Transcripts For DW Putins Stolz 20240712

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1000 cases globally has cost us 13000000 my figures released by Johns Hopkins university put the total of fatalities at 943000 the United States asked the highest number of cases that over 6000000 followed by india and brazil. One of germanys leading vajrayana just because austin has told you that europe is facing a tough winter of coronavirus restrictions he said he expects mosque wearing to remain necessary is through 2021 to also develop the 1st diagnostic test for the new coronavirus. This is due to every news from berlin photos on twitter and on instagram news or visit our website. Its mid september summer is ending here in europe and what appears to be beginning is serious sobering and definitely not Surprising New corona virus infections are surging across europe in france the number of new cases reported in one day hit an all time high winds day today the World Health Organization said the numbers are a wake up call the u. K. Imposed new social restrictions last week spain will do so tomorrow well measures like these be enough or is europe sleepwalking into a 2nd major lockdown im forgotten berlin this is the day. Like many other countries around the world we continue to see a concerning rising prices we have an exponential increase in new infections in austria doing ok i have to tell the people of madrid that this situation in the region is not good. Im in the next in the last 2 weeks that has been more than a doubling of new infections time and. The truth is that the situation is not good the epidemic is gaining strength the battle against the grain of our people. Also coming up last week fire destroyed the largest migrant camp in europe now 12000 migrants are taking shelter in a temporary intensity but some dont want to move in a bunker he needed that comes to know that i want to build one when we want a free life weve come here to live we are human and we are not animals. They put us in a place where there is no life and its like a jungle. To our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day with the coronavirus pandemic the protests in america and the surge here in europe almost 200000 people have died from code night scene in the United States no country has been hit as hard as the u. S. And no country has politicized the pandemic like america either with no vaccine and no cure for covert 19 facemask provide the most effective protection and yet President Trump refuses to wear one rejecting the advice from doctors and scientists listen to what the head of the centers for Disease Control told a Congressional Committee on wednesday. Im not going to comment directly about the president but i am going to comment as the c. D. C. Director. Facemask these faceman are the most important powerful Public Health tool we have i might even go so far as to say that this face mask is more guaranteed to protect me against cove then when i take a covert vaccine because the imminent unicity may be 70 percent and if i dont get an immune response the vaccine is not going to protect me this facemask will and that is the head of the c. D. C. Arguably the worlds most respected Infectious Disease Prevention Center he is speaking with the force of facts and science but that is easily overpowered by the politics of protest in the u. S. Consider florida nearly 13000 people have died there from the virus despite evidence that mask for even infection and can even prevent death some people in florida are adamant anti massacres i want you to take a look at what happened this week inside a target store in fort lauderdale. Thats looking at it as a flash mob of anti massacres walking through the store telling customers to take their masks all the startled shoppers you see down there wearing their mass they are protected. But the protesters shouting loudly in a non socially distance to group they are making themselves prime targets for the virus they know that but they dont believe it. Here in berlin we have also seen demonstrations of anti massacres but on this side of the atlantic the virus itself remains threat number one and that threat is again acute the number of new coronavirus cases in europe is surging every country reporting spikes in new infections and some such as france reporting more daily cases now than they did at the peak back in april the u. K. One of europes hardest hit countries imposed stricter social restrictions last week and spain is expected to announce new targeted lockdown measures for madrid on friday madrid accounts for one 3rd of all corona virus cases in spain and the country is registering several 1000 new infections every day and even here in germany where infections and deaths have remained relatively low we are seeing a sizeable jump in new cases all of this has the World Health Organization worried and sounding the alarm in this spring and early summer we were able to see the impact of strict look down measures. Efforts over a 2nd phase its based off in june cases hit an all time low. This is the case numbers however should serve as a wake up call for all of us are going to bring in now my colleague public early on here at the big table. This is deja vu for us but for the people in madrid why is madrid in this situation yet again well 1st and foremost it comes down to a lack of preparation with regards to whats happening now in the medical system theres a lack of staff while theyre more prepared in the sense that they have all the the masks and all those sort of things that they didnt have back in march and april now they have a problem with staff numbers so often its very difficult for people to actually even get a test and because a lot of the medical centers of the primary care facilities are just not able to go to the nurses died who will visit there are a lot and theyre also having a problem in that they just havent hired enough stuff they werent prepared for it and one big issue that was being discussed a lot over the