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By police in the mistaken radio. Agree to pay a settlement of 12000000. 00. European leaders visit the migration prices goes from bad to worse germany agrees to take in more than 1500 refugees but absent other European Countries to help. I merely for how much time will come the Israeli Army Says it struck the must targets in the gaza strip early on wednesday the bombings and the apparent retaliate for rocket fire from the hamas controlled territory the previous evening the rockets were launched as israel the United Arab Emirates and both rain signed accords and washington to normalize diplomatic relations u. S. President host of the white house ceremony placing himself in the role of International Peacemaker ahead of us elections in november. Thank you very much please the decision by the United Arab Emirates and bahrain to normalize ties with israel breaks decades of consensus within the arab world a peace deal with the palestinians has long been upheld as a prerequisite for establishing relations with israel. And trump and netanyahu are hopeful though that all the arab nations will follow suit creating a major shift in ties in the region. And the blessings of the peace we make today will be enormous 1st because this peace will eventually expand to include other arab states and old timidly it can and the arab israeli conflict once and for all. But the agreements do not address the core conflict between israel and the palestinians bahrains foreign minister also made it clear that it was too early to celebrate a just comprehensive and during 2 state solution to the palestinian israeli conflict will be the foundation the good rock of such peace. In the palestinian territories the new agreements have been met with anger. Morning sirens sounded as several rockets fired from the gaza strip hit israeli territory. Hundreds rallied in the occupied west bank and the gaza strip. This agreement today is an agreement that betrays the palestinian cause and stubbs the Palestinian People and this rainy in agreement is a withdrawal from the Arab Initiative and the arab unison of the new world order we say merkels normalization and this normalization is a betrayal of the trail to the palestinian cause and pan arab ism of course the Palestinian People denounce this agreement and the palestinian leadership has made it clear that only israels withdrawal from the occupied territories can bring peace but as israel and gaza again Exchange File that seems as far away a goal as ever and. Donald trump has said he expects other arab states will also normalize relations with israel we put our correspondent abbie and washing. Well certainly trump and netanyahu are hoping for this and promising this that there will be a domino effect throughout the arab world said earlier today that a handful of other nations are deep into talks already we dont know yet which countries he was referring to but certainly many eyes right now on saudi arabia but there is little indication from riyadh that theyll take up a different position than the long standing arab stance that they wont recognize israel without statehood for the palestinians but it is certainly not worthy that the saudis likely gave bahrain the green light to proceed with their deal today. So what are these 2 arab countries actually gain by signing this deal with israel. Well theyre certainly looking to ramp up trade and tourism and to engage more on the economic level but there is a great focus on the political factors of these deals one major element in the agreement between israel and the u. A. E. Appears to be that israel has agreed to pause and exceed in the west bank in return for recognition but we dont have confirmation from the israelis that this is a permanent pause and there is concern that Benjamin Netanyahu may at some point decide to lift that suspension in order to appease some of his domestic supporters the amorality foreign minister though insists that his countrys deal will help the Palestinian People however critics disagree and say that these moves give israel less incentive to sit down and negotiate with the palestinians another aspect that remains very much unclear is whether washington agreed to supply the u. A. E. With arms as the amorality seek to build up their military capabilities we heard trump say on tuesday that he has no problem selling f. 35 fighter jets to the amorality so plenty of moving parts and despite todays signings we still dont have confirmation on some of the more contentious elements of these deals have big who have been reporting from washington thank you so much. Staying in the us where the city of louisville kentucky has agreed to pay 12000000. 00 to the family of Brianna Taylor and introduce Police Reforms as part of illegal settlement taylor was shot to death in her own apartment by Police Officers who entered on a socalled no knock warrant her killing was one of several deaths set off months of antiracism protests in the United States the officers who shot taylor have not been charged prosecutors are still investigating the case. And for more on this im joined by activist and author Margaret Kimberly in new york her latest book president ial explore is americas relationship with race thanks for joining us on d w. 12000000. 00 it appears to be one of the largest settlements off its kind in the u. S. And some are calling its historic would you agree. Its a lot of money but its not the biggest settlement the family who white women killed by the police in minnesota got 20000000. 