has been sharply criticized in recent weeks i think its going to be hard after one knock down i think most people are just kind of tired of it they see it as mainly political more than a Public Health issue. And especially now with the whole days it seems that you know just a lot more people are not going to. Not going to follow the rules because. They have better show here before you and everybodys and rage and theres a sense of confusion i feel it is a mistake it wasnt by prepared it was no exit strategy from the last look down and now we enter another cycle of home id say that i mean what i think its unnecessary mostly because then a lot of loopholes not to keep it and i dont know if my daughter will be allowed to work or a man husband i dont know whats open and what is not but. For now the lockdown is expected to last at least 3 weeks leaving israelis worried that the country could be in for an extended. Down period. Lets take a look now at some of more developments in the pandemic the World Health Organization says some 170. 00 countries have signed up to its global vaccine plan countries have until midnight friday to make legally binding commitments to the program a number of latin american nations have asked for an extension the Czech Republic is reporting a record rise in covert 1000 cases progs says the country had exceeded 3000 daily cases for the 1st time and australia has reported its lowest total of new covert 1000. 00 cases in 3 months 35 new cases reported on friday the bulk of them in the state of victoria. While germanys top rogers has warned that the country could face a further rise in new cases and sia possible return to restrictions placed in place in other European Countries now the government has earned praise for its response to the crisis so far its also launched a 750000000 euro fun to support back scene developers at the moment germany is counting on public cooperation to keep the virus at bay. Wear a mask wash your hands and maintain distance people in germany are accustomed to following the safety in 1000 guidelines yet despite this the rate of infection is climbing with more than 2000 new cases in a single day the highest count since april. Germanys most prominent virologist christiane droste sees the development critically he spoke at a conference in berlin on thursday and detailed some of his concerns in an interview with deutsche avella. Look at other countries look at france the u. K. Spain what were seeing there is what we will see germany. If we dont react very early on. In in a way that needs to be adjusted that needs to be. Lets say bearable for the economy and at the same time targets and this is a very difficult task to find the right point of time. Justin has praise for germanys coronavirus policies and the response by the countrys leadership to the pandemic he says germany has been efficient and measures have softened the pandemics impact but he also says the government could do a better job of explaining why certain decisions are made. It is not sufficient to impose rules that people dont understand so the corporation off the population especially in the coming weeks and months. Over over over autumn and winter. Is probably one of the most important functions in the whole concept 2 to intervene trust and says from a global perspective current developments in india are particularly worrying the virus is spreading there almost uncontrollably and he says the situation in many western countries could also become more threatening. There are areas including in europe. Where there is little control where countries already go into autumn with the high. Incidence i believe. There are countries including in europe. Will have to impose stricter measures very soon charleston like many others is hoping a vaccine will soon be available he sees it as the only clear way out of the global state of crisis. Lets get you briefed down some of the other stories making the news of this hour the ricin president Alexander Lukashenko has announced his country is closing its borders with poland and with lithuania he says troops will be put on high alert and that the border with neighboring ukraine will also be strengthened but the shank goes face weeks of mass protests over claims he rigged augusts president ial election. For president martin this scott faces an Impeachment Vote and its corruption allegations though lawmakers look short of the 2 thirds majority required to move them from office the timing of the vote has been criticized with peru among the countries hit hardest by the gun deadly. Colleagues of russian Opposition Leader alexei in a volley have released a video in which they claim he was poisoned in the siberian hotel room rather then at the airport as was previously thought traces of the nerve agent shock which was used to poison a volley were detected on an empty water bottle at the hotel. Its to greece now where some 5000 migrants have been moved into a new temporary camp on the island of lesbos theyre among the 13000 migrants sleeping out in the open since fires destroyed the islands morea migrant camp police have been accompanying some of them to the new camp with migrants concerned they could remain there for months if not years. To w. s Mark Saunders has met one man who set up a makeshift soup kitchen in the wake of the morea fire. Its 2 hours until lunchtime. Cost us policeman openness and his team have to hurry theyre cooking for about 2000 people today