summer was the lack of contact tracing. People working in the area in the trid and it was heavily criticised of the Regional Government so this combination of issues has led the capitol to the situation that we find ourselves in and how bad are the numbers the numbers are not good you mentioned a few of them there but actually with regards to the tests almost one in 4 of the test coming back are positive in madrid thats incredibly high considering they should be below 5 percent for situation to be considered under control there and they came for ran the 3rd of spains total new cases in madrid now the hospitals are filling up its nowhere near the situation it was back in march and april but it is causing some concern and even the Field Hospital which was quite famous back in back in the pandemic the worst of it is potentially going to be opened up so theres a lot of concern amongst the residents there right so the numbers are not good who is most affected by these new infections this is the area which is causing obviously a lot of controversy and if you look at the regions or to parts of the city that are most affected it also happens to be the poorer parts of the city in fact the numbers there are off the charts and in some instances its over 1000. 00 cases per 100. When you compare that to germany which is at 19 you can really see how bad the situation is and within the city the richer parts of the city are all surrender 3rd of those figures why because youve got high numbers of people who are unemployed or working in essentially precarious situations often they can take a day off if theyre ill as so they also cant get the primary care that they need because the primary care facilities in those areas are just not able to get people who actually just if they can so she this is because theyre living in poor conditions and so this is the problem its a combination of problems there also its a city that is very well connected it has a very good. Commuter system very good metro trains and buses so people move around with frequency so its you know highlighting the fact that if youre rich you wont be as badly affected this important to remember and its also important to remember that you know all of europe is watching spain right now to see if these targeted local luck deal would do the job because no one wants to have a 2nd major lockdown and youre absolutely right and weve already seen it in certain parts of spain where some cities have actually had localized lock downs but really what they want to avoid is actually a lockdown like the one that we saw back in march and april it causes a lot of stress and panic among spinors ive lived in madrid for many many years and i know how people are feeling about that and i know a lot of these stories firsthand of how difficult it is to get a test done so you know a combination of very worrying the worst oxers worse dejavu thats for sure probably the public is always think you. A drones i view of moving day for migrants we are looking at a Police Operation underway on the greek island of was to move around 12000 migrants and refugees into a new temporary tent city many have been sleeping on the streets since a fire destroyed the maria refugee camp last week where they have been held in cramped and squalid conditions the move we understand has been peaceful even though many migrants are reluctant to relocate. All right i want to bring in now amanda when youre off to toward old she is executive director of the in phoenix that provides protection and Legal Services for refugees on lesbos amanda its good to have you on the program what are you hearing tonight what are the migrants there what are they afraid of well people are very afraid that you cannot then you come to be a fuel sensor unknowns of today thousands of people are moved into a center and several says were absolutely overwhelmed people are being given food was great day and today there was not enough food or water for everyone that was wanting to needs then you can and why is that. Well there was out being updated to more people and while they were not expecting this huge amount of people to meet today yes it is a 1200 people and today the numbers are saying and we know that were talking about a new tent camp tent city here how is this camp going to be different from the maria camp that burned down. Well we dont believe its going to be different we have a freight of the winter days that are coming in the storms that tents are not winterized they dont not floras the area is full of mud and next to the sea so we expect rehires conditions pretty believing there have you been told how long the migrants will have to stay in this temporary tent city well no one knows this is this is it hasa be seen we hope this is a temporary composite government is saying but morial is also a temporary. We understand that we know that conditions in the maria camp were were not good they were terrible and that could have led to the fire we understand do you see there being a risk that the same conditions that maybe even the same outcome could could happen in this new camp well people people who live in very harsh conditions in morea there were 100 up down for many months these are people who have gone through terrible trauma and the conditions of lockdown where they hire shoot people there of course we kind of expect what will happen in this yukon we hope that he will be peaceful all right a man yet you know the toro from the in geo phoenix joining us tonight from the greek island of lesbos amanda thank you thank you well the struggle continues for a european solution for the migrants and lesbos the next refugee drama is already in progress at a nother european external border the Canary Islands some 4000 people have arrived there by boat since the beginning of the year hundreds are thought to have died while making the dangerous journey across the atlantic. Many of them are fleeing the worsening security situation in the sawhill boats are setting off from morocco in the