00. So yes its a substantial sum of money but it is no substitute for justice it is no substitute for the police being punished when they kill they burst into this young womans home on the basis of this species warrant they not only shot her but did not try to revive her just allow her to lead out and she may have been saved had they. Attempted to resuscitate her the police kill 3 an average of 3 people every day in this country a 1000 people every year and monetary settlements are not enough police need to know they cannot kill with impunity that is what we need to see. So part of the settlement as part of a settlement to say the has announced plans to Reform Police practices including an overhaul of how these search warrants out taking and how important is this in your view and is it going far enough. No its not going far enough you know i its not why do people have to be killed before the police do what they should have done anyway what we need is Community Control of Police Departments the public need to decide how policing will be carried out need to be able to decide who will be hired who will be fired need to be given an assurance that they can determine when police will be prosecuted when necessary but once again we have the same situation where a particular instance makes the news and there is a lot of protest and that is a good thing but that is no substitute for for changing policing for getting rid of the mass incarceration system for all of these abuses which make the United States one of the worst human rights abusers in the world. And all of these things it without systemic change these monetary these settlements to individual families dont mean a lot and a lot of families dont get anything ever they dont get justice they dont get compensation so this is the exception not the rule margaret came in a thank you so much thank you. Greece has called on the European Union to help deal with the migrant crisis unfolding on its Eastern Islands last week a fire unless it was destroyed europes largest migrant camp and on tuesday here opinion in Council President also appealed to him you nations to step up their response to the crisis meanwhile gerry said it would take in more than 1500. 00 migrants from greece. As he walked away from a temporary migrant camp on the greek island of lesbos European Union Council President Bashar Michel made it clear he was not walking away from the problem. These so called very complex situation both on behalf of the European Union i would want to see that i refused. Although this my group should challenge this is a common european challenge by the end of the month you can commission intense new concrete proposals from the 3rd world those proposals are expected to include tougher border policing policies and renewed efforts to resettle migrants across the European Union in the day both michelle and the greek Prime Minister jointly appealed for more solidarity from the e. U. Athens wants other Member States to help run the new refugee camps being built on the greeces Eastern Islands. Meanwhile the greek army has set up temporary accommodation for thousands of migrants displaced by the fires at the more a camp. Across the bay from these temporary camps many greek residents say they feel sorry for the migrants and i too would like to see more solidarity from the e. U. Then economy this is not a proper solution there are 27. 00 European Union states so if they all took 400. 00 people it wouldnt even show up because theyre big countries if each. 3 took in 400. 00 people the problem would be solved. But with the e. U. So far struggling to find a unified approach to the market crisis at its borders a lasting solution could still be a long road ahead. Weve got some breaking news now and has been elected japans Prime Minister becoming the countrys 1st new leader in nearly 8 years japans lower house of Parliament Just made the election official in a vote who has served as chief cabinet secretary to outgoing premier. Well go live to tokyo at the top of the hour with more on that story. Heres a science experiment that seems to have been bored from a hollywood film the European Space agency has signed a deal with a German Company to build a set of spacecraft their mission to find a way to reach a wrecked killer asteroids. Science sometimes takes a while to catch up with fiction more than 2 decades ago this film probably get in proposed to bombing asteroids to save planet earth from a collision is a. Very you know a similar plot is being hatched by the European Space agency and nasa. The until now humanity has been powerless against the impact of asteroids and other objects circling close to us in the meantime we have the technology and the capital to defend ourselves. A series of spacecraft will be launched from june next year 1 will crash into an asteroid to see if it can change its trajectory another croft will analyze the debris from the collision if it succeeds it will be the 1st time Human Technology has shifted a celestial object. Its like billiards a small force hits the asteroid that is heading for earth. Which should cause a deflection. We want to practice this so that we are ready if an asteroid is really heading for us. And the whole mission will take more than 6 years to complete the late the never is already being bombarded. Continuously happens we get tons of material from the sky falling on old lucky 3 fourths of the earth. Thats luck. To target asteroids is attending to us but another one might be this mission could help us prevent a real life drama get in. Next and dont forget you can get all the latest news and information on our website thats. It can also follow us on twitter and on instagram i mean yes im going. To use the term theres a selfdetermination. I dont want anyone to tell me what. Women are striving to reform. Traditional prejudices. In islam start september 24th. Ringback let me fun beethoven challenge his