outdoors and with the most basic equipment not an easy task. But its what if you know i often have difficulties with the high winds and we need more helpers to come here to join us joyce today he thought aki is on the menu greek noodles with vegetables the meals are provided by a volunteer organization they set up his mobile kitchen in the ruins of maria de stays after a fire obliterated europes largest refugee camp this place used to be somebodys home over here a gas bottle next to a kitchen utensils people used to cook here next to it another home with Water Bottles completely destroyed by the fire more a camp was home to 13000 People Living here in crowds unbearable conditions sound. Is well aware of the extent of this catastrophe that he founded his organization during the financial crisis when he and many other people in greece lost almost everything 1st began cooking for people on the streets of athens and when the refugee crisis hit the greek islands in 2015 they got involved here and lesbos since then their mission hasnt changed. Or brought that up but i met me but i think it will not be we decided to come here firstly because we have an urgent need for food and secondly to calm the people down take some of their anxiety away and show them that we are with them to show that not all people are fascist or racist and that we care for the people next to us that they have i dont feel its not a moment. Of volunteers and refugees cook and eat together trying to provide a sense of Community Among people who are left with nothing but one another thank you. Very much i was in the same situation as the others are in now i understand that. I mean it does you have the. Most former camp residents have been sleeping here out in the open. On the streets of lesbos. Those Security Forces started to move people to a new provisional camp the majority of refugees and migrants refused to go there fearing conditions might soon become as unbearable as they were in morea. Uganda learning aid organizations are warning that the situation among those displaced by the fire continues to deteriorate at a rapid pace theyre basically lacking the same things as they were lacking already 5 years ago only worse meaning that the access of food is even worse than before the access of clean water is worse than before the axis of health care is even worse than before meaning that everything that we saw that was bad before is worse now during his time on the island cost his political nobilis has noticed any improvements either he says its frustrating but he can only hope for some positive changes just like the people stuck here. How they live in the middle of if they dont have the hope they will die is that all they have left is hope to make a new beginning for themselves and let their children live a better life. Finally lunch is ready and the head chef does miss out on the opportunity to serve this has been an intense experience for him but today will dishing out new member 1500 he says hes still on top of his. I have a lot a lot more to do we have barely even begun to feel about that that his volunteers are determined to continue as long as needed serving food and share of solidarity one spoon at a time a little more a story at our website w dot com well visitors are flocking once again to south africas wine country and theyre touring in style wine trying to start running again after a lockout and also its all aboard and cheers for the countrys wine lovers. The socalled wine tram is back on track south africas strict lock down had put a stop to the tourist attraction. But now passengers can enjoy the views over the vin yachts just an hour from cape town its also a great excuse to try plenty of wine. You know the good 19th being the how to work its the difficulty because youre in and out at the end. So being on technically to be in one this with the phrase you know escaping as much as we can so you stay busy and slowly opening the economy so it can oh yeah i would watch. The tram whens its way through the historic French Valley south africas world famous wine region unlike before most of the passengers are day tripping locals foreign tourism is yet to see a revival here but the owner of the tram line david bleich expects a steady turnaround in the coming months. In february was a 1000 people a day and today. On saturday we do 250. 00 and its the 3rd saturday weve been going so the numbers are going up winemakers and Restaurant Owners are also hoping for an uptick in visitors for 6 months the entire Tourism Industry came to a standstill a lot of jobs here are dependent on the wineries as well as the tram that brings in the tourists without the white trash weekends would be a lot quieter as you can see its very very busy. Very very grateful for them its not quite full speed ahead for the tram line as it serving just half its usual timetable but its a start one that symbolizes south africas journey back to normality. Business straight ahead tick tock while that story is taking im brian thomas stay with us more business straight ahead. To the point of strong opinions clear positions from International Perspective such. Things are getting increasingly strange between the e. U. Britain china of the 2 sides have been hoping to sign a landmark investment deal in reality though theyre hardly on speaking terms why find out on to the point shortly. To the point. In 75 minutes on d w

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