territory of western so far theyre also departing hundreds of kilometers further self from mauritania and sinegal now while arrivals to mainland spain fell by have compared to the same period last year landings in the Canary Islands increased nearly 7 fold. Call him c after a harrowing journey. And his friend you brought him to ray spent 3 days on the atlantic in a rubber dinghy on the whats considered the most dangerous migration route in the world its estimated that one in every 15 migrants dies on the way. Down do you suddenly we heard air leaking from the reporting at that moment everyone was scared to death i had the feeling that this could really be the end for us and i thought about my little sister who would then be left without me because. I thought about friends i would never see again when i was in a state of shock and i couldnt move anymore. They made it just 2 of 1000 migrants who have arrived in the Canary Islands in the past weeks. Many islanders feel abandoned by the rest of europe. And official safe work to ventura cant take anymore people. New arrivals are sealed off in hotels thats attracted criticism from human Rights Groups who say the migrants have no access to asylum procedures and lack the most basic necessities and then theres the islands tourist association. Which i went in the in the effort there are currently working to promote fuerteventura as a safe and clean island thats in the best of health nobody likes to see hotel full of migrants now thats reality. Adding to the stress the government sees growing concern over corona virus infection rates immediately upon arrival people reaching the island are tested in one of the last groups half the test were positive many newcomers like camera and to re want to leave the island as soon as possible and move on to the european mainland some where they can find work and theyre safe from deportation back home. On december 31st of this year the transition period for the u. K. s departure from the European Union in britain will then be a member of the e. U. No more it has been more than 4 years since the u. K. Voted to leave the European Union breaks it has already cost the u. K. A measurable sums and worry a state and Political Capital if brought to reason mays time is Prime Minister to a screeching halt and it is proving to be just as problematic for Boris Johnson or is Boris Johnson part of the problem the Prime Minister has threatened to read nega on parts of the withdraw agreement that he negotiated with the European Union the e. U. Was warning that would be a violation of International Law and across the atlantic washington is worried westminsters plans could torpedo the peace in ireland which they consider what democrat president ial candidate joe biden tweeted he writes we cant allow the good friday agreement that brought peace to Northern Ireland to become a casualty of breaks in any trade deal between the u. S. And u. K. Must be contingent upon respect for the agreement and preventing the return of a hard border period all right for more on break sit and what is at stake on the other side of the atlantic lets pull in a man who has written and reported on breaks in from here in europe and now in the u. S. Capital David Charter is the us editor for the british newspaper the times he joins me from our washington studio tonight david its good to have you back on the day lets see if we could start by maybe if you could tell our viewers who may not be following breaks it closely explain why is the u. K. Government considering reneging on the withdrawal agree. Right its good to be back brant this is another complicated twist in the very long running saga weve been talking about about the britain britains detachment from the European Union and this is a new bill thats been proposed by the conservative governments to slightly but significantly reeve draw the brics it Withdrawal Agreement that they agreed with the European Union over the status of the Northern Island border and how that relates to its border with the republic of ireland which will remain in the European Union so the European Union is very concerned that there will be breaches of trade of the trade rules by goods and Services Potentially crossing the border in the wants to keep Northern Ireland as close as possible almost identical to the European Union rules. That leaves the mainland of the United Kingdom. Stuck when it comes to importing and exporting to Northern Ireland because it creates a de facto border according to the British Government down the irish sea through which they will have to check goods and Services Going back and forward in Northern Ireland and they wanted to put a proviso in the law that they could change what was agreed with the e. U. To make trade within the United Kingdom including Northern Ireland a completely level Playing Field and this is cause the problem the response huge controversy on both sides of the atlantic i mean youre right it is complicated and complex would have or could it have dire consequences for ireland in Northern Ireland in the delicate piece on the argument. Well this is the fear thats been raised very strongly by joe biden the democratic candidate for president and several other very leading democrats like nancy pelosi the speaker of the house of representatives the most senior democrat she also has strong links to and as it happens her son in law is irish and her grandchildren are irish and and she invariably makes the main speech at the annual friends of island which is held every march on some patricks day. Or the other very senior people who have been at that lunch only this year include Mitch Mcconnell hes the republican leader in the senate so you can see how the irish connection of very senior american officials is really strong here and they say that they are very worried that the good friday agreement struck in the 990 is to bring peace finally to the island of ireland is at risk if the change that the british are proposing leads to some kind of infrastructure