musicians technically like no other composer did before im very happy that he did because he wrote fantastic solos for the horn a World Without beethoven i cant even begin to imagine lute week fun beethoven shaped entire musical genres pushing boundaries and even breaking them he was a pioneer and not just when it came to music what would be missing today in jazz or film scores if it hadnt been for beethovens many innovations with the concert business as we know it even exist and how did beethoven change the role of the artist. What would a World Without beethoven look like thats what i wanted to find out so i visited musicians managers even politicians all over the world to trace his influence my journey begins with the most famous 4 notes in Classical Music and their enormous influence on popular music. He did something actually quite clever without making it to. Too relentlessly. Bad to it all started with beethoven and barry. Chuck berry might not agree but rock n roll started here. The trick from beethoven needed just 4 notes to create an entire musical cosmos and one of the most famous compositions of all time. Beethovens 5th symphony 1st performed in 80 no 8 is a global hit only for notes and they still challenge musicians today. Relentlessly going on with the bass guitar. Even anderson from the band jethro tull also needed just 4 notes to write the 971 hit single locomotive breath. Brutal shango the rhythm guitarist for the german band scorpions raise the stakes. 5 you know. Its guitarist in rock you like a hurricane is one of the most popular in recent musical history. Surpassed only by the original. In his 5th symphony beethoven constantly varies the 4 notes through all the orchestral pots and keys. The simplicity of the idea amazed his contemporaries 150 years later the concept was rediscovered in england by rock musicians. Half. The kinks were among the 1st in 1964 with just 3 notes. A year later 3 notes were all the Rolling Stones needed to do and they still werent satisfied. Deep purple became superstars with these 4 notes. The idea caught on in the United States as well and heavy metal was full of catchy riffs. These 4 notes shot nirvana to stardom in 1901. And the white stripes 5 notes have become a Global Football challenge. To space over and discover the perfect formula for a hit song back in and you know and. Were in the know at the expo park and im standing right in front of the very famous peppermint studios where inside the scorpions are rehearsing. To be out there. Trying to get into new lives. With over 110000000 records sold the scorpions are one of the most successful bands of their generation. Wrote the bands best known guitarists. You know what i found i think this quote from the internet. Is the base open of hanover all. Thats very flattering but there are worlds between us you can take that too seriously but thats a nice thing i was. So happy when i read that its about if its a topic. It has to be played aggressive. Well yes right now i would put a beautiful suspenseful note under a toll on diving. With a crescendo yeah like that just some suspense so many rock bands have stolen beethoven. Of course the subconscious always plays a role for example americans have been influenced by the blues the europeans the english and of course we germans especially oysters have been influenced by Classical Music because its in our genes and game is. Thats why metallica are such big scorpions fans they said hold on a scorpion sound completely different guns weve got to check this out. They noticed wait a minute there are other influences and then we noticed the influence of Classical Music because the blues shape you differently form isnt it was very here cant play the blues at all were shaped by Classical Music in such a way that we. Its on melody and a certain with all the rest of what was complex and. Riffs. I believe that the riffs are perceived differently over the decades and centuries in the past life was less hectic side of the subject is how it staggers nowadays theres an abundance of everything so you have to find something that is signaling effect that this is extremely important when done with and then you have to keep that feeling alive so that its not only there for a short time and dies off as a vocal chord style as something hits or the one doesnt end when youre writing music you have to arouse curiosity were in order to keep the listener only. To us they might buy a stronger blood. The result short melodic riffs which inspire audiences around the world. The flute in andersons trademark has been influenced by both english folk music and the greats of Classical Music. I was comparing the. Beethovens 5th the Opening Statement as being. Typical of the the motif in music not just Classical Music rock music jazz pop whatever a motif an idea that is that is repeated very often as a repeating motif which then tends to be shortened to risk the idea of a rift in jazz or rock is usually a rip a repeating motif of chord beethoven did did use that idea and develops that idea of that. And i would guess this is what happened with beethoven he wasnt sitting the mulling over the same few notes. He probably just went he probably spilled this coffee and accidentally went up up up a hole that sounds good which is the way most of us work. In a good rock or if i suppose is going to be simple direct its going to repeat because it is truly a riff not just a m o t for an opening gambit if you like a statement it is usually a repeating phrase so that you know the great rock riffs i suppose that come to mind so come to my mind perhaps one of the greatest ever would have been Ritchie Blackmore the wonderful riff in a piece called smoke on the water you know i love the one in the room was easy top one that is this wonderful shuffle thing with a lot of back beat stuff that is called la grange. Which repeats all the way through. Thats a great rock with very simple one to play just centuries its really 3 notes and in many ways you know its that same thing with the wonderful whole lot of love which is in the this key and that. Maybe beethoven you see and if he was born again today i dont really see him riding around in the stately family mercedes to us with 2 screaming kids in the back i think of beethoven more like an off road motorcycle guy you know getting a bit down and dirty in the mud thats my idea of the beethoven. Repetitive motifs have always played a defining role in music but beethoven amplified their impact and pop music is still influenced by him today did beethoven have any idea that 150 years later musicians would continue to be so inspired by him i went to vienna where he became famous to find out more. In 792 beethoven didnt arrive in vienna as a celebrity on a motorcycle but as a young piano virtuoso in a horse drawn carriage he had already earned a considerable reputation in bonn and quickly became a well known face in v. N. His musical society. Beethoven clearly left his mark on the austrian capital. His homes are now museums and the places he worked on our sites of pilgrimage for his fans from all around the world. When he arrived in vienna as a 21 year old composition student there was no indication his arrival here would divide musical history. Into the world before beethoven and the world after beethoven. In vienna beethoven developed into an artist and composer of International Standing starting with his 1st symphony he demonstrated his systematic approach. To. Little. Didnt start the symphony in the usual way with a thunderclap in the home key instead he broke all the rules by opening with a dissonant chord. Which initially leaves listeners in the dark. And then leads them astray. The opening circles around the symphonys actual key of c. Major but it never arrives there. Beethovens 1st symphony showed he was someone who hoped his works of art would stand the test of time no more short lived light music for the nobility instead masterpieces for europes increasingly music loving bourgeoisie. Bass hovan was the 1st composer to consistently is sign his compositions opus number has symphony number one opus 21. He saw himself as an artist on the same level as the writers sculptures and painters of his day. And he set the highest of standards for himself and others. Earlier composers were guided by musicians abilities beethoven ignored them formulating precise notations in his scores for tempo dynamics and articulation. His art required trained professionals who dedicated long rehearsals to mastering his works and that required institutions that could finance those efforts. For. Something unexpected happened his revolutionary demands were met. Workers or vienna for many the musical capital of the world and im here at the music fact finding gold in concert hall. Today the vienna music fine meaning Music Association is known for its legendary concert hall which opened in 870. 00 many consider it to have the best acoustics in the world and we all know. No the Vienna Philharmonic orchestra is new years day concert which is broadcast every year live worldwide the music fine was founded in 812 with an idea that changed the world of music citizens joined forces to support v. N. His musical life beethoven also became a member but in his own way. Of sort of beethoven was commissioned by the association gazelles chef to music for and to write a piece of music but he was quite unhappy with the text he had to work with all the Music Association gave him a text that he didnt want to set to music. But he was even today i would call it a down payment and the source of a most dragged on the work was never created on beethoven was famous and it turned down others because he wouldnt be deliver anything. Im not the 300 of course you cant say to beethoven please give me the money back and so they did something that probably wouldnt be done today they decided he should keep the money and they would make him an honorary member and therefore to me i mean you do use a shaft and was it the association has been active for so long until today and has such a big impact on the musical life in vienna how have you managed to be so influential for so long so i feel so so harm and a sense of being. On the one hand we were the 1st but we didnt just hold concerts well thats what we are founded in 812 that the our main concern was natural conservatory and secure it was the only place in the whole austriahungary an empire to learn music to study music thats conscious youre not the primary focus of this was only the 3rd purpose of live. Concerts that just changed a lot over time. It isnt like i know you have been an artistic director here for 31 years you must have heard a lot of beethoven. Would you say its beethoven is a bestseller not delish of the short lived in the theres no debate of the most invasive and its always extremely popular listening to his music is 16 least popular and as you rightly say its a bestseller and for coughs florida thats friends is what would you say is beethovens 5th why do people still adore coming to a beethoven cycle in scicos bass is the Classical Music as old as this is the pinnacle of Classical Music a kind of absolute music music as i know very so neither you nor the association could imagine a World Without beethoven or golf or recurrence of the counter such a thing but if you hadnt existed we wouldnt know what wed missed out on the lesson he did and luckily we had him. The concept of concert halls for professional musicians quickly