being imposed only islands and making up border a hard border that encourages conflict to route to resume i think it is a real worry but i think also its being caught up in the American Election where joe biden wants to play perhaps to the american votes who are very sympathetic to the republic of ireland and perhaps play up those fears for his own political reasons as well i want to talk about that irish in just a moment but you midget nancy pelosi i want you to take a listen to what the u. S. House speaker has said about brakes in ireland in the u. K. Doing business with the u. S. Stimulus. But its a very simple message they know it theyve heard it i fed it to the dough and this is not anything which hidden under a bush there will be no bilateral u. S. U. K. Agreement if the border the good friday accords and the guy to. The border are changed art so how important then is the democrats intervention here on breaks it lets see help from mr Boris Johnson replied to nancy pelosi as comments take a listen i have dummys respect for the. Nancy for the of the people that you know this is the distinguished congressman i says it here you mention but i think that when they understand they see what were trying to do i think it will show. Concern i would choose to protect the balance so theres nothing just on the situation of the of the good friday of the of the president in the months and i dont see the children as a misunderstand take as the Peace Process in order to that that somehow detroit is not the problem is not supposed to have a drunk she wrote she is not suppose the role in the decision to fortunately but possibly. Frankly to protect to the symmetry of the good friday agreement is something that may have been lost so far in the presentation of this this matter and. Protecting the symmetry of this agreement david let me ask you an outsider looking at this would look at Boris Johnson and say mr johnson you negotiate the Withdrawal Agreement you signed you put your name on it werent you thinking about these things then when you signed it how how do you make sense of that day. You know that outside it would be absolutely right because this agreement was signed off at the back end of last year its a very recent International Agreements and although dublin and some of the Irish American politicians may be slightly exaggerating the danger from it there is no doubt that. Mostly the British Government is seen as in the wrong for trying to go back and we open unilaterally reopen an agreement that they made just a few months ago and weve had the British Foreign secretary dominic rob over here for 2 days doing the rounds of congress and the administration really to try and smooth over all of the hairs that have been set running by this proposal of the British Government and of course weve seen back in london that theyre trying to amend the bill to put in extra reassurances to the European Commission and to ireland that it wont be as bad or as dangerous for the border situation as they as they are saying because were also in britain i should say is also in a delicate negotiation with the European Union for a trade deal which they really need to get wrapped up by the middle of october if its to come into force on the 1st of january as everybody hopes you know david youre in washington are you seeing a battle here taking place between the u. K. And the irish lobby in washington here we were talking about breaks it would mean is that whats happening and you would have thought that wed even be talking about that it breaks it 4 years later after the referendum. I think i think so branch and i think well be talking about bricks it for a good few years to come because even the final Status Agreement which is supposed to come in force on january the 1st as i mentioned is it looks like it it may not be the final agreement it may just be some outline agreements and of course theres deep suspicion among the democrats over Boris Johnsons apparent closeness to President Trump President Trump has in self called mr Johnson Boris trump which wont help him with his negotiations with democrats should they come to power and of course the democrats already have huge power in congress because they control the house which controls the Key Committee that signs off on trade deals so one of the important people that mr rob the farm sector has been meeting yesterday in fact was richie nail the chairman of this ways and Means Committee which is the Crucial Committee that examines trade deals so whether or not joe biden or President Trump wins the election in november it looks like the democrats will still have the house and will still have huge say in the trade. Well david i have a feeling were going to be talking about this is you say for a long time and i bet were going to be talking with you on Election Night because this is going to be a big deal depending on who wins the president ial election well have to talk about that come November David schardt of u. S. Editor for the british newspaper the times as always david we appreciate your time and your insights thank you. Thank you well the days almost done the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter you can follow me a bridge go off t. V. And remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow against another day well see you than ever but. Thanks. Thousands of homeless refugees left to themselves without a home. After the fire in the morning i despair is growing for everyone on the island of. What is really doing is the new interim champ only an extension of the steam engine lean condition. Focused on europe. Next on d w. Electric emission free assistance the Sustainable Future of mobility the wheel is. More or least it was 19 appears to be putting the brakes on the elements or near the cars. Are back on the block there are really no alternatives. We know that this is very time for us the coronavirus is changing the world changing our lives so please take care of yourself good systems wash your hands if you can date and how we do w. Are here for you we are working tirelessly to keep you informed on all of our platforms we are all in this spirit and together we will make it through to. Stay safe everybody. Stay safe stay safe priest to say. Hello and welcome to focus on europe im liable lola thanks for joining us the refugee camp moria in greece has long been a symbol of europes failed migration policy now it is no more europes largest refugee camp lies in ruins after a fire it raised it to the ground some 12000 people fled the flames and now we need to be relocated just as the migrants and refugees are pleading for help so too are the residents on the island many of them want them out of the country for good. Well its a crisis that has been brewing since the count was erected 5 years ago it was originally meant to house 3000 people but as more and more people arrive from turkey the population exploded life went from bad to worse in the cramped and unhygenic conditions with the outbreak of covert 19 what was supposed to be a short stop over has now become a miserable existence in the mediterranean and some fear they may be trapped there indefinitely. Baby emmanuelle is just 3 weeks old she was born in moria her parents say they fled from the congo to europe in hope of safety and a better life but what they found was hunger thirst and homelessness just 10 months i was disappointed because the European Union could have helped us after all this time i spent 4 days no one is taking care of us what are they thinking how can they abandon us the European Union to i dont know what theyre doing is there because the. Days after the fire in the morea refugee camp chaos reigns on the island of lesbos families like the mollies are left to fend for themselves thousands of refugees are camping on the hot asphalt the greek government promises hell but it is yet to be seen scenes like these showed just how great the desperation is. When the 1st deliveries of water finally arrived there were riots and some refugees were injured we do what we can the governor of the island explains but he points out that the fire was a catastrophe with a message lesbos has been left with a huge numbers of refugees for too long now he hopes things will change. For lesbian people and for myself do is in a tragic way it was a good thing because. We simply that. When it happened with this tragic way im very happy that we didnt have any people lost or people but still its a good its a big brother is. The inhabitants of lesbos dont want it to be an island for refugees any more they repeatedly set up roadblocks they dont want to 2nd moria and say the refugees should leave their island marriott so my docky lives in moria their teacher experienced 1st hand how her neighborhood became radicalized at 1st many welcomed refugees but. And the mood changed. Over time things happened. There were thefts and the refugees burned the olive trees for firewood. Look yes then Public Opinion changed. He. Said. Unlike many in her village maria up so my doc is still has compassion with the refugees she and her friend donated food to be distributed to them but they both agree that it cant continue like this. All of more totally disappointed. As this is all these years weve heard talk of sympathy and support but weve come to the conclusion that the only thing people are trying to do is make greece and especially the islands of the east a g. M. A location for a permanent refugee camp hoarders. The refugees dont want to be cooped up in a camp again either but continue on to the rest of europe again and again they demonstrate on this post now the end patiently and increasingly desperate. For them the island has become a prison from which there is no escape since a corona Virus Outbreak in the camp many have been living in fear. 1 1 here that is the. Force situation for good if you would you really dont have to a little know what are we dont have anything and when it does freedom freedom. A tent city was built on a former shooting range in 2 days the authorities celebrate the temporary camp as a great success. Many refugees are skeptical that theyll be stuck here 2 for years others have no strength left but let me 1st answer them the. When you see a guy that i want to go in because the situation is very bad its very hot i have children and obvious that. It seems a 2nd morea is on the cards something neither the refugees nor the islanders want to see but the e. U. Is deeply divided some say we cant take them all when others say that europe must help those in need of protection and in the middle of it all little emmanuelle and her family you see. Im a farmer most of my i want to work you must feed my family give them a home dont if im a prisoner here theres nothing i can do. You see thats why its about getting out of here and living in freedom. Says they risked everything to leave congo and find a Better Future for their children in rich europe but this rich europe treats them like criminals. Why. Well germany has announced it will take in some 1500. 00 migrants from greece while the e. U. Commission has said it plans to put concrete proposals on the table by the end of the month and that it is determined to show solidarity with greece though your 1st instinct might be to head to the supermarket when your fridge is empty you could also go here urban foraging has grown in popularity thanks in part to covert 19 people are spending more Time Outdoors and reconnecting with nature even michelin starred chefs have developed a taste for wild food well in London Experience forgers like is a are touring the city and teaching newbies how to a placid like stinging nettles without getting harassed. You see johnson is looking for something fresh and for free. And she finds what shes looking for all over london in parks by roadside some kind of bus times. This is everyone its really nice and of all the reasons. But its well known as the humans as well but it. Is very mild like. Everything very well and this sort of thing. Is he likes to pass on her expertise and leads corage ing walks under the name benevolent. Corona lockdown gave more londoners the time and desire to explore the surroundings. Oh yeah elderberries ripe for the picking. Theres always anything thats not a protected species even in most parks smell those legs. Tell me what you think. Some people say. Some people say catfish. All eastern roll because theyve got a tiny bit of toxin in them which is neutralized as soon as you cook it its got amazing she says legend has it that a spirit lives in every elder tree and you must be careful never to make it angry. Its like very long. So we quickly continue on our way around the corner we make our next discovery yarrow. List furthering fella. One of my and todays all time photos so go to haves this is the hour i kill you are always especially versatile he says it tastes good on bread but its also medicinal plant thats used to cleanse ones. Grab a little bit. Put on your wounds and then you can use the long leaves of the plants. To run around. Stinging nettle is a special treat for izzy she says that its digestion and can be found growing most everywhere. People have baby sick of buying everything packaged in plastic and also having to buy what is just there we were born into this world and there it is and just dont get it so should get to learn about how to do that. But most londoners havent got a clue that you can harvest enough for an entire meal in one of the citys parks. The 1st thing i heard about 6. Other day there was still going and i knew still a lot. But i wouldnt go because i dont know what touched it. What causes it to grow right when youre here for 3 years and you know that you know its a good things you know like. He however is always hunting for edibles and often makes surprising discoveries. Found some truffles in the carpark of a tesco and i was quite exciting. Yeah it was amazing i was on my knees there going in the ground like a square 0 which is what youve got to do if you want to be a forward you need to sort of think are some animal. Maybe its good that most londoners dont know about the free food around them that way there are still some left for the citys real squirrels. Its a wound that has been festering for a century at the end of world war one hungary lost most of its territory as borders in Eastern Europe were redrawn suddenly millions of hunger areas became citizens of other countries including romania theyre in the car pavia mountains and garion customs and traditions are still celebrated by that say cape people they dream about reuniting with hungary and they have the backing of a powerful ally. All one see here is that their lumberjack or their traditional competition eastern or pass in. The congo area after the 1st world war their region ceded to. And for many the connection to their old homeland is still strong. Next to the romanian and secular flag theres a hungary in one. Eventual family from a nearby village has come for the contest many of their friends from hungary arent here this year corona virus restrictions prevent them from crossing the border but a legal street its a bad feeling and the nation before a lot of our brothers from hungary really now the powers that be a forbidden itll. Show. Its very important to us to maintain our connection to hungary. For some 100 ariens the loss of territory after world war one remains a National Humiliation over a century later and viktor orban is right wing populist government has consciously stirred up these old feelings even suggested that the treaty of triano which redefined hungarys borders in 1020 will stay in effect forever. If we were doing. The job yes we are the ones who reverse hungarys fate but the decisive battle that must be fought by the generation following us the 5th generation after triano. It will not be easy and it will not be simple but it will be worth it the great times are ahead of you. Get ready and prepare every day. Hungry before all else god above us all. Are you we should i mean dont you. Over the past decade trian on has become a mantra under victoria ban and his governing party feeds across from the hungry in parliament a monument inscribed with the names of thousands of places which belong to hungary until 1920 was unveiled the summer. Historians political calculation behind that. If we go together that these are about. When the fetus party came to power in 2011 of its 1st decisions was to give hungary a nationality to ethnic conquering and living abroad at. Them that if june 4th the day the treaty of triano was signed it was declared a national day of remembrance. Since 1900 the rhetoric here has remained the same but mourning the loss territory as best. In rumania such sentiments of resurrected fears inspiring to georgia and transylvania some 80 percent of the population speaks on derian the rest rumanian un likely to shoot works here as an Orthodox Church activist he feels the hungry and government is provoking unrest especially when viktor orban recently posted this image of a map of the former greeks are hungry on social media. Stupid beyond. 100 years have gone by since the International Recognition of manias borders awkward to get to change not far ethnic hungary and citizens enjoy all the same rights and have no reason to be nostalgically dreaming up the old days deep water. To equal a stunt you know will agree with. The nationalist spirit is growing stronger on the remaining inside to. These images sure rimini a nationalist forcibly teeth in control of a Military Cemetery are hungry and soldiers killed in world war one by buried the crowds show hungary and south and were romanians will rule this land forever. A handful of trencher demonstrators try in vain to fend them off at the cemeteries entrance the police stand idly by while the remaining flag is raised over the cemetery it in contrast all is peaceful at the event in the car path ians the secular who belong to remain as ethnic hungary

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