conquered the world in the 19th century associations foundations and cities finance these temples of Classical Music these architectural masterpieces. In 891 the 1st american temple of music opened its doors Carnegie Hall is one of the most iconic concert hall in the world and the 1st concert with an 8091 and guess what was on the program beethoven of course. Beethoven who else. Was. Man. And then they all started coming to new york Richard Strauss celebrated some of his greatest successes here. Gustav mahler conducted here. Tickets to see swing legend Benny Goodman were resold on the street for astronomical sums the beatles and bob dylans concerts on legendary if you make it to Carnegie Hall youve really made it but how do you get their practice practice practice. Literally i mean from the word go beethoven has been part of a life here as executive director and artistic director could you even imagine a World Without beethoven well the some of the things about him i mean he was a revolutionary in every single way because if one thinks about how people wrote music and the context for music writing music before him you know where you were basically writing music for people most of the time you were told what you have to write you only had the one set of orchestra players yes you had your last resource but you also had to keep somebody satisfied whoever was paying you i mean beethoven didnt feel he had to satisfy anybody he only wrote what he believed in he and every single form that he touched he completely transformed i mean every single aspect of what he did he changed music forever. Was what does the public like to hear the best from beethoven well i mean its interesting when i mean you as a player for me as i explained. I dont think theres any piece i played more in my entire life than the beethoven 5th on the back of a 763 i mean those were on programs embassys i mean it played over 300 times accounting i mean it really got one piece its hard its insane its just that but its you know so the fact is you could do a beethoven cycle symphony cycle piano sonata cycle every single year year after year after year but the fact is its beethoven has an effect which i think almost no other composer does i mean which is you can always sell his music and people use it if you just think when the berlin wall fell its the beethoven that symphony in japan it has to be done every year around christmas all around the world it is a piece that symbolizes great moments in history its almost for us to play great moments in history. Defect hes had in so many different ways but betraying clee preparing the platform for the future but also in a way he was the 1st great romantic i mean even though he wasnt yet there but he preferred the ground for the romantics completely because the whole thing of the emotion and the passion that he brought to everything so its every time action of change what do you think works best you put beethoven together with modern music is there is there any sort of formula you found its worked really well or does beethoven work best. As as a concert planner in a complete Beethoven Program you know were never thinking in terms of what works best what were thinking is what illuminates wot so i mean the fact is yes you can put beethoven in the context of contemporary composers and you can put him in a Historic Context you can i mean almost i mean this is again whats fascinating. And you can put him in almost any context basically you cant imagine a World Without beethoven thats truly unimaginable i mean i would love to know what a great composer coming offices where they would building on so much of what he transformed they have with their. Base over not only broke new ground with his compositions he also set completely new standards for the concert business and established music as an art form. When you look at Something Like the sixtys when the arts were fundamental in america all the big changes that happened in terms of Race Relations acts womens rights gay rights all of these things the arts played a central role now beethoven was the 1st musician and the 1st composer who actually had a genuine social conscience and he was fighting for things that he really believed in his music is about revolution his about change its about always being utterly compelling in what you write never comfortable. Beethoven composed his 3rd symphony in Turbulent Times Napoleon Bonaparte had overrun europe with war and brought the ideas of the french revolution to europes monarchies. Beethoven passionately supported the revolutions ideals of freedom Equality Fraternity his 3rd symphony reflects that enthusiasm. Although napoleon even threatened beethovens adopted home of the n. The composer decided to dedicate his symphony to the french general a gesture he angrily took back furiously scratching napoleons name from the score when the military leader declared himself emperor. In the score he wrote that the symphony was subsequently dedicated to the memory of a great man today is considered revolutionary a great symphonic achievement. Beethovens political convictions influence many of his other compositions. In 1805. 00 he wrote his only opera for delio an opera of liberation its theme is the struggle of the individual against an overpowering to. So based opened with the political composer. Can social critique and political commitment be expressed through music. Today beethovens 9th symphony is not only the official anthem of the European Union but also a symbol of freedom worldwide. And its been the soundtrack of great historical events including the fall of the berlin wall. To this day beethovens 9th encourages musicians to